 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
package com.sun.glass.ui.win;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.File;

import java.net.URL;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;

final class WinHTMLCodec {
    public static final String defaultCharset = "UTF-8";

    public static byte[] encode(byte[] html) {
        return HTMLCodec.convertToHTMLFormat(html);

    public static byte[] decode(byte[] data) {
        try {
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
            InputStream is = new HTMLCodec(bais, EHTMLReadMode.HTML_READ_SELECTION);

            // the initial size is larger, but we avoid relocations
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length);

            // Very inefficient. But clipboard operations shouldn't be super fast either.
            // Might use available() to estimate a buffer size, and copy blocks instead.
            int b;
            while ((b = is.read()) != -1) {

            return baos.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected IOException caught", ex);

// ***************************************************************************
// The code below is copied from JDK unmodified
// ***************************************************************************

enum EHTMLReadMode {

on decode: This stream takes an InputStream which provides data in CF_HTML format, strips off the description and context to extract the original HTML data. on encode: static convertToHTMLFormat is responsible for HTML clipboard header creation
/** * on decode: This stream takes an InputStream which provides data in CF_HTML format, * strips off the description and context to extract the original HTML data. * * on encode: static convertToHTMLFormat is responsible for HTML clipboard header creation */
class HTMLCodec extends InputStream { //static section public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final String VERSION = "Version:"; public static final String START_HTML = "StartHTML:"; public static final String END_HTML = "EndHTML:"; public static final String START_FRAGMENT = "StartFragment:"; public static final String END_FRAGMENT = "EndFragment:"; public static final String START_SELECTION = "StartSelection:"; //optional public static final String END_SELECTION = "EndSelection:"; //optional public static final String START_FRAGMENT_CMT = "<!--StartFragment-->"; public static final String END_FRAGMENT_CMT = "<!--EndFragment-->"; public static final String SOURCE_URL = "SourceURL:"; public static final String DEF_SOURCE_URL = "about:blank"; public static final String EOLN = "\r\n"; private static final String VERSION_NUM = "1.0"; private static final int PADDED_WIDTH = 10; private static String toPaddedString(int n, int width) { String string = "" + n; int len = string.length(); if (n >= 0 && len < width) { char[] array = new char[width - len]; Arrays.fill(array, '0'); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(width); buffer.append(array); buffer.append(string); string = buffer.toString(); } return string; }
convertToHTMLFormat adds the MS HTML clipboard header to byte array that contains the parameters pairs. The consequence of parameters is fixed, but some or all of them could be omitted. One parameter per one text line. It looks like that: Version:1.0\r\n -- current supported version StartHTML:000000192\r\n -- shift in array to the first byte after the header EndHTML:000000757\r\n -- shift in array of last byte for HTML syntax analysis StartFragment:000000396\r\n -- shift in array jast after EndFragment:000000694\r\n -- shift in array before start StartSelection:000000398\r\n -- shift in array of the first char in copied selection EndSelection:000000692\r\n -- shift in array of the last char in copied selection SourceURL:http://sun.com/\r\n -- base URL for related referenses .............................. ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ \ StartHTML | \-StartSelection | \EndFragment EndHTML/ \-StartFragment \EndSelection Combinations with tags sequence ...... or ......... are vailid too.
