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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.LabeledText;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextBinding;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.Utils;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation;
import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Accordion;
import javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.Labeled;
import javafx.scene.control.OverrunStyle;
import javafx.scene.control.SkinBase;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.Mnemonic;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;

import static javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay.BOTTOM;
import static javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay.LEFT;
import static javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay.RIGHT;
import static javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay.TOP;
import static javafx.scene.control.OverrunStyle.CLIP;

Default skin implementation for controls extends Labeled.
See Also:
/** * Default skin implementation for controls extends {@link Labeled}. * * @see Labeled * @since 9 */
public abstract class LabeledSkinBase<C extends Labeled> extends SkinBase<C> { /*************************************************************************** * * * Private fields * * * **************************************************************************/
The Text node used to display the text. This is package only for the sake of testing!
/** * The Text node used to display the text. This is package only * for the sake of testing! */
LabeledText text;
Indicates that the text content is invalid and needs to be updated. This is package private only for the sake of testing.
/** * Indicates that the text content is invalid and needs to be updated. * This is package private only for the sake of testing. */
boolean invalidText = true;
A reference to the last-known graphic on the Labeled. This reference is kept so that we can remove listeners from the old graphic later
/** * A reference to the last-known graphic on the Labeled. This reference * is kept so that we can remove listeners from the old graphic later */
Node graphic;
The cached full width of the non-truncated text. We only want to recompute this if the text has itself changed, or if the font has changed. This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING
/** * The cached full width of the non-truncated text. We only want to * recompute this if the text has itself changed, or if the font has changed. * This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING */
double textWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
The cached width of the ellipsis string. This will be recomputed if the font or the ellipsisString property have changed. This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING
/** * The cached width of the ellipsis string. This will be recomputed * if the font or the ellipsisString property have changed. * This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING */
double ellipsisWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
A listener which is applied to the graphic whenever the graphic is set and is visible within the labeled. For example, if there is a graphic defined on the Labeled but the ContentDisplay is set to TEXT_ONLY, then we will not bother installing this listener on the graphic. In all other cases, if the graphic is defined, it will have this listener added to it, which ensures that if the graphic's layout bounds change, we end up performing a layout and potentially update the visible text. This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING
/** * A listener which is applied to the graphic whenever the graphic is set * and is visible within the labeled. For example, if there is a graphic * defined on the Labeled but the ContentDisplay is set to TEXT_ONLY, then * we will not bother installing this listener on the graphic. In all * other cases, if the graphic is defined, it will have this listener * added to it, which ensures that if the graphic's layout bounds change, * we end up performing a layout and potentially update the visible text. * * This is package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING */
final InvalidationListener graphicPropertyChangedListener = valueModel -> { invalidText = true; if (getSkinnable() != null) getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }; private Rectangle textClip; private double wrapWidth; private double wrapHeight; private TextBinding bindings; private Line mnemonic_underscore; private boolean containsMnemonic = false; private Scene mnemonicScene = null; private KeyCombination mnemonicCode; // needs to be an object, as MenuItem isn't a node private Node labeledNode = null; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Constructor for LabeledSkinBase. The Labeled must be specified, and cannot be null. At the conclusion of the constructor call, the skin will be marked as needsLayout, and will be fully configured based on the current state of the labeled. Any subsequent changes to the Labeled will be handled via listeners and applied appropriately.
