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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import com.sun.glass.utils.NativeLibLoader;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.Permission;

LinuxSystem provides access to Linux system calls. Except where noted, each method in LinuxSystem corresponds to exactly one system call taking parameters in the same order and returning the same result as the corresponding C function. LinuxSystem is a singleton. Its instance is obtained by calling LinuxSystem.getLinuxSystem().
/** * LinuxSystem provides access to Linux system calls. Except where noted, each * method in LinuxSystem corresponds to exactly one system call taking * parameters in the same order and returning the same result as the * corresponding C function. * * LinuxSystem is a singleton. Its instance is obtained by calling * LinuxSystem.getLinuxSystem(). */
class LinuxSystem { private static Permission permission = new RuntimePermission("loadLibrary.*"); private static LinuxSystem instance = new LinuxSystem();
Obtains the single instance of LinuxSystem. Calling this method requires the RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*". loadLibrary() must be called on the LinuxSystem instance before any system calls can be made using it.
/** * Obtains the single instance of LinuxSystem. Calling this method requires * the RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*". * * loadLibrary() must be called on the LinuxSystem instance before any * system calls can be made using it. */
static LinuxSystem getLinuxSystem() { checkPermissions(); return instance; } private static void checkPermissions() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkPermission(permission); } } private LinuxSystem() { }
Loads native libraries required to make system calls using LinuxSystem methods. This method must be called before any other instance methods of LinuxSystem. If this method is called multiple times, it has no effect after the first call.
/** * Loads native libraries required to make system calls using LinuxSystem * methods. This method must be called before any other instance methods of * LinuxSystem. If this method is called multiple times, it has no effect * after the first call. */
void loadLibrary() { NativeLibLoader.loadLibrary("glass_monocle"); } // stdlib.h native void setenv(String key, String value, boolean overwrite); // fcntl.h static final int O_RDONLY = 0; static final int O_WRONLY = 1; static final int O_RDWR = 2; static final int O_NONBLOCK = 00004000; native long open(String path, int flags); // unistd.h native int close(long fd); native long lseek(long fd, long offset, int whence);
Calls the "write" function defined in unistd.h. The parameters have the same meaning as in the "write" C system call, except that a ByteBuffer with a position and limit are used for the source data. The position and limit set on the ByteBuffer are ignored; the position and limit provided as method parameters are used instead.
  • fd – The file descriptor to which to write
  • buf – The buffer from which to write
  • position – The index in buf of the first byte to write
  • limit – The index in buf up to which to write
Returns:The number of bytes written, or -1 on failure
/** * Calls the "write" function defined in unistd.h. The parameters have * the same meaning as in the "write" C system call, * except that a ByteBuffer with a position and limit are used for the * source data. The position and limit set on the ByteBuffer are ignored; * the position and limit provided as method parameters are used instead. * @param fd The file descriptor to which to write * @param buf The buffer from which to write * @param position The index in buf of the first byte to write * @param limit The index in buf up to which to write * @return The number of bytes written, or -1 on failure */
native long write(long fd, ByteBuffer buf, int position, int limit);
Calls the "read" function defined in unistd.h. The parameters have the same meaning as in the "read" C system call, except that a ByteBuffer with a position and limit are used for the data sink. The position and limit set on the ByteBuffer are ignored; the position and limit provided as method parameters are used instead.
