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package com.sun.javafx.font;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;

This acts as a factory class for the 12 logical composite font resources which are available as well as providing the implementation of the resource.
/** * This acts as a factory class for the 12 logical composite font * resources which are available as well as providing the implementation * of the resource. */
public class LogicalFont implements CompositeFontResource { public static final String SYSTEM = "System"; public static final String SERIF = "Serif"; public static final String SANS_SERIF = "SansSerif"; public static final String MONOSPACED = "Monospaced"; public static final String STYLE_REGULAR = "Regular"; public static final String STYLE_BOLD = "Bold"; public static final String STYLE_ITALIC = "Italic"; public static final String STYLE_BOLD_ITALIC = "Bold Italic"; static final HashMap<String, String> canonicalFamilyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { canonicalFamilyMap.put("system", SYSTEM); canonicalFamilyMap.put("serif", SERIF); canonicalFamilyMap.put("sansserif", SANS_SERIF); canonicalFamilyMap.put("sans-serif", SANS_SERIF); // css style canonicalFamilyMap.put("dialog", SANS_SERIF); canonicalFamilyMap.put("default", SANS_SERIF); canonicalFamilyMap.put("monospaced", MONOSPACED); canonicalFamilyMap.put("monospace", MONOSPACED); // css style canonicalFamilyMap.put("dialoginput", MONOSPACED); } static boolean isLogicalFont(String name) { int spaceIndex = name.indexOf(' '); if (spaceIndex != -1) name = name.substring(0, spaceIndex); return canonicalFamilyMap.get(name) != null; } private static String getCanonicalFamilyName(String name) { if (name == null) { return SANS_SERIF; } String lcName = name.toLowerCase(); return canonicalFamilyMap.get(lcName); } static LogicalFont[] logicalFonts = new LogicalFont[16]; static PGFont getLogicalFont(String familyName, boolean bold, boolean italic, float size) { String canonicalFamilyName = getCanonicalFamilyName(familyName); if (canonicalFamilyName == null) { return null; } int fontIndex = 0; if (canonicalFamilyName.equals(SANS_SERIF)) { fontIndex = 0; } else if (canonicalFamilyName.equals(SERIF)) { fontIndex = 4; } else if (canonicalFamilyName.equals(MONOSPACED)) { fontIndex = 8; } else { fontIndex = 12; } if (bold) { fontIndex +=1; } if (italic) { fontIndex +=2; } LogicalFont font = logicalFonts[fontIndex]; if (font == null) { font = new LogicalFont(canonicalFamilyName, bold, italic); logicalFonts[fontIndex] = font; } return new PrismFont(font, font.getFullName(), size); } static PGFont getLogicalFont(String fullName, float size) { /* Need to parse this to find the family portion, for which * we will allow the various spellings, and the style portion * which must be exactly one of those we understand. The matching * is however case insensitive. * Don't allow an absence of style, we want people to be * in the habit of distinguishing family and full name usage. * None of the family names we understand have a space, so look * for a space to delimit the family and style. */ int spaceIndex = fullName.indexOf(' '); if (spaceIndex == -1 || spaceIndex == fullName.length()-1) { return null; } String family = fullName.substring(0, spaceIndex); String canonicalFamily = getCanonicalFamilyName(family); if (canonicalFamily == null) { return null; } String style = fullName.substring(spaceIndex+1).toLowerCase(); boolean bold=false, italic=false; if (style.equals("regular")) { // nothing to do } else if (style.equals("bold")) { bold = true; } else if (style.equals("italic")) { italic = true; } else if (style.equals("bold italic")) { bold = true; italic = true; } else { return null; } return getLogicalFont(canonicalFamily, bold, italic, size); } boolean isBold, isItalic; private String fullName, familyName, styleName; private String physicalFamily; private String physicalFullName; private String physicalFileName; private LogicalFont(String family, boolean bold, boolean italic) { familyName = family; isBold = bold; isItalic = italic; if (!bold && !italic) { styleName = STYLE_REGULAR; } else if (bold && !italic) { styleName = STYLE_BOLD; } else if (!bold && italic) { styleName = STYLE_ITALIC; } else { styleName = STYLE_BOLD_ITALIC; } fullName = familyName + " " + styleName; if (PrismFontFactory.isLinux) { FontConfigManager.FcCompFont fcCompFont = FontConfigManager.getFontConfigFont(family, bold, italic); physicalFullName = fcCompFont.firstFont.fullName; physicalFileName = fcCompFont.firstFont.fontFile; } else { physicalFamily = PrismFontFactory.getSystemFont(familyName); } } private FontResource slot0FontResource; private FontResource getSlot0Resource() { if (slot0FontResource == null) { PrismFontFactory factory = PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory(); if (physicalFamily != null) { slot0FontResource = factory.getFontResource(physicalFamily, isBold, isItalic, false); } else { slot0FontResource = factory.getFontResource(physicalFullName, physicalFileName, false); } // Its unlikely but possible that this font isn't installed. if (slot0FontResource == null) { slot0FontResource = factory.getDefaultFontResource(false); } } return slot0FontResource; } private ArrayList<String> linkedFontFiles; private ArrayList<String> linkedFontNames; private FontResource[] fallbacks; private FontResource[] nativeFallbacks; private void getLinkedFonts() { if (fallbacks == null) { ArrayList<String>[] linkedFontInfo; if (PrismFontFactory.isLinux) { FontConfigManager.FcCompFont font = FontConfigManager.getFontConfigFont(familyName, isBold, isItalic); linkedFontFiles = FontConfigManager.getFileNames(font, true); linkedFontNames = FontConfigManager.getFontNames(font, true); } else { linkedFontInfo = PrismFontFactory.getLinkedFonts("Tahoma", true); linkedFontFiles = linkedFontInfo[0]; linkedFontNames = linkedFontInfo[1]; } fallbacks = new FontResource[linkedFontFiles.size()]; } } public int getNumSlots() { getLinkedFonts(); int num = linkedFontFiles.size(); if (nativeFallbacks != null) { num += nativeFallbacks.length; } return num + 1; } public int getSlotForFont(String fontName) { getLinkedFonts(); int i = 1; for (String linkedFontName : linkedFontNames) { if (fontName.equalsIgnoreCase(linkedFontName)) { return i; } i++; } if (nativeFallbacks != null) { for (FontResource nativeFallback : nativeFallbacks) { if (fontName.equalsIgnoreCase(nativeFallback.getFullName())) { return i; } i++; } } if (i >= 0x7E) { /* There are 8bits (0xFF) reserved in a glyph code to store the slot * number. The first bit cannot be set to avoid negative values * (leaving 0x7F). The extra -1 (leaving 0x7E) is to account for * the primary font resource in PrismCompositeFontResource. */ if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) { System.err.println("\tToo many font fallbacks!"); } return -1; } PrismFontFactory factory = PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory(); FontResource fr = factory.getFontResource(fontName, null, false); if (fr == null) { if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) { System.err.println("\t Font name not supported \"" + fontName + "\"."); } return -1; } /* Add the font to the list of native fallbacks */ FontResource[] tmp; if (nativeFallbacks == null) { tmp = new FontResource[1]; } else { tmp = new FontResource[nativeFallbacks.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(nativeFallbacks, 0, tmp, 0, nativeFallbacks.length); } tmp[tmp.length - 1] = fr; nativeFallbacks = tmp; return i; } public FontResource getSlotResource(int slot) { if (slot == 0) { return getSlot0Resource(); } else { getLinkedFonts(); slot = slot - 1; if (slot >= fallbacks.length) { slot = slot - fallbacks.length; if (nativeFallbacks == null || slot >= nativeFallbacks.length) { return null; } return nativeFallbacks[slot]; } if (fallbacks[slot] == null) { String file = linkedFontFiles.get(slot); String name = linkedFontNames.get(slot); fallbacks[slot] = PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory(). getFontResource(name, file, false); if (fallbacks[slot] == null) { fallbacks[slot] = getSlot0Resource(); } } return fallbacks[slot]; } } public String getFullName() { return fullName; } public String getPSName() { return fullName; } public String getFamilyName() { return familyName; } public String getStyleName() { return styleName; } public String getLocaleFullName() { return fullName; } public String getLocaleFamilyName() { return familyName; } public String getLocaleStyleName() { return styleName; } public boolean isBold() { return