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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBaseHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TreeTableViewBackingList;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.Utils;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.css.Styleable;
import javafx.css.StyleableDoubleProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
import javafx.css.converter.SizeConverter;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleRole;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableRow;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView;
import javafx.scene.input.ContextMenuEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Priority;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.util.Callback;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.getSortTypeName;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.getSortTypeProperty;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.isAscending;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.isDescending;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.TableColumnSortTypeWrapper.setSortType;

Region responsible for painting a single column header. A subcomponent used by subclasses of TableViewSkinBase.
/** * Region responsible for painting a single column header. A subcomponent used by * subclasses of {@link TableViewSkinBase}. * * @since 9 */
public class TableColumnHeader extends Region {
* Static Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "column-header"; // Copied from TableColumn. The value here should always be in-sync with // the value in TableColumn static final double DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 80.0F;
* Private Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
private boolean autoSizeComplete = false; private double dragOffset; private NestedTableColumnHeader nestedColumnHeader; private TableHeaderRow tableHeaderRow; private NestedTableColumnHeader parentHeader; // work out where this column currently is within its parent Label label; // sort order int sortPos = -1; private Region arrow; private Label sortOrderLabel; private HBox sortOrderDots; private Node sortArrow; private boolean isSortColumn; private boolean isSizeDirty = false; boolean isLastVisibleColumn = false; // package for testing int columnIndex = -1; private int newColumnPos; // the line drawn in the table when a user presses and moves a column header // to indicate where the column will be dropped. This is provided by the // table skin, but manipulated by the header Region columnReorderLine; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructor * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given TableColumnBase instance.
  • tc – The table column to be visually represented by this instance.
/** * Creates a new TableColumnHeader instance to visually represent the given * {@link TableColumnBase} instance. * * @param tc The table column to be visually represented by this instance. */
public TableColumnHeader(final TableColumnBase tc) { setTableColumn(tc); setFocusTraversable(false); initStyleClasses(); initUI(); // change listener for multiple properties changeListenerHandler = new LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler(); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(sceneProperty(), e -> updateScene()); if (getTableColumn() != null) { changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.idProperty(), e -> setId(tc.getId())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.styleProperty(), e -> setStyle(tc.getStyle())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.widthProperty(), e -> { // It is this that ensures that when a column is resized that the header // visually adjusts its width as necessary. isSizeDirty = true; requestLayout(); }); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.visibleProperty(), e -> setVisible(getTableColumn().isVisible())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.sortNodeProperty(), e -> updateSortGrid()); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.sortableProperty(), e -> { // we need to notify all headers that a sortable state has changed, // in case the sort grid in other columns needs to be updated. if (TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()).contains(getTableColumn())) { NestedTableColumnHeader root = getTableHeaderRow().getRootHeader(); updateAllHeaders(root); } }); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.textProperty(), e -> label.setText(tc.getText())); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(tc.graphicProperty(), e -> label.setGraphic(tc.getGraphic())); setId(tc.getId()); setStyle(tc.getStyle()); /* Having TableColumn role parented by TableColumn causes VoiceOver to be unhappy */ setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.TABLE_COLUMN); } }
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
final LambdaMultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler changeListenerHandler; private ListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrderListener = c -> { updateSortPosition(); }; private ListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> visibleLeafColumnsListener = c -> { updateColumnIndex(); updateSortPosition(); }; private ListChangeListener<String> styleClassListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasRemoved()) { getStyleClass().removeAll(c.getRemoved()); } if (c.wasAdded()) { getStyleClass().addAll(c.getAddedSubList()); } } }; private WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> weakSortOrderListener = new WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(sortOrderListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>> weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(visibleLeafColumnsListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<String> weakStyleClassListener = new WeakListChangeListener<String>(styleClassListener); private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mousePressedHandler = me -> { TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase tableColumn = header.getTableColumn(); ContextMenu menu = tableColumn.getContextMenu(); if (menu != null && menu.isShowing()) { menu.hide(); } if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock = true; // pass focus to the table, so that the user immediately sees // the focus rectangle around the table control. header.getTableSkin().getSkinnable().requestFocus(); if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReorderingStarted(me.getX()); } }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseDraggedHandler = me -> { if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReordering(me.getSceneX(), me.getSceneY()); } }; private static final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseReleasedHandler = me -> { if (me.isPopupTrigger()) return; if (me.isConsumed()) return; me.consume(); TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); header.getTableHeaderRow().columnDragLock = false; if (header.getTableHeaderRow().isReordering() && header.isColumnReorderingEnabled()) { header.columnReorderingComplete(); } else if (me.isStillSincePress()) { header.sortColumn(me.isShiftDown()); } }; private static final EventHandler<ContextMenuEvent> contextMenuRequestedHandler = me -> { TableColumnHeader header = (TableColumnHeader) me.getSource(); TableColumnBase tableColumn = header.getTableColumn(); ContextMenu menu = tableColumn.getContextMenu(); if (menu != null) { menu.show(header, me.getScreenX(), me.getScreenY()); me.consume(); } };
* Properties * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/
// --- size private DoubleProperty size; private final double getSize() { return size == null ? 20.0 : size.doubleValue(); } private final DoubleProperty sizeProperty() { if (size == null) { size = new StyleableDoubleProperty(20) { @Override protected void invalidated() { double value = get(); if (value <= 0) { if (isBound()) { unbind(); } set(20); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size cannot be 0 or negative"); } } @Override public Object getBean() { return TableColumnHeader.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "size"; } @Override public CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.SIZE; } }; } return size; }
A property that refers to the TableColumnBase instance that this header is visually represents.
/** * A property that refers to the {@link TableColumnBase} instance that this * header is visually represents. */
// --- table column private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tableColumn = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "tableColumn"); private final void setTableColumn(TableColumnBase<?,?> column) { tableColumn.set(column); } public final TableColumnBase<?,?> getTableColumn() { return tableColumn.get(); } public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tableColumnProperty() { return tableColumn.getReadOnlyProperty(); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { if (isSizeDirty) { resize(getTableColumn().getWidth(), getHeight()); isSizeDirty = false; } double sortWidth = 0; double w = snapSizeX(getWidth()) - (snappedLeftInset() + snappedRightInset()); double h = getHeight() - (snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset()); double x = w; // a bit hacky, but we REALLY don't want the arrow shape to fluctuate // in size if (arrow != null) { arrow.setMaxSize(arrow.prefWidth(-1), arrow.prefHeight(-1)); } if (sortArrow != null && sortArrow.isVisible()) { sortWidth = sortArrow.prefWidth(-1); x -= sortWidth; sortArrow.resize(sortWidth, sortArrow.prefHeight(-1)); positionInArea(sortArrow, x, snappedTopInset(), sortWidth, h, 0, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } if (label != null) { double labelWidth = w - sortWidth; label.resizeRelocate(snappedLeftInset(), 0, labelWidth, getHeight()); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { if (getNestedColumnHeader() != null) { double width = getNestedColumnHeader().prefWidth(height); if (getTableColumn() != null) { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(getTableColumn(), width); } return width; } else if (getTableColumn() != null && getTableColumn().isVisible()) { return snapSizeX(getTableColumn().getWidth()); } return 0; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) { return label == null ? 0 : label.minHeight(width); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { if (getTableColumn() == null) return 0; return Math.max(getSize(), label.prefHeight(-1)); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getCssMetaData() { return getClassCssMetaData(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case INDEX: return getIndex(getTableColumn()); case TEXT: return getTableColumn() != null ? getTableColumn().getText() : null; default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
* Private Implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
void initStyleClasses() { getStyleClass().setAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); installTableColumnStyleClassListener(); } void installTableColumnStyleClassListener() { TableColumnBase tc = getTableColumn(); if (tc != null) { // add in all styleclasses from the table column into the header, and also set up a listener // so that any subsequent changes to the table column are also applied to the header getStyleClass().addAll(tc.getStyleClass()); tc.getStyleClass().addListener(weakStyleClassListener); } } NestedTableColumnHeader getNestedColumnHeader() { return nestedColumnHeader; } void setNestedColumnHeader(NestedTableColumnHeader nch) { nestedColumnHeader = nch; }
Returns the TableHeaderRow associated with this TableColumnHeader.
