 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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package com.sun.javafx.font;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.font.FontFileReader.Buffer;
import static com.sun.javafx.font.PrismMetrics.*;

public abstract class PrismFontFile implements FontResource, FontConstants {

    private int fontInstallationType = -1; // unknown, 0=embedded, 1=system

    // TrueType fonts can have multiple names, most notably split up by
    // platform and locale. Whilst fonts that have different names for
    // different platforms are arguable buggy, those with localised names
    // are not. This can cause problems. Suppose that a font has English,
    // French and German names, and the platform enumerates the name that
    // is most appropriate for the user locale. Then suppose a French
    // developer uses the French name, but for his German user this font
    // is not located by the platform because it reports the German name
    // for that font. At runtime we no longer have any connection to the
    // locale of the developer so we can't look for the name for that
    // locale, even if the platform have us a performant option for that.
    // The English name which some might think is supposed
    // to be the interoperable name is not treated at all specially in
    // the font format and doesn't even come up for either the user or
    // the developer, and in fact doesn't even have to be present.
    // Having said that we'll probably have the best luck for most users
    // and fonts by assuming the English name if the locale name doesn't
    // work. But either way, without platform API support for this
    // then its really expensive as all font files need to be opened.
    String familyName;           /* Family font name (English) */
    String fullName;             /* Full font name (English)   */
    String psName;               /* PostScript font name       */
    String localeFamilyName;
    String localeFullName;
    String styleName;
    String localeStyleName;
    String filename;
    int filesize;
    FontFileReader filereader;
    int numGlyphs = -1;
    short indexToLocFormat;
    int fontIndex; // into a TTC.
    boolean isCFF;
    boolean isEmbedded = false;
    boolean isCopy = false;
    boolean isTracked = false;
    boolean isDecoded = false;
    boolean isRegistered = true;

    /* The glyph image data is stored only in a texture, and we
     * manage how much of that is kept around. We clearly want
     * to keep a reference to the strike that created that data.
    Map<FontStrikeDesc, WeakReference<PrismFontStrike>> strikeMap =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<FontStrikeDesc, WeakReference<PrismFontStrike>>();

    protected PrismFontFile(String name, String filename, int fIndex,
                          boolean register, boolean embedded,
                          boolean copy, boolean tracked) throws Exception {
        this.filename = filename;
        this.isRegistered = register;
        this.isEmbedded = embedded;
        this.isCopy = copy;
        this.isTracked = tracked;
        init(name, fIndex);

    WeakReference<PrismFontFile> createFileDisposer(PrismFontFactory factory,
                                                    FileRefCounter rc) {
        FileDisposer disposer = new FileDisposer(filename, isTracked, rc);
        WeakReference<PrismFontFile> ref = Disposer.addRecord(this, disposer);
        disposer.setFactory(factory, ref);
        return ref;

    void setIsDecoded(boolean decoded) {
        isDecoded = decoded;

    /* This is called only for fonts where a temp file was created
    protected synchronized void disposeOnShutdown() {
        if (isCopy || isDecoded) {
                    (PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> {
                        try {
                            /* Although there is likely no harm in calling
                             * delete on a file > once, we want to refrain
                             * from deleting it until the shutdown hook
                             * code in subclasses has had an opportunity
                             * to clean up native accesses on the resource.
                            if (decFileRefCount() > 0) {
                                return null;
                            boolean delOK = (new File(filename)).delete();
                            if (!delOK && PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) {
                                 System.err.println("Temp file not deleted : "
                                                    + filename);
                            /* Embedded fonts (copy) can also be decoded.
                             * Set both flags to false to avoid double deletes.
                            isCopy = isDecoded = false;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
            if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) {
                System.err.println("Temp file deleted: " + filename);

    public int getDefaultAAMode() {
        return AA_GREYSCALE;

    public boolean isInstalledFont() {
        if (fontInstallationType == -1) {
            PrismFontFactory factory = PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory();
            fontInstallationType = factory.isInstalledFont(filename) ? 1 : 0;
        return fontInstallationType > 0;

    /* A TTC file resource is shared, so reference count and delete
     * only when no longer using the file from any PrismFontFile instance
   static class FileRefCounter {
       private int refCnt = 1; // start with 1.

       synchronized int getRefCount() {
           return refCnt;

       synchronized int increment() {
           return ++refCnt;

       synchronized int decrement() {
           return (refCnt == 0) ? 0 : --refCnt;

    private FileRefCounter refCounter = null;

    FileRefCounter getFileRefCounter() {
        return refCounter;