  • labeled – The labeled that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Constructor for LabeledSkinBase. The Labeled must be specified, and cannot be null. * At the conclusion of the constructor call, the skin will be marked as * needsLayout, and will be fully configured based on the current state of * the labeled. Any subsequent changes to the Labeled will be handled via * listeners and applied appropriately. * * @param labeled The labeled that this skin should be installed onto. */
public LabeledSkinBase(final C labeled) { super(labeled); // Configure the Text node with all of the attributes from the // Labeled which apply to it. text = new LabeledText(labeled); updateChildren(); // Labels do not block the mouse by default, unlike most other UI Controls. //consumeMouseEvents(false); // Register listeners /* * There are basically 2 things to worry about in each of these handlers * 1) Update the Text node * 2) Have the text metrics changed? * * If the metrics have changed, we need to request a layout and invalidate * the text so that we recompute the display text on next read. */ registerChangeListener(labeled.ellipsisStringProperty(), o -> { textMetricsChanged(); invalidateWidths(); ellipsisWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; }); registerChangeListener(labeled.widthProperty(), o -> { updateWrappingWidth(); invalidText = true; // No requestLayout() because Control will force a layout }); registerChangeListener(labeled.heightProperty(), o -> { invalidText = true; // No requestLayout() because Control will force a layout }); registerChangeListener(labeled.fontProperty(), o -> { textMetricsChanged(); invalidateWidths(); ellipsisWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; }); registerChangeListener(labeled.graphicProperty(), o -> { updateChildren(); textMetricsChanged(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.contentDisplayProperty(), o -> { updateChildren(); textMetricsChanged(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.labelPaddingProperty(), o -> textMetricsChanged()); registerChangeListener(labeled.graphicTextGapProperty(), o -> textMetricsChanged()); registerChangeListener(labeled.alignmentProperty(), o -> { // Doesn't involve text metrics because if the text is too long, then // it will already have fit all available width and a change to hpos // has no effect. Or it is too short (i.e. it all fits) and we don't // have to worry about truncation. So just call request layout. // Doesn't involve text metrics because if the text is too long, then // it will already have fit all available height and a change to vpos // has no effect. Or it is too short (i.e. it all fits) and we don't // have to worry about truncation. So just call request layout. getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.mnemonicParsingProperty(), o -> { containsMnemonic = false; textMetricsChanged(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.textProperty(), o -> { updateChildren(); textMetricsChanged(); invalidateWidths(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.textAlignmentProperty(), o -> { /* NO-OP */ }); registerChangeListener(labeled.textOverrunProperty(), o -> textMetricsChanged()); registerChangeListener(labeled.wrapTextProperty(), o -> { updateWrappingWidth(); textMetricsChanged(); }); registerChangeListener(labeled.underlineProperty(), o -> textMetricsChanged()); registerChangeListener(labeled.lineSpacingProperty(), o -> textMetricsChanged()); registerChangeListener(labeled.sceneProperty(), o -> sceneChanged()); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
Updates the children managed by LabeledSkinBase, which can be the Labeled graphic and/or a Text node. Only those nodes which actually must be used are used. For example, with a ContentDisplay of GRAPHIC_ONLY the text node is not added, and with a ContentDisplay of TEXT_ONLY, the graphic is not added.
/** * Updates the children managed by LabeledSkinBase, which can be the Labeled * graphic and/or a Text node. Only those nodes which actually must * be used are used. For example, with a ContentDisplay of * GRAPHIC_ONLY the text node is not added, and with a ContentDisplay * of TEXT_ONLY, the graphic is not added. */
protected void updateChildren() { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); // Only in some situations do we want to have the graphicPropertyChangedListener // installed. Since updateChildren() is not called much, we'll just remove it always // and reinstall it later if it is necessary to do so. if (graphic != null) { graphic.layoutBoundsProperty().removeListener(graphicPropertyChangedListener); } // Now update the graphic (since it may have changed) graphic = labeled.getGraphic(); // RT-19851 Only setMouseTransparent(true) for an ImageView. This allows the button // to be picked regardless of the changing images on top of it. if (graphic instanceof ImageView) { graphic.setMouseTransparent(true); } // Now update the children (and add the graphicPropertyChangedListener as necessary) if (isIgnoreGraphic()) { if (labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.GRAPHIC_ONLY) { getChildren().clear(); } else { getChildren().setAll(text); } } else { graphic.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(graphicPropertyChangedListener); if (isIgnoreText()) { getChildren().setAll(graphic); } else { getChildren().setAll(graphic, text); } } }
Compute and return the minimum width of this Labeled. The minimum width is the smaller of the width of "..." and the width with the actual text. In this way, if the text width itself is smaller than the ellipsis then we should use that as the min width, otherwise the ellipsis needs to be the min width.

We use the same calculation here regardless of whether we are talking about a single or multiline labeled. So a multiline labeled may find that the width of the "..." is as small as it will ever get.

