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package com.sun.scenario.effect;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.Renderer;

A simple container that holds an Image and the valid source region thereof. Instances of ImageData can be used as the input or output from an EffectPeer. Instances of this class must be validated against the FilterContext it intended to be used with using validate(FilterContext) method.
/** * A simple container that holds an {@code Image} and the valid source * region thereof. Instances of {@code ImageData} can be used as the input * or output from an {@code EffectPeer}. * * Instances of this class must be validated against the {@code FilterContext} * it intended to be used with using * {@link #validate(com.sun.scenario.effect.FilterContext)} method. */
public class ImageData { private static HashSet<ImageData> alldatas; static { AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction) () -> { if (System.getProperty("decora.showleaks") != null) { alldatas = new HashSet<ImageData>(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Iterator<ImageData> datas = alldatas.iterator(); while (datas.hasNext()) { ImageData id = datas.next(); Rectangle r = id.getUntransformedBounds(); System.out.println("id["+r.width+"x"+r.height+", refcount="+id.refcount+"] leaked from:"); id.fromwhere.printStackTrace(System.out); } } }); } return null; }); } private ImageData sharedOwner; private FilterContext fctx; private int refcount; private Filterable image; private final Rectangle bounds; private BaseTransform transform; private Throwable fromwhere; private boolean reusable; public ImageData(FilterContext fctx, Filterable image, Rectangle bounds) { this(fctx, image, bounds, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); } public ImageData(FilterContext fctx, Filterable image, Rectangle bounds, BaseTransform transform) { this.fctx = fctx; this.refcount = 1; this.image = image; this.bounds = bounds; this.transform = transform; if (alldatas != null) { alldatas.add(this); this.fromwhere = new Throwable(); } } public ImageData transform(BaseTransform concattx) { if (concattx.isIdentity()) { return this; } BaseTransform newtx; if (this.transform.isIdentity()) { newtx = concattx; } else { newtx = concattx.copy().deriveWithConcatenation(this.transform); } return new ImageData(this, newtx, bounds); } private ImageData(ImageData original, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle bounds) { this(original.fctx, original.image, bounds, transform); this.sharedOwner = original; } public void setReusable(boolean reusable) { if (sharedOwner != null) { throw new InternalError("cannot make a shared ImageData reusable"); } this.reusable = reusable; } public FilterContext getFilterContext() { return fctx; } public Filterable getUntransformedImage() { return image; } public Rectangle getUntransformedBounds() { return bounds; } public BaseTransform getTransform() { return transform; } public Filterable getTransformedImage(Rectangle clip) { if (image == null || fctx == null) { return null; } if (transform.isIdentity()) { return image; } else { Rectangle txbounds = getTransformedBounds(clip); return Renderer.getRenderer(fctx). transform(fctx, image, transform, bounds, txbounds); } } public void releaseTransformedImage(Filterable tximage) { if (fctx != null && tximage != null && tximage != image) { Effect.releaseCompatibleImage(fctx, tximage); } } public Rectangle getTransformedBounds(Rectangle clip) { if (transform.isIdentity()) { return bounds; } Rectangle txbounds = new Rectangle(); transform.transform(bounds, txbounds); if (clip != null) { txbounds.intersectWith(clip); } return txbounds; } public int getReferenceCount() { return refcount; } public boolean addref() { if (reusable && refcount == 0) { if (image != null) { image.lock(); } } ++refcount; return image != null && !image.isLost(); } public void unref() { if (--refcount == 0) { if (sharedOwner != null) { sharedOwner.unref(); sharedOwner = null; } else if (fctx != null && image != null) { if (reusable) { image.unlock(); return; } Effect.releaseCompatibleImage(fctx, image); } // Just in case - to prevent releasing it twice fctx = null; image = null; if (alldatas != null) { alldatas.remove(this); } } }
Validates this image data for the use with the passed FilterContext.
  • fctx – context to validate against
Returns:true if this object is valid and compatible with the passed FilterContext, false otherwise.
/** * Validates this image data for the use with the passed * {@link FilterContext}. * * @param fctx context to validate against * @return {@code true} if this object is valid and compatible with * the passed {@code FilterContext}, {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean validate(FilterContext fctx) { return image != null && Renderer.getRenderer(fctx).isImageDataCompatible(this); } @Override public String toString() { return "ImageData{" + "sharedOwner=" + sharedOwner + ", fctx=" + fctx + ", refcount=" + refcount + ", image=" + image + ", bounds=" + bounds + ", transform=" + transform + ", reusable=" + reusable + '}'; } }