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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Arrays;

Handles conversion between raw axis values received from Linux input devices and screen pixel values. By default input values are mapped form the device input range to the screen dimensions. The device input range can be overriden in using system properties of the form: monocle.input.PRODUCT_ID.KEY=VALUE PRODUCT_ID is the product descriptor received from udev KEY is one of minX, minY, maxX, maxY or flipXY flipXY is a boolean value; the others are integers.
/** * Handles conversion between raw axis values received from Linux input devices * and screen pixel values. * By default input values are mapped form the device input range to the screen * dimensions. The device input range can be overriden in using system properties * of the form: * * monocle.input.PRODUCT_ID.KEY=VALUE * * PRODUCT_ID is the product descriptor received from udev * KEY is one of minX, minY, maxX, maxY or flipXY * * flipXY is a boolean value; the others are integers. */
class LinuxTouchTransform { private LinuxInputDevice device; private int[] axes = new int[2]; private double[] translates = new double[2]; private double[] scalars = new double[2]; private boolean flipXY; private int[] mins = new int[2]; private int[] maxs = new int[2]; LinuxTouchTransform(LinuxInputDevice device) { this.device = device; Arrays.fill(axes, -1); String product = device.getProduct(); AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { flipXY = Boolean.getBoolean("monocle.input." + product + ".flipXY"); return null; }); }
Gets the transformed pixel coordinate of the current event in the buffer provided.
  • buffer – A LinuxEventBuffer containing a raw event line
Returns:a transformed value in screen space
/** Gets the transformed pixel coordinate of the current event in the buffer * provided. * * @param buffer A LinuxEventBuffer containing a raw event line * @return a transformed value in screen space */
int getValue(LinuxEventBuffer buffer) { int axis = buffer.getEventCode(); int value = buffer.getEventValue(); int i; for (i = 0; i < axes.length && axes[i] != -1; i++) { if (axes[i] == axis) { return transform(i, value); } } if (i == axes.length) { axes = Arrays.copyOf(axes, axes.length * 2); Arrays.fill(axes, i + 1, axes.length - 1, -1); translates = Arrays.copyOf(translates, translates.length * 2); scalars = Arrays.copyOf(scalars, scalars.length * 2); mins = Arrays.copyOf(mins, mins.length * 2); maxs = Arrays.copyOf(maxs, maxs.length * 2); } initTransform(axis, i); return transform(i, value); }
Gets the transformed axis number of the current event in the buffer provided.
  • buffer – A LinuxEventBuffer containing a raw event line
Returns:an axis number (e.g. Input.ABS_X)
/** Gets the transformed axis number of the current event in the buffer * provided. * * @param buffer A LinuxEventBuffer containing a raw event line * @return an axis number (e.g. Input.ABS_X) */
int getAxis(LinuxEventBuffer buffer) { int axis = buffer.getEventCode(); if (flipXY) { switch (axis) { case LinuxInput.ABS_X: return LinuxInput.ABS_Y; case LinuxInput.ABS_Y: return LinuxInput.ABS_X; case LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_X: return LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y; case LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y: return LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_X; default: return axis; } } else { return axis; } } private void initTransform(int axis, int index) { double range; String axisName; switch (axis) { case LinuxInput.ABS_X: case LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_X: range = NativePlatformFactory.getNativePlatform() .getScreen().getWidth(); axisName = "X"; break; case LinuxInput.ABS_Y: case LinuxInput.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y: range = NativePlatformFactory.getNativePlatform() .getScreen().getHeight(); axisName = "Y"; break; default: // we don't know what to do with this range, // so don't transform it at all. translates[index] = 0.0; scalars[index] = 1.0; return; } LinuxAbsoluteInputCapabilities caps = device.getAbsoluteInputCapabilities(axis); String product = device.getProduct(); AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { int minimum = Integer.getInteger( "monocle.input." + product + ".min" + axisName, caps.getMinimum()); int maximum = Integer.getInteger( "monocle.input." + product + ".max" + axisName, caps.getMaximum()); translates[index] = -minimum; scalars[index] = ((double) (range)) / (maximum - minimum); return null; }); } private int transform(int index, int value) { return (int) Math.round((value + translates[index]) * scalars[index]); } }