Returns:the TableHeaderRow associated with this TableColumnHeader
/** * Returns the {@link TableHeaderRow} associated with this {@code TableColumnHeader}. * * @return the {@code TableHeaderRow} associated with this {@code TableColumnHeader} * @since 12 */
protected TableHeaderRow getTableHeaderRow() { return tableHeaderRow; } void setTableHeaderRow(TableHeaderRow thr) { tableHeaderRow = thr; updateTableSkin(); } private void updateTableSkin() { // when we get the table header row, we are also given the skin, // so this is the time to hook up listeners, etc. TableViewSkinBase<?,?,?,?,?> tableSkin = getTableSkin(); if (tableSkin == null) return; updateColumnIndex(); this.columnReorderLine = tableSkin.getColumnReorderLine(); if (getTableColumn() != null) { updateSortPosition(); TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(tableSkin).addListener(weakSortOrderListener); TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).addListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); } }
Returns the TableViewSkinBase in which this TableColumnHeader is inserted. This will return null until the TableHeaderRow has been set.
Returns:the TableViewSkinBase in which this TableColumnHeader is inserted, or null
/** * Returns the {@code TableViewSkinBase} in which this {@code TableColumnHeader} is inserted. This will return * {@code null} until the {@code TableHeaderRow} has been set. * * @return the {@code TableViewSkinBase} in which this {@code TableColumnHeader} is inserted, or {@code null} * @since 12 */
protected TableViewSkinBase<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> getTableSkin() { return tableHeaderRow == null ? null : tableHeaderRow.tableSkin; } NestedTableColumnHeader getParentHeader() { return parentHeader; } void setParentHeader(NestedTableColumnHeader ph) { parentHeader = ph; } // RT-29682: When the sortable property of a TableColumnBase changes this // may impact other TableColumnHeaders, as they may need to change their // sort order representation. Rather than install listeners across all // TableColumn in the sortOrder list for their sortable property, we simply // update the sortPosition of all headers whenever the sortOrder property // changes, assuming the column is within the sortOrder list. private void updateAllHeaders(TableColumnHeader header) { if (header instanceof NestedTableColumnHeader) { List<TableColumnHeader> children = ((NestedTableColumnHeader)header).getColumnHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { updateAllHeaders(children.get(i)); } } else { header.updateSortPosition(); } } private void updateScene() { // RT-17684: If the TableColumn widths are all currently the default, // we attempt to 'auto-size' based on the preferred width of the first // n rows (we can't do all rows, as that could conceivably be an unlimited // number of rows retrieved from a very slow (e.g. remote) data source. // Obviously, the bigger the value of n, the more likely the default // width will be suitable for most values in the column final int n = 30; if (! autoSizeComplete) { if (getTableColumn() == null || getTableColumn().getWidth() != DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH || getScene() == null) { return; } doColumnAutoSize(n); autoSizeComplete = true; } } void dispose() { TableViewSkinBase tableSkin = getTableSkin(); if (tableSkin != null) { TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).removeListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(tableSkin).removeListener(weakSortOrderListener); } changeListenerHandler.dispose(); } private boolean isSortingEnabled() { // this used to check if ! PlatformUtil.isEmbedded(), but has been changed // to always return true (for now), as we want to support column sorting // everywhere return true; } private boolean isColumnReorderingEnabled() { // we only allow for column reordering if there are more than one column, return !Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED && TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(getTableSkin()).size() > 1; } private void initUI() { // TableColumn will be null if we are dealing with the root NestedTableColumnHeader if (getTableColumn() == null) return; // set up mouse events setOnMousePressed(mousePressedHandler); setOnMouseDragged(mouseDraggedHandler); setOnDragDetected(event -> event.consume()); setOnContextMenuRequested(contextMenuRequestedHandler); setOnMouseReleased(mouseReleasedHandler); // --- label label = new Label(); label.setText(getTableColumn().getText()); label.setGraphic(getTableColumn().getGraphic()); label.setVisible(getTableColumn().isVisible()); // ---- container for the sort arrow (which is not supported on embedded // platforms) if (isSortingEnabled()) { // put together the grid updateSortGrid(); } } private void doColumnAutoSize(int cellsToMeasure) { double prefWidth = getTableColumn().getPrefWidth(); // if the prefWidth has been set, we do _not_ autosize columns if (prefWidth == DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) { resizeColumnToFitContent(cellsToMeasure); } }
Resizes this TableColumnHeader's column to fit the width of its content.
