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package com.sun.javafx.scene.control;

import java.util.Map;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.*;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.Event;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.control.skin.TextAreaSkin;
import javafx.scene.control.skin.TextFieldSkin;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;

The embedded context menu for a text input control. The menu will be displayed horizontally underneath the cursor with the available text editing options i.e. cut, copy, paste, select all.
/** * The embedded context menu for a text input control. * The menu will be displayed horizontally underneath the cursor * with the available text editing options i.e. cut, copy, paste, select all. * */
public class EmbeddedTextContextMenuContent extends StackPane { private ContextMenu contextMenu; private StackPane pointer; private HBox menuBox; public EmbeddedTextContextMenuContent(final ContextMenu popupMenu) { this.contextMenu = popupMenu; this.menuBox = new HBox(); this.pointer = new StackPane(); pointer.getStyleClass().add("pointer"); updateMenuItemContainer(); getChildren().addAll(pointer, menuBox); contextMenu.ownerNodeProperty().addListener(arg0 -> { if (contextMenu.getOwnerNode() instanceof TextArea) { TextAreaSkin tas = (TextAreaSkin)((TextArea)contextMenu.getOwnerNode()).getSkin(); tas.getSkinnable().getProperties().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable arg0) { requestLayout(); } }); } else if (contextMenu.getOwnerNode() instanceof TextField) { TextFieldSkin tfs = (TextFieldSkin)((TextField)contextMenu.getOwnerNode()).getSkin(); tfs.getSkinnable().getProperties().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable arg0) { requestLayout(); } }); } }); contextMenu.getItems().addListener((ListChangeListener<MenuItem>) c -> { // Listener to items in PopupMenu to update items in PopupMenuContent updateMenuItemContainer(); }); } private void updateMenuItemContainer() { menuBox.getChildren().clear(); for (MenuItem item: contextMenu.getItems()) { MenuItemContainer menuItemContainer = new MenuItemContainer(item); menuItemContainer.visibleProperty().bind(item.visibleProperty()); menuBox.getChildren().add(menuItemContainer); } } private void hideAllMenus(MenuItem item) { contextMenu.hide(); Menu parentMenu; while ((parentMenu = item.getParentMenu()) != null) { parentMenu.hide(); item = parentMenu; } if (parentMenu == null && item.getParentPopup() != null) { item.getParentPopup().hide(); } } @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { final double pointerHeight = snapSizeY(pointer.prefHeight(width)); final double menuBoxHeight = snapSizeY(menuBox.prefHeight(width)); return snappedTopInset() + pointerHeight + menuBoxHeight + snappedBottomInset(); } @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { final double menuBoxWidth = snapSizeX(menuBox.prefWidth(height)); return snappedLeftInset() + menuBoxWidth + snappedRightInset(); } @Override protected void layoutChildren() { final double left = snappedLeftInset(); final double right = snappedRightInset(); final double top = snappedTopInset(); final double width = getWidth() - (left + right); final double pointerWidth = snapSizeX(Utils.boundedSize(pointer.prefWidth(-1), pointer.minWidth(-1), pointer.maxWidth(-1))); final double pointerHeight = snapSizeY(Utils.boundedSize(pointer.prefWidth(-1), pointer.minWidth(-1), pointer.maxWidth(-1))); final double menuBoxWidth = snapSizeX(Utils.boundedSize(menuBox.prefWidth(-1), menuBox.minWidth(-1), menuBox.maxWidth(-1))); final double menuBoxHeight = snapSizeY(Utils.boundedSize(menuBox.prefWidth(-1), menuBox.minWidth(-1), menuBox.maxWidth(-1))); double sceneX = 0; double screenX = 0; double pointerX = 0; // Get the positions of the cursor from the TextArea/TextField and draw the arrow underneath it. Map<Object,Object> properties = null; if (contextMenu.getOwnerNode() instanceof TextArea) { properties = ((TextArea)contextMenu.getOwnerNode()).getProperties(); } else if (contextMenu.getOwnerNode() instanceof TextField) { properties = ((TextField)contextMenu.getOwnerNode()).getProperties(); } if (properties != null) { if (properties.containsKey("CONTEXT_MENU_SCENE_X")) { sceneX = Double.valueOf(properties.get("CONTEXT_MENU_SCENE_X").toString()); properties.remove("CONTEXT_MENU_SCENE_X"); } if (properties.containsKey("CONTEXT_MENU_SCREEN_X")) { screenX = Double.valueOf(properties.get("CONTEXT_MENU_SCREEN_X").toString()); properties.remove("CONTEXT_MENU_SCREEN_X"); } } if (sceneX == 0) { pointerX = width/2; } else { pointerX = (screenX - sceneX - contextMenu.getX()) + sceneX; } pointer.resize(pointerWidth, pointerHeight); positionInArea(pointer, pointerX, top, pointerWidth, pointerHeight, 0, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); menuBox.resize(menuBoxWidth, menuBoxHeight); positionInArea(menuBox, left, top + pointerHeight, menuBoxWidth, menuBoxHeight, 0, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER); } class MenuItemContainer extends Button { private MenuItem item; public MenuItemContainer(MenuItem item){ getStyleClass().addAll(item.getStyleClass()); setId(item.getId()); this.item = item; setText(item.getText()); setStyle(item.getStyle()); // bind to text property in menu item textProperty().bind(item.textProperty()); } public MenuItem getItem() { return item; } @Override public void fire() { Event.fireEvent(item, new ActionEvent()); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals((Boolean)item.getProperties().get("refreshMenu"))) { hideAllMenus(item); } } } }