/** * Compute and return the minimum width of this Labeled. The minimum width is * the smaller of the width of "..." and the width with the actual text. * In this way, if the text width itself is smaller than the ellipsis then * we should use that as the min width, otherwise the ellipsis needs to be the * min width. * <p> * We use the same calculation here regardless of whether we are talking * about a single or multiline labeled. So a multiline labeled may find that * the width of the "..." is as small as it will ever get. */
@Override protected double computeMinWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return computeMinLabeledPartWidth(height, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return computeMinLabeledPartHeight(width, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { // Get the preferred width of the text final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final Font font = text.getFont(); String string = labeled.getText(); boolean emptyText = string == null || string.isEmpty(); double widthPadding = leftInset + rightInset; if (!isIgnoreText()) { widthPadding += leftLabelPadding() + rightLabelPadding(); } double textWidth = 0.0; if (!emptyText) { if (labeled.isMnemonicParsing()) { if (string.contains("_") && (string.indexOf("_") != string.length()-1)) { string = string.replaceFirst("_", ""); } } textWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(font, string, 0); } // Fix for RT-39889 double graphicWidth = graphic == null ? 0.0 : Utils.boundedSize(graphic.prefWidth(-1), graphic.minWidth(-1), graphic.maxWidth(-1)); // Now add on the graphic, gap, and padding as appropriate if (isIgnoreGraphic()) { return textWidth + widthPadding; } else if (isIgnoreText()) { return graphicWidth + widthPadding; } else if (labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.LEFT || labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.RIGHT) { return textWidth + labeled.getGraphicTextGap() + graphicWidth + widthPadding; } else { return Math.max(textWidth, graphicWidth) + widthPadding; } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final Font font = text.getFont(); final ContentDisplay contentDisplay = labeled.getContentDisplay(); final double gap = labeled.getGraphicTextGap(); width -= leftInset + rightInset; if (!isIgnoreText()) { width -= leftLabelPadding() + rightLabelPadding(); } String str = labeled.getText(); if (str != null && str.endsWith("\n")) { // Strip ending newline so we don't count another row. str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } double textWidth = width; if (!isIgnoreGraphic() && (contentDisplay == LEFT || contentDisplay == RIGHT)) { textWidth -= (graphic.prefWidth(-1) + gap); } // TODO figure out how to cache this effectively. final double textHeight = Utils.computeTextHeight(font, str, labeled.isWrapText() ? textWidth : 0, labeled.getLineSpacing(), text.getBoundsType()); // Now we want to add on the graphic if necessary! double h = textHeight; if (!isIgnoreGraphic()) { final Node graphic = labeled.getGraphic(); if (contentDisplay == TOP || contentDisplay == BOTTOM) { h = graphic.prefHeight(width) + gap + textHeight; } else { h = Math.max(textHeight, graphic.prefHeight(width)); } } double padding = topInset + bottomInset; if (!isIgnoreText()) { padding += topLabelPadding() + bottomLabelPadding(); } return h + padding; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMaxWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return getSkinnable().prefWidth(height); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return getSkinnable().prefHeight(width); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public double computeBaselineOffset(double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { double textBaselineOffset = text.getBaselineOffset(); double h = textBaselineOffset; final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final Node g = labeled.getGraphic(); if (!isIgnoreGraphic()) { ContentDisplay contentDisplay = labeled.getContentDisplay(); if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.TOP) { h = g.prefHeight(-1) + labeled.getGraphicTextGap() + textBaselineOffset; } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.LEFT || contentDisplay == RIGHT) { h = textBaselineOffset + (g.prefHeight(-1) - text.prefHeight(-1)) / 2; } } double offset = topInset + h; if (!isIgnoreText()) { offset += topLabelPadding(); } return offset; }
The Layout algorithm works like this: - Get the labeled w/h, graphic w/h, text w/h - Compute content w/h based on graphicVPos, graphicHPos, graphicTextGap, and graphic w/h and text w/h - (Note that the text content has been pre-truncated where necessary) - compute content x/y based on content w/h and labeled w/h and the labeled's hpos and vpos - position the graphic and text
/** * The Layout algorithm works like this: * * - Get the labeled w/h, graphic w/h, text w/h * - Compute content w/h based on graphicVPos, graphicHPos, * graphicTextGap, and graphic w/h and text w/h * - (Note that the text content has been pre-truncated where * necessary) * - compute content x/y based on content w/h and labeled w/h * and the labeled's hpos and vpos * - position the graphic and text */
@Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { layoutLabelInArea(x, y, w, h); }
Performs the actual layout of the label content within the area given. This method is called by subclasses that override layoutChildren().
  • x – The x position of the label part of the control, inside padding
  • y – The y position of the label part of the control, inside padding
  • w – The width of the label part of the control, not including padding
  • h – The height of the label part of the control, not including padding
/** * Performs the actual layout of the label content within the area given. * This method is called by subclasses that override layoutChildren(). * * @param x The x position of the label part of the control, inside padding * * @param y The y position of the label part of the control, inside padding * * @param w The width of the label part of the control, not including padding * * @param h The height of the label part of the control, not including padding */
protected void layoutLabelInArea(double x, double y, double w, double h) { layoutLabelInArea(x, y, w, h, null); }
Performs the actual layout of the label content within the area given. This method is called by subclasses that override layoutChildren().
