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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.control.SkinBase;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.ComboBoxBaseBehavior;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBoxBase;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;

import java.util.List;

An abstract class intended to be used as the base skin for ComboBox-like controls that are based on ComboBoxBase. Most users of this skin class would be well-advised to also look at ComboBoxPopupControl for additional useful API.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The type of the ComboBox-like control.
See Also:
/** * An abstract class intended to be used as the base skin for ComboBox-like * controls that are based on {@link ComboBoxBase}. Most users of this skin class * would be well-advised to also look at {@link ComboBoxPopupControl} for * additional useful API. * * @since 9 * @param <T> The type of the ComboBox-like control. * @see ComboBoxBase * @see ComboBoxPopupControl */
public abstract class ComboBoxBaseSkin<T> extends SkinBase<ComboBoxBase<T>> {
* Private Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
private Node displayNode; // this is normally either label or textField StackPane arrowButton; Region arrow;
The mode in which this control will be represented.
/** The mode in which this control will be represented. */
private ComboBoxMode mode = ComboBoxMode.COMBOBOX; final ComboBoxMode getMode() { return mode; } final void setMode(ComboBoxMode value) { mode = value; } private final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseEnteredEventHandler = e -> getBehavior().mouseEntered(e); private final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mousePressedEventHandler = e -> { getBehavior().mousePressed(e); e.consume(); }; private final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseReleasedEventHandler = e -> { getBehavior().mouseReleased(e); e.consume(); }; private final EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseExitedEventHandler = e -> getBehavior().mouseExited(e); /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new instance of ComboBoxBaseSkin, although note that this instance does not handle any behavior / input mappings - this needs to be handled appropriately by subclasses.
  • control – The control that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Creates a new instance of ComboBoxBaseSkin, although note that this * instance does not handle any behavior / input mappings - this needs to be * handled appropriately by subclasses. * * @param control The control that this skin should be installed onto. */
public ComboBoxBaseSkin(final ComboBoxBase<T> control) { // Call the super method with the ComboBox we were just given in the constructor super(control); getChildren().clear(); // open button / arrow arrow = new Region(); arrow.setFocusTraversable(false); arrow.getStyleClass().setAll("arrow"); arrow.setId("arrow"); arrow.setMaxWidth(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); arrow.setMaxHeight(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); arrow.setMouseTransparent(true); arrowButton = new StackPane(); arrowButton.setFocusTraversable(false); arrowButton.setId("arrow-button"); arrowButton.getStyleClass().setAll("arrow-button"); arrowButton.getChildren().add(arrow); getChildren().add(arrowButton); // When ComboBoxBase focus shifts to another node, it should hide. getSkinnable().focusedProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (!newValue) { focusLost(); } }); // Register listeners updateArrowButtonListeners(); registerChangeListener(control.editableProperty(), e -> { updateArrowButtonListeners(); updateDisplayArea(); }); registerChangeListener(control.showingProperty(), e -> { if (getSkinnable().isShowing()) { show(); } else { hide(); } }); registerChangeListener(control.valueProperty(), e -> updateDisplayArea()); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
This method should return a Node that will be positioned within the ComboBox 'button' area.
Returns:the node that will be positioned within the ComboBox 'button' area
/** * This method should return a Node that will be positioned within the * ComboBox 'button' area. * @return the node that will be positioned within the ComboBox 'button' area */
public abstract Node getDisplayNode();
This method will be called when the ComboBox popup should be displayed. It is up to specific skin implementations to determine how this is handled.
/** * This method will be called when the ComboBox popup should be displayed. * It is up to specific skin implementations to determine how this is handled. */
public abstract void show();
This method will be called when the ComboBox popup should be hidden. It is up to specific skin implementations to determine how this is handled.
/** * This method will be called when the ComboBox popup should be hidden. * It is up to specific skin implementations to determine how this is handled. */
public abstract void hide();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { if (displayNode == null) { updateDisplayArea(); } final double arrowWidth = snapSizeX(arrow.prefWidth(-1)); final double arrowButtonWidth = (isButton()) ? 0 : arrowButton.snappedLeftInset() + arrowWidth + arrowButton.snappedRightInset(); if (displayNode != null) { displayNode.resizeRelocate(x, y, w - arrowButtonWidth, h); } arrowButton.setVisible(! isButton()); if (! isButton()) { arrowButton.resize(arrowButtonWidth, h); positionInArea(arrowButton, (x + w) - arrowButtonWidth, y, arrowButtonWidth, h, 0, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { if (displayNode == null) { updateDisplayArea(); } final double arrowWidth = snapSizeX(arrow.prefWidth(-1)); final double arrowButtonWidth = isButton() ? 0 : arrowButton.snappedLeftInset() + arrowWidth + arrowButton.snappedRightInset(); final double displayNodeWidth = displayNode == null ? 0 : displayNode.prefWidth(height); final double totalWidth = displayNodeWidth + arrowButtonWidth; return leftInset + totalWidth + rightInset; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { if (displayNode == null) { updateDisplayArea(); } double ph; if (displayNode == null) { final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 21; double arrowHeight = (isButton()) ? 0 : (arrowButton.snappedTopInset() + arrow.prefHeight(-1) + arrowButton.snappedBottomInset()); ph = Math.max(DEFAULT_HEIGHT, arrowHeight); } else { ph = displayNode.prefHeight(width); } return topInset+ ph + bottomInset; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMaxWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return getSkinnable().prefWidth(height); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return getSkinnable().prefHeight(width); } // Overridden so that we use the displayNode as the baseline, rather than the arrow. // See RT-30754 for more information.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeBaselineOffset(double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { if (displayNode == null) { updateDisplayArea(); } if (displayNode != null) { return displayNode.getLayoutBounds().getMinY() + displayNode.getLayoutY() + displayNode.getBaselineOffset(); } return super.computeBaselineOffset(topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset); }
* Private implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
ComboBoxBaseBehavior getBehavior() { return null; } void focusLost() { getSkinnable().hide(); } private boolean isButton() { return getMode() == ComboBoxMode.BUTTON; } private void updateArrowButtonListeners() { if (getSkinnable().isEditable()) { // // arrowButton behaves like a button. // This is strongly tied to the implementation in ComboBoxBaseBehavior. // arrowButton.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, mouseEnteredEventHandler); arrowButton.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, mousePressedEventHandler); arrowButton.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, mouseReleasedEventHandler); arrowButton.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, mouseExitedEventHandler); } else { arrowButton.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, mouseEnteredEventHandler); arrowButton.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, mousePressedEventHandler); arrowButton.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, mouseReleasedEventHandler); arrowButton.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, mouseExitedEventHandler); } } void updateDisplayArea() { final List<Node> children = getChildren(); final Node oldDisplayNode = displayNode; displayNode = getDisplayNode(); // don't remove displayNode if it hasn't changed. if (oldDisplayNode != null && oldDisplayNode != displayNode) { children.remove(oldDisplayNode); } if (displayNode != null && !children.contains(displayNode)) { children.add(displayNode); displayNode.applyCss(); } } }