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package com.sun.scenario.effect;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.Point2D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionContainer;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionPool;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.state.RenderState;

An effect that shifts each pixel according to an (x,y) distance from the (red,green) channels of a map image, respectively.
/** * An effect that shifts each pixel according to an (x,y) distance from * the (red,green) channels of a map image, respectively. */
public class DisplacementMap extends CoreEffect<RenderState> { private FloatMap mapData; private float scaleX = 1f; private float scaleY = 1f; private float offsetX = 0f; private float offsetY = 0f; private boolean wrap;
Constructs a new DisplacementMap effect, using the default input for source data. This is a shorthand equivalent to:
    new DisplacementMap(mapData, DefaultInput)
/** * Constructs a new {@code DisplacementMap} effect, * using the default input for source data. * This is a shorthand equivalent to: * <pre> * new DisplacementMap(mapData, DefaultInput) * </pre> * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mapData} is null */
public DisplacementMap(FloatMap mapData) { this(mapData, DefaultInput); }
Constructs a new DisplacementMap effect using the specified input Effect for source data, or the default input if contentInput is null.
  • mapData – the map data
  • contentInput – the content input Effect
/** * Constructs a new {@code DisplacementMap} effect using the specified * input {@code Effect} for source data, or the default input if * {@code contentInput} is {@code null}. * * @param mapData the map data * @param contentInput the content input {@code Effect} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mapData} is null */
public DisplacementMap(FloatMap mapData, Effect contentInput) { super(contentInput); setMapData(mapData); updatePeerKey("DisplacementMap"); }
Returns the map data for this Effect.
Returns:the map data for this Effect
/** * Returns the map data for this {@code Effect}. * * @return the map data for this {@code Effect} */
public final FloatMap getMapData() { return mapData; }
Sets the map data for this Effect.
  • mapData – the map data for this Effect
/** * Sets the map data for this {@code Effect}. * * @param mapData the map data for this {@code Effect} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mapData} is null */
public void setMapData(FloatMap mapData) { if (mapData == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map data must be non-null"); } FloatMap old = this.mapData; this.mapData = mapData; }
Returns the content input for this Effect.
Returns:the content input for this Effect
/** * Returns the content input for this {@code Effect}. * * @return the content input for this {@code Effect} */
public final Effect getContentInput() { return getInputs().get(0); }
Sets the content input for this Effect to a specific Effect or to the default input if input is null.
  • contentInput – the content input for this Effect
/** * Sets the content input for this {@code Effect} to a specific * {@code Effect} or to the default input if {@code input} is * {@code null}. * * @param contentInput the content input for this {@code Effect} */
public void setContentInput(Effect contentInput) { setInput(0, contentInput); }
Returns the x scale factor.
Returns:the x scale factor
/** * Returns the x scale factor. * * @return the x scale factor */
public float getScaleX() { return scaleX; }
Sets the x scale factor.
      Min: n/a
      Max: n/a
  Default: 1.0
 Identity: 1.0
  • scaleX – the x scale factor
/** * Sets the x scale factor. * <pre> * Min: n/a * Max: n/a * Default: 1.0 * Identity: 1.0 * </pre> * * @param scaleX the x scale factor */
public void setScaleX(float scaleX) { float old = this.scaleX; this.scaleX = scaleX; }
Returns the y scale factor.
Returns:the y scale factor
/** * Returns the y scale factor. * * @return the y scale factor */
public float getScaleY() { return scaleY; }
Sets the y scale factor.
      Min: n/a
      Max: n/a
  Default: 1.0
 Identity: 1.0
  • scaleY – the y scale factor
/** * Sets the y scale factor. * <pre> * Min: n/a * Max: n/a * Default: 1.0 * Identity: 1.0 * </pre> * * @param scaleY the y scale factor */
public void setScaleY(float scaleY) { float old = this.scaleY; this.scaleY = scaleY; }
Returns the x offset factor.
Returns:the x offset factor
/** * Returns the x offset factor. * * @return the x offset factor */
public float getOffsetX() { return offsetX; }
Sets the x offset factor.
      Min:  n/a
      Max:  n/a
  Default: -0.5
 Identity:  0.0
  • offsetX – the x offset factor
/** * Sets the x offset factor. * <pre> * Min: n/a * Max: n/a * Default: -0.5 * Identity: 0.0 * </pre> * * @param offsetX the x offset factor */
public void setOffsetX(float offsetX) { float old = this.offsetX; this.offsetX = offsetX; }
Returns the y offset factor.
Returns:the y offset factor
/** * Returns the y offset factor. * * @return the y offset factor */
public float getOffsetY() { return offsetY; }
Sets the y offset factor.
      Min:  n/a
      Max:  n/a
  Default: -0.5
 Identity:  0.0
  • offsetY – the y offset factor
/** * Sets the y offset factor. * <pre> * Min: n/a * Max: n/a * Default: -0.5 * Identity: 0.0 * </pre> * * @param offsetY the y offset factor */
public void setOffsetY(float offsetY) { float old = this.offsetY; this.offsetY = offsetY; }
Returns whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
Returns:true if wrapping is enabled, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether values taken from outside the edges of the map * "wrap around" or not. * * @return true if wrapping is enabled, false otherwise */
public boolean getWrap() { return this.wrap; }
Sets whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
      Min:  n/a
      Max:  n/a
  Default: false
 Identity:  n/a
  • wrap – true if wrapping is enabled, false otherwise
/** * Sets whether values taken from outside the edges of the map * "wrap around" or not. * <pre> * Min: n/a * Max: n/a * Default: false * Identity: n/a * </pre> * * @param wrap true if wrapping is enabled, false otherwise */
public void setWrap(boolean wrap) { boolean old = this.wrap; this.wrap = wrap; }
Transform the specified point p from the coordinate space of the primary content input to the coordinate space of the effect output. In essence, this method asks the question "Which output coordinate is most affected by the data at the specified coordinate in the primary source input?"

