 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.BehaviorBase;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar;
import javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar.ButtonData;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.SkinBase;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.layout.Priority;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;

Default skin implementation for the ButtonBar control.
See Also:
/** * Default skin implementation for the {@link ButtonBar} control. * * @see ButtonBar * @since 9 */
public class ButtonBarSkin extends SkinBase<ButtonBar> {
Static fields
/************************************************************************** * * Static fields * **************************************************************************/
private static final double GAP_SIZE = 10; private static final String CATEGORIZED_TYPES = "LRHEYNXBIACO"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // pick an arbitrary number private static final double DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE = Double.MAX_VALUE - 100;
/************************************************************************** * * fields * **************************************************************************/
private HBox layout; private InvalidationListener buttonDataListener = o -> layoutButtons(); /************************************************************************** * * Constructors * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new ButtonBarSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list.
  • control – The control that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Creates a new ButtonBarSkin instance, installing the necessary child * nodes into the Control {@link Control#getChildren() children} list. * * @param control The control that this skin should be installed onto. */
public ButtonBarSkin(final ButtonBar control) { super(control); this.layout = new HBox(GAP_SIZE) { @Override protected void layoutChildren() { // has to be called first or layout is not correct sometimes resizeButtons(); super.layoutChildren(); } }; this.layout.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); this.layout.getStyleClass().add("container"); getChildren().add(layout); layoutButtons(); updateButtonListeners(control.getButtons(), true); control.getButtons().addListener((ListChangeListener<Node>) c -> { while (c.next()) { updateButtonListeners(c.getRemoved(), false); updateButtonListeners(c.getAddedSubList(), true); } layoutButtons(); }); registerChangeListener(control.buttonOrderProperty(), e -> layoutButtons()); registerChangeListener(control.buttonMinWidthProperty(), e -> resizeButtons()); }
/************************************************************************** * * Implementation * **************************************************************************/
private void updateButtonListeners(List<? extends Node> list, boolean buttonsAdded) { if (list != null) { for (Node n : list) { final Map<Object, Object> properties = n.getProperties(); if (properties.containsKey(Properties.BUTTON_DATA_PROPERTY)) { ObjectProperty<ButtonData> property = (ObjectProperty<ButtonData>) properties.get(Properties.BUTTON_DATA_PROPERTY); if (property != null) { if (buttonsAdded) { property.addListener(buttonDataListener); } else { property.removeListener(buttonDataListener); } } } } } } private void layoutButtons() { final ButtonBar buttonBar = getSkinnable(); final List<? extends Node> buttons = buttonBar.getButtons(); final double buttonMinWidth = buttonBar.getButtonMinWidth(); String buttonOrder = getSkinnable().getButtonOrder(); layout.getChildren().clear(); // empty is valid, because it is BUTTON_ORDER_NONE if (buttonOrder == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ButtonBar buttonOrder string can not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (buttonOrder.equals(ButtonBar.BUTTON_ORDER_NONE)) { // when using BUTTON_ORDER_NONE, we just lay out the buttons in the // order they are specified, but we do right-align the buttons by // inserting a dynamic spacer. Spacer.DYNAMIC.add(layout, true); for (Node btn: buttons) { sizeButton(btn, buttonMinWidth, DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE, Double.MAX_VALUE); layout.getChildren().add(btn); HBox.setHgrow(btn, Priority.NEVER); } } else { doButtonOrderLayout(buttonOrder); } } private void doButtonOrderLayout(String buttonOrder) { final ButtonBar buttonBar = getSkinnable(); final List<? extends Node> buttons = buttonBar.getButtons(); final double buttonMinWidth = buttonBar.getButtonMinWidth(); Map<String, List<Node>> buttonMap = buildButtonMap(buttons); char[] buttonOrderArr = buttonOrder.toCharArray(); int buttonIndex = 0; // to determine edge cases Spacer spacer = Spacer.NONE; for (int i = 0; i < buttonOrderArr.length; i++) { char type = buttonOrderArr[i]; boolean edgeCase = buttonIndex <= 0 && buttonIndex >= buttons.size()-1; boolean hasChildren = ! layout.getChildren().isEmpty(); if (type == '+') { spacer = spacer.replace(Spacer.DYNAMIC); } else if (type == '_' && hasChildren) { spacer = spacer.replace(Spacer.FIXED); } else { List<Node> buttonList = buttonMap.get(String.valueOf(type).toUpperCase()); if (buttonList != null) { spacer.add(layout,edgeCase); for (Node btn: buttonList) { sizeButton(btn, buttonMinWidth, DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE, Double.MAX_VALUE); layout.getChildren().add(btn); HBox.setHgrow(btn, Priority.NEVER); buttonIndex++; } spacer = spacer.replace(Spacer.NONE); } } } // now that all buttons have been placed, we need to ensure focus is // set on the correct button. Firstly, we check to see if any button // is of type Button (which is typically the case), and of these, if // any is a default button. If so, we request focus onto this default // button. // If there is no Button that is a default button, we subsequently look // at the ButtonData for each node and request focus on the first one // that returns true for isDefaultButton() boolean isDefaultSet = false; final int childrenCount = buttons.size(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { Node btn = buttons.get(i); if (btn instanceof Button && ((Button) btn).isDefaultButton()) { btn.requestFocus(); isDefaultSet = true; break; } } if (!isDefaultSet) { for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { Node btn = buttons.get(i); ButtonData btnData = ButtonBar.getButtonData(btn); if (btnData != null && btnData.isDefaultButton()) { btn.requestFocus(); isDefaultSet = true; break; } } } } private void resizeButtons() { final ButtonBar buttonBar = getSkinnable(); double buttonMinWidth = buttonBar.getButtonMinWidth(); final List<? extends Node> buttons = buttonBar.getButtons(); // determine the widest button double widest = buttonMinWidth; for (Node button : buttons) { if (ButtonBar.isButtonUniformSize(button)) { widest = Math.max(button.prefWidth(-1), widest); } } // set the width of all buttons for (Node button : buttons) { if (ButtonBar.isButtonUniformSize(button)) { sizeButton(button, DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE, widest, DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE); } } } private void sizeButton(Node btn, double min, double pref, double max) { if (btn instanceof Region) { Region regionBtn = (Region)btn; if (min != DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE) { regionBtn.setMinWidth(min); } if (pref != DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE) { regionBtn.setPrefWidth(pref); } if (max != DO_NOT_CHANGE_SIZE) { regionBtn.setMaxWidth(max); } } } private String getButtonType(Node btn) { ButtonData buttonType = ButtonBar.getButtonData(btn); if (buttonType == null) { // just assume it is ButtonType.OTHER buttonType = ButtonData.OTHER; } String typeCode = buttonType.getTypeCode(); typeCode = typeCode.length() > 0? typeCode.substring(0,1): ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ return CATEGORIZED_TYPES.contains(typeCode.toUpperCase())? typeCode : ButtonData.OTHER.getTypeCode(); } private Map<String, List<Node>> buildButtonMap( List<? extends Node> buttons ) { Map<String, List<Node>> buttonMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Node btn : buttons) { if ( btn == null ) continue; String type = getButtonType(btn); List<Node> typedButtons = buttonMap.get(type); if ( typedButtons == null ) { typedButtons = new ArrayList<Node>(); buttonMap.put(type, typedButtons); } typedButtons.add( btn ); } return buttonMap; }
Support classes / enums
/************************************************************************** * * Support classes / enums * **************************************************************************/
private enum Spacer { FIXED { @Override protected Node create(boolean edgeCase) { if ( edgeCase ) return null; Region spacer = new Region(); ButtonBar.setButtonData(spacer, ButtonData.SMALL_GAP); spacer.setMinWidth(GAP_SIZE); HBox.setHgrow(spacer, Priority.NEVER); return spacer; } }, DYNAMIC { @Override protected Node create(boolean edgeCase) { Region spacer = new Region(); ButtonBar.setButtonData(spacer, ButtonData.BIG_GAP); spacer.setMinWidth(edgeCase ? 0 : GAP_SIZE); HBox.setHgrow(spacer, Priority.ALWAYS); return spacer; } @Override public Spacer replace(Spacer spacer) { return FIXED == spacer? this: spacer; } }, NONE; protected Node create(boolean edgeCase) { return null; } public Spacer replace(Spacer spacer) { return spacer; } public void add(Pane pane, boolean edgeCase) { Node spacer = create(edgeCase); if (spacer != null) { pane.getChildren().add(spacer); } } } }