  • x – The x position of the label part of the control, inside padding
  • y – The y position of the label part of the control, inside padding
  • w – The width of the label part of the control, not including padding
  • h – The height of the label part of the control, not including padding
  • alignment – The alignment of the label part of the control within the given area. If null, then the control's alignment will be used.
/** * Performs the actual layout of the label content within the area given. * This method is called by subclasses that override layoutChildren(). * * @param x The x position of the label part of the control, inside padding * * @param y The y position of the label part of the control, inside padding * * @param w The width of the label part of the control, not including padding * * @param h The height of the label part of the control, not including padding * * @param alignment The alignment of the label part of the control within the given area. If null, then the control's alignment will be used. */
protected void layoutLabelInArea(double x, double y, double w, double h, Pos alignment) { // References to essential labeled state final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final ContentDisplay contentDisplay = labeled.getContentDisplay(); if (alignment == null) { alignment = labeled.getAlignment(); } final HPos hpos = alignment == null ? HPos.LEFT : alignment.getHpos(); final VPos vpos = alignment == null ? VPos.CENTER : alignment.getVpos(); // Figure out whether we should ignore the Graphic, and/or // ignore the Text final boolean ignoreGraphic = isIgnoreGraphic(); final boolean ignoreText = isIgnoreText(); if (!ignoreText) { x += leftLabelPadding(); y += topLabelPadding(); w -= leftLabelPadding() + rightLabelPadding(); h -= topLabelPadding() + bottomLabelPadding(); } // Compute some standard useful numbers for the graphic, text, and gap double graphicWidth; double graphicHeight; double textWidth; double textHeight; if (ignoreGraphic) { graphicWidth = graphicHeight = 0; } else if (ignoreText) { if (graphic.isResizable()) { Orientation contentBias = graphic.getContentBias(); if (contentBias == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) { graphicWidth = Utils.boundedSize(w, graphic.minWidth(-1), graphic.maxWidth(-1)); graphicHeight = Utils.boundedSize(h, graphic.minHeight(graphicWidth), graphic.maxHeight(graphicWidth)); } else if (contentBias == Orientation.VERTICAL) { graphicHeight = Utils.boundedSize(h, graphic.minHeight(-1), graphic.maxHeight(-1)); graphicWidth = Utils.boundedSize(w, graphic.minWidth(graphicHeight), graphic.maxWidth(graphicHeight)); } else { graphicWidth = Utils.boundedSize(w, graphic.minWidth(-1), graphic.maxWidth(-1)); graphicHeight = Utils.boundedSize(h, graphic.minHeight(-1), graphic.maxHeight(-1)); } graphic.resize(graphicWidth, graphicHeight); } else { graphicWidth = graphic.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(); graphicHeight = graphic.getLayoutBounds().getHeight(); } } else { graphic.autosize(); // We have to do this before getting metrics graphicWidth = graphic.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(); graphicHeight = graphic.getLayoutBounds().getHeight(); } if (ignoreText) { textWidth = textHeight = 0; text.setText(""); } else { updateDisplayedText(w, h); // Have to do this just in case it needs to be recomputed textWidth = snapSizeX(Math.min(text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(), wrapWidth)); textHeight = snapSizeY(Math.min(text.getLayoutBounds().getHeight(), wrapHeight)); } final double gap = (ignoreText || ignoreGraphic) ? 0 : labeled.getGraphicTextGap(); // Figure out the contentWidth and contentHeight. This is the width // and height of the Labeled and Graphic together, not the available // content area (which would be a different calculation). double contentWidth = Math.max(graphicWidth, textWidth); double contentHeight = Math.max(graphicHeight, textHeight); if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.TOP || contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.BOTTOM) { contentHeight = graphicHeight + gap + textHeight; } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.LEFT || contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.RIGHT) { contentWidth = graphicWidth + gap + textWidth; } // Now we want to compute the x/y location to place the content at. // Compute the contentX position based on hpos and the space available double contentX; if (hpos == HPos.LEFT) { contentX = x; } else if (hpos == HPos.RIGHT) { contentX = x + (w - contentWidth); } else { // TODO Baseline may not be handled correctly // may have been CENTER or null, treat as center contentX = (x + ((w - contentWidth) / 2.0)); } // Compute the contentY position based on vpos and the space available double contentY; if (vpos == VPos.TOP) { contentY = y; } else if (vpos == VPos.BOTTOM) { contentY = (y + (h - contentHeight)); } else { // TODO Baseline may not be handled correctly // may have been CENTER, BASELINE, or null, treat as center contentY = (y + ((h - contentHeight) / 2.0)); } Point2D mnemonicPos = null; double mnemonicWidth = 0.0; double mnemonicHeight = 0.0; if (containsMnemonic) { final Font font = text.getFont(); String preSt = bindings.getText(); mnemonicPos = Utils.computeMnemonicPosition(font, preSt, bindings.getMnemonicIndex(), this.wrapWidth, labeled.getLineSpacing()); mnemonicWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(font, preSt.substring(bindings.getMnemonicIndex(), bindings.getMnemonicIndex() + 1), 0); mnemonicHeight = Utils.computeTextHeight(font, "_", 0, text.getBoundsType()); } // Now to position the graphic and text. At this point I know the // contentX and contentY locations (including the padding and whatnot // that was defined on the Labeled). I also know the content width and // height. So now I just need to lay out the graphic and text within // that content x/y/w/h area. if ((!ignoreGraphic || !ignoreText) && !text.isManaged()) { text.setManaged(true); } if (ignoreGraphic && ignoreText) { // There might be a text node as a child, or a graphic node as // a child. However we don't have to do anything for the graphic // node because the only way it can be a child and still have // ignoreGraphic true is if it is unmanaged. Text however might // be a child but still not matter, in which case we will just // stop managing it (although really I wish it just wasn't here // all all in that case) if (text.isManaged()) { text.setManaged(false); } text.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX), snapPositionY(contentY)); } else if (ignoreGraphic) { // Since I only have to position the text, it goes at the // contentX/contentY location. Note that positionNode will // adjust the text based on the text's minX/minY so no need to // worry about that here text.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX), snapPositionY(contentY)); if (containsMnemonic && (mnemonicPos != null)) { mnemonic_underscore.setEndX(mnemonicWidth-2.0); mnemonic_underscore.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX + mnemonicPos.getX()), snapPositionY(contentY + mnemonicPos.getY())); } } else if (ignoreText) { // there isn't text to display, so we need to position it // such that it doesn't affect the content area (although when // there is a graphic, the text isn't even in the scene) text.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX), snapPositionY(contentY)); graphic.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX), snapPositionY(contentY)); if (containsMnemonic && (mnemonicPos != null)) { mnemonic_underscore.setEndX(mnemonicWidth); mnemonic_underscore.setStrokeWidth(mnemonicHeight/10.0); mnemonic_underscore.relocate(snapPositionX(contentX + mnemonicPos.getX()), snapPositionY(contentY + mnemonicPos.getY())); } } else { // There is both text and a graphic, so I need to position them // relative to each other double graphicX = 0; double graphicY = 0; double textX = 0; double textY = 0; if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.TOP) { graphicX = contentX + ((contentWidth - graphicWidth) / 2.0); textX = contentX + ((contentWidth - textWidth) / 2.0); // The graphic is above the text, so it is positioned at // graphicY and the text below it. graphicY = contentY; textY = graphicY + graphicHeight + gap; } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.RIGHT) { // The graphic is to the right of the text textX = contentX; graphicX = textX + textWidth + gap; graphicY = contentY + ((contentHeight - graphicHeight) / 2.0); textY = contentY + ((contentHeight - textHeight) / 2.0); } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.BOTTOM) { graphicX = contentX + ((contentWidth - graphicWidth) / 2.0); textX = contentX + ((contentWidth - textWidth) / 2.0); // The graphic is below the text textY = contentY; graphicY = textY + textHeight + gap; } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.LEFT) { // The graphic is to the left of the text, so the graphicX is // simply the contentX and the textX is to the right of it. graphicX = contentX; textX = graphicX + graphicWidth + gap; graphicY = contentY + ((contentHeight - graphicHeight) / 2.0); textY = contentY + ((contentHeight - textHeight) / 2.0); } else if (contentDisplay == ContentDisplay.CENTER) { graphicX = contentX + ((contentWidth - graphicWidth) / 2.0); textX = contentX + ((contentWidth - textWidth) / 2.0); graphicY = contentY + ((contentHeight - graphicHeight) / 2.0); textY = contentY + ((contentHeight - textHeight) / 2.0); } text.relocate(snapPositionX(textX), snapPositionY(textY)); if (containsMnemonic && (mnemonicPos != null)) { mnemonic_underscore.setEndX(mnemonicWidth); mnemonic_underscore.setStrokeWidth(mnemonicHeight/10.0); mnemonic_underscore.relocate(snapPositionX(textX + mnemonicPos.getX()), snapPositionY(textY + mnemonicPos.getY())); } graphic.relocate(snapPositionX(graphicX), snapPositionY(graphicY)); } /** * check if the label text overflows it's bounds. * If there's an overflow, and no text clip then * we'll clip it. * If there is no overflow, and the label text has a * clip, then remove it. */ if ((text != null) && ((text.