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package javafx.scene.effect;

import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
import javafx.scene.Node;

import com.sun.javafx.effect.EffectDirtyBits;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.BoundsAccessor;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.EffectHelper;

The abstract base class for all effect implementations. An effect is a graphical algorithm that produces an image, typically as a modification of a source image. An effect can be associated with a scene graph Node by setting the Node.effect attribute. Some effects change the color properties of the source pixels (such as ColorAdjust), others combine multiple images together (such as Blend), while still others warp or move the pixels of the source image around (such as DisplacementMap or PerspectiveTransform). All effects have at least one input defined and the input can be set to another effect to chain the effects together and combine their results, or it can be left unspecified in which case the effect will operate on a graphical rendering of the node it is attached to.

Note: this is a conditional feature. See ConditionalFeature.EFFECT for more information.

Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * The abstract base class for all effect implementations. * An effect is a graphical algorithm that produces an image, typically * as a modification of a source image. * An effect can be associated with a scene graph {@code Node} by setting * the {@link javafx.scene.Node#effectProperty Node.effect} attribute. * Some effects change the color properties of the source pixels * (such as {@link ColorAdjust}), * others combine multiple images together (such as {@link Blend}), * while still others warp or move the pixels of the source image around * (such as {@link DisplacementMap} or {@link PerspectiveTransform}). * All effects have at least one input defined and the input can be set * to another effect to chain the effects together and combine their * results, or it can be left unspecified in which case the effect will * operate on a graphical rendering of the node it is attached to. * <p> * Note: this is a conditional feature. See * {@link javafx.application.ConditionalFeature#EFFECT ConditionalFeature.EFFECT} * for more information. * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public abstract class Effect { static { // This is used by classes in different packages to get access to // private and package private methods. EffectHelper.setEffectAccessor(new EffectHelper.EffectAccessor() { @Override public com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect getPeer(Effect effect) { return effect.getPeer(); } @Override public void sync(Effect effect) { effect.sync(); } @Override public IntegerProperty effectDirtyProperty(Effect effect) { return effect.effectDirtyProperty(); } @Override public boolean isEffectDirty(Effect effect) { return effect.isEffectDirty(); } @Override public BaseBounds getBounds(Effect effect, BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, Node node, BoundsAccessor boundsAccessor) { return effect.getBounds(bounds, tx, node, boundsAccessor); } @Override public Effect copy(Effect effect) { return effect.copy(); } @Override public com.sun.scenario.effect.Blend.Mode getToolkitBlendMode(BlendMode mode) { return Blend.getToolkitMode(mode); } }); }
Creates a new Effect.
/** * Creates a new Effect. */
protected Effect() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } void effectBoundsChanged() { toggleDirty(EffectDirtyBits.BOUNDS_CHANGED); } private com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect peer; abstract com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect createPeer(); com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect getPeer() { if (peer == null) { peer = createPeer(); } return peer; } // effect is marked dirty in the constructor, so we don't need to be lazy here private IntegerProperty effectDirty = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "effectDirty"); private void setEffectDirty(int value) { effectDirtyProperty().set(value); } private final IntegerProperty effectDirtyProperty() { return effectDirty; } private final boolean isEffectDirty() { return isEffectDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); }
Set the specified dirty bit
/** * Set the specified dirty bit */
final void markDirty(EffectDirtyBits dirtyBit) { setEffectDirty(effectDirty.get() | dirtyBit.getMask()); }
Toggle the specified dirty bit
/** * Toggle the specified dirty bit */
private void toggleDirty(EffectDirtyBits dirtyBit) { setEffectDirty(effectDirty.get() ^ dirtyBit.getMask()); }
Test the specified dirty bit
/** * Test the specified dirty bit */
private boolean isEffectDirty(EffectDirtyBits dirtyBit) { return ((effectDirty.get() & dirtyBit.getMask()) != 0); }
Clear the specified dirty bit
/** * Clear the specified dirty bit */