Since the displacement map represents a mapping from output pixels to relative source pixels, there may be multiple answers or no answer for any given input coordinate so this method returns (NaN, NaN).

  • p – the point in the coordinate space of the primary content input to be transformed
  • defaultInput – the default input Effect to be used in all cases where a filter has a null input
Returns:the undefined point (NaN, NaN)
/** * Transform the specified point {@code p} from the coordinate space * of the primary content input to the coordinate space of the effect * output. * In essence, this method asks the question "Which output coordinate * is most affected by the data at the specified coordinate in the * primary source input?" * <p> * Since the displacement map represents a mapping from output pixels * to relative source pixels, there may be multiple answers or no * answer for any given input coordinate so this method returns * {@code (NaN, NaN)}. * * @param p the point in the coordinate space of the primary content * input to be transformed * @param defaultInput the default input {@code Effect} to be used in * all cases where a filter has a null input * @return the undefined point {@code (NaN, NaN)} */
@Override public Point2D transform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) { return new Point2D(Float.NaN, Float.NaN); }
Transform the specified point p from the coordinate space of the output of the effect into the coordinate space of the primary content input. In essence, this method asks the question "Which source coordinate contributes most to the definition of the output at the specified coordinate?"

This method returns the floating point coordinate where the backwards mapping displacement map tells it to get the data for the specified coordinate.

  • p – the point in the coordinate space of the result output to be transformed
  • defaultInput – the default input Effect to be used in all cases where a filter has a null input
Returns:the untransformed point in the coordinate space of the primary content input
/** * Transform the specified point {@code p} from the coordinate space * of the output of the effect into the coordinate space of the * primary content input. * In essence, this method asks the question "Which source coordinate * contributes most to the definition of the output at the specified * coordinate?" * <p> * This method returns the floating point coordinate where the * backwards mapping displacement map tells it to get the data for * the specified coordinate. * * @param p the point in the coordinate space of the result output * to be transformed * @param defaultInput the default input {@code Effect} to be used in * all cases where a filter has a null input * @return the untransformed point in the coordinate space of the * primary content input */
@Override public Point2D untransform(Point2D p, Effect defaultInput) { BaseBounds r = getBounds(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, defaultInput); float rw = (float) r.getWidth(); float rh = (float) r.getHeight(); float x = (float) ((p.x - r.getMinX()) / rw); float y = (float) ((p.y - r.getMinY()) / rh); // If the coordinates are outside of the effect there is no // displacement effect occuring so we do not transform the point. if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < 1 && y < 1) { int mx = (int) (x * mapData.getWidth()); int my = (int) (y * mapData.getHeight()); float dx = mapData.getSample(mx, my, 0); float dy = mapData.getSample(mx, my, 1); x += scaleX * (dx + offsetX); y += scaleY * (dy + offsetY); if (wrap) { x -= Math.floor(x); y -= Math.floor(y); } p = new Point2D(x * rw + r.getMinX(), y * rh + r.getMinY()); } return getDefaultedInput(0, defaultInput).untransform(p, defaultInput); } @Override public ImageData filterImageDatas(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, RenderState rstate, ImageData... inputs) { // NOTE: The floatmap is mapped to the entire output bounds so // we need to use unclipped math in the peers to get the // texture mapping right. return super.filterImageDatas(fctx, transform, null, rstate, inputs); } @Override public RenderState getRenderState(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, Object renderHelper, Effect defaultInput) { // NOTE: We could scan the map and calculate all possible input points // that might contribute to the clipped output? Until then, any // pixel in the output could come from any pixel in the input so // we will need the full input bounds to proceed... return RenderState.UnclippedUserSpaceRenderState; } @Override public boolean reducesOpaquePixels() { return true; } @Override public DirtyRegionContainer getDirtyRegions(Effect defaultInput, DirtyRegionPool regionPool) { DirtyRegionContainer drc = regionPool.checkOut(); drc.deriveWithNewRegion((RectBounds) getBounds(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, defaultInput)); return drc; } }