  • maxRows – the number of rows considered when resizing. If -1 is given, all rows are considered.
Implementation Requirements:The resulting column width for this implementation is the maximum of the preferred width of the header cell and the preferred width of the first maxRow cells.

Subclasses can either use this method or override it (without the need to call super()) to provide their custom implementation (such as ones that exclude the header, exclude null content, compute the minimum width, etc.).

/** * Resizes this {@code TableColumnHeader}'s column to fit the width of its content. * * @implSpec The resulting column width for this implementation is the maximum of the preferred width of the header * cell and the preferred width of the first {@code maxRow} cells. * <p> * Subclasses can either use this method or override it (without the need to call {@code super()}) to provide their * custom implementation (such as ones that exclude the header, exclude {@code null} content, compute the minimum * width, etc.). * * @param maxRows the number of rows considered when resizing. If -1 is given, all rows are considered. * @since 14 */
protected void resizeColumnToFitContent(int maxRows) { TableColumnBase<?, ?> tc = getTableColumn(); if (!tc.isResizable()) return; Object control = this.getTableSkin().getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof TableView) { resizeColumnToFitContent((TableView) control, (TableColumn) tc, this.getTableSkin(), maxRows); } else if (control instanceof TreeTableView) { resizeColumnToFitContent((TreeTableView) control, (TreeTableColumn) tc, this.getTableSkin(), maxRows); } } private <T,S> void resizeColumnToFitContent(TableView<T> tv, TableColumn<T, S> tc, TableViewSkinBase tableSkin, int maxRows) { List<?> items = tv.getItems(); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return; Callback/*<TableColumn<T, ?>, TableCell<T,?>>*/ cellFactory = tc.getCellFactory(); if (cellFactory == null) return; TableCell<T,?> cell = (TableCell<T, ?>) cellFactory.call(tc); if (cell == null) return; // set this property to tell the TableCell we want to know its actual // preferred width, not the width of the associated TableColumnBase cell.getProperties().put(Properties.DEFER_TO_PARENT_PREF_WIDTH, Boolean.TRUE); // determine cell padding double padding = 10; Node n = cell.getSkin() == null ? null : cell.getSkin().getNode(); if (n instanceof Region) { Region r = (Region) n; padding = r.snappedLeftInset() + r.snappedRightInset(); } int rows = maxRows == -1 ? items.size() : Math.min(items.size(), maxRows); double maxWidth = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { cell.updateTableColumn(tc); cell.updateTableView(tv); cell.updateIndex(row); if ((cell.getText() != null && !cell.getText().isEmpty()) || cell.getGraphic() != null) { tableSkin.getChildren().add(cell); cell.applyCss(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, cell.prefWidth(-1)); tableSkin.getChildren().remove(cell); } } // dispose of the cell to prevent it retaining listeners (see RT-31015) cell.updateIndex(-1); // RT-36855 - take into account the column header text / graphic widths. // Magic 10 is to allow for sort arrow to appear without text truncation. TableColumnHeader header = tableSkin.getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc); double headerTextWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(header.label.getFont(), tc.getText(), -1); Node graphic = header.label.getGraphic(); double headerGraphicWidth = graphic == null ? 0 : graphic.prefWidth(-1) + header.label.getGraphicTextGap(); double headerWidth = headerTextWidth + headerGraphicWidth + 10 + header.snappedLeftInset() + header.snappedRightInset(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, headerWidth); // RT-23486 maxWidth += padding; if (tv.getColumnResizePolicy() == TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY && tv.getWidth() > 0) { if (maxWidth > tc.getMaxWidth()) { maxWidth = tc.getMaxWidth(); } int size = tc.getColumns().size(); if (size > 0) { TableColumnHeader columnHeader = getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc.getColumns().get(size - 1)); if (columnHeader != null) { columnHeader.resizeColumnToFitContent(maxRows); } return; } TableSkinUtils.resizeColumn(tableSkin, tc, Math.round(maxWidth - tc.getWidth())); } else { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(tc, maxWidth); } } private <T,S> void resizeColumnToFitContent(TreeTableView<T> ttv, TreeTableColumn<T, S> tc, TableViewSkinBase tableSkin, int maxRows) { List<?