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() > wrapHeight) || (text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() > wrapWidth))) { if (textClip == null) { textClip = new Rectangle(); } if (labeled.getEffectiveNodeOrientation() == NodeOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { textClip.setX(text.getLayoutBounds().getMinX()); } else { textClip.setX(text.getLayoutBounds().getMaxX() - wrapWidth); } textClip.setY(text.getLayoutBounds().getMinY()); textClip.setWidth(wrapWidth); textClip.setHeight(wrapHeight); if (text.getClip() == null) { text.setClip(textClip); } } else { /** * content fits inside bounds, no need * for a clip */ if (text.getClip() != null) { text.setClip(null); } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case TEXT: { Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); String accText = labeled.getAccessibleText(); if (accText != null && !accText.isEmpty()) return accText; /* Use the text in the binding if available to handle mnemonics */ if (bindings != null) { String text = bindings.getText(); if (text != null && !text.isEmpty()) return text; } /* Avoid the content in text.getText() as it can contain ellipses * for clipping */ String text = labeled.getText(); if (text != null && !text.isEmpty()) return text; /* Use the graphic as last resource. Note that this implementation * does not attempt to combine the label and graphics if both * are being displayed */ if (graphic != null) { Object result = graphic.queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute.TEXT); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } case MNEMONIC: { if (bindings != null) { return bindings.getMnemonic(); } return null; } default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
* Private implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
private double computeMinLabeledPartWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { // First compute the minTextWidth by checking the width of the string // made by the ellipsis "...", and then by checking the width of the // string made up by labeled.text. We want the smaller of the two. final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final ContentDisplay contentDisplay = labeled.getContentDisplay(); final double gap = labeled.getGraphicTextGap(); double minTextWidth = 0; final Font font = text.getFont(); OverrunStyle truncationStyle = labeled.getTextOverrun(); String ellipsisString = labeled.getEllipsisString(); final String string = labeled.getText(); final boolean emptyText = string == null || string.isEmpty(); if (!emptyText) { // We only want to recompute the full text width if the font or text changed if (truncationStyle == CLIP) { if (textWidth == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // Show at minimum the first character textWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(font, string.substring(0, 1), 0); } minTextWidth = textWidth; } else { if (textWidth == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { textWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(font, string, 0); } // We only want to recompute the ellipsis width if the font has changed if (ellipsisWidth == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { ellipsisWidth = Utils.computeTextWidth(font, ellipsisString, 0); } minTextWidth = Math.min(textWidth, ellipsisWidth); } } // Now inspect the graphic and the hpos to determine the the minWidth final Node graphic = labeled.getGraphic(); double width; if (isIgnoreGraphic()) { width = minTextWidth; } else if (isIgnoreText()) { width = graphic.minWidth(-1); } else if (contentDisplay == LEFT || contentDisplay == RIGHT){ width = (minTextWidth + graphic.minWidth(-1) + gap); } else { width = Math.max(minTextWidth, graphic.minWidth(-1)); } double padding = leftInset + rightInset; if (!isIgnoreText()) { padding += leftLabelPadding() + rightLabelPadding(); } return width + padding; } private double computeMinLabeledPartHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final Font font = text.getFont(); String str = labeled.getText(); if (str != null && str.length() > 0) { int newlineIndex = str.indexOf('\n'); if (newlineIndex >= 0) { str = str.substring(0, newlineIndex); } } // TODO figure out how to cache this effectively. // Base minimum height on one line (ignoring wrapping here). double s = labeled.getLineSpacing(); final double textHeight = Utils.computeTextHeight(font, str, 0, s, text.getBoundsType()); double h = textHeight; // Now we want to add on the graphic if necessary! if (!isIgnoreGraphic()) { final Node graphic = labeled.getGraphic(); if (labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.TOP || labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.BOTTOM) { h = graphic.minHeight(width) + labeled.getGraphicTextGap() + textHeight; } else { h = Math.max(textHeight, graphic.minHeight(width)); } } double padding = topInset + bottomInset; if (!isIgnoreText()) { padding += topLabelPadding() - bottomLabelPadding(); } return h + padding; } double topLabelPadding() { return snapSizeY(getSkinnable().getLabelPadding().getTop()); } double bottomLabelPadding() { return snapSizeY(getSkinnable().getLabelPadding().getBottom()); } double leftLabelPadding() { return snapSizeX(getSkinnable().getLabelPadding().getLeft()); } double rightLabelPadding() { return snapSizeX(getSkinnable().getLabelPadding().getRight()); }
Called whenever some state has changed that affects the text metrics. Changes here will involve invalidating the display text so the next call to updateDisplayedText computes a new value, and call requestLayout.