/** * convertToHTMLFormat adds the MS HTML clipboard header to byte array that * contains the parameters pairs. * * The consequence of parameters is fixed, but some or all of them could be * omitted. One parameter per one text line. * It looks like that: * * Version:1.0\r\n -- current supported version * StartHTML:000000192\r\n -- shift in array to the first byte after the header * EndHTML:000000757\r\n -- shift in array of last byte for HTML syntax analysis * StartFragment:000000396\r\n -- shift in array jast after <!--StartFragment--> * EndFragment:000000694\r\n -- shift in array before start <!--EndFragment--> * StartSelection:000000398\r\n -- shift in array of the first char in copied selection * EndSelection:000000692\r\n -- shift in array of the last char in copied selection * SourceURL:http://sun.com/\r\n -- base URL for related referenses * <HTML>...<BODY>...<!--StartFragment-->.....................<!--EndFragment-->...</BODY><HTML> * ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ * \ StartHTML | \-StartSelection | \EndFragment EndHTML/ * \-StartFragment \EndSelection * *Combinations with tags sequence *<!--StartFragment--><HTML>...<BODY>...</BODY><HTML><!--EndFragment--> * or *<HTML>...<!--StartFragment-->...<BODY>...</BODY><!--EndFragment--><HTML> * are vailid too. */
public static byte[] convertToHTMLFormat(byte[] bytes) { // Calculate section offsets String htmlPrefix = ""; String htmlSuffix = ""; { //we have extend the fragment to full HTML document correctly //to avoid HTML and BODY tags doubling String stContext = new String(bytes); String stUpContext = stContext.toUpperCase(); if( -1 == stUpContext.indexOf("<HTML") ) { htmlPrefix = "<HTML>"; htmlSuffix = "</HTML>"; if( -1 == stUpContext.indexOf("<BODY") ) { htmlPrefix = htmlPrefix +"<BODY>"; htmlSuffix = "</BODY>" + htmlSuffix; }; }; htmlPrefix = htmlPrefix + START_FRAGMENT_CMT; htmlSuffix = END_FRAGMENT_CMT + htmlSuffix; } String stBaseUrl = DEF_SOURCE_URL; int nStartHTML = VERSION.length() + VERSION_NUM.length() + EOLN.length() + START_HTML.length() + PADDED_WIDTH + EOLN.length() + END_HTML.length() + PADDED_WIDTH + EOLN.length() + START_FRAGMENT.length() + PADDED_WIDTH + EOLN.length() + END_FRAGMENT.length() + PADDED_WIDTH + EOLN.length() + SOURCE_URL.length() + stBaseUrl.length() + EOLN.length() ; int nStartFragment = nStartHTML + htmlPrefix.length(); int nEndFragment = nStartFragment + bytes.length - 1; int nEndHTML = nEndFragment + htmlSuffix.length(); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder( nStartFragment + START_FRAGMENT_CMT.length() ); //header header.append(VERSION); header.append(VERSION_NUM); header.append(EOLN); header.append(START_HTML); header.append(toPaddedString(nStartHTML, PADDED_WIDTH)); header.append(EOLN); header.append(END_HTML); header.append(toPaddedString(nEndHTML, PADDED_WIDTH)); header.append(EOLN); header.append(START_FRAGMENT); header.append(toPaddedString(nStartFragment, PADDED_WIDTH)); header.append(EOLN); header.append(END_FRAGMENT); header.append(toPaddedString(nEndFragment, PADDED_WIDTH)); header.append(EOLN); header.append(SOURCE_URL); header.append(stBaseUrl); header.append(EOLN); //HTML header.append(htmlPrefix); byte[] headerBytes = null, trailerBytes = null; try { headerBytes = header.toString().getBytes(ENCODING); trailerBytes = htmlSuffix.getBytes(ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException cannotHappen) { return null; } byte[] retval = new byte[headerBytes.length + bytes.length + trailerBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(headerBytes, 0, retval, 0, headerBytes.length); System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, retval, headerBytes.length, bytes.length - 1); System.arraycopy(trailerBytes, 0, retval, headerBytes.length + bytes.length - 1, trailerBytes.length); retval[retval.length-1] = 0; return retval; } //////////////////////////////////// //decoder instance data and methods: private final BufferedInputStream bufferedStream; private boolean descriptionParsed = false; private boolean closed = false; // InputStreamReader uses an 8K buffer. The size is not customizable. public static final int BYTE_BUFFER_LEN = 8192; // CharToByteUTF8.getMaxBytesPerChar returns 3, so we should not buffer // more chars than 3 times the number of bytes we can buffer. public static final int CHAR_BUFFER_LEN = BYTE_BUFFER_LEN / 3; private static final String FAILURE_MSG = "Unable to parse HTML description: "; private static final String INVALID_MSG = " invalid"; //HTML header mapping: private long iHTMLStart,// StartHTML -- shift in array to the first byte after the header iHTMLEnd, // EndHTML -- shift in array of last byte for HTML syntax analysis iFragStart,// StartFragment -- shift in array jast after <!