> items = new TreeTableViewBackingList(ttv); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return; Callback cellFactory = tc.getCellFactory(); if (cellFactory == null) return; TreeTableCell<T,S> cell = (TreeTableCell) cellFactory.call(tc); if (cell == null) return; // set this property to tell the TableCell we want to know its actual // preferred width, not the width of the associated TableColumnBase cell.getProperties().put(Properties.DEFER_TO_PARENT_PREF_WIDTH, Boolean.TRUE); // determine cell padding double padding = 10; Node n = cell.getSkin() == null ? null : cell.getSkin().getNode(); if (n instanceof Region) { Region r = (Region) n; padding = r.snappedLeftInset() + r.snappedRightInset(); } TreeTableRow<T> treeTableRow = new TreeTableRow<>(); treeTableRow.updateTreeTableView(ttv); int rows = maxRows == -1 ? items.size() : Math.min(items.size(), maxRows); double maxWidth = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { treeTableRow.updateIndex(row); treeTableRow.updateTreeItem(ttv.getTreeItem(row)); cell.updateTreeTableColumn(tc); cell.updateTreeTableView(ttv); cell.updateTreeTableRow(treeTableRow); cell.updateIndex(row); if ((cell.getText() != null && !cell.getText().isEmpty()) || cell.getGraphic() != null) { tableSkin.getChildren().add(cell); cell.applyCss(); double w = cell.prefWidth(-1); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, w); tableSkin.getChildren().remove(cell); } } // dispose of the cell to prevent it retaining listeners (see RT-31015) cell.updateIndex(-1); // RT-36855 - take into account the column header text / graphic widths. // Magic 10 is to allow for sort arrow to appear without text truncation. TableColumnHeader header = tableSkin.getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc); double headerTextWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(header.label.getFont(), tc.getText(), -1); Node graphic = header.label.getGraphic(); double headerGraphicWidth = graphic == null ? 0 : graphic.prefWidth(-1) + header.label.getGraphicTextGap(); double headerWidth = headerTextWidth + headerGraphicWidth + 10 + header.snappedLeftInset() + header.snappedRightInset(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, headerWidth); // RT-23486 maxWidth += padding; if (ttv.getColumnResizePolicy() == TreeTableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY && ttv.getWidth() > 0) { if (maxWidth > tc.getMaxWidth()) { maxWidth = tc.getMaxWidth(); } int size = tc.getColumns().size(); if (size > 0) { TableColumnHeader columnHeader = getTableHeaderRow().getColumnHeaderFor(tc.getColumns().get(size - 1)); if (columnHeader != null) { columnHeader.resizeColumnToFitContent(maxRows); } return; } TableSkinUtils.resizeColumn(tableSkin, tc, Math.round(maxWidth - tc.getWidth())); } else { TableColumnBaseHelper.setWidth(tc, maxWidth); } } private void updateSortPosition() { this.sortPos = ! getTableColumn().isSortable() ? -1 : getSortPosition(); updateSortGrid(); } private void updateSortGrid() { // Fix for RT-14488 if (this instanceof NestedTableColumnHeader) return; getChildren().clear(); getChildren().add(label); // we do not support sorting in embedded devices if (! isSortingEnabled()) return; isSortColumn = sortPos != -1; if (! isSortColumn) { if (sortArrow != null) { sortArrow.setVisible(false); } return; } // RT-28016: if the tablecolumn is not a visible leaf column, we should ignore this int visibleLeafIndex = TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafIndex(getTableSkin(), getTableColumn()); if (visibleLeafIndex == -1) return; final int sortColumnCount = getVisibleSortOrderColumnCount(); boolean showSortOrderDots = sortPos <= 3 && sortColumnCount > 1; Node _sortArrow = null; if (getTableColumn().getSortNode() != null) { _sortArrow = getTableColumn().getSortNode(); getChildren().add(_sortArrow); } else { GridPane sortArrowGrid = new GridPane(); _sortArrow = sortArrowGrid; sortArrowGrid.setPadding(new Insets(0, 3, 0, 0)); getChildren().add(sortArrowGrid); // if we are here, and the sort arrow is null, we better create it if (arrow == null) { arrow = new Region(); arrow.getStyleClass().setAll("arrow"); arrow.setVisible(true); arrow.setRotate(isAscending(getTableColumn()) ? 180.0F : 0.0F); changeListenerHandler.registerChangeListener(getSortTypeProperty(getTableColumn()), e -> { updateSortGrid(); if (arrow != null) { arrow.setRotate(isAscending(getTableColumn()) ? 