/** * Called whenever some state has changed that affects the text metrics. * Changes here will involve invalidating the display text so the next * call to updateDisplayedText computes a new value, and call requestLayout. */
private void textMetricsChanged() { invalidText = true; getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } /* ** The Label is a mnemonic, and it's target node ** has changed, but it's label hasn't so just ** swap them over, and tidy up. */ void mnemonicTargetChanged() { if (containsMnemonic == true) { /* ** was there previously a labelFor */ removeMnemonic(); /* ** is there a new labelFor */ Control control = getSkinnable(); if (control instanceof Label) { labeledNode = ((Label)control).getLabelFor(); addMnemonic(); } else { labeledNode = null; } } } private void sceneChanged() { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); Scene scene = labeled.getScene(); if (scene != null && containsMnemonic) { addMnemonic(); } }
Marks minWidth as being invalid and in need of recomputation.
/** * Marks minWidth as being invalid and in need of recomputation. */
private void invalidateWidths() { textWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; }
Updates the content of the underlying Text node. This method should only be called when necessary. If the invalidText flag is not set, then the method is a no-op. This care is taken because recomputing the text to display is an expensive operation. Package private ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF TESTING.
/** * Updates the content of the underlying Text node. This method should * only be called when necessary. If the invalidText flag is not set, then * the method is a no-op. This care is taken because recomputing the * text to display is an expensive operation. Package private ONLY FOR THE * SAKE OF TESTING. */
void updateDisplayedText() { updateDisplayedText(-1, -1); } private void updateDisplayedText(double w, double h) { if (invalidText) { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); String s = labeled.getText(); int mnemonicIndex = -1; /* ** if there's a valid string then parse it */ if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { bindings = new TextBinding(s); if (!com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil.isMac() && getSkinnable().isMnemonicParsing() == true) { /* ** the Labeled has a MnemonicParsing property, ** if set true, then auto-parsing will check for ** a mnemonic */ if (labeled instanceof Label) { // buttons etc labeledNode = ((Label)labeled).getLabelFor(); } else { labeledNode = labeled; } if (labeledNode == null) { labeledNode = labeled; } mnemonicIndex = bindings.getMnemonicIndex() ; } } /* ** we were previously a mnemonic */ if (containsMnemonic) { /* ** are we no longer a mnemonic, or have we changed code? */ if (mnemonicScene != null) { if (mnemonicIndex == -1 || (bindings != null && !bindings.getMnemonicKeyCombination().equals(mnemonicCode))) { removeMnemonic(); containsMnemonic = false; } } } else { /* ** this can happen if mnemonic parsing is ** disabled on a previously valid mnemonic */ removeMnemonic(); } /* ** check we have a labeled */ if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { if (mnemonicIndex >= 0 && containsMnemonic == false) { containsMnemonic = true; mnemonicCode = bindings.getMnemonicKeyCombination(); addMnemonic(); } } if (containsMnemonic == true) { s = bindings.getText(); if (mnemonic_underscore == null) { mnemonic_underscore = new Line(); mnemonic_underscore.setStartX(0.0f); mnemonic_underscore.setStartY(0.0f); mnemonic_underscore.setEndY(0.0f); mnemonic_underscore.getStyleClass().clear(); mnemonic_underscore.getStyleClass().setAll("mnemonic-underline"); } if (!getChildren().contains(mnemonic_underscore)) { getChildren().add(mnemonic_underscore); } } else { /* ** we don't need a mnemonic.... */ if (getSkinnable().isMnemonicParsing() == true && com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil.isMac() && bindings != null) { s = bindings.getText(); } else { s = labeled.getText(); } if (mnemonic_underscore != null) { if (getChildren().contains(mnemonic_underscore)) { Platform.runLater(() -> { getChildren().remove(mnemonic_underscore); mnemonic_underscore = null; }); } } } int len = s != null ? s.length() : 0; boolean multiline = false; if (s != null && len > 0) { int i = s.indexOf('\n'); if (i > -1 && i < len - 1) { // Multiline text with embedded newlines - not // taking into account a potential trailing newline. multiline = true; } } String result; boolean horizontalPosition = (labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.LEFT || labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.RIGHT); double availableWidth = labeled.getWidth() - snappedLeftInset() - snappedRightInset(); if (!isIgnoreText()) { availableWidth -= leftLabelPadding() + rightLabelPadding(); } availableWidth = Math.max(availableWidth, 0); if (w == -1) { w = availableWidth; } double minW = Math.min(computeMinLabeledPartWidth(-1, snappedTopInset() , snappedRightInset(), snappedBottomInset(), snappedLeftInset()), availableWidth); if (horizontalPosition && !isIgnoreGraphic()) { double graphicW = (labeled.getGraphic().getLayoutBounds().getWidth() + labeled.getGraphicTextGap()); w -= graphicW; minW -= graphicW; } wrapWidth = Math.max(minW, w); boolean verticalPosition = (labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.TOP || labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.BOTTOM); double availableHeight = labeled.getHeight() - snappedTopInset() - snappedBottomInset(); if (!isIgnoreText()) { availableHeight -= topLabelPadding() + bottomLabelPadding(); } availableHeight = Math.max(availableHeight, 0); if (h == -1) { h = availableHeight; } double minH = Math.min(computeMinLabeledPartHeight(wrapWidth, snappedTopInset() , snappedRightInset(), snappedBottomInset(), snappedLeftInset()), availableHeight); if (verticalPosition && labeled.getGraphic() != null) { double graphicH = labeled.getGraphic().getLayoutBounds().getHeight() + labeled.getGraphicTextGap(); h -= graphicH; minH -= graphicH; } wrapHeight = Math.max(minH, h); updateWrappingWidth(); Font font = text.getFont(); OverrunStyle truncationStyle = labeled.getTextOverrun(); String ellipsisString = labeled.getEllipsisString(); if (labeled.isWrapText()) { result = Utils.computeClippedWrappedText(font, s, wrapWidth, wrapHeight, truncationStyle, ellipsisString, text.getBoundsType()); } else if (multiline) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String[] splits = s.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { sb.append(Utils.computeClippedText(font, splits[i], wrapWidth, truncationStyle, ellipsisString)); if (i < splits.length - 1) { sb.append('\n'); } } // TODO: Consider what to do in the case where vertical space is // limited and the last visible line isn't already truncated // with a trailing ellipsis. What if the style calls for leading // or center ellipses? We could possibly add an additional // trailing ellipsis to the last visible line, like this: // +--------------------------------+ // | This is some long text with multiple lines\n // | where more than one exceed the|width\n // | and wrapText is false, and all|lines\n // +--don't fit.--------------------+ // // +--------------------------------+ // | This is some...multiple lines | // | where more t...ceed the width | // | and wrapText...d all lines... | // +--------------------------------+ result = sb.toString(); } else { result = Utils.computeClippedText(font, s, wrapWidth, truncationStyle, ellipsisString); } if (result != null && result.endsWith("\n")) { // Strip ending newline so we don't display another row. result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } text.setText(result); updateWrappingWidth(); invalidText = false; } } private void addMnemonic() { if (labeledNode != null) { mnemonicScene = labeledNode.getScene(); if (mnemonicScene != null) { mnemonicScene.addMnemonic(new Mnemonic(labeledNode, mnemonicCode)); } } } private void removeMnemonic() { if (mnemonicScene != null && labeledNode != null) { mnemonicScene.removeMnemonic(new Mnemonic(labeledNode, mnemonicCode)); mnemonicScene = null; } }
Updates the wrapping width of the text node. Although changing the font does affect the metrics used for text layout, this method does not call requestLayout or invalidate the text, since it may be called from the constructor and such work would be duplicative and wasted.
/** * Updates the wrapping width of the text node. Although changing the font * does affect the metrics used for text layout, this method does not * call requestLayout or invalidate the text, since it may be called * from the constructor and such work would be duplicative and wasted. */
private void updateWrappingWidth() { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); text.setWrappingWidth(0); if (labeled.isWrapText()) { // Note that the wrapping width needs to be set to zero before // getting the text's real preferred width. double w = Math.min(text.prefWidth(-1), wrapWidth); text.setWrappingWidth(w); } }
Gets whether for various computations we can ignore the presence of the graphic (or lack thereof).
/** * Gets whether for various computations we can ignore the presence of the graphic * (or lack thereof). * @return */
boolean isIgnoreGraphic() { return (graphic == null || !graphic.isManaged() || getSkinnable().getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.TEXT_ONLY); }
Gets whether for various computations we can ignore the presence of the text.
/** * Gets whether for various computations we can ignore the presence of the text. * @return */
boolean isIgnoreText() { final Labeled labeled = getSkinnable(); final String txt = labeled.getText(); return (txt == null || txt.equals("") || labeled.getContentDisplay() == ContentDisplay.GRAPHIC_ONLY); } }