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package com.sun.javafx.scene.layout.region;

import javafx.scene.text.Font;

import javafx.css.Size;
import javafx.css.SizeUnits;
import javafx.css.ParsedValue;
import javafx.css.StyleConverter;
import com.sun.javafx.logging.PlatformLogger;
import com.sun.javafx.logging.PlatformLogger.Level;

Similar to Insets but with flag denoting values are proportional. If proportional is true, then the values represent fractions or percentages and are in the range 0..1, although this is not enforced.
/** * Similar to Insets but with flag denoting values are proportional. * If proportional is true, then the values represent fractions or percentages * and are in the range 0..1, although this is not enforced. */
public class Margins { // lazy, thread-safe instantiation private static class Holder { static Converter CONVERTER_INSTANCE = new Converter(); static SequenceConverter SEQUENCE_CONVERTER_INSTANCE = new SequenceConverter(); } final double top; public final double getTop() { return top; } final double right; public final double getRight() { return right; } final double bottom; public final double getBottom() { return bottom; } final double left; public final double getLeft() { return left; } final boolean proportional; public final boolean isProportional() { return proportional; } public Margins(double top, double right, double bottom, double left, boolean proportional) { this.top = top; this.right = right; this.bottom = bottom; this.left = left; this.proportional = proportional; } @Override public String toString() { return "top: "+top+"\nright: "+right+"\nbottom: "+bottom+"\nleft: "+left; }
Convert a sequence of sizes to an Margins
/** * Convert a sequence of sizes to an Margins */
public static final class Converter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue[], Margins> { public static Converter getInstance() { return Holder.CONVERTER_INSTANCE; } private Converter() { super(); } @Override public Margins convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Margins> value, Font font) { ParsedValue<?, Size>[] sides = value.getValue(); Size topSz = (sides.length > 0) ? sides[0].convert(font) : new Size(0.0F, SizeUnits.PX); Size rightSz = (sides.length > 1) ? sides[1].convert(font) : topSz; Size bottomSz = (sides.length > 2) ? sides[2].convert(font) : topSz; Size leftSz = (sides.length > 3) ? sides[3].convert(font) : rightSz; // assume proportional if any units are percent boolean proportional = (topSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) || (rightSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) || (bottomSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) || (leftSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT); // if any of the units is percent, then make sure they all are. boolean unitsMatch = !proportional || ((topSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) && (rightSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) && (bottomSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT) && (leftSz.getUnits() == SizeUnits.PERCENT)); // unitsMatch will only be false if proportional is true and // not all of the units are percent. if (unitsMatch == false) { final PlatformLogger LOGGER = com.sun.javafx.util.Logging.getCSSLogger(); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { final String msg = new StringBuilder("units do no match: ") .append(topSz.toString()) .append(" ,").append(rightSz.toString()) .append(" ,").append(bottomSz.toString()) .append(" ,").append(leftSz.toString()) .toString(); LOGGER.warning(msg); } } proportional = proportional && unitsMatch; double top = topSz.pixels(font); double right = rightSz.pixels(font); double bottom = bottomSz.pixels(font); double left = leftSz.pixels(font); return new Margins(top, right, bottom, left, proportional); } @Override public String toString() { return "MarginsConverter"; } }
Convert a sequence of sizes to an Insets
/** * Convert a sequence of sizes to an Insets */
public static final class SequenceConverter extends StyleConverter<ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Margins>[], Margins[]> { public static SequenceConverter getInstance() { return Holder.SEQUENCE_CONVERTER_INSTANCE; } private SequenceConverter() { super(); } @Override public Margins[] convert(ParsedValue<ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Margins>[], Margins[]> value, Font font) { ParsedValue<ParsedValue[], Margins>[] layers = value.getValue(); Margins[] margins = new Margins[layers.length]; for (int layer = 0; layer < layers.length; layer++) { margins[layer] = Converter.getInstance().convert(layers[layer], font); } return margins; } @Override public String toString() { return "MarginsSequenceConverter"; } } }