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package com.sun.prism.es2;

import com.sun.prism.impl.BaseGraphicsResource;
import com.sun.prism.impl.Disposer;
import com.sun.prism.ps.Shader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Represents an OpenGL shader program object, which can be constructed from the source code for a vertex shader, a fragment shader, or both. Contains convenience methods for enabling/disabling shader state.

Usage example:

    String source =
        "uniform sampler2D myTex;" +
        "void main(void)" +
        "{" +
        "    vec4 src = texture2D(myTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);" +
        "    gl_FragColor = src.bgra;" + // swizzle!
    ES2Shader shader = new ES2Shader(source);
    shader.setConstant("myTex", 0); // myTex will be on texture unit 0
/** * Represents an OpenGL shader program object, which can be constructed from * the source code for a vertex shader, a fragment shader, or both. * Contains convenience methods for enabling/disabling shader state. * <p> * Usage example: * <pre> * String source = * "uniform sampler2D myTex;" + * "void main(void)" + * "{" + * " vec4 src = texture2D(myTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);" + * " gl_FragColor = src.bgra;" + // swizzle! * "}"; * ES2Shader shader = new ES2Shader(source); * shader.setConstant("myTex", 0); // myTex will be on texture unit 0 * ... * shader.enable(); * texture.enable(); * texture.bind(); * ... * texture.disable(); * shader.disable(); * }; * </pre> */
public class ES2Shader extends BaseGraphicsResource implements Shader { private static class Uniform { private int location; private Object values; }
The handle to the OpenGL shader program object.
/** * The handle to the OpenGL shader program object. */
private int programID; private final ES2Context context; private final Map<String, Uniform> uniforms = new HashMap<String, Uniform>(); private final int maxTexCoordIndex; private final boolean isPixcoordUsed; private boolean valid; private float[] currentMatrix; private ES2Shader(ES2Context context, int programID, int vertexShaderID, int[] fragmentShaderID, Map<String, Integer> samplers, int maxTexCoordIndex, boolean isPixcoordUsed) throws RuntimeException { super(new ES2ShaderDisposerRecord(context, vertexShaderID, fragmentShaderID, programID)); this.context = context; this.programID = programID; this.maxTexCoordIndex = maxTexCoordIndex; this.isPixcoordUsed = isPixcoordUsed; this.valid = (programID != 0); if (valid && samplers != null) { // save/restore the current program (creating an ES2Shader // should not affect context state) int currentProgram = context.getShaderProgram(); context.setShaderProgram(programID); for (String key : samplers.keySet()) { setConstant(key, samplers.get(key)); } context.setShaderProgram(currentProgram); } } static ES2Shader createFromSource(ES2Context context, String vert, String[] frag, Map<String, Integer> samplers, Map<String, Integer> attributes, int maxTexCoordIndex, boolean isPixcoordUsed) { GLContext glCtx = context.getGLContext(); if (!glCtx.isShaderCompilerSupported()) { throw new RuntimeException("Shader compiler not available on this device"); } if (vert == null || frag == null || frag.length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "Both vertexShaderSource and fragmentShaderSource " + "must be specified"); } int vertexShaderID = glCtx.compileShader(vert, true); if (vertexShaderID == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating vertex shader"); } int[] fragmentShaderID = new int[frag.length]; for (int i = 0; i < frag.length; i++) { fragmentShaderID[i] = glCtx.compileShader(frag[i], false); if (fragmentShaderID[i] == 0) { glCtx.deleteShader(vertexShaderID); //TODO: delete any fragment shaders already created throw new RuntimeException("Error creating fragment shader"); } } String[] attrs = new String[attributes.size()]; int[] indexs = new int[attrs.length]; int i = 0; for (String attr : attributes.keySet()) { attrs[i] = attr; indexs[i] = attributes.get(attr); i++; } int programID = glCtx.createProgram(vertexShaderID, fragmentShaderID, attrs, indexs); if (programID == 0) { // createProgram() will have already detached/deleted // vertexShader and fragmentShader resources throw new RuntimeException("Error creating shader program"); } return new ES2Shader(context, programID, vertexShaderID, fragmentShaderID, samplers, maxTexCoordIndex, isPixcoordUsed); } static ES2Shader createFromSource(ES2Context context, String vert, InputStream frag, Map<String, Integer> samplers, Map<String, Integer> attributes, int maxTexCoordIndex, boolean isPixcoordUsed) { String[] fragmentShaderSource = new String[] {readStreamIntoString(frag)}; return createFromSource(context, vert, fragmentShaderSource, samplers, attributes, maxTexCoordIndex, isPixcoordUsed); } static String readStreamIntoString(InputStream in) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { char[] chars = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = reader.read(chars)) > -1) { sb.append(String.valueOf(chars, 0, numRead)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading shader stream"); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error closing reader"); } } return sb.toString(); }
Returns the underlying OpenGL program object handle for this fragment shader. Most applications will not need to access this, since it is handled automatically by the enable() and dispose() methods.