    FileRefCounter createFileRefCounter() {
        refCounter = new FileRefCounter();
        return refCounter;

    void setAndIncFileRefCounter(FileRefCounter rc) {
          this.refCounter = rc;

    int decFileRefCount() {
        if (refCounter == null) {
            return 0;
         } else {
            return refCounter.decrement();

    static class FileDisposer implements DisposerRecord {
        String fileName;
        boolean isTracked;
        FileRefCounter refCounter;
        PrismFontFactory factory;
        WeakReference<PrismFontFile> refKey;

        public FileDisposer(String fileName, boolean isTracked,
                            FileRefCounter rc) {
            this.fileName = fileName;
            this.isTracked = isTracked;
            this.refCounter = rc;

        public void setFactory(PrismFontFactory factory,
                               WeakReference<PrismFontFile> refKey) {
            this.factory = factory;
            this.refKey = refKey;

        public synchronized void dispose() {
            if (fileName != null) {
                        (PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> {
                            try {
                                if (refCounter != null &&
                                    refCounter.decrement() > 0)
                                    return null;
                                File file = new File(fileName);
                                int size = (int)file.length();
                                // decrement tracker only after
                                // successful deletion.
                                if (isTracked) {
                                if (factory != null && refKey != null) {
                                    Object o = refKey.get();
                                    if (o == null) {
                                        factory = null;
                                        refKey = null;
                                if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) {
                                    System.err.println("FileDisposer=" + fileName);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) {
                            return null;
                fileName = null;

    public String getFileName() {
        return filename;

    protected int getFileSize() {
        return filesize;

    protected int getFontIndex() {
        return fontIndex;

    public String getFullName() {
        return fullName;

    public String getPSName() {
        if (psName == null) {
            psName = fullName;
        return psName;

    public String getFamilyName() {
        return familyName;

    public String getStyleName() {
        return styleName;

    public String getLocaleFullName() {
        return localeFullName;

    public String getLocaleFamilyName() {
        return localeFamilyName;

    public String getLocaleStyleName() {
        return localeStyleName;

     * Returns the features the font supports.
    public int getFeatures() {
        //TODO check font file for features
        return -1;

    public Map getStrikeMap() {
        return strikeMap;

    protected abstract PrismFontStrike createStrike(float size,
                                                    BaseTransform transform,
                                                    int aaMode,
                                                    FontStrikeDesc desc);

    public FontStrike getStrike(float size, BaseTransform transform,
                                int aaMode) {
        FontStrikeDesc desc = new FontStrikeDesc(size, transform, aaMode);
        WeakReference<PrismFontStrike> ref = strikeMap.get(desc);
        PrismFontStrike strike = null;
        if (ref != null) {
            strike = ref.get();
        if (strike == null) {
            strike = createStrike(size, transform, aaMode, desc);
            DisposerRecord disposer = strike.getDisposer();
            if (disposer != null) {
                ref = Disposer.addRecord(strike, disposer);
            } else {
                ref = new WeakReference<PrismFontStrike>(strike);
            strikeMap.put(desc, ref);
        return strike;

    HashMap<Integer, int[]> bbCache = null;
    static final int[] EMPTY_BOUNDS = new int[4];

    protected abstract int[] createGlyphBoundingBox(int gc);

    public float[] getGlyphBoundingBox(int gc, float size, float[] retArr) {
        if (retArr == null || retArr.length < 4) {
            retArr = new float[4];
        if (gc >= getNumGlyphs()) {
            retArr[0] = retArr[1] = retArr[2] = retArr[3] = 0;
            return retArr;
        if (bbCache == null) {
            bbCache = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
        int[] bb = bbCache.get(gc);
        if (bb == null) {
            bb = createGlyphBoundingBox(gc);
            if (bb == null) bb = EMPTY_BOUNDS;
            bbCache.put(gc, bb);
        float scale = size / getUnitsPerEm();
        retArr[0] = bb[0] * scale;
        retArr[1] = bb[1] * scale;
        retArr[2] = bb[2] * scale;
        retArr[3] = bb[3] * scale;
        return retArr;

    int getNumGlyphs() {
        if (numGlyphs == -1) {
            Buffer buffer = readTable(maxpTag);
            numGlyphs = buffer.getChar(4); // offset 4 bytes in MAXP table.
        return numGlyphs;

    protected boolean isCFF() {
        return isCFF;

    private Object peer;
    public Object getPeer() {
        return peer;

    public void setPeer(Object peer) {
        this.peer = peer;

    synchronized Buffer readTable(int tag) {
        Buffer buffer = null;
        boolean openedFile = false;
        try {
            openedFile = filereader.openFile();
            DirectoryEntry tagDE = getDirectoryEntry(tag);
            if (tagDE != null) {
                buffer = filereader.readBlock(tagDE.offset, tagDE.length);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) {
        } finally {
            if (openedFile) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e2) {
        return buffer;

    int directoryCount = 1;

