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package com.sun.glass.ui.mac;

import com.sun.glass.ui.Application;

import java.io.File;

A descendant of the File class that also provides access to the underlying native NSURL object associated with this File instance. Objects of this type are returned as a result of invoking the CommonDialogs.show[File|Folder]Chooser() methods if the "glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL" system property is true.
/** * A descendant of the {@code File} class that also provides access to the * underlying native NSURL object associated with this File instance. * * Objects of this type are returned as a result of invoking the * {@code CommonDialogs.show[File|Folder]Chooser()} methods if * the "glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL" system property is {@code true}. */
public final class MacFileNSURL extends File { private native static void _initIDs(); static { _initIDs(); }
A pointer to the NSURL object.
/** * A pointer to the NSURL object. */
private long ptr; private MacFileNSURL(String name, long ptr) { super(name); this.ptr = ptr; Application.checkEventThread(); } // ------------- NSURL -------------- private void checkNotDisposed() { if (ptr == 0L) { throw new RuntimeException("The NSURL object has been diposed already"); } } native private void _dispose(long ptr);
Releases the underlying NSURL object. An application must call this method after it no longer needs to use this object in order to release native resources associated with it.
/** * Releases the underlying NSURL object. * * An application must call this method after it no longer needs to use * this object in order to release native resources associated with it. */
public void dispose() { Application.checkEventThread(); checkNotDisposed(); _dispose(ptr); ptr = 0L; } native private boolean _startAccessingSecurityScopedResource(long ptr);
Makes the resource pointed to by a security-scoped URL available to the app. The call must be balanced with a corresponding call to stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource using the try{}finally{} pattern.
Returns:true if the request to access the resource succeeded; otherwise, false
/** * Makes the resource pointed to by a security-scoped URL available to the app. * * The call must be balanced with a corresponding call to {@link stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource} * using the try{}finally{} pattern. * * @return {@code true} if the request to access the resource succeeded; otherwise, {@code false} */
public boolean startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { Application.checkEventThread(); checkNotDisposed(); return _startAccessingSecurityScopedResource(ptr); } native private void _stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(long ptr);
Revokes access to the resource pointed to by a security-scoped URL.
/** * Revokes access to the resource pointed to by a security-scoped URL. */
public void stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { Application.checkEventThread(); checkNotDisposed(); _stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(ptr); } // ------------- Bookmarks -------------- native private byte[] _getBookmark(long ptr, long baseDocumentPtr);
Returns a byte array representing a persistent bookmark for this URL. An app can store this data, and later re-create the URL with a call to createFromBookmark.
Returns:bookmark data in a form of byte[]
/** * Returns a byte array representing a persistent bookmark for this URL. * An app can store this data, and later re-create the URL with a call * to {@link createFromBookmark}. * * @return bookmark data in a form of byte[] */
public byte[] getBookmark() { Application.checkEventThread(); checkNotDisposed(); return _getBookmark(ptr, 0L); } native private static MacFileNSURL _createFromBookmark(byte[] data, long baseDocumentPtr);
Returns an instance of the MacFileNSURL class created from bookmark data stored in the byte array passed as an argument. The glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL system property must be set to true before calling this method.
Returns:a new instance of MacFileNSURL
/** * Returns an instance of the MacFileNSURL class created from bookmark * data stored in the byte array passed as an argument. * * The glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL system property must be set to {@code * true} before calling this method. * * @return a new instance of MacFileNSURL */
public static MacFileNSURL createFromBookmark(byte[] data) { Application.checkEventThread(); if (data == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must not be null"); } if (!MacCommonDialogs.isFileNSURLEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("The system property glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL is not 'true'"); } return _createFromBookmark(data, 0L); }
Returns a byte array representing a document-scoped bookmark for this URL relative to the baseDocument URL. An app can store this data, and later re-create the URL with a call to createFromDocumentScopedBookmark.
Returns:bookmark data in a form of byte[]
/** * Returns a byte array representing a document-scoped bookmark * for this URL relative to the {@code baseDocument} URL. * An app can store this data, and later re-create the URL with a call * to {@link createFromDocumentScopedBookmark}. * * @throws NullPointerException if baseDocument is {@code null} * @return bookmark data in a form of byte[] */
public byte[] getDocumentScopedBookmark(MacFileNSURL baseDocument) { Application.checkEventThread(); checkNotDisposed(); return _getBookmark(ptr, baseDocument.ptr); }
Returns an instance of the MacFileNSURL class created from a document-scoped bookmark data stored in the byte array passed as an argument, relative to the baseDocument URL. The glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL system property must be set to true before calling this method.
Returns:a new instance of MacFileNSURL
/** * Returns an instance of the MacFileNSURL class created from a * document-scoped bookmark data stored in the byte array passed as an * argument, relative to the {@code baseDocument} URL. * * The glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL system property must be set to {@code * true} before calling this method. * * @throws NullPointerException if baseDocument is {@code null} * @return a new instance of MacFileNSURL */
public static MacFileNSURL createFromDocumentScopedBookmark(byte[] data, MacFileNSURL baseDocument) { Application.checkEventThread(); if (data == null) { throw new NullPointerException("data must not be null"); } if (!MacCommonDialogs.isFileNSURLEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("The system property glass.macosx.enableFileNSURL is not 'true'"); } return _createFromBookmark(data, baseDocument.ptr); } }