--StartFragment--> iFragEnd, // EndFragment -- shift in array before start <!--EndFragment--> iSelStart, // StartSelection -- shift in array of the first char in copied selection iSelEnd; // EndSelection -- shift in array of the last char in copied selection private String stBaseURL; // SourceURL -- base URL for related referenses private String stVersion; // Version -- current supported version //Stream reader markers: private long iStartOffset, iEndOffset, iReadCount; private EHTMLReadMode readMode; public HTMLCodec( InputStream _bytestream, EHTMLReadMode _readMode) throws IOException { bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(_bytestream, BYTE_BUFFER_LEN); readMode = _readMode; } public synchronized String getBaseURL() throws IOException { if( !descriptionParsed ) { parseDescription(); } return stBaseURL; } public synchronized String getVersion() throws IOException { if( !descriptionParsed ) { parseDescription(); } return stVersion; }
parseDescription parsing HTML clipboard header as it described in comment to convertToHTMLFormat
/** * parseDescription parsing HTML clipboard header as it described in * comment to convertToHTMLFormat */
private void parseDescription() throws IOException { stBaseURL = null; stVersion = null; // initialization of array offset pointers // to the same "uninitialized" state. iHTMLEnd = iHTMLStart = iFragEnd = iFragStart = iSelEnd = iSelStart = -1; bufferedStream.mark(BYTE_BUFFER_LEN); String astEntries[] = new String[] { //common VERSION, START_HTML, END_HTML, START_FRAGMENT, END_FRAGMENT, //ver 1.0 START_SELECTION, END_SELECTION, SOURCE_URL }; BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( bufferedStream, ENCODING ), CHAR_BUFFER_LEN ); long iHeadSize = 0; long iCRSize = EOLN.length(); int iEntCount = astEntries.length; boolean bContinue = true; for( int iEntry = 0; iEntry < iEntCount; ++iEntry ){ String stLine = bufferedReader.readLine(); if( null==stLine ) { break; } //some header entries are optional, but the order is fixed. for( ; iEntry < iEntCount; ++iEntry ){ if( !stLine.startsWith(astEntries[iEntry]) ) { continue; } iHeadSize += stLine.length() + iCRSize; String stValue = stLine.substring(astEntries[iEntry].length()).trim(); if( null!=stValue ) { try{ switch( iEntry ){ case 0: stVersion = stValue; break; case 1: iHTMLStart = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 2: iHTMLEnd = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 3: iFragStart = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 4: iFragEnd = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 5: iSelStart = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 6: iSelEnd = Integer.parseInt(stValue); break; case 7: stBaseURL = stValue; break; }; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException(FAILURE_MSG + astEntries[iEntry]+ " value " + e + INVALID_MSG); } } break; } } //some entries could absent in HTML header, //so we have find they by another way. if( -1 == iHTMLStart ) iHTMLStart = iHeadSize; if( -1 == iFragStart ) iFragStart = iHTMLStart; if( -1 == iFragEnd ) iFragEnd = iHTMLEnd; if( -1 == iSelStart ) iSelStart = iFragStart; if( -1 == iSelEnd ) iSelEnd = iFragEnd; //one of possible modes switch( readMode ){ case HTML_READ_ALL: iStartOffset = iHTMLStart; iEndOffset = iHTMLEnd; break; case HTML_READ_FRAGMENT: iStartOffset = iFragStart; iEndOffset = iFragEnd; break; case HTML_READ_SELECTION: default: iStartOffset = iSelStart; iEndOffset = iSelEnd; break; } bufferedStream.reset(); if( -1 == iStartOffset ){ throw new IOException(FAILURE_MSG + "invalid HTML format."); } int curOffset = 0; while (curOffset < iStartOffset){ curOffset += bufferedStream.skip(iStartOffset - curOffset); } iReadCount = curOffset; if( iStartOffset != iReadCount ){ throw new IOException(FAILURE_MSG + "Byte stream ends in description."); } descriptionParsed = true; } public synchronized int read() throws IOException { if( closed ){ throw new IOException("Stream closed"); } if( !descriptionParsed ){ parseDescription(); } if( -1 != iEndOffset && iReadCount >= iEndOffset ) { return -1; } int retval = bufferedStream.read(); if( retval == -1 ) { return -1; } ++iReadCount; return retval; } public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if( !closed ){ closed = true; bufferedStream.close(); } } }