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package com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.ParentHelper;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Parent;

This is the class for all top-level traversal engines in scenes and subscenes. These traversal engines are created automatically and can only have the default algorithm. These engines should be used by calling trav(Node, Direction), traverseToFirst() and traverseToLast() methods. These methods do the actual traversal - selecting the Node that's should be focused next and focusing it. Also, listener calls are handled by top-most traversal engines. select* methods can be used as well, but will *not* transfer the focus to the result, they are just query methods.
/** * This is the class for all top-level traversal engines in scenes and subscenes. * These traversal engines are created automatically and can only have the default algorithm. * * These engines should be used by calling {@link #trav(javafx.scene.Node, Direction)}, {@link #traverseToFirst()} and * {@link #traverseToLast()} methods. These methods do the actual traversal - selecting the Node that's should be focused next and * focusing it. Also, listener calls are handled by top-most traversal engines. * select* methods can be used as well, but will *not* transfer the focus to the result, they are just query methods. */
public abstract class TopMostTraversalEngine extends TraversalEngine{ protected TopMostTraversalEngine() { /* * for 2d behaviour from TAB use : * algorithm = new WeightedClosestCorner(); * for Container sequence TAB behaviour and 2d arrow behaviour use : * algorithm = new ContainerTabOrder(); * for 2D arrow behaviour with a target bias and a stack use : * algorithm = new Biased2DWithStack(); */ super(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM); }
For testing purposes only!
/** * For testing purposes only! */
TopMostTraversalEngine(Algorithm algorithm) { super(algorithm); }
Traverse the focus to the next node in the specified direction.
  • node – The starting node to traverse from
  • dir – the traversal direction
Returns:the new focus owner or null if none found (in that case old focus owner is still valid)
/** * Traverse the focus to the next node in the specified direction. * * @param node The starting node to traverse from * @param dir the traversal direction * @return the new focus owner or null if none found (in that case old focus owner is still valid) */
public final Node trav(Node node, Direction dir) { Node newNode = null; Parent p = node.getParent(); Node traverseNode = node; while (p != null) { // First find the nearest traversal engine override (i.e. a ParentTraversalEngine that is traversable) ParentTraversalEngine engine = ParentHelper.getTraversalEngine(p); if (engine != null && engine.canTraverse()) { newNode = engine.select(node, dir); if (newNode != null) { break; } else { // The inner traversal engine wasn't able to select anything in the specified direction. // So now we try to traverse from the whole parent (associated with that traversal engine) // by a traversal engine that's higher in the hierarchy traverseNode = p; if (dir == Direction.NEXT) { dir = Direction.NEXT_IN_LINE; } } } p = p.getParent(); } // No engine override was able to find the Node in the specified direction, so if (newNode == null) { newNode = select(traverseNode, dir); } if (newNode == null) { if (dir == Direction.NEXT || dir == Direction.NEXT_IN_LINE) { newNode = selectFirst(); } else if (dir == Direction.PREVIOUS) { newNode = selectLast(); } } if (newNode != null) { focusAndNotify(newNode); } return newNode; } private void focusAndNotify(Node newNode) { newNode.requestFocus(); notifyTreeTraversedTo(newNode); } private void notifyTreeTraversedTo(Node newNode) { Parent p = newNode.getParent(); while (p != null) { final ParentTraversalEngine traversalEngine = ParentHelper.getTraversalEngine(p); if (traversalEngine != null) { traversalEngine.notifyTraversedTo(newNode); } p = p.getParent(); } notifyTraversedTo(newNode); }
Set focus on the first Node in this context (if any)
Returns:the first node or null if there's none
/** * Set focus on the first Node in this context (if any) * @return the first node or null if there's none */
public final Node traverseToFirst() { Node n = selectFirst(); if (n != null) focusAndNotify(n); return n; }
Set focus on the last Node in this context (if any)
Returns:the last node or null if there's none
/** * Set focus on the last Node in this context (if any) * @return the last node or null if there's none */
public final Node traverseToLast() { Node n = selectLast(); if (n != null) focusAndNotify(n); return n; } }