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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import com.sun.glass.events.TouchEvent;
import com.sun.glass.ui.GestureSupport;
import com.sun.glass.ui.TouchInputSupport;
import com.sun.glass.ui.View;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Window;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

Processes touch input events based on changes to touch state. Not thread-safe.
/** * Processes touch input events based on changes to touch state. Not * thread-safe. */
class TouchInput {
This property determines the sensitivity of move events from touch. The bigger the value the less sensitive is the touch screen. In practice move events with a delta smaller then the value of this property will be filtered out.The value of the property is in pixels.
/** * This property determines the sensitivity of move events from touch. The * bigger the value the less sensitive is the touch screen. In practice move * events with a delta smaller then the value of this property will be * filtered out.The value of the property is in pixels. */
private final int touchRadius = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<Integer>) () -> Integer.getInteger( "monocle.input.touchRadius", 20) ); private static TouchInput instance = new TouchInput(); private TouchPipeline basePipeline; private TouchState state = new TouchState(); private final GestureSupport gestures = new GestureSupport(false); private final TouchInputSupport touches = new TouchInputSupport(gestures.createTouchCountListener(), false); static TouchInput getInstance() { return instance; } private TouchInput() { }
Gets the base touch filter pipeline common to all touch devices
/** Gets the base touch filter pipeline common to all touch devices */
TouchPipeline getBasePipeline() { if (basePipeline == null) { basePipeline = new TouchPipeline(); String[] touchFilterNames = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty( "monocle.input.touchFilters", "SmallMove") ).split(","); if (touchFilterNames != null) { for (String touchFilterName : touchFilterNames) { basePipeline.addNamedFilter(touchFilterName.trim()); } } } return basePipeline; }
Copies the current state into the TouchState provided.
  • result – target into which to copy the touch state
/** Copies the current state into the TouchState provided. * * @param result target into which to copy the touch state */
void getState(TouchState result) { state.copyTo(result); }
Called from the input processor to update the touch state and send touch and mouse events.
  • newState – The updated touch state
/** Called from the input processor to update the touch state and send * touch and mouse events. * * @param newState The updated touch state */
void setState(TouchState newState) { if (MonocleSettings.settings.traceEvents) { MonocleTrace.traceEvent("Set %s", newState); } newState.sortPointsByID(); newState.assignPrimaryID(); // Get the cached window for the old state and compute the window for // the new state MonocleWindow oldWindow = state.getWindow(false, null); boolean recalculateWindow = state.getPointCount() == 0; MonocleWindow window = newState.getWindow(recalculateWindow, oldWindow); View oldView = oldWindow == null ? null : oldWindow.getView(); View view = window == null ? null : window.getView(); if (!newState.equalsSorted(state)) { // Post touch events if (view != oldView) { postTouchEvent(state, TouchEvent.TOUCH_RELEASED); postTouchEvent(newState, TouchEvent.TOUCH_PRESSED); } else if (view != null) { postTouchEvent(window, view, newState); } // Post mouse events MouseInputSynthesizer.getInstance().setState(newState); } newState.copyTo(state); newState.clearWindow(); } private void dispatchPoint(Window window, View view, int state, int id, int x, int y) { touches.notifyNextTouchEvent(view, state, id, x - window.getX(), y - window.getY(), x, y); } private void postPoints(Window window, View view, int[] states, int[] ids, int[] xs, int[] ys) { RunnableProcessor.runLater(() -> { touches.notifyBeginTouchEvent(view, 0, true, states.length); for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { dispatchPoint(window, view, states[i], ids[i], xs[i], ys[i]); } touches.notifyEndTouchEvent(view); }); } private void postPoint(Window window, View view, int state, TouchState.Point p) { int id = p.id; int x = p.x; int y = p.y; RunnableProcessor.runLater(() -> { touches.notifyBeginTouchEvent(view, 0, true, 1); dispatchPoint(window, view, state, id, x, y); touches.notifyEndTouchEvent(view); }); } private void postNoPoints(View view) { RunnableProcessor.runLater(() -> { touches.notifyBeginTouchEvent(view, 0, true, 0); touches.notifyEndTouchEvent(view); }); }
Sends the same event type for all points in the given state
  • state – The state for which to process all points
  • eventType – The type of TouchEvent to send (e.g. TouchEvent.PRESSED)
/** Sends the same event type for all points in the given state * * @param state The state for which to process all points * @param eventType The type of TouchEvent to send (e.g. TouchEvent.PRESSED) */
private void postTouchEvent(TouchState state, int eventType) { Window window = state.getWindow(false, null); View view = window == null ? null : window.getView(); if (view != null) { switch (state.getPointCount()) { case 0: postNoPoints(view); break; case 1: postPoint(window, view, eventType, state.getPoint(0)); break; default: { int count = state.getPointCount(); int[] states = new int[count]; int[] ids = new int[count]; int[] xs = new int[count]; int[] ys = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { states[i] = eventType; TouchState.Point p = state.getPoint(i); ids[i] = p.id; xs[i] = p.x; ys[i] = p.y; } postPoints(window, view, states, ids, xs, ys); } } } }
Sends updated touch points within the same View as last processed touch points.
