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package com.sun.prism.impl;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

The base implementation of the ResourcePool interface, providing bookkeeping for the managed() method and support for sharing resources amongst multiple pools.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of objects stored in this resource pool
/** * The base implementation of the {@link ResourcePool} interface, providing * bookkeeping for the {@link managed()} method and support for sharing * resources amongst multiple pools. * @param <T> the type of objects stored in this resource pool */
public abstract class BaseResourcePool<T> implements ResourcePool<T> { // Number of calls to freeDisposalRequestedAndCheckResources() before we // consider a resource to have not been used in a hypothetical "FOREVER". private static final int FOREVER = 1024; // Number of calls to freeDisposalRequestedAndCheckResources() before we // consider a resource to have not been used "RECENTLY", with different // cutoffs for useful and unuseful textures. private static final int RECENTLY_USEFUL = 100; private static final int RECENT = 10; static interface Predicate { boolean test(ManagedResource<?> mr); } private static final Predicate stageTesters[]; private static final String stageReasons[]; static { stageTesters = new Predicate[6]; stageReasons = new String[6]; stageTesters[0] = (mr) -> { return !mr.isInteresting() && mr.getAge() > FOREVER; }; stageReasons[0] = "Pruning unuseful older than "+FOREVER; stageTesters[1] = (mr) -> { return !mr.isInteresting() && mr.getAge() > FOREVER/2; }; stageReasons[1] = "Pruning unuseful older than "+FOREVER/2; stageTesters[2] = (mr) -> { return !mr.isInteresting() && mr.getAge() > RECENT; }; stageReasons[2] = "Pruning unuseful older than "+RECENT; stageTesters[3] = (mr) -> { return mr.getAge() > FOREVER; }; stageReasons[3] = "Pruning all older than "+FOREVER; stageTesters[4] = (mr) -> { return mr.getAge() > FOREVER/2; }; stageReasons[4] = "Pruning all older than "+FOREVER/2; stageTesters[5] = (mr) -> { return mr.getAge() > RECENTLY_USEFUL; }; stageReasons[5] = "Pruning all older than "+RECENTLY_USEFUL; } long managedSize; final long origTarget; long curTarget; final long maxSize; final ResourcePool<T> sharedParent; private final Thread managerThread; private WeakLinkedList<T> resourceHead; protected BaseResourcePool(long target, long max) { this(null, target, max); } protected BaseResourcePool(ResourcePool<T> parent) { this(parent, parent.target(), parent.max()); } protected BaseResourcePool(ResourcePool<T> parent, long target, long max) { this.resourceHead = new WeakLinkedList<>(); this.sharedParent = parent; this.origTarget = this.curTarget = target; this.maxSize = ((parent == null) ? max : Math.min(parent.max(), max)); managerThread = Thread.currentThread(); }
Clean up the resources in the indicated pool using a standard algorithm until at least the specified amount of resource units have been reclaimed. The standard algorithm uses the following stages until it obtains enough room in the pool:
  1. Prune any resources which are already free, but have not been accounted for yet.
  2. Go through a few passes cleaning out any non-interesting resources that have not been used in a long time with decreasing cutoff limits for the maximum age of the resource.
  3. Go through more passes cleaning out even interesting resources that have not been used in a fairly long time with decreasing age limits.
