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package com.sun.javafx.scene.input;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.PickRay;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Vec3d;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.NodeHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.SubSceneHelper;
import javafx.application.ConditionalFeature;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Point3D;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.SubScene;
import javafx.scene.input.PickResult;

Used during 3D picking process to determine the best pick result.
/** * Used during 3D picking process to determine the best pick result. */
public class PickResultChooser { private double distance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; private Node node; private int face = -1; private Point3D point; private Point3D normal; private Point2D texCoord; private boolean empty = true; private boolean closed = false;
Helper method for computing intersected point. This method would fit better to PickRay but it cannot work with Point3D (dependency issues).
  • ray – Pick ray used for picking
  • distance – Distance measured in ray direction magnitudes
Returns:the intersection point
/** * Helper method for computing intersected point. * This method would fit better to PickRay but it cannot work with * Point3D (dependency issues). * * @param ray Pick ray used for picking * @param distance Distance measured in ray direction magnitudes * @return the intersection point */
public static Point3D computePoint(PickRay ray, double distance) { Vec3d origin = ray.getOriginNoClone(); Vec3d dir = ray.getDirectionNoClone(); return new Point3D( origin.x + dir.x * distance, origin.y + dir.y * distance, origin.z + dir.z * distance); }
Converts the current content of this instance to the unmodifiable PickResult.
Returns:PickResult containing the current values of this chooser
/** * Converts the current content of this instance to the unmodifiable * PickResult. * @return PickResult containing the current values of this chooser */
public PickResult toPickResult() { if (empty) { return null; } return new PickResult(node, point, distance, face, normal, texCoord); }
Returns true if the given distance is smaller than the distance stored in this instance.
  • distance – The distance to compare
Returns:true if the given distance is smaller
/** * Returns true if the given distance is smaller than the distance stored * in this instance. * @param distance The distance to compare * @return true if the given distance is smaller */
public boolean isCloser(double distance) { return distance < this.distance || empty; }
Returns true if there is no intersection stored in this instance.
Returns:true if there is no intersection stored in this instance.
/** * Returns true if there is no intersection stored in this instance. * @return true if there is no intersection stored in this instance. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return empty; }
Returns true if this chooser has been closed. The chooser is closed when it is clear that no further result can be accepted (due to disabled depth testing).
See Also:
  • close()
Returns:true if this chooser has been closed.
/** * Returns true if this chooser has been closed. The chooser is closed when * it is clear that no further result can be accepted (due to disabled * depth testing). * @return true if this chooser has been closed. * @see close() */
public boolean isClosed() { return closed; }
Offers an intersection. If the given intersection is closer to the camera than the current one (the distance is smaller), this instance is updated to hold the given values.
  • node – The intersected node
  • distance – The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes
  • face – The intersected face
  • point – The intersection point
  • texCoord – The intersected texture coordinates
Returns:true if the offered intersection has been used
/** * Offers an intersection. If the given intersection is closer to the camera * than the current one (the distance is smaller), this instance is updated * to hold the given values. * @param node The intersected node * @param distance The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes * @param face The intersected face * @param point The intersection point * @param texCoord The intersected texture coordinates * @return true if the offered intersection has been used */
public boolean offer(Node node, double distance, int face, Point3D point, Point2D texCoord) { return processOffer(node, node, distance, point, face, normal, texCoord); }
Offers an intersection with a non-Shape3D object. This method is used for 2D objects and for 3D objects with pickOnBounds==true; in both cases face and texCoord make no sense. If the given intersection is closer to the camera than the current one (the distance is smaller), this instance is updated to hold the given values.
  • node – The intersected node
  • distance – The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes
  • point – The intersection point
Returns:true if the offered intersection has been used
/** * Offers an intersection with a non-Shape3D object. This method is used * for 2D objects and for 3D objects with pickOnBounds==true; in both cases * face and texCoord make no sense. * * If the given intersection is closer to the camera * than the current one (the distance is smaller), this instance is updated * to hold the given values. * @param node The intersected node * @param distance The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes * @param point The intersection point * @return true if the offered intersection has been used */
public boolean offer(Node node, double distance, Point3D point) { return processOffer(node, node, distance, point, PickResult.FACE_UNDEFINED, null, null); }
Offers an intersection found inside a SubScene.