180 : 0.0); } }); } arrow.setVisible(isSortColumn); if (sortPos > 2) { if (sortOrderLabel == null) { // ---- sort order label (for sort positions greater than 3) sortOrderLabel = new Label(); sortOrderLabel.getStyleClass().add("sort-order"); } // only show the label if the sortPos is greater than 3 (for sortPos // values less than three, we show the sortOrderDots instead) sortOrderLabel.setText("" + (sortPos + 1)); sortOrderLabel.setVisible(sortColumnCount > 1); // update the grid layout sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, 1); GridPane.setHgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); GridPane.setVgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); sortArrowGrid.add(sortOrderLabel, 2, 1); } else if (showSortOrderDots) { if (sortOrderDots == null) { sortOrderDots = new HBox(0); sortOrderDots.getStyleClass().add("sort-order-dots-container"); } // show the sort order dots boolean isAscending = isAscending(getTableColumn()); int arrowRow = isAscending ? 1 : 2; int dotsRow = isAscending ? 2 : 1; sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, arrowRow); GridPane.setHalignment(arrow, HPos.CENTER); sortArrowGrid.add(sortOrderDots, 1, dotsRow); updateSortOrderDots(sortPos); } else { // only show the arrow sortArrowGrid.add(arrow, 1, 1); GridPane.setHgrow(arrow, Priority.NEVER); GridPane.setVgrow(arrow, Priority.ALWAYS); } } sortArrow = _sortArrow; if (sortArrow != null) { sortArrow.setVisible(isSortColumn); } requestLayout(); } private void updateSortOrderDots(int sortPos) { double arrowWidth = arrow.prefWidth(-1); sortOrderDots.getChildren().clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= sortPos; i++) { Region r = new Region(); r.getStyleClass().add("sort-order-dot"); String sortTypeName = getSortTypeName(getTableColumn()); if (sortTypeName != null && ! sortTypeName.isEmpty()) { r.getStyleClass().add(sortTypeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); } sortOrderDots.getChildren().add(r); // RT-34914: fine tuning the placement of the sort dots. We could have gone to a custom layout, but for now // this works fine. if (i < sortPos) { Region spacer = new Region(); double lp = sortPos == 1 ? 1 : 0; spacer.setPadding(new Insets(0, 1, 0, lp)); sortOrderDots.getChildren().add(spacer); } } sortOrderDots.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); sortOrderDots.setMaxWidth(arrowWidth); } // Package for testing purposes only. void moveColumn(TableColumnBase column, final int newColumnPos) { if (column == null || newColumnPos < 0) return; ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> columns = getColumns(column); final int columnsCount = columns.size(); final int currentPos = columns.indexOf(column); int actualNewColumnPos = newColumnPos; // Fix for RT-35141: We need to account for hidden columns. // We keep iterating until we see 'requiredVisibleColumns' number of visible columns final int requiredVisibleColumns = actualNewColumnPos; int visibleColumnsSeen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { if (visibleColumnsSeen == (requiredVisibleColumns + 1)) { break; } if (columns.get(i).isVisible()) { visibleColumnsSeen++; } else { actualNewColumnPos++; } } // --- end of RT-35141 fix if (actualNewColumnPos >= columnsCount) { actualNewColumnPos = columnsCount - 1; } else if (actualNewColumnPos < 0) { actualNewColumnPos = 0; } if (actualNewColumnPos == currentPos) return; List<TableColumnBase<?,?>> tempList = new ArrayList<>(columns); tempList.remove(column); tempList.add(actualNewColumnPos, column); columns.setAll(tempList); } private ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> getColumns(TableColumnBase column) { return column.getParentColumn() == null ? TableSkinUtils.getColumns(getTableSkin()) : column.getParentColumn().getColumns(); } private int getIndex(TableColumnBase<?,?> column) { if (column == null) return -1; ObservableList<? extends TableColumnBase<?,?>> columns = getColumns(column); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase<?,?> _column = columns.get(i); if (! _column.isVisible()) continue; index++; if (column.equals(_column)) break; } return index; } private void updateColumnIndex() { // TableView tv = getTableView(); TableColumnBase tc = getTableColumn(); TableViewSkinBase tableSkin = getTableSkin(); columnIndex = tableSkin == null || tc == null ? -1 :TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafIndex(tableSkin,tc); // update the pseudo class state regarding whether this is the last // visible cell (i.e. the right-most). isLastVisibleColumn = getTableColumn() != null && columnIndex != -1 && columnIndex == TableSkinUtils.getVisibleLeafColumns(tableSkin).size() - 1; pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE, isLastVisibleColumn); } private void sortColumn(final boolean addColumn) { if (! isSortingEnabled()) return; // we only allow sorting on the leaf columns and columns // that actually have comparators defined, and are sortable if (getTableColumn() == null || getTableColumn().getColumns().size() != 0 || getTableColumn().getComparator() == null || !getTableColumn().isSortable()) return; // final int sortPos = getTable().getSortOrder().indexOf(column); // final