  4. Attempt to grow the target to accommodate the new request.
  5. Finally, prune any resources that are not currently in the process of being used (i.e. locked or permanent).
  • needed –
Returns:boolean indicating if the requested space is now available
/** * Clean up the resources in the indicated pool using a standard * algorithm until at least the specified amount of resource units * have been reclaimed. * The standard algorithm uses the following stages until it obtains * enough room in the pool: * <ol> * <li> Prune any resources which are already free, but have not been * accounted for yet. * <li> Go through a few passes cleaning out any non-interesting resources * that have not been used in a long time with decreasing cutoff * limits for the maximum age of the resource. * <li> Go through more passes cleaning out even interesting resources that * have not been used in a fairly long time with decreasing age limits. * <li> Attempt to grow the target to accommodate the new request. * <li> Finally, prune any resources that are not currently in the process * of being used (i.e. locked or permanent). * </ol> * * @param needed * @return boolean indicating if the requested space is now available */
public boolean cleanup(long needed) { if (used() + needed <= target()) return true; long wasused = used(); long wanted = target() / 16; if (wanted < needed) { wanted = needed; } if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) { System.err.printf("Need %,d (hoping for %,d) from pool: %s\n", needed, wanted, this); printSummary(false); } try { // First cleanup pass is just for previously freed resources that // are in the Disposer queue already or were manually freed by // mechanisms and are still in the accounting list. // The pruner predicate choose no additional resources to free. Disposer.cleanUp(); if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) System.err.println("Pruning obsolete in pool: "+this); cleanup((mr) -> { return false; }); if (used() + wanted <= target()) return true; // Multiple stages of pruning useful and unuseful resources of // various ages as determined by the static initializer above. for (int stage = 0; stage < stageTesters.length; stage++) { if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) { System.err.println(stageReasons[stage]+" in pool: "+this); } cleanup(stageTesters[stage]); if (used() + wanted <= target()) return true; } // Now look to grow the target if we can satisfy this allocation at // less than max(). long rem = max() - used(); if (wanted > rem) { wanted = needed; } if (wanted <= rem) { long grow = (max() - origTarget()) / 32; if (grow < wanted) { grow = wanted; } else if (grow > rem) { grow = rem; } setTarget(used() + grow); if (PrismSettings.poolDebug || PrismSettings.verbose) { System.err.printf("Growing pool %s target to %,d\n", this, target()); } return true; } // Finally, look to the garbage collector to dislodge some unreferenced // resources that we can free with a very aggressive age set of (0, 0) // which will target all unlocked/non-permanent textures. // Two tries, one with just a gc(), and a desperate one with a sleep... for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pruneLastChance(i > 0); if (used() + needed <= max()) { if (used() + needed > target()) { setTarget(used() + needed); if (PrismSettings.poolDebug || PrismSettings.verbose) { System.err.printf("Growing pool %s target to %,d\n", this, target()); } } return true; } } // That was our last gasp, we either succeeded in making room under // the max() amount or we failed and need to return false. return false; } finally { if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) { System.err.printf("cleaned up %,d from pool: %s\n", wasused - used(), this); printSummary(false); System.err.println(); } } } private void pruneLastChance(boolean desperate) { System.gc(); if (desperate) { // Our alternative is to return false here and cause an allocation // failure which is usually bad news for any SG, so it is worth // sleeping on the second time around to give one last GC some time // to find a dead resource that was dropped on the floor... try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } Disposer.cleanUp(); if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) { if (desperate) { System.err.print("Last chance pruning"); } else { System.err.print("Pruning everything"); } System.err.println(" in pool: "+this); } cleanup((mr) -> { return true; }); } private void cleanup(Predicate predicate) { WeakLinkedList<T> prev = resourceHead; WeakLinkedList<T> cur = prev.next; while (cur != null) { ManagedResource<T> mr = cur.getResource(); if (ManagedResource._isgone(mr)) { if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) showLink("unlinking", cur, false); recordFree(cur.size); cur = cur.next; prev.next = cur; } else if (!mr.isPermanent() && !mr.isLocked() && predicate.test(mr)) { if (PrismSettings.poolDebug) showLink("pruning", cur, true); mr.free(); mr.resource = null; recordFree(cur.size); cur = cur.next; prev.next = cur; } else { prev = cur; cur = cur.next; } } } static void showLink(String label, WeakLinkedList<?> cur, boolean showAge) { ManagedResource<?> mr = cur.getResource(); System.err.printf("%s: %s (size=%,d)", label, mr, cur.size); if (mr != null) { if (showAge) { System.err.printf(" (age=%d)", mr.getAge()); } if (mr.isPermanent()) System.err.print(" perm"); if (mr.isLocked()) System.err.print(" lock"); if (mr.isInteresting()) System.err.print(" int"); } System.err.println(); }
Check that all resources are in the correct state for an idle condition and free any resources which were disposed from a non-resource thread. This method must be called on a thread that is appropriate for disposing and managing resources for the resource pools. The boolean forgiveStaleLocks parameter is used to indicate that an exceptional condition occurred which caused the caller to abort a cycle of resource usage, potentially with outstanding resource locks. This method will unlock all non-permanent resources that have outstanding locks if forgiveStaleLocks is true, or it will print out a warning and a resource summary if that parameter is false.