  • subScene – SubScene where the result was picked
  • pickResult – Picking result from the subScene
  • distance – distance from the camera to the intersection point with the subScene plane
Returns:true if the offered intersection has been used
/** * Offers an intersection found inside a SubScene. * @param subScene SubScene where the result was picked * @param pickResult Picking result from the subScene * @param distance distance from the camera to the intersection point * with the subScene plane * @return true if the offered intersection has been used */
public boolean offerSubScenePickResult(SubScene subScene, PickResult pickResult, double distance) { if (pickResult == null) { return false; } return processOffer(pickResult.getIntersectedNode(), subScene, distance, pickResult.getIntersectedPoint(), pickResult.getIntersectedFace(), pickResult.getIntersectedNormal(), pickResult.getIntersectedTexCoord()); }
Process an offered intersection.
  • node – The intersected node
  • depthTestNode – The node whose depthTest is considered. When processing subScene pick result we need to consider the inner picked node but subScene's depth test
  • distance – The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes
  • point – The intersection point
  • face – The intersected face
  • normal – The intersected normal
  • texCoord – The intersected texture coordinates
See Also:
Returns:true if the offered intersection has been used
/** * Process an offered intersection. * @see PickResultChooser#offer(javafx.scene.Node, double, int, javafx.geometry.Point3D, javafx.geometry.Point2D) * @see PickResultChooser#offer(javafx.scene.Node, double, javafx.geometry.Point3D) * @param node The intersected node * @param depthTestNode The node whose depthTest is considered. When * processing subScene pick result we need to consider the inner * picked node but subScene's depth test * @param distance The intersected distance measured in pickRay direction magnitudes * @param point The intersection point * @param face The intersected face * @param normal The intersected normal * @param texCoord The intersected texture coordinates * @return true if the offered intersection has been used */
private boolean processOffer(Node node, Node depthTestNode, double distance, Point3D point, int face, Point3D normal, Point2D texCoord) { final SubScene subScene = NodeHelper.getSubScene(depthTestNode); final boolean hasDepthBuffer = Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D) ? (subScene != null ? SubSceneHelper.isDepthBuffer(subScene) : depthTestNode.getScene().isDepthBuffer()) : false; final boolean hasDepthTest = hasDepthBuffer && NodeHelper.isDerivedDepthTest(depthTestNode); boolean accepted = false; if ((empty || (hasDepthTest && distance < this.distance)) && !closed) { this.node = node; this.distance = distance; this.face = face; this.point = point; this.normal = normal; this.texCoord = texCoord; this.empty = false; accepted = true; } if (!hasDepthTest) { this.closed = true; } return accepted; }
Returns the intersected Node
Returns:the picked Node
/** * Returns the intersected Node * * @return the picked Node */
public final Node getIntersectedNode() { return node; }
Returns the intersected distance between camera position and the picked Node
Returns:the distance from camera to the intersection
/** * Returns the intersected distance between camera position and the picked Node * * @return the distance from camera to the intersection */
public final double getIntersectedDistance() { return distance; }
Returns the intersected face of the picked Node
Returns:the picked face
/** * Returns the intersected face of the picked Node * * @return the picked face */
public final int getIntersectedFace() { return face; }
Return the intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node
Returns:new Point3D presenting the intersected point
/** * Return the intersected point in local coordinate of the picked Node * * @return new Point3D presenting the intersected point */
public final Point3D getIntersectedPoint() { return point; }
Return the intersected normal in local coordinate of the picked Node
Returns:new Point3D presenting the intersected normal
/** * Return the intersected normal in local coordinate of the picked Node * * @return new Point3D presenting the intersected normal * */
public final Point3D getIntersectedNormal() { return normal; }
Return the intersected texture coordinates of the picked Node return new Point2D presenting the intersected TexCoord
/** * Return the intersected texture coordinates of the picked Node * * return new Point2D presenting the intersected TexCoord */
public final javafx.geometry.Point2D getIntersectedTexCoord() { return texCoord; } }