Returns:number of logical fonts. Is "1" for all but TTC files
/** * @return number of logical fonts. Is "1" for all but TTC files */
public int getFontCount() { return directoryCount; } int numTables; DirectoryEntry[] tableDirectory; static class DirectoryEntry { int tag; int offset; int length; } DirectoryEntry getDirectoryEntry(int tag) { for (int i=0;i<numTables;i++) { if (tableDirectory[i].tag == tag) { return tableDirectory[i]; } } return null; } /* Called from the constructor. Does the basic work of finding * the right font in a TTC, the font names and enough info * (the table offset directory) to be able to locate tables later. * Throws an exception if it doesn't like what it finds. */ private void init(String name, int fIndex) throws Exception { filereader = new FontFileReader(filename); WoffDecoder decoder = null; try { if (!filereader.openFile()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to create FontResource" + " for file " + filename); } Buffer buffer = filereader.readBlock(0, TTCHEADERSIZE); int sfntTag = buffer.getInt(); /* Handle wOFF files */ if (sfntTag == woffTag) { decoder = new WoffDecoder(); File file = decoder.openFile(); decoder.decode(filereader); decoder.closeFile(); /* Create a new reader with the decoded file */ filereader.closeFile(); filereader = new FontFileReader(file.getPath()); if (!filereader.openFile()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to create " + "FontResource for file " + filename); } buffer = filereader.readBlock(0, TTCHEADERSIZE); sfntTag = buffer.getInt(); } filesize = (int)filereader.getLength(); int headerOffset = 0; if (sfntTag == ttcfTag) { buffer.getInt(); // skip TTC version ID directoryCount = buffer.getInt(); if (fIndex >= directoryCount) { throw new Exception("Bad collection index"); } fontIndex = fIndex; buffer = filereader.readBlock(TTCHEADERSIZE+4*fIndex, 4); headerOffset = buffer.getInt(); buffer = filereader.readBlock(headerOffset, 4); sfntTag = buffer.getInt(); } switch (sfntTag) { case v1ttTag: case trueTag: break; case ottoTag: isCFF = true; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported sfnt " + filename); } /* Now have the offset of this TT font (possibly within a TTC) * After the TT version/scaler type field, is the short * representing the number of tables in the table directory. * The table directory begins at 12 bytes after the header. * Each table entry is 16 bytes long (4 32-bit ints) */ buffer = filereader.readBlock(headerOffset+4, 2); numTables = buffer.getShort(); int directoryOffset = headerOffset+DIRECTORYHEADERSIZE; Buffer ibuffer = filereader. readBlock(directoryOffset, numTables*DIRECTORYENTRYSIZE); DirectoryEntry table; tableDirectory = new DirectoryEntry[numTables]; for (int i=0; i<numTables;i++) { tableDirectory[i] = table = new DirectoryEntry(); table.tag = ibuffer.getInt(); /* checksum */ ibuffer.skip(4); table.offset = ibuffer.getInt(); table.length = ibuffer.getInt(); if (table.offset + table.length > filesize) { throw new Exception("bad table, tag="+table.tag); } } DirectoryEntry headDE = getDirectoryEntry(headTag); Buffer headTable = filereader.readBlock(headDE.offset, headDE.length); // Important font attribute must be set in order to prevent div by zero upem = (float)(headTable.getShort(18) & 0xffff); if (!(16 <= upem && upem <= 16384)) { upem = 2048; } indexToLocFormat = headTable.getShort(50); // 0 for short offsets, 1 for long if (indexToLocFormat < 0 || indexToLocFormat > 1) { throw new Exception("Bad indexToLocFormat"); } // In a conventional optimised layout, the // hhea table immediately follows the 'head' table. Buffer hhea = readTable(hheaTag); if (hhea == null) { numHMetrics = -1; } else { // the font table has the sign of ascent and descent // reversed from our coordinate system. ascent = -(float)hhea.getShort(4); descent = -(float)hhea.getShort(6); linegap = (float)hhea.getShort(8); // advanceWidthMax is max horizontal advance of all glyphs in // font. For some fonts advanceWidthMax is much larger then "M" // advanceWidthMax = (float)hhea.getChar(10); numHMetrics = hhea.getChar(34) & 0xffff; } // maxp table is before the OS/2 table. Read it now // while file is open - will be very cheap as its just // 32 bytes and we already have it in a byte[]. getNumGlyphs(); setStyle(); // sanity check the cmap table checkCMAP(); /* Get names last, as the name table is far from the file header. * Although its also likely too big to fit in the read cache * in which case that would remain valid, but also will help * any file read implementation which doesn't have random access. */ initNames(); if (familyName == null || fullName == null) { String fontName = name != null ? name : ""; if (fullName == null) { fullName = familyName != null ? familyName : fontName; } if (familyName == null) { familyName = fullName != null ? fullName : fontName; } throw new Exception("Font name not found."); } /* update the font resource only if the file was decoded * and initialized successfully. */ if (decoder != null) { isDecoded = true; filename = filereader.getFilename(); PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory().addDecodedFont(this); } } catch (Exception e) { if (decoder != null) { decoder.deleteFile(); } throw e; } finally { filereader.closeFile(); } } /* TrueTypeFont can use the fsSelection fields of OS/2 table * or macStyleBits of the 