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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.BehaviorBase;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextAreaBehavior;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextInputControlBehavior;
import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding;
import javafx.beans.binding.StringBinding;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleDoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableBooleanValue;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableDoubleValue;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Accordion;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.IndexRange;
import javafx.scene.control.PasswordField;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
import javafx.scene.shape.Path;
import javafx.scene.shape.PathElement;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.HitInfo;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.TextFieldBehavior;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.PasswordFieldBehavior;

Default skin implementation for the TextField control.
See Also:
/** * Default skin implementation for the {@link TextField} control. * * @see TextField * @