getSlotResource(0).isBold(); } public boolean isItalic() { return getSlotResource(0).isItalic(); } public String getFileName() { return getSlotResource(0).getFileName(); } public int getFeatures() { return getSlotResource(0).getFeatures(); } public Object getPeer() { return null; } public boolean isEmbeddedFont() { return getSlotResource(0).isEmbeddedFont(); } public void setPeer(Object peer) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } public float[] getGlyphBoundingBox(int glyphCode, float size, float[] retArr) { int slot = (glyphCode >>> 24); int slotglyphCode = glyphCode & CompositeGlyphMapper.GLYPHMASK; FontResource slotResource = getSlotResource(slot); return slotResource.getGlyphBoundingBox(slotglyphCode, size, retArr); } public float getAdvance(int glyphCode, float size) { int slot = (glyphCode >>> 24); int slotglyphCode = glyphCode & CompositeGlyphMapper.GLYPHMASK; FontResource slotResource = getSlotResource(slot); return slotResource.getAdvance(slotglyphCode, size); } CompositeGlyphMapper mapper; public CharToGlyphMapper getGlyphMapper() { //return getSlot0Resource().getGlyphMapper(); if (mapper == null) { mapper = new CompositeGlyphMapper(this); } return mapper; } Map<FontStrikeDesc, WeakReference<FontStrike>> strikeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<FontStrikeDesc, WeakReference<FontStrike>>(); public Map<FontStrikeDesc, WeakReference<FontStrike>> getStrikeMap() { return strikeMap; } public int getDefaultAAMode() { return getSlot0Resource().getDefaultAAMode(); } public FontStrike getStrike(float size, BaseTransform transform) { return getStrike(size, transform, getDefaultAAMode()); } public FontStrike getStrike(float size, BaseTransform transform, int aaMode) { FontStrikeDesc desc= new FontStrikeDesc(size, transform, aaMode); WeakReference<FontStrike> ref = strikeMap.get(desc); CompositeStrike strike = null; if (ref != null) { strike = (CompositeStrike)ref.get(); } if (strike == null) { strike = new CompositeStrike(this, size, transform, aaMode, desc); if (strike.disposer != null) { ref = Disposer.addRecord(strike, strike.disposer); } else { ref = new WeakReference<FontStrike>(strike); } strikeMap.put(desc, ref); } return strike; } // Family 0 = SansSerif, 1 = Serif, 2 = Monospaced, 3 = System private static final int SANS_SERIF_INDEX = 0; private static final int SERIF_INDEX = 1; private static final int MONOSPACED_INDEX = 2; private static final int SYSTEM_INDEX = 3; // Within a family styles are in the usual order static String[][] logFamilies = null; private static void buildFamily(String[] fullNames, String family) { fullNames[0] = family + " " + STYLE_REGULAR; fullNames[1] = family + " " + STYLE_BOLD; fullNames[2] = family + " " + STYLE_ITALIC; fullNames[3] = family + " " + STYLE_BOLD_ITALIC; } private static void buildFamilies() { if (logFamilies == null) { String[][] tmpFamilies = new String[SYSTEM_INDEX+1][4]; buildFamily(tmpFamilies[SANS_SERIF_INDEX], SANS_SERIF); buildFamily(tmpFamilies[SERIF_INDEX], SERIF); buildFamily(tmpFamilies[MONOSPACED_INDEX], MONOSPACED); buildFamily(tmpFamilies[SYSTEM_INDEX], SYSTEM); logFamilies = tmpFamilies; } } static void addFamilies(ArrayList<String> familyList) { familyList.add(SANS_SERIF); familyList.add(SERIF); familyList.add(MONOSPACED); familyList.add(SYSTEM); } static void addFullNames(ArrayList<String> fullNames) { buildFamilies(); for (int f = 0; f < logFamilies.length; f++) { for (int n = 0; n < logFamilies[f].length; n++) { fullNames.add(logFamilies[f][n]); } } } static String[] getFontsInFamily(String family) { String canonicalFamily = getCanonicalFamilyName(family); if (canonicalFamily == null) { return null; } buildFamilies(); if (canonicalFamily.equals(SANS_SERIF)) { return logFamilies[SANS_SERIF_INDEX]; } else if (canonicalFamily.equals(SERIF)) { return logFamilies[SERIF_INDEX]; } else if (canonicalFamily.equals(MONOSPACED)) { return logFamilies[MONOSPACED_INDEX]; } else { return logFamilies[SYSTEM_INDEX]; } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof LogicalFont)) { return false; } final LogicalFont other = (LogicalFont)obj; return this.fullName.equals(other.fullName); } private int hash; @Override public int hashCode() { if (hash != 0) { return hash; } else { hash = fullName.hashCode(); return hash; } } }