'head' table to determine the style. */ private static final int fsSelectionItalicBit = 0x00001; private static final int fsSelectionBoldBit = 0x00020; private static final int MACSTYLE_BOLD_BIT = 0x1; private static final int MACSTYLE_ITALIC_BIT = 0x2; // Comment out some of this until we have both a need and a way to use it. // private int embeddingInfo; //private int fontWeight; private boolean isBold; private boolean isItalic; private float upem; private float ascent, descent, linegap; // in design units private int numHMetrics; private void setStyle() { // A number of fonts on Mac OS X do not have an OS/2 // table. For those need to get info from a different source. DirectoryEntry os2_DE = getDirectoryEntry(os_2Tag); if (os2_DE != null) { // os2 Table ver 4 DataType Offset //version USHORT 0 //xAvgCharWidth SHORT 2 //usWeightClass USHORT 4 //usWidthClass USHORT 6 //fsType USHORT 8 //ySubscriptXSize SHORT 10 //ySubscriptYSize SHORT 12 //ySubscriptXOffset SHORT 14 //ySubscriptYOffset SHORT 16 //ySuperscriptXSize SHORT 18 //ySuperscriptYSize SHORT 20 //ySuperscriptXOffset SHORT 22 //ySuperscriptYOffset SHORT 24 //yStrikeoutSize SHORT 26 //yStrikeoutPosition SHORT 28 //sFamilyClass SHORT 30 //panose[10] BYTE 32 //ulUnicodeRange1 ULONG 42 //ulUnicodeRange2 ULONG 46 //ulUnicodeRange3 ULONG 50 //ulUnicodeRange4 ULONG 54 //achVendID[4] CHAR 58 //fsSelection USHORT 62 //usFirstCharIndex USHORT 64 //usLastCharIndex USHORT 66 //sTypoAscender SHORT 68 //sTypoDescender SHORT 70 //sTypoLineGap SHORT 72 //usWinAscent USHORT 74 //usWinDescent USHORT 76 //ulCodePageRange1 ULONG 78 //ulCodePageRange2 ULONG 82 //sxHeight SHORT 86 //sCapHeight SHORT 88 //usDefaultChar USHORT 90 //usBreakChar USHORT 92 //usMaxContext USHORT 94 Buffer os_2Table = filereader.readBlock(os2_DE.offset, os2_DE.length); int fsSelection = os_2Table.getChar(62) & 0xffff; isItalic = (fsSelection & fsSelectionItalicBit) != 0; isBold = (fsSelection & fsSelectionBoldBit) != 0; } else { DirectoryEntry headDE = getDirectoryEntry(headTag); Buffer headTable = filereader.readBlock(headDE.offset, headDE.length); short macStyleBits = headTable.getShort(44); isItalic = (macStyleBits & MACSTYLE_ITALIC_BIT) != 0; isBold = (macStyleBits & MACSTYLE_BOLD_BIT) != 0; } } public boolean isBold() { return isBold; } public boolean isItalic() { return isItalic; } public boolean isDecoded() { return isDecoded; } public boolean isRegistered() { return isRegistered; } public boolean isEmbeddedFont() { return isEmbedded; }
per the OT spec. this is an unsigned short.
/** * per the OT spec. this is an unsigned short. */
public int getUnitsPerEm() { return (int)upem; } public short getIndexToLocFormat() { return indexToLocFormat; }
per the OT spec. this is an unsigned short.
/** * per the OT spec. this is an unsigned short. */
public int getNumHMetrics() { return numHMetrics; } /* -- ID's used in the 'name' table */ public static final int MAC_PLATFORM_ID = 1; public static final int MACROMAN_SPECIFIC_ID = 0; public static final int MACROMAN_ENGLISH_LANG = 0; public static final int MS_PLATFORM_ID = 3; /* MS locale id for US English is the "default" */ public static final short MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID = 0x0409; // 1033 decimal public static final int FAMILY_NAME_ID = 1; public static final int STYLE_NAME_ID = 2; public static final int FULL_NAME_ID = 4; public static final int PS_NAME_ID = 6; void initNames() throws Exception { byte[] name = new byte[256]; DirectoryEntry nameDE = getDirectoryEntry(nameTag); Buffer buffer = filereader.readBlock(nameDE.offset, nameDE.length); buffer.skip(2); // format - not needed. short numRecords = buffer.getShort(); /* The name table uses unsigned shorts. Many of these * are known small values that fit in a short. * The values that are sizes or offsets into the table could be * greater than 32767, so read and store those as ints */ int stringPtr = buffer.getShort() & 0xffff; /* Microsoft Windows font names are preferred but numerous Mac * fonts do not have these, so we must also accept these in the * absence of the preferred Windows names. */ for (int i=0; i<numRecords; i++) { short platformID = buffer.getShort(); if (platformID != MS_PLATFORM_ID && platformID != MAC_PLATFORM_ID) { buffer.skip(10); continue; // skip over this record. } short encodingID = buffer.getShort(); // only want UTF-16 (inc. symbol) encodingIDs for Windows, // or MacRoman on Mac. if ((platformID == MS_PLATFORM_ID && encodingID > 1) || (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID && encodingID != MACROMAN_SPECIFIC_ID)) { buffer.skip(8); continue; } short langID = buffer.getShort(); if (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID && langID != MACROMAN_ENGLISH_LANG) { buffer.skip(6); continue; } short nameID = buffer.getShort(); int nameLen = ((int)buffer.getShort()) & 0xffff; int namePtr = (((int)buffer.getShort()) & 0xffff) + stringPtr; String tmpName = null; String enc; switch (nameID) { case FAMILY_NAME_ID: if (familyName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID || langID == nameLocaleID) { buffer.get(namePtr, name, 0, nameLen); if (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID) { enc = "US-ASCII"; } else { enc = "UTF-16BE"; } tmpName = new String(name, 0, nameLen, enc); if (familyName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID){ familyName = tmpName; } if (langID == nameLocaleID) { localeFamilyName = tmpName; } } break; case FULL_NAME_ID: if (fullName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID || langID == nameLocaleID) { buffer.get(namePtr, name, 0, nameLen); if (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID) { enc = "US-ASCII"; } else { enc = "UTF-16BE"; } tmpName = new String(name, 0, nameLen, enc); if (fullName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID) { fullName = tmpName; } if (langID == nameLocaleID) { localeFullName = tmpName; } } break; case PS_NAME_ID: if (psName == null) { buffer.get(namePtr, name, 0, nameLen); if (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID) { enc = "US-ASCII"; } else { enc = "UTF-16BE"; } psName = new String(name, 0, nameLen, enc); } break; case STYLE_NAME_ID: if (styleName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID || langID == nameLocaleID) { buffer.get(namePtr, name, 0, nameLen); if (platformID == MAC_PLATFORM_ID) { enc = "US-ASCII"; } else { enc = "UTF-16BE"; } tmpName = new String(name, 0, nameLen, enc); if (styleName == null || langID == MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID) { styleName = tmpName; } if (langID == nameLocaleID) { localeStyleName = tmpName; } } break; default: break; } if (localeFamilyName == null) { localeFamilyName = familyName; } if (localeFullName == null) { localeFullName = fullName; } if (localeStyleName == null) { localeStyleName = styleName; } } } private void checkCMAP() throws Exception { DirectoryEntry cmapDE = getDirectoryEntry(FontConstants.cmapTag); if (cmapDE != null) { if (cmapDE.length < 4) { throw new Exception("Invalid cmap table length"); } Buffer cmapTableHeader = filereader.readBlock(cmapDE.offset, 4); short version = cmapTableHeader.getShort(); short numberSubTables = cmapTableHeader.getShort(); int indexLength = numberSubTables * 8; if (numberSubTables <= 0 || cmapDE.length < indexLength + 4) { throw new Exception("Invalid cmap subtables count"); } Buffer cmapTableIndex = filereader.readBlock(cmapDE.offset + 4, indexLength); for (int i = 0; i < numberSubTables; i++) { short platformID = cmapTableIndex.getShort(); short encodingID = cmapTableIndex.getShort(); int offset = cmapTableIndex.getInt(); if (offset < 0 || offset >= cmapDE.length) { throw new Exception("Invalid cmap subtable offset"); } } } }
private static Map<String, Short> lcidMap; // Return a Microsoft LCID from the given Locale. // Used when getting localized font data. private static void addLCIDMapEntry(Map<String, Short> map, String key, short value) { map.put(key, Short.valueOf(value)); } private static synchronized void createLCIDMap() { if (lcidMap != null) { return; } Map<String, Short> map = new HashMap<String, Short>(200); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar", (short) 0x0401); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "bg", (short) 0x0402); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ca", (short) 0x0403); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zh", (short) 0x0404); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "cs", (short) 0x0405); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "da", (short) 0x0406); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "de", (short) 0x0407); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "el", (short) 0x0408); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es", (short) 0x040a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fi", (short) 0x040b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr", (short) 0x040c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "iw", (short) 0x040d); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "hu", (short) 0x040e); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "is", (short) 0x040f); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "it", (short) 0x0410); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ja", (short) 0x0411); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ko", (short) 0x0412); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "nl", (short) 0x0413); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "no", (short) 0x0414); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "pl", (short) 0x0415); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "pt", (short) 0x0416); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "rm", (short) 0x0417); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ro", (short) 0x0418); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ru", (short) 0x0419); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "hr", (short) 0x041a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sk", (short) 0x041b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sq", (short) 0x041c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sv", (short) 0x041d); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "th", (short) 0x041e); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "tr", (short) 0x041f); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ur", (short) 0x0420); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "in", (short) 0x0421); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "uk", (short) 0x0422); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "be", (short) 0x0423); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sl", (short) 