  • window – The current Window
  • view – The current View
  • newState – The updated touch points
/** Sends updated touch points within the same View as last processed * touch points. * * @param window The current Window * @param view The current View * @param newState The updated touch points */
private void postTouchEvent(MonocleWindow window, View view, TouchState newState) { int count = countEvents(newState); switch (count) { case 0: postNoPoints(view); break; case 1: if (state.getPointCount() == 1) { // There is one point and it already existed TouchState.Point oldPoint = state.getPoint(0); TouchState.Point newPoint = newState.getPointForID( oldPoint.id); if (newPoint != null) { if (newPoint.x == oldPoint.x && newPoint.y == oldPoint.y) { postPoint(window, view, TouchEvent.TOUCH_STILL, newPoint); } else { postPoint(window, view, TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVED, newPoint); } } else { postPoint(window, view, TouchEvent.TOUCH_RELEASED, oldPoint); } } else { // There is one point and it is newly pressed postPoint(window, view, TouchEvent.TOUCH_PRESSED, newState.getPoint(0)); } break; default: { int[] states = new int[count]; int[] ids = new int[count]; int[] xs = new int[count]; int[] ys = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < state.getPointCount(); i++) { TouchState.Point oldPoint = state.getPoint(i); TouchState.Point newPoint = newState.getPointForID( oldPoint.id); if (newPoint != null) { ids[i] = newPoint.id; xs[i] = newPoint.x; ys[i] = newPoint.y; if (newPoint.x == oldPoint.x && newPoint.y == oldPoint.y) { states[i] = TouchEvent.TOUCH_STILL; } else { states[i] = TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVED; } } else { states[i] = TouchEvent.TOUCH_RELEASED; ids[i] = oldPoint.id; xs[i] = oldPoint.x; ys[i] = oldPoint.y; } } // Once we have dealt with updates to old points, all that are left // are new points. for (int i = 0, j = state.getPointCount(); i < newState.getPointCount(); i++) { TouchState.Point newPoint = newState.getPoint(i); TouchState.Point oldPoint = state.getPointForID( newPoint.id); if (oldPoint == null) { states[j] = TouchEvent.TOUCH_PRESSED; ids[j] = newPoint.id; xs[j] = newPoint.x; ys[j] = newPoint.y; j++; } } postPoints(window, view, states, ids, xs, ys); } } }
Calculate the number of touch point events that will be sent by dispatchPoints(). This is the union of the touch points in the old and new states.
/** Calculate the number of touch point events that will be sent by * dispatchPoints(). This is the union of the touch points in the old and * new states. */
private int countEvents(TouchState newState) { int count = state.getPointCount(); for (int i = 0; i < newState.getPointCount(); i++) { TouchState.Point newPoint = newState.getPoint(i); TouchState.Point oldPoint = state.getPointForID(newPoint.id); if (oldPoint == null) { count ++; } } return count; } int getTouchRadius() { return touchRadius; } }