Returns:the OpenGL program object handle for this fragment shader
/** * Returns the underlying OpenGL program object handle for this fragment * shader. Most applications will not need to access this, since it is * handled automatically by the enable() and dispose() methods. * * @return the OpenGL program object handle for this fragment shader */
public int getProgramObject() { return programID; }
Returns the maximum texcoord index referenced by this shader program.
Returns:the maximum texcoord index referenced by this shader program
/** * Returns the maximum texcoord index referenced by this shader program. * * @return the maximum texcoord index referenced by this shader program */
public int getMaxTexCoordIndex() { return maxTexCoordIndex; }
Returns true if this shader uses the special pixcoord variable, otherwise returns false
Returns:true if this shader uses the special pixcoord variable
/** * Returns true if this shader uses the special pixcoord variable, * otherwise returns false * * @return true if this shader uses the special pixcoord variable */
public boolean isPixcoordUsed() { return isPixcoordUsed; } private Uniform getUniform(String name) { Uniform uniform = uniforms.get(name); if (uniform == null) { // cache native uniform locations in a hashmap for quicker access int loc = context.getGLContext().getUniformLocation(programID, name); uniform = new Uniform(); uniform.location = loc; uniforms.put(name, uniform); } return uniform; }
Enables this shader program in the current GL context's state.
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Enables this shader program in the current GL context's state. * * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void enable() throws RuntimeException { context.updateShaderProgram(programID); }
Disables this shader program in the current GL context's state.
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Disables this shader program in the current GL context's state. * * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void disable() throws RuntimeException { // TODO: remove disable() method from Shader interface... (RT-27442) context.updateShaderProgram(0); } public boolean isValid() { return valid; }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided integer value.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • i0 – the first uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * integer value. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param i0 the first uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, int i0) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new int[1]; } int[] values = (int[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != i0) { values[0] = i0; context.getGLContext().uniform1i(uniform.location, i0); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided integer values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • i0 – the first uniform parameter
  • i1 – the second uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * integer values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param i0 the first uniform parameter * @param i1 the second uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, int i0, int i1) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new int[2]; } int[] values = (int[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != i0 || values[1] != i1) { values[0] = i0; values[1] = i1; context.getGLContext().uniform2i(uniform.location, i0, i1); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided integer values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • i0 – the first uniform parameter
  • i1 – the second uniform parameter
  • i2 – the third uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * integer values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param i0 the first uniform parameter * @param i1 the second uniform parameter * @param i2 the third uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, int i0, int i1, int i2) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new int[3]; } int[] values = (int[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != i0 || values[1] != i1 || values[2] != i2) { values[0] = i0; values[1] = i1; values[2] = i2; context.getGLContext().uniform3i(uniform.location, i0, i1, i2); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided integer values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • i0 – the first uniform parameter
  • i1 – the second uniform parameter
  • i2 – the third uniform parameter
  • i3 – the fourth uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * integer values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param i0 the first uniform parameter * @param i1 the second uniform parameter * @param i2 the third uniform parameter * @param i3 the fourth uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new int[4]; } int[] values = (int[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != i0 || values[1] != i1 || values[2] != i2 || values[3] != i3) { values[0] = i0; values[1] = i1; values[2] = i2; values[3] = i3; context.getGLContext().uniform4i(uniform.location, i0, i1, i2, i3); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided float value.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • f0 – the first uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * float value. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param f0 the first uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, float f0) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new float[1]; } float[] values = (float[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != f0) { values[0] = f0; context.getGLContext().uniform1f(uniform.location, f0); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided float values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • f0 – the first uniform parameter