0x0424); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "et", (short) 0x0425); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "lv", (short) 0x0426); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "lt", (short) 0x0427); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fa", (short) 0x0429); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "vi", (short) 0x042a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "hy", (short) 0x042b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "eu", (short) 0x042d); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "mk", (short) 0x042f); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "tn", (short) 0x0432); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "xh", (short) 0x0434); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zu", (short) 0x0435); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "af", (short) 0x0436); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ka", (short) 0x0437); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fo", (short) 0x0438); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "hi", (short) 0x0439); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "mt", (short) 0x043a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "se", (short) 0x043b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "gd", (short) 0x043c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ms", (short) 0x043e); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "kk", (short) 0x043f); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ky", (short) 0x0440); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sw", (short) 0x0441); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "tt", (short) 0x0444); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "bn", (short) 0x0445); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "pa", (short) 0x0446); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "gu", (short) 0x0447); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ta", (short) 0x0449); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "te", (short) 0x044a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "kn", (short) 0x044b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ml", (short) 0x044c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "mr", (short) 0x044e); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sa", (short) 0x044f); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "mn", (short) 0x0450); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "cy", (short) 0x0452); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "gl", (short) 0x0456); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "dv", (short) 0x0465); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "qu", (short) 0x046b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "mi", (short) 0x0481); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_IQ", (short) 0x0801); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zh_CN", (short) 0x0804); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "de_CH", (short) 0x0807); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_GB", (short) 0x0809); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_MX", (short) 0x080a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr_BE", (short) 0x080c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "it_CH", (short) 0x0810); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "nl_BE", (short) 0x0813); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "no_NO_NY", (short) 0x0814); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "pt_PT", (short) 0x0816); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ro_MD", (short) 0x0818); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ru_MD", (short) 0x0819); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sr_CS", (short) 0x081a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sv_FI", (short) 0x081d); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "az_AZ", (short) 0x082c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "se_SE", (short) 0x083b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ga_IE", (short) 0x083c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ms_BN", (short) 0x083e); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "uz_UZ", (short) 0x0843); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "qu_EC", (short) 0x086b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_EG", (short) 0x0c01); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zh_HK", (short) 0x0c04); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "de_AT", (short) 0x0c07); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_AU", (short) 0x0c09); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr_CA", (short) 0x0c0c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sr_CS", (short) 0x0c1a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "se_FI", (short) 0x0c3b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "qu_PE", (short) 0x0c6b); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_LY", (short) 0x1001); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zh_SG", (short) 0x1004); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "de_LU", (short) 0x1007); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_CA", (short) 0x1009); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_GT", (short) 