boolean isSortColumn = sortPos != -1; final ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrder = TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()); // addColumn is true e.g. when the user is holding down Shift if (addColumn) { if (!isSortColumn) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); sortOrder.add(getTableColumn()); } else if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else { int i = sortOrder.indexOf(getTableColumn()); if (i != -1) { sortOrder.remove(i); } } } else { // the user has clicked on a column header - we should add this to // the TableView sortOrder list if it isn't already there. if (isSortColumn && sortOrder.size() == 1) { // the column is already being sorted, and it's the only column. // We therefore move through the 2nd or 3rd states: // 1st click: sort ascending // 2nd click: sort descending // 3rd click: natural sorting (sorting is switched off) if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else { // remove from sort sortOrder.remove(getTableColumn()); } } else if (isSortColumn) { // the column is already being used to sort, so we toggle its // sortAscending property, and also make the column become the // primary sort column if (isAscending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.DESCENDING); } else if (isDescending(getTableColumn())) { setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); } // to prevent multiple sorts, we make a copy of the sort order // list, moving the column value from the current position to // its new position at the front of the list List<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrderCopy = new ArrayList<TableColumnBase<?,?>>(sortOrder); sortOrderCopy.remove(getTableColumn()); sortOrderCopy.add(0, getTableColumn()); sortOrder.setAll(getTableColumn()); } else { // add to the sort order, in ascending form setSortType(getTableColumn(), TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING); sortOrder.setAll(getTableColumn()); } } } // Because it is possible that some columns are in the sortOrder list but are // not themselves sortable, we cannot just do sortOrderList.indexOf(column). // Therefore, this method does the proper work required of iterating through // and ignoring non-sortable (and null) columns in the sortOrder list. private int getSortPosition() { if (getTableColumn() == null) { return -1; } final List<TableColumnBase> sortOrder = getVisibleSortOrderColumns(); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sortOrder.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase _tc = sortOrder.get(i); if (getTableColumn().equals(_tc)) { return pos; } pos++; } return -1; } private List<TableColumnBase> getVisibleSortOrderColumns() { final ObservableList<TableColumnBase<?,?>> sortOrder = TableSkinUtils.getSortOrder(getTableSkin()); List<TableColumnBase> visibleSortOrderColumns = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < sortOrder.size(); i++) { TableColumnBase _tc = sortOrder.get(i); if (_tc == null || ! _tc.isSortable() || ! _tc.isVisible()) { continue; } visibleSortOrderColumns.add(_tc); } return visibleSortOrderColumns; } // as with getSortPosition above, this method iterates through the sortOrder // list ignoring the null and non-sortable columns, so that we get the correct // number of columns in the sortOrder list. private int getVisibleSortOrderColumnCount() { return getVisibleSortOrderColumns().size(); }
* Private Implementation: Column Reordering * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation: Column Reordering * * * **************************************************************************/
// package for testing void columnReorderingStarted(double dragOffset) { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // Used to ensure the column ghost is positioned relative to where the // user clicked on the column header this.dragOffset = dragOffset; // Note here that we only allow for reordering of 'root' columns getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingColumn(getTableColumn()); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingRegion(this); } // package for testing void columnReordering(double sceneX, double sceneY) { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // this is for handling the column drag to reorder columns. // It shows a line to indicate where the 'drop' will be. // indicate that we've started dragging so that the dragging // line overlay is shown getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(true); // Firstly we need to determine where to draw the line. // Find which column we're over TableColumnHeader hoverHeader = null; // x represents where the mouse is relative to the parent // NestedTableColumnHeader final double x = getParentHeader().sceneToLocal(sceneX, sceneY).getX(); // calculate where the ghost column header should be double dragX = getTableSkin().getSkinnable().sceneToLocal(sceneX, sceneY).getX() - dragOffset; getTableHeaderRow().setDragHeaderX(dragX); double startX = 0; double endX = 0; double headersWidth = 0; newColumnPos = 0; for (TableColumnHeader header : getParentHeader().getColumnHeaders()) { if (! header.isVisible()) continue; double headerWidth = header.prefWidth(-1); headersWidth += headerWidth; startX = header.getBoundsInParent().getMinX(); endX = startX + headerWidth; if (x >= startX && x < endX) { hoverHeader = header; break; } newColumnPos++; } // hoverHeader will be null if the drag occurs outside of the // tableview. In this case we handle the newColumnPos specially // and then short-circuit. This results in the drop action // resulting in the correct result (the column will drop at // the start or end of the table). if (hoverHeader == null) { newColumnPos = x > headersWidth ? (getParentHeader().getColumns().size() - 1) : 0; return; } // This is the x-axis value midway through hoverHeader. It's // used to determine whether the drop should be to the left // or the right of hoverHeader. double midPoint = startX + (endX - startX) / 2; boolean beforeMidPoint = x <= midPoint; // Based on where the mouse actually is, we have to shuffle // where we want the column to end up. This code handles that. int currentPos = getIndex(getTableColumn()); newColumnPos += newColumnPos > currentPos && beforeMidPoint ? -1 : (newColumnPos < currentPos && !beforeMidPoint ? 1 : 0); double lineX = getTableHeaderRow().sceneToLocal(hoverHeader.localToScene(hoverHeader.getBoundsInLocal())).getMinX(); lineX = lineX + ((beforeMidPoint) ? (0) : (hoverHeader.getWidth())); if (lineX >= -0.5 && lineX <= getTableSkin().getSkinnable().getWidth()) { columnReorderLine.setTranslateX(lineX); // then if this is the first event, we set the property to true // so that the line becomes visible until the drop is completed. // We also set reordering to true so that the various reordering // effects become visible (ghost, transparent overlay, etc). columnReorderLine.setVisible(true); } getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(true); } // package for testing void columnReorderingComplete() { if (! getTableColumn().isReorderable()) return; // Move col from where it is now to the new position. moveColumn(getTableColumn(), newColumnPos); // cleanup columnReorderLine.setTranslateX(0.0F); columnReorderLine.setLayoutX(0.0F); newColumnPos = 0; getTableHeaderRow().setReordering(false); columnReorderLine.setVisible(false); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingColumn(null); getTableHeaderRow().setReorderingRegion(null); dragOffset = 0.0F; } double getDragRectHeight() { return getHeight(); } // Used to test whether this column header properly represents the given column. // In particular, whether it has child column headers for all child columns boolean represents(TableColumnBase<?, ?> column) { if (!column.getColumns().isEmpty()) { // this column has children, but we are in a TableColumnHeader instance, // so the match is bad. return false; } return column == getTableColumn(); }
* Stylesheet Handling * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("last-visible"); /* * Super-lazy instantiation pattern from Bill Pugh. */ private static class StyleableProperties { private static final CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number> SIZE = new CssMetaData<TableColumnHeader,Number>("-fx-size", SizeConverter.getInstance(), 20.0) { @Override public boolean isSettable(TableColumnHeader n) { return n.size == null || !n.size.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Number> getStyleableProperty(TableColumnHeader n) { return (StyleableProperty<Number>)(WritableValue<Number>)n.sizeProperty(); } }; private static final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> STYLEABLES; static { final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> styleables = new ArrayList<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>>(Region.getClassCssMetaData()); styleables.add(SIZE); STYLEABLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleables); } }
Returns the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses.
Returns:the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses
/** * Returns the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses. * * @return the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses */
public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getClassCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STYLEABLES; } }