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package com.sun.javafx.application;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.application.Application.Parameters;

Implementation class for Application parameters. This is called by the applet or application launcher to create the startup parameters for the given class.
/** * Implementation class for Application parameters. This is called by the * applet or application launcher to create the startup parameters for the * given class. */
public class ParametersImpl extends Parameters { private List<String> rawArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, String> namedParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<String> unnamedParams = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> readonlyRawArgs = null; private Map<String, String> readonlyNamedParams = null; private List<String> readonlyUnnamedParams = null; // Set of parameters for each application private static Map<Application, Parameters> params = new HashMap<Application, Parameters>();
Constructs an empty Parameters object.
/** * Constructs an empty Parameters object. */
public ParametersImpl() { }
Constructs an Parameters object from the specified list of arguments. The list may be null.
  • args – list of command line arguments
/** * Constructs an Parameters object from the specified list of arguments. * The list may be null. * * @param args list of command line arguments */
public ParametersImpl(List<String> args) { if (args != null) { init(args); } }
Constructs an Parameters object from the specified array of unnamed parameters. The array may be null.
  • args – array of command line arguments
/** * Constructs an Parameters object from the specified array of unnamed * parameters. The array may be null. * * @param args array of command line arguments */
public ParametersImpl(String[] args) { if (args != null) { init(Arrays.asList(args)); } }
Constructs an Parameters object from the specified map of named parameters.
  • params – a map of parameters from which to initialize this object.
/** * Constructs an Parameters object from the specified map of named * parameters. * * @param params a map of parameters from which to initialize this * object. */
public ParametersImpl(Map params, String[] arguments) { init(params, arguments); }
Initialize this Parameters object from the set of command line arguments. Null elements are elided.
  • args – list of command line arguments
/** * Initialize this Parameters object from the set of command line arguments. * Null elements are elided. * * @param args list of command line arguments */
private void init(List<String>args) { for (String arg: args) { if (arg != null) { rawArgs.add(arg); } } computeNamedParams(); computeUnnamedParams(); }
Constructs an Parameters object from the specified map of named parameters.
  • params – a map of parameters from which to initialize this object.
/** * Constructs an Parameters object from the specified map of named * parameters. * * @param params a map of parameters from which to initialize this * object. */
private void init(Map params, String[] arguments) { for (Object e : params.entrySet()) { Object key = ((Map.Entry)e).getKey(); if (validKey(key)) { Object value = params.get(key); if (value instanceof String) { namedParams.put((String)key, (String)value); } } } computeRawArgs(); if (arguments != null) { for (String arg : arguments) { unnamedParams.add(arg); rawArgs.add(arg); } } }
Validate the first character of a key. It is valid if it is a letter or an "_" character.
  • c – the first char of a key string
Returns:whether or not it is valid
/** * Validate the first character of a key. It is valid if it is a letter or * an "_" character. * * @param c the first char of a key string * * @return whether or not it is valid */
private boolean validFirstChar(char c) { return Character.isLetter(c) || c == '_'; }
Validate the key. A key is valid if it is a String object that starts with a letter or "_" character and does not contain an "=" character.
  • key – Object representing a potential key
Returns:true if key is a valid key, otherwise false
/** * Validate the key. A key is valid if it is a String object that starts * with a letter or "_" character and does not contain an "=" character. * * @param key Object representing a potential key * * @return true if key is a valid key, otherwise false */
private boolean validKey(Object key) { if (key instanceof String) { String keyStr = (String)key; if (keyStr.length() > 0 && keyStr.indexOf('=') < 0) { return validFirstChar(keyStr.charAt(0)); } } return false; }
Returns true if the specified string is a named parameter of the form: --name=value
  • arg – the string to check
Returns:true if the string matches the pattern for a named parameter.
/** * Returns true if the specified string is a named parameter of the * form: --name=value * * @param arg the string to check * * @return true if the string matches the pattern for a named parameter. */
private boolean isNamedParam(String arg) { if (arg.startsWith("--")) { return (arg.indexOf('=') > 2 && validFirstChar(arg.charAt(2))); } else { return false; } }
This method computes the list of unnamed parameters, by filtering the list of raw arguments, stripping out the named parameters.
/** * This method computes the list of unnamed parameters, by filtering the * list of raw arguments, stripping out the named parameters. */
private void computeUnnamedParams() { for (String arg : rawArgs) { if (!isNamedParam(arg)) { unnamedParams.add(arg); } } }
This method parses the current array of raw arguments looking for name,value pairs. These name,value pairs are then added to the map for this parameters object, and are of the form: --name=value.
/** * This method parses the current array of raw arguments looking for * name,value pairs. These name,value pairs are then added to the map * for this parameters object, and are of the form: --name=value. */
private void computeNamedParams() { for (String arg : rawArgs) { if (isNamedParam(arg)) { final int eqIdx = arg.indexOf('='); String key = arg.substring(2, eqIdx); String value = arg.substring(eqIdx + 1); namedParams.put(key, value); } } }
This method creates string representations of the name,value pairs in the map for this Parameters object, and appends those strings to the raw arguments array. The newly added strings are of the form: "--name=value".
/** * This method creates string representations of the name,value pairs in * the map for this Parameters object, and appends those strings to the * raw arguments array. The newly added strings are of the form: * "--name=value". */
private void computeRawArgs() { ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.addAll(namedParams.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { rawArgs.add("--" + key + "=" + namedParams.get(key)); } } @Override public List<String> getRaw() { if (readonlyRawArgs == null) { readonlyRawArgs = Collections.unmodifiableList(rawArgs); } return readonlyRawArgs; } @Override public Map<String, String> getNamed() { if (readonlyNamedParams == null) { readonlyNamedParams = Collections.unmodifiableMap(namedParams); } return readonlyNamedParams; } @Override public List<String> getUnnamed() { if (readonlyUnnamedParams == null) { readonlyUnnamedParams = Collections.unmodifiableList(unnamedParams); } return readonlyUnnamedParams; } // Accessor methods public static Parameters getParameters(Application app) { Parameters p = params.get(app); return p; } public static void registerParameters(Application app, Parameters p) { params.put(app, p); } }