0x100a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr_CH", (short) 0x100c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "hr_BA", (short) 0x101a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_DZ", (short) 0x1401); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "zh_MO", (short) 0x1404); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "de_LI", (short) 0x1407); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_NZ", (short) 0x1409); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_CR", (short) 0x140a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr_LU", (short) 0x140c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "bs_BA", (short) 0x141a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_MA", (short) 0x1801); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_IE", (short) 0x1809); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_PA", (short) 0x180a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "fr_MC", (short) 0x180c); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sr_BA", (short) 0x181a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_TN", (short) 0x1c01); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_ZA", (short) 0x1c09); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_DO", (short) 0x1c0a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "sr_BA", (short) 0x1c1a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_OM", (short) 0x2001); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_JM", (short) 0x2009); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_VE", (short) 0x200a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_YE", (short) 0x2401); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_CO", (short) 0x240a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_SY", (short) 0x2801); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_BZ", (short) 0x2809); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_PE", (short) 0x280a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_JO", (short) 0x2c01); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_TT", (short) 0x2c09); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_AR", (short) 0x2c0a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_LB", (short) 0x3001); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_ZW", (short) 0x3009); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_EC", (short) 0x300a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_KW", (short) 0x3401); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "en_PH", (short) 0x3409); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_CL", (short) 0x340a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_AE", (short) 0x3801); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_UY", (short) 0x380a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_BH", (short) 0x3c01); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_PY", (short) 0x3c0a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "ar_QA", (short) 0x4001); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_BO", (short) 0x400a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_SV", (short) 0x440a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_HN", (short) 0x480a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_NI", (short) 0x4c0a); addLCIDMapEntry(map, "es_PR", (short) 0x500a); lcidMap = map; } private static short getLCIDFromLocale(Locale locale) { // optimize for common case if (locale.equals(Locale.US) || locale.getLanguage().equals("en")) { return MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID; } if (lcidMap == null) { createLCIDMap(); } String key = locale.toString(); while (!key.isEmpty()) { Short lcidObject = (Short) lcidMap.get(key); if (lcidObject != null) { return lcidObject.shortValue(); } int pos = key.lastIndexOf('_'); if (pos < 1) { return MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID; } key = key.substring(0, pos); } return MS_ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID; } /* On Windows this is set to the System Locale, which matches how * GDI enumerates font names. For display purposes we may want * the user locale which could be different. */ static short nameLocaleID = getSystemLCID(); private static short getSystemLCID() { if (PrismFontFactory.isWindows) { return PrismFontFactory.getSystemLCID(); } else { return getLCIDFromLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } } private OpenTypeGlyphMapper mapper = null; public CharToGlyphMapper getGlyphMapper() { if (mapper == null) { mapper = new OpenTypeGlyphMapper(this); } return mapper; } public FontStrike getStrike(float size, BaseTransform transform) { return getStrike(size, transform, getDefaultAAMode()); } char[] advanceWidths = null; /* * This is returning the unhinted advance, should be OK so * long as we do unhinted rendering. If we are doing hinted glyphs * and I suppose, integer metrics, then we can use the hdmx table. * But since the hdmx table doesn't provide anything except integers * it will only be useful for some cases. Also even then the ptSize * alone doesn't help, since we need to know the graphics scale * to know the real glyph size that's required, then of course we * have to translate that back into user space. So all of that will * need to be looked into, or we reserve this path for unhinted rendering. * Note that if there's no hdmx entry for