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package com.sun.javafx.sg.prism;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.prism.CompositeMode;
import com.sun.prism.Graphics;
import com.sun.prism.RTTexture;
import com.sun.prism.RenderTarget;
import com.sun.prism.ResourceFactory;
import com.sun.prism.Texture;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Color;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Paint;

Author:Thor Johannesson
/** * @author Thor Johannesson */
public class NGSubScene extends NGNode { // The Scene logical dimensions (pre-pixel scaling) private float slWidth, slHeight; // The scaled dimensions last used in the rtt private double lastScaledW, lastScaledH; private RTTexture rtt; // ressolveRTT is a temporary render target to "resolve" a msaa render buffer // into a normal color render target. // REMIND: resolveRTT could be a single shared scratch rtt private RTTexture resolveRTT = null; private NGNode root = null; private boolean renderSG = true; // Depth and msaa are immutable states private final boolean depthBuffer; private final boolean msaa; public NGSubScene(boolean depthBuffer, boolean msaa) { this.depthBuffer = depthBuffer; this.msaa = msaa; } private NGSubScene() { this(false, false); } public void setRoot(NGNode root) { this.root = root; } private Paint fillPaint; public void setFillPaint(Object paint) { fillPaint = (Paint)paint; } private NGCamera camera; public void setCamera(NGCamera camera) { this.camera = camera == null ? NGCamera.INSTANCE : camera; } public void setWidth(float width) { if (this.slWidth != width) { this.slWidth = width; geometryChanged(); invalidateRTT(); } } public void setHeight(float height) { if (this.slHeight != height) { this.slHeight = height; geometryChanged(); invalidateRTT(); } } private NGLightBase[] lights; public NGLightBase[] getLights() { return lights; } public void setLights(NGLightBase[] lights) { this.lights = lights; } public void markContentDirty() { visualsChanged(); } @Override protected void visualsChanged() { renderSG = true; super.visualsChanged(); } @Override protected void geometryChanged() { renderSG = true; super.geometryChanged(); } private void invalidateRTT() { if (rtt != null) { // TODO as possibile optimization by keeping old rtt if SubScene // becomes smaller rtt.dispose(); rtt = null; } } @Override protected boolean hasOverlappingContents() { //TODO verify correctness return false; } private boolean isOpaque = false; private void applyBackgroundFillPaint(Graphics g) { isOpaque = true; if (fillPaint != null) { if (fillPaint instanceof Color) { Color fillColor = (Color)fillPaint; isOpaque = (fillColor.getAlpha() >= 1.0); g.clear(fillColor); } else { if (!fillPaint.isOpaque()) { g.clear(); isOpaque = false; } g.setPaint(fillPaint); g.fillRect(0, 0, rtt.getContentWidth(), rtt.getContentHeight()); } } else { isOpaque = false; // Default is transparent g.clear(); } } @Override public void renderForcedContent(Graphics gOptional) { root.renderForcedContent(gOptional); } private static double hypot(double x, double y, double z) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } // Allow the scaled size in pixels to vary by a distance approximately // large enough to affect the sampling result in a LINEAR interpolation. // If we move by 1/256th of a pixel from one color to the opposite color // then in the worst case the sample value might change by +/- 1 bit. static final double THRESHOLD = 1.0 / 256.0; @Override protected void renderContent(Graphics g) { if (slWidth <= 0.0 || slHeight <= 0.0) { return; } BaseTransform txform = g.getTransformNoClone(); double scaleX = hypot(txform.getMxx(), txform.getMyx(), txform.getMzx()); double scaleY = hypot(txform.getMxy(), txform.getMyy(), txform.getMzy()); double scaledW = slWidth * scaleX; double scaledH = slHeight * scaleY; int rtWidth = (int) Math.ceil(scaledW - THRESHOLD); int rtHeight = (int) Math.ceil(scaledH - THRESHOLD); if (Math.max(Math.abs(scaledW - lastScaledW), Math.abs(scaledH - lastScaledH)) > THRESHOLD) { if (rtt != null && (rtWidth != rtt.getContentWidth() || rtHeight != rtt.getContentHeight())) { invalidateRTT(); } renderSG = true; lastScaledW = scaledW; lastScaledH = scaledH; } if (rtt != null) { rtt.lock(); if (rtt.isSurfaceLost()) { renderSG = true; rtt = null; } } if (renderSG || !root.isClean()) { if (rtt == null) { ResourceFactory factory = g.getResourceFactory(); rtt = factory.createRTTexture(rtWidth, rtHeight, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO, msaa); } Graphics rttGraphics = rtt.createGraphics(); rttGraphics.scale((float) scaleX, (float) scaleY); rttGraphics.setLights(lights); rttGraphics.setDepthBuffer(depthBuffer); if (camera != null) { rttGraphics.setCamera(camera); } applyBackgroundFillPaint(rttGraphics); root.render(rttGraphics); root.clearDirtyTree(); renderSG = false; } if (msaa) { int x0 = rtt.getContentX(); int y0 = rtt.getContentY(); int x1 = x0 + rtWidth; int y1 = y0 + rtHeight; if ((isOpaque || g.getCompositeMode() == CompositeMode.SRC) && isDirectBlitTransform(txform, scaleX, scaleY) && !g.isDepthTest()) { // Round translation to closest pixel int tx = (int)(txform.getMxt() + 0.5); int ty = (int)(txform.getMyt() + 0.5); // Blit SubScene directly to scene surface // Intersect src and dst boundaries. // On D3D if blit is called outside boundary it will draw // nothing. Using intersect prevents that from occurring. RenderTarget target = g.getRenderTarget(); int dstX0 = target.getContentX() + tx; int dstY0 = target.getContentY() + ty; int dstX1 = dstX0 + rtWidth; int dstY1 = dstY0 + rtHeight; int dstW = target.getContentWidth(); int dstH = target.getContentHeight(); int dX = dstX1 > dstW ? dstW - dstX1 : 0; int dY = dstY1 > dstH ? dstH - dstY1 : 0; g.blit(rtt, null, x0, y0, x1 + dX, y1 + dY, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1 + dX, dstY1 + dY); } else { if (resolveRTT != null && (resolveRTT.getContentWidth() < rtWidth || (resolveRTT.getContentHeight() < rtHeight))) { // If msaa rtt is larger than resolve buffer, then dispose resolveRTT.dispose(); resolveRTT = null; } if (resolveRTT != null) { resolveRTT.lock(); if (resolveRTT.isSurfaceLost()) { resolveRTT = null; } } if (resolveRTT == null) { resolveRTT = g.getResourceFactory().createRTTexture(rtWidth, rtHeight, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO, false); } // We could potentially reuse g, but any transform in g would // affect the blit... resolveRTT.createGraphics().blit(rtt, resolveRTT, x0, y0, x1, y1, x0, y0, x1, y1); g.drawTexture(resolveRTT, 0, 0, (float) (rtWidth / scaleX), (float) (rtHeight / scaleY), 0, 0, rtWidth, rtHeight); resolveRTT.unlock(); } } else { g.drawTexture(rtt, 0, 0, (float) (rtWidth / scaleX), (float) (rtHeight / scaleY), 0, 0, rtWidth, rtHeight); } rtt.unlock(); } private static boolean isDirectBlitTransform(BaseTransform tx, double sx, double sy) { if (sx == 1.0 && sy == 1.0) return tx.isTranslateOrIdentity(); if (!tx.is2D()) return false; return (tx.getMxx() == sx && tx.getMxy() == 0.0 && tx.getMyx() == 0.0 && tx.getMyy() == sy); } public NGCamera getCamera() { return camera; } }