  • f1 – the second uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * float values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param f0 the first uniform parameter * @param f1 the second uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, float f0, float f1) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new float[2]; } float[] values = (float[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != f0 || values[1] != f1) { values[0] = f0; values[1] = f1; context.getGLContext().uniform2f(uniform.location, f0, f1); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided float values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • f0 – the first uniform parameter
  • f1 – the second uniform parameter
  • f2 – the third uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * float values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param f0 the first uniform parameter * @param f1 the second uniform parameter * @param f2 the third uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, float f0, float f1, float f2) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new float[3]; } float[] values = (float[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != f0 || values[1] != f1 || values[2] != f2) { values[0] = f0; values[1] = f1; values[2] = f2; context.getGLContext().uniform3f(uniform.location, f0, f1, f2); } }
Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided float values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • f0 – the first uniform parameter
  • f1 – the second uniform parameter
  • f2 – the third uniform parameter
  • f3 – the fourth uniform parameter
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform variable of the given name with the provided * float values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param f0 the first uniform parameter * @param f1 the second uniform parameter * @param f2 the third uniform parameter * @param f3 the fourth uniform parameter * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstant(String name, float f0, float f1, float f2, float f3) throws RuntimeException { Uniform uniform = getUniform(name); if (uniform.location == -1) { return; } if (uniform.values == null) { uniform.values = new float[4]; } float[] values = (float[]) uniform.values; if (values[0] != f0 || values[1] != f1 || values[2] != f2 || values[3] != f3) { values[0] = f0; values[1] = f1; values[2] = f2; values[3] = f3; context.getGLContext().uniform4f(uniform.location, f0, f1, f2, f3); } }
Sets the uniform array variable of the given name with the provided int array values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • buf – the array values to be set
  • off – the offset into the vals array
  • count – the number of ivec4 elements in the array
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform array variable of the given name with the provided * int array values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param buf the array values to be set * @param off the offset into the vals array * @param count the number of ivec4 elements in the array * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstants(String name, IntBuffer buf, int off, int count) throws RuntimeException { // TODO: remove off param in favor of IntBuffer.position() (RT-27442) int loc = getUniform(name).location; if (loc == -1) { return; } context.getGLContext().uniform4iv(loc, count, buf); }
Sets the uniform array variable of the given name with the provided float array values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • buf – the array values to be set
  • count – the number of vec4 elements in the array
  • off – the offset into the vals array
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform array variable of the given name with the provided * float array values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param buf the array values to be set * @param count the number of vec4 elements in the array * @param off the offset into the vals array * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setConstants(String name, FloatBuffer buf, int off, int count) throws RuntimeException { int loc = getUniform(name).location; if (loc == -1) { return; } context.getGLContext().uniform4fv(loc, count, buf); }
Sets the uniform matrix variable of the given name with the provided float array values.
  • name – the name of the uniform variable to be set
  • buf – the matrix values to be set
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Sets the uniform matrix variable of the given name with the provided * float array values. * * @param name the name of the uniform variable to be set * @param buf the matrix values to be set * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void setMatrix(String name, float buf[]) throws RuntimeException { int loc = getUniform(name).location; if (loc == -1) { return; } if (currentMatrix == null) { currentMatrix = new float[GLContext.NUM_MATRIX_ELEMENTS]; } if (Arrays.equals(currentMatrix, buf) == false) { context.getGLContext().uniformMatrix4fv(loc, false, buf); System.arraycopy(buf, 0, currentMatrix, 0, buf.length); } }
Disposes the native resources used by this program object.
  • RuntimeException – if no OpenGL context was current or if any OpenGL-related errors occurred
/** * Disposes the native resources used by this program object. * * @throws RuntimeException if no OpenGL context was current or if any * OpenGL-related errors occurred */
public void dispose() throws RuntimeException { if (programID != 0) { disposerRecord.dispose(); programID = 0; } valid = false; } private static class ES2ShaderDisposerRecord implements Disposer.Record { private final ES2Context context; private int vertexShaderID; private int[] fragmentShaderID; private int programID; private ES2ShaderDisposerRecord(ES2Context context, int vertexShaderID, int[] fragmentShaderID, int programID) { this.context = context; this.vertexShaderID = vertexShaderID; this.fragmentShaderID = fragmentShaderID; this.programID = programID; } public void dispose() { if (programID != 0) { context.getGLContext().disposeShaders(programID, vertexShaderID, fragmentShaderID); programID = vertexShaderID = 0; fragmentShaderID = null; } } } }