private void clearEffectDirty(EffectDirtyBits dirtyBit) { setEffectDirty(effectDirty.get() & ~dirtyBit.getMask()); } final void sync() { if (isEffectDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY)) { update(); clearEffectDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } } abstract void update(); abstract boolean checkChainContains(Effect e); boolean containsCycles(Effect value) { if (value != null && (value == this || value.checkChainContains(this))) { return true; } return false; } class EffectInputChangeListener extends EffectChangeListener { private int oldBits; public void register(Effect value) { super.register(value == null? null: value.effectDirtyProperty()); if (value != null) { oldBits = value.effectDirtyProperty().get(); } } @Override public void invalidated(Observable valueModel) { int newBits = ((IntegerProperty)valueModel).get(); int dirtyBits = newBits ^ oldBits; oldBits = newBits; if (EffectDirtyBits.isSet(dirtyBits, EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY) && EffectDirtyBits.isSet(newBits, EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY)) { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } if (EffectDirtyBits.isSet(dirtyBits, EffectDirtyBits.BOUNDS_CHANGED)) { toggleDirty(EffectDirtyBits.BOUNDS_CHANGED); } } } class EffectInputProperty extends ObjectPropertyBase<Effect> { private final String propertyName; private Effect validInput = null; private final EffectInputChangeListener effectChangeListener = new EffectInputChangeListener(); public EffectInputProperty(final String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } @Override public void invalidated() { final Effect newInput = super.get(); if (containsCycles(newInput)) { if (isBound()) { unbind(); set(validInput); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cycle in effect chain " + "detected, binding was set to incorrect value, " + "unbinding the input property"); } else { set(validInput); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cycle in effect chain detected"); } } validInput = newInput; effectChangeListener.register(newInput); markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); // we toggle dirty flag for bounds on this effect to notify // "consumers" of this effect that bounds have changed // // bounds of this effect might change // even if bounds of chained effect are not dirty effectBoundsChanged(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Effect.this; } @Override public String getName() { return propertyName; } }
Returns bounds of given node with applied effect. We *never* pass null in as a bounds. This method will NOT take a null bounds object. The returned value may be the same bounds object passed in, or it may be a new object.
/** * Returns bounds of given node with applied effect. * * We *never* pass null in as a bounds. This method will * NOT take a null bounds object. The returned value may be * the same bounds object passed in, or it may be a new object. */
abstract BaseBounds getBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, Node node, BoundsAccessor boundsAccessor); abstract Effect copy(); static BaseBounds transformBounds(BaseTransform tx, BaseBounds r) { if (tx == null || tx.isIdentity()) { return r; } BaseBounds ret = new RectBounds(); ret = tx.transform(r, ret); return ret; } // utility method used in calculation of bounds in BoxBlur and DropShadow effects static int getKernelSize(float fsize, int iterations) { int ksize = (int) Math.ceil(fsize); if (ksize < 1) ksize = 1; ksize = (ksize-1) * iterations + 1; ksize |= 1; return ksize / 2; } // utility method used for calculation of bounds in Shadow and DropShadow effects static BaseBounds getShadowBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, float width, float height, BlurType blurType) { int hgrow = 0; int vgrow = 0; switch (blurType) { case GAUSSIAN: float hradius = width < 1.0f ? 0.0f : ((width - 1.0f) / 2.0f); float vradius = height < 1.0f ? 0.0f : ((height - 1.0f) / 2.0f); hgrow = (int) Math.ceil(hradius); vgrow = (int) Math.ceil(vradius); break; case ONE_PASS_BOX: hgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(width/3.0f), 1); vgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(height/3.0f), 1); break; case TWO_PASS_BOX: hgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(width/3.0f), 2); vgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(height/3.0f), 2); break; case THREE_PASS_BOX: hgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(width/3.0f), 3); vgrow = getKernelSize(Math.round(height/3.0f), 3); break; } bounds = bounds.deriveWithPadding(hgrow, vgrow, 0); return transformBounds(tx, bounds); } // Returns input bounds for an effect. These are either bounds of input effect or // geometric bounds of the node on which the effect calling this method is applied. static BaseBounds getInputBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, Node node, BoundsAccessor boundsAccessor, Effect input) { if (input != null) { bounds = input.getBounds(bounds, tx, node, boundsAccessor); } else { bounds = boundsAccessor.getGeomBounds(bounds, tx, node); } return bounds; } }