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package com.sun.scenario.effect;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.Point2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.state.RenderState;

The implementation base class for Effect subclasses that operate by filtering the inputs at the pixel level.
Type parameters:
/** * The implementation base class for {@link Effect} subclasses that operate * by filtering the inputs at the pixel level. * @param <T> the specific subclass of {@link RenderState} returned from the * {@link #getRenderState()} method. */
public abstract class FilterEffect<T extends RenderState> extends Effect { protected FilterEffect() { super(); } protected FilterEffect(Effect input) { super(input); } protected FilterEffect(Effect input1, Effect input2) { super(input1, input2); } @Override public BaseBounds getBounds(BaseTransform transform, Effect defaultInput) { int numinputs = getNumInputs(); RenderState rstate = getRenderState(null, transform, null, null, defaultInput); BaseTransform inputtx = rstate.getInputTransform(transform); BaseBounds ret; if (numinputs == 1) { Effect input = getDefaultedInput(0, defaultInput); ret = input.getBounds(inputtx, defaultInput); } else { BaseBounds inputBounds[] = new BaseBounds[numinputs]; for (int i = 0; i < numinputs; i++) { Effect input = getDefaultedInput(i, defaultInput); inputBounds[i] = input.getBounds(inputtx, defaultInput); } ret = combineBounds(inputBounds); } return transformBounds(rstate.getResultTransform(transform), ret); } protected static Rectangle untransformClip(BaseTransform transform, Rectangle clip) { if (transform.isIdentity() || clip == null || clip.isEmpty()) { return clip; } // We are asked to produce samples for the pixels in the // Rectangular clip. The samples requested are delivered for // the centers of the pixels for every pixel in that range. // Thus, we need valid data for the clip inset by 0.5 pixels // all around. // But, when we untransform, we need to make sure that the data // we provide can be used to provide a valid sample for each of // those points. If the mapped sample coordinate falls on a // non-integer coordinate then we need the data for the 4 pixels // around that point. Thus, we need a sample for the pixel that it // falls on, and potentially a sample for the next pixel over if // we are within 0.5 pixels of the edge of those border pixels. // The full operation is then: // clip.inset(0.5) // reduce to requested pixel centers // tx.untransform(clip) // untransform to new source space // clip.outset(0.5) // expand for bilinear interpolation // clip.roundtopixels() // clamp to pixel edges Rectangle transformedBounds = new Rectangle(); if (transform.isTranslateOrIdentity()) { // In this case the inset and outset cancel each other out // and the floor(x0,y0) and ceil(x1,y1) are enough to provide // whatever padding is needed. transformedBounds.setBounds(clip); double tx = -transform.getMxt(); double ty = -transform.getMyt(); int itx = (int) Math.floor(tx); int ity = (int) Math.floor(ty); transformedBounds.translate(itx, ity); if (itx != tx) { // floor(x0) is 1 more pixel away from ceil(x1) transformedBounds.width++; } if (ity != ty) { // floor(y0) is 1 more pixel away from ceil(y1) transformedBounds.height++; } return transformedBounds; } RectBounds b = new RectBounds(clip); try { b.grow(-0.5f, -0.5f); b = (RectBounds) transform.inverseTransform(b, b); b.grow(0.5f, 0.5f); transformedBounds.setBounds(b); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { // Non-invertible means the transform has collapsed onto // a point or line and so the results of the effect are // not visible so we can use the empty bounds object we // created for transformedBounds. Ideally this would be // checked further up in the chain, but in case we get here // we might as well do as little work as we can. } return transformedBounds; }
Returns the object representing the rendering strategy and state for the filter operation characterized by the specified arguments. This call can also be used to get a state object for non-rendering cases like querying the bounds of an operation in which case the FilterContext object may be null. outputClip and renderHelper may always be null just as they may be null for a given filter operation.
  • fctx – the context object that would be used by the Renderer if this call is preparing for a render operation, or null
  • transform – the transform for the output of this operation
  • outputClip – the clip rectangle that may restrict this operation, or null
  • renderHelper – the rendering helper object that can be used to shortcut this operation under certain conditions, or null
  • defaultInput – the Effect to be used in place of any null inputs
/** * Returns the object representing the rendering strategy and state for * the filter operation characterized by the specified arguments. * This call can also be used to get a state object for non-rendering * cases like querying the bounds of an operation in which case the * {@link FilterContext} object may be null. * {@code outputClip} and {@code renderHelper} may always be null just * as they may be null for a given filter operation. * * @param fctx the context object that would be used by the Renderer * if this call is preparing for a render operation, or null * @param transform the transform for the output of this operation * @param outputClip the clip rectangle that may restrict this operation, or null * @param renderHelper the rendering helper object that can be used to shortcut * this operation under certain conditions, or null * @param defaultInput the {@link Effect} to be used in place of any null inputs * @return */
public abstract T getRenderState(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, Object renderHelper, Effect defaultInput); @Override public ImageData filter(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, Object renderHelper, Effect defaultInput) { T rstate = getRenderState(fctx, transform, outputClip, renderHelper, defaultInput); int numinputs = getNumInputs(); ImageData inputDatas[] = new ImageData[numinputs]; Rectangle filterClip; BaseTransform inputtx = rstate.getInputTransform(transform); BaseTransform resulttx = rstate.getResultTransform(transform); if (resulttx.isIdentity()) { filterClip = outputClip; } else { filterClip = untransformClip(resulttx, outputClip); } for (int i = 0; i < numinputs; i++) { Effect input = getDefaultedInput(i, defaultInput); inputDatas[i] = input.filter(fctx, inputtx, rstate.getInputClip(i, filterClip), null, defaultInput); if (!inputDatas[i].validate(fctx)) { for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { inputDatas[j].unref(); } return new ImageData(fctx, null, null); } } ImageData ret = filterImageDatas(fctx, inputtx, filterClip, rstate, inputDatas); for (int i = 0; i < numinputs; i++) { inputDatas[i].unref(); } if (!resulttx.isIdentity()) { if (renderHelper instanceof ImageDataRenderer) { ImageDataRenderer renderer = (ImageDataRenderer) renderHelper; renderer.renderImage(ret, resulttx, fctx); ret.unref(); ret = null; } else { ret = ret.transform(resulttx); } } return ret; } @Override public Point2D transform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) { return getDefaultedInput(0, defaultInput).transform(p, defaultInput); } @Override public Point2D untransform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) { return getDefaultedInput(0, defaultInput).untransform(p, defaultInput); } protected abstract ImageData filterImageDatas(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, T rstate, ImageData... inputDatas); }