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package com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior;

import com.sun.javafx.util.Utils;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar;
import javafx.scene.control.Skin;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap.InputMap;
import javafx.util.Duration;

import static javafx.scene.input.KeyCode.*;
import static javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED;

A Behavior implementation for ScrollBars.
/** * A Behavior implementation for ScrollBars. * */
public class ScrollBarBehavior extends BehaviorBase<ScrollBar> { private final InputMap<ScrollBar> inputMap;
* Constructors * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
public ScrollBarBehavior(ScrollBar scrollBar) { super(scrollBar); // create a map for scrollbar-specific mappings (this reuses the default // InputMap installed on the control, if it is non-null, allowing us to pick up any user-specified mappings) inputMap = createInputMap(); // scrollbar-specific mappings for key and mouse input addDefaultMapping(inputMap, new InputMap.KeyMapping(HOME, KEY_RELEASED, e -> home()), new InputMap.KeyMapping(END, KEY_RELEASED, e -> end()) ); // create two child input maps for horizontal and vertical scrollbars InputMap<ScrollBar> horizontalInputMap = new InputMap<>(scrollBar); horizontalInputMap.setInterceptor(e -> scrollBar.getOrientation() != Orientation.HORIZONTAL); horizontalInputMap.getMappings().addAll( new InputMap.KeyMapping(LEFT, e -> rtl(scrollBar, this::incrementValue, this::decrementValue)), new InputMap.KeyMapping(KP_LEFT, e -> rtl(scrollBar, this::incrementValue, this::decrementValue)), new InputMap.KeyMapping(RIGHT, e -> rtl(scrollBar, this::decrementValue, this::incrementValue)), new InputMap.KeyMapping(KP_RIGHT, e -> rtl(scrollBar, this::decrementValue, this::incrementValue)) ); addDefaultChildMap(inputMap, horizontalInputMap); InputMap<ScrollBar> verticalInputMap = new InputMap<>(scrollBar); verticalInputMap.setInterceptor(e -> scrollBar.getOrientation() != Orientation.VERTICAL); verticalInputMap.getMappings().addAll( new InputMap.KeyMapping(UP, e -> decrementValue()), new InputMap.KeyMapping(KP_UP, e -> decrementValue()), new InputMap.KeyMapping(DOWN, e -> incrementValue()), new InputMap.KeyMapping(KP_DOWN, e -> incrementValue()) ); addDefaultChildMap(inputMap, verticalInputMap); }
* Functions * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Functions * * * **************************************************************************/
@Override public InputMap<ScrollBar> getInputMap() { return inputMap; } private void home() { getNode().setValue(getNode().getMin()); } private void decrementValue() { getNode().adjustValue(0); } private void end() { getNode().setValue(getNode().getMax()); } private void incrementValue() { getNode().adjustValue(1); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Mouse event handling * * * **************************************************************************/
This timeline is used to adjust the value of the bar when the track has been pressed but not released.
/** * This timeline is used to adjust the value of the bar when the * track has been pressed but not released. */
Timeline timeline;
Invoked by the ScrollBar Skin implementation whenever a mouse press occurs on the "track" of the bar. This will cause the thumb to be moved by some amount.
  • position – The mouse position on track with 0.0 being beginning of track and 1.0 being the end
/** * Invoked by the ScrollBar {@link Skin} implementation whenever a mouse * press occurs on the "track" of the bar. This will cause the thumb to * be moved by some amount. * * @param position The mouse position on track with 0.0 being beginning of track and 1.0 being the end */
public void trackPress(double position) { /* We can get a press if someone presses an end button. In that * case, we don't want to start a timeline because the end button * will have already done so. We can detect that because the timeline * will not be null. */ if (timeline != null) return; // determine the percentage of the way between min and max // represented by this mouse event final ScrollBar bar = getNode(); if (!bar.isFocused() && bar.isFocusTraversable()) bar.requestFocus(); final double pos = position; final boolean incrementing = (pos > ((bar.getValue() - bar.getMin())/(bar.getMax() - bar.getMin()))); timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.setCycleCount(Timeline.INDEFINITE); final EventHandler<ActionEvent> step = event -> { boolean i = (pos > ((bar.getValue() - bar.getMin())/(bar.getMax() - bar.getMin()))); if (incrementing == i) { // we started incrementing and still are, or we // started decrementing and still are bar.adjustValue(pos); } else { stopTimeline(); } }; final KeyFrame kf = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), step); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(kf); // do the first step immediately timeline.play(); step.handle(null); } /** */ public void trackRelease() { stopTimeline(); }
Invoked by the ScrollBar Skin implementation whenever a mouse press occurs on the decrement button of the bar.
/** * Invoked by the ScrollBar {@link Skin} implementation whenever a mouse * press occurs on the decrement button of the bar. */
public void decButtonPressed() { final ScrollBar bar = getNode(); if (!bar.isFocused() && bar.isFocusTraversable()) bar.requestFocus(); stopTimeline(); timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.setCycleCount(Timeline.INDEFINITE); final EventHandler<ActionEvent> dec = event -> { if (bar.getValue() > bar.getMin()) { bar.decrement(); } else { stopTimeline(); } }; final KeyFrame kf = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), dec); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(kf); // do the first step immediately timeline.play(); dec.handle(null); } /** */ public void decButtonReleased() { stopTimeline(); }
Invoked by the ScrollBar Skin implementation whenever a mouse press occurs on the increment button of the bar.
/** * Invoked by the ScrollBar {@link Skin} implementation whenever a mouse * press occurs on the increment button of the bar. */
public void incButtonPressed() { final ScrollBar bar = getNode(); if (!bar.isFocused() && bar.isFocusTraversable()) bar.requestFocus(); stopTimeline(); timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.setCycleCount(Timeline.INDEFINITE); final EventHandler<ActionEvent> inc = event -> { if (bar.getValue() < bar.getMax()) { bar.increment(); } else { stopTimeline(); } }; final KeyFrame kf = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), inc); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(kf); // do the first step immediately timeline.play(); inc.handle(null); } /** */ public void incButtonReleased() { stopTimeline(); } /** * @param position The mouse position on track with 0.0 being begining of track and 1.0 being the end */ //public function thumbPressed(e:MouseEvent, position:Number):Void { //}
  • position – The mouse position on track with 0.0 being begining of track and 1.0 being the end
/** * @param position The mouse position on track with 0.0 being begining of track and 1.0 being the end */
public void thumbDragged(double position) { final ScrollBar scrollbar = getNode(); // Stop the timeline for continuous increments as drags take precedence stopTimeline(); if (!scrollbar.isFocused() && scrollbar.isFocusTraversable()) scrollbar.requestFocus(); double newValue = (position * (scrollbar.getMax() - scrollbar.getMin())) + scrollbar.getMin(); if (!Double.isNaN(newValue)) { scrollbar.setValue(Utils.clamp(scrollbar.getMin(), newValue, scrollbar.getMax())); } } private void stopTimeline() { if (timeline != null) { timeline.stop(); timeline = null; } } }