a given size, then we need * to scale the glyph to get the hinted advance. However before doing * so we should consult the 'gasp' table to see it its a size at * which hinting should be performed anyway. * (1) The GASP table indicates size at which hinting should be applied * usually this is all larger sizes so probably wouldn't help, however * (2) If there is a LTSH (Linear Threshold) table, we can use that * to see if for the requested 'ppem' size, the glyph scales linearly. * * Interestingly Amble sets the 'head' flags bit to say non-linear * scaling and so legitimately has a LTSH table but this all may be * a hold-over from when its gasp table said to apply hints at some sizes. * I suppose I am not 100% certain if the gasp table can be trusted to * use as a short-cut for when you don't need to scale, or if choosing * not to hint means you can always just assume linear scaling, but I * do find that to be consistent with the data in Microsoft fonts where * they do not provide hdmx entry for sizes below that where hinting is * required, suggesting the htmx table is fine for such cases. */ public float getAdvance(int glyphCode, float ptSize) { if (glyphCode == CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID) return 0f; // If we haven't initialised yet, do so now. if (advanceWidths == null && numHMetrics > 0) { synchronized (this) { Buffer hmtx = readTable(hmtxTag); if (hmtx == null) { numHMetrics = -1; return 0; } char[] aw = new char[numHMetrics]; for (int i=0; i<numHMetrics; i++) { aw[i] = hmtx.getChar(i*4); } advanceWidths = aw; } } // If we have a valid numHMetrics, look up the advance if (numHMetrics > 0) { char cadv; if (glyphCode < numHMetrics) { cadv = advanceWidths[glyphCode]; } else { cadv = advanceWidths[numHMetrics-1]; } return ((float)(cadv & 0xffff)*ptSize)/upem; } else { // no valid lookup. return 0f; } } public PrismMetrics getFontMetrics(float ptSize) { return new PrismMetrics((ascent*ptSize)/upem, (descent*ptSize)/upem, (linegap*ptSize)/upem, this, ptSize); } private float[] styleMetrics; float[] getStyleMetrics(float ptSize) { if (styleMetrics == null) { float [] smetrics = new float[METRICS_TOTAL]; Buffer os_2 = readTable(os_2Tag); int length = os_2 != null ? os_2.capacity() : 0; if (length >= 30) { smetrics[STRIKETHROUGH_THICKNESS] = os_2.getShort(26) / upem; smetrics[STRIKETHROUGH_OFFSET] = -os_2.getShort(28) / upem; } else { smetrics[STRIKETHROUGH_THICKNESS] = 0.05f; smetrics[STRIKETHROUGH_OFFSET] = -0.4f; } if (length >= 74) { // ascent, descent, leading are set in constructor smetrics[TYPO_ASCENT] = -os_2.getShort(68) / upem; smetrics[TYPO_DESCENT] = -os_2.getShort(70) / upem; smetrics[TYPO_LINEGAP] = os_2.getShort(72) / upem; } else { smetrics[TYPO_ASCENT] = ascent / upem; smetrics[TYPO_DESCENT] = descent / upem; smetrics[TYPO_LINEGAP] = linegap / upem; } // REMIND : OpenType spec introduced xHeight, many fonts // won't have this info. // xHeight should be available in OS2 font table ver. 3 or greater if (length >= 90) { smetrics[XHEIGHT] = os_2.getShort(86) / upem; smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] = os_2.getShort(88); /* Some fonts have bad values for capHeight. For example, * Comic Sans MS. The fix is to ignore the capHeight in the * font file when it is less than half of the ascent */ if ((smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] / ascent) < 0.5) { smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] = 0; } else { smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] /= upem; } } if (smetrics[XHEIGHT] == 0 || smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] == 0) { FontStrike strike = getStrike(ptSize, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); CharToGlyphMapper mapper = getGlyphMapper(); int missingGlyph = mapper.getMissingGlyphCode(); if (smetrics[XHEIGHT] == 0) { int gc = mapper.charToGlyph('x'); if (gc != missingGlyph) { RectBounds fbds = strike.getGlyph(gc).getBBox(); smetrics[XHEIGHT] = fbds.getHeight() / ptSize; } else { smetrics[XHEIGHT] = -ascent * 0.6f / upem; } } if (smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] == 0) { int gc = mapper.charToGlyph('H'); if (gc != missingGlyph) { RectBounds fbds = strike.getGlyph(gc).getBBox(); smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] = fbds.getHeight() / ptSize; } else { smetrics[CAPHEIGHT] = -ascent * 0.9f / upem; } } } Buffer postTable = readTable(postTag); if (postTable == null || postTable.capacity() < 12) { smetrics[UNDERLINE_OFFSET] = 0.1f; smetrics[UNDERLINE_THICKESS] = 0.05f; } else { smetrics[UNDERLINE_OFFSET] = -postTable.getShort(8) / upem; smetrics[UNDERLINE_THICKESS] = postTable.getShort(10) / upem; } styleMetrics = smetrics; } float[] metrics = new float[METRICS_TOTAL]; for (int i = 0; i < METRICS_TOTAL; i++) { metrics[i] = styleMetrics[i] * ptSize; } return metrics; } byte[] getTableBytes(int tag) { Buffer buffer = readTable(tag); byte[] table = null; if(buffer != null){ table = new byte[buffer.capacity()]; buffer.get(0, table, 0, buffer.capacity()); } return table; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof PrismFontFile)) { return false; } final PrismFontFile other = (PrismFontFile)obj; return filename.equals(other.filename) && fullName.equals(other.fullName); } @Override public int hashCode() { return filename.hashCode() + (71 * fullName.hashCode()); } }