  • fd – The file descriptor from which to read
  • buf – The buffer to which to write
  • position – The index in buf to which to being reading data
  • limit – The index in buf up to which to read data
Returns:The number of bytes read, or -1 on failure
/** * Calls the "read" function defined in unistd.h. The parameters have * the same meaning as in the "read" C system call, * except that a ByteBuffer with a position and limit are used for the * data sink. The position and limit set on the ByteBuffer are ignored; * the position and limit provided as method parameters are used instead. * @param fd The file descriptor from which to read * @param buf The buffer to which to write * @param position The index in buf to which to being reading data * @param limit The index in buf up to which to read data * @return The number of bytes read, or -1 on failure */
native long read(long fd, ByteBuffer buf, int position, int limit); static final int SEEK_SET = 0;
Calls the "sysconf" function defined in unistd.h
  • name – The name of the POSIX variable to query
Returns:The value of the system resource, or -1 if name is invalid
/** * Calls the "sysconf" function defined in unistd.h * @param name The name of the POSIX variable to query * @return The value of the system resource, or -1 if name is invalid */
native long sysconf(int name); static final int _SC_LONG_BIT = 106; // input.h
InputAbsInfo wraps the C structure input_absinfo, defined in linux/input.h
/** * InputAbsInfo wraps the C structure input_absinfo, defined in * linux/input.h */
static class InputAbsInfo extends C.Structure {
Returns:the size of the C struct input_absinfo
/** * @return the size of the C struct input_absinfo */
@Override native int sizeof();
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "value" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "value" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getValue(long p);
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "minimum" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "minimum" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getMinimum(long p);
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "maximum" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "maximum" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getMaximum(long p);
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "fuzz" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "fuzz" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getFuzz(long p);
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "flat" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "flat" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getFlat(long p);
  • p – a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo
Returns:the "resolution" field of the structure pointed to by p
/** * @param p a pointer to a C struct of type input_absinfo * @return the "resolution" field of the structure pointed to by p */
static native int getResolution(long p); } native int EVIOCGABS(int type); // fb.h static final int FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO = 0x4600; static final int FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO = 0x4601; static final int FBIOPAN_DISPLAY = 0x4606; static final int FBIOBLANK = 0x4611; static final int FB_BLANK_UNBLANK = 0; static final int FB_ACTIVATE_NOW = 0; static final int FB_ACTIVATE_VBL = 16;
FbVarScreenInfo wraps the C structure fb_var_screeninfo, defined in linux/fb.h
/** * FbVarScreenInfo wraps the C structure fb_var_screeninfo, defined in * linux/fb.h */
static class FbVarScreenInfo extends C.Structure { FbVarScreenInfo() { checkPermissions(); } @Override native int sizeof(); native int getBitsPerPixel(long p); native int getXRes(long p); native int getYRes(long p); native int getXResVirtual(long p); native int getYResVirtual(long p); native int getOffsetX(long p); native int getOffsetY(long p); native void setRes(long p, int x, int y); native void setVirtualRes(long p, int x, int y); native void setOffset(long p, int x, int y); native void setActivate(long p, int activate); native void setBitsPerPixel(long p, int bpp); native void setRed(long p, int length, int offset); native void setGreen(long p, int length, int offset); native void setBlue(long p, int length, int offset); native void setTransp(long p, int length, int offset); } // ioctl.h native int ioctl(long fd, int request, long data); native int IOW(int type, int number, int size); native int IOR(int type, int number, int size); native int IOWR(int type, int number, int size); // stropts.h private static int __SID = ('S' << 8); static int I_FLUSH = __SID | 5; static int FLUSHRW = 0x03; // errno.h native int errno(); static final int ENXIO = 6; static final int EAGAIN = 11; // string.h native String strerror(int errnum); // dlfcn.h static final int RTLD_LAZY = 0x00001; static final int RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x00100; native long dlopen(String filename, int flag); native String dlerror(); native long dlsym(long handle, String symbol); native int dlclose(long handle); // mman.h static final long PROT_READ = 0x1l; static final long PROT_WRITE = 0x2l; static final long MAP_PRIVATE = 0x02l; static final long MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20l; static final long MAP_SHARED = 0x1l; static final long MAP_FAILED = 0xffffffffl; native long mmap(long addr, long length, long prot, long flags, long fd, long offset); native int munmap(long addr, long length); // string.h native long memcpy(long destAddr, long srcAddr, long length);
Returns a string description of the last error reported by a system call
Returns:a String describing the error
/** Returns a string description of the last error reported by a system call * @return a String describing the error */
String getErrorMessage() { return strerror(errno()); } // stat.h static int S_IRWXU = 00700; native int mkfifo(String pathname, int mode); }