  • forgiveStaleLocks – true if the caller wishes to forgive and unlock all outstanding locks on non-permanent resources
/** * Check that all resources are in the correct state for an idle condition * and free any resources which were disposed from a non-resource thread. * This method must be called on a thread that is appropriate for disposing * and managing resources for the resource pools. * The boolean {@code forgiveStaleLocks} parameter is used to indicate that * an exceptional condition occurred which caused the caller to abort a * cycle of resource usage, potentially with outstanding resource locks. * This method will unlock all non-permanent resources that have outstanding * locks if {@code forgiveStaleLocks} is {@code true}, or it will print out * a warning and a resource summary if that parameter is {@code false}. * * @param forgiveStaleLocks {@code true} if the caller wishes to forgive * and unlock all outstanding locks on non-permanent resources */
@Override public void freeDisposalRequestedAndCheckResources(boolean forgiveStaleLocks) { boolean anyLockedResources = false; WeakLinkedList<T> prev = resourceHead; WeakLinkedList<T> cur = prev.next; while (cur != null) { ManagedResource<?> mr = cur.getResource(); if (ManagedResource._isgone(mr)) { recordFree(cur.size); cur = cur.next; prev.next = cur; } else { if (!mr.isPermanent()) { if (mr.isLocked() && !mr.wasMismatched()) { if (forgiveStaleLocks) { mr.unlockall(); } else { mr.setMismatched(); anyLockedResources = true; } } mr.bumpAge(FOREVER); } prev = cur; cur = cur.next; } } if (PrismSettings.poolStats || anyLockedResources) { if (anyLockedResources) { System.err.println("Outstanding resource locks detected:"); } printSummary(true); System.err.println(); } } static String commas(long v) { return String.format("%,d", v); } public void printSummary(boolean printlocksources) { int numgone = 0; int numlocked = 0; int numpermanent = 0; int numinteresting = 0; int nummismatched = 0; int numancient = 0; long total_age = 0; int total = 0; boolean trackLockSources = ManagedResource.trackLockSources; double percentUsed = used() * 100.0 / max(); double percentTarget = target() * 100.0 / max(); System.err.printf("%s: %,d used (%.1f%%), %,d target (%.1f%%), %,d max\n", this, used(), percentUsed, target(), percentTarget, max()); for (WeakLinkedList<T> cur = resourceHead.next; cur != null; cur = cur.next) { ManagedResource<T> mr = cur.getResource(); total++; if (mr == null || !mr.isValid() || mr.isDisposalRequested()) { numgone++; } else { int a = mr.getAge(); total_age += a; if (a >= FOREVER) { numancient++; } if (mr.wasMismatched()) { nummismatched++; } if (mr.isPermanent()) { numpermanent++; } else if (mr.isLocked()) { numlocked++; if (trackLockSources && printlocksources) { for (Throwable th : mr.lockedFrom) { th.printStackTrace(System.err); } mr.lockedFrom.clear(); } } if (mr.isInteresting()) { numinteresting++; } } } double avg_age = ((double) total_age) / total; System.err.println(total+" total resources being managed"); System.err.printf("average resource age is %.1f frames\n", avg_age); printpoolpercent(numancient, total, "at maximum supported age"); printpoolpercent(numpermanent, total, "marked permanent"); printpoolpercent(nummismatched, total, "have had mismatched locks"); printpoolpercent(numlocked, total, "locked"); printpoolpercent(numinteresting, total, "contain interesting data"); printpoolpercent(numgone, total, "disappeared"); } private static void printpoolpercent(int stat, int total, String desc) { double percent = stat * 100.0 / total; System.err.printf("%,d resources %s (%.1f%%)\n", stat, desc, percent); } @Override public boolean isManagerThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == managerThread; } @Override public final long managed() { return managedSize; } @Override public long used() { if (sharedParent != null) { return sharedParent.used(); } return managedSize; } @Override public final long max() { return maxSize; } @Override public final long origTarget() { return origTarget; } @Override public final long target() { return curTarget; } @Override public final void setTarget(long newTarget) { if (newTarget > maxSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("New target "+newTarget+ " larger than max "+maxSize); } if (newTarget < origTarget) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("New target "+newTarget+ " smaller than initial target "+origTarget); } curTarget = newTarget; } @Override public boolean prepareForAllocation(long size) { return cleanup(size); } @Override public final void recordAllocated(long size) { managedSize += size; } @Override public final void resourceManaged(ManagedResource<T> mr) { long size = size(mr.resource); resourceHead.insert(mr, size); recordAllocated(size); } @Override public final void resourceFreed(ManagedResource<T> freed) { WeakLinkedList<T> prev = resourceHead; WeakLinkedList<T> cur = prev.next; while (cur != null) { ManagedResource<T> res = cur.getResource(); if (res == null || res == freed) { recordFree(cur.size); cur = cur.next; prev.next = cur; if (res == freed) { return; } } else { prev = cur; cur = cur.next; } } throw new IllegalStateException("unmanaged resource freed from pool "+this); } @Override public final void recordFree(long size) { managedSize -= size; if (managedSize < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Negative resource amount"); } } static class WeakLinkedList<T> { final WeakReference<ManagedResource<T>> theResourceRef; final long size; WeakLinkedList<T> next; WeakLinkedList() { this.theResourceRef = null; this.size = 0L; } WeakLinkedList(ManagedResource<T> mresource, long size, WeakLinkedList<T> next) { this.theResourceRef = new WeakReference<>(mresource); this.size = size; this.next = next; } void insert(ManagedResource<T> mresource, long size) { this.next = new WeakLinkedList<>(mresource, size, next); } ManagedResource<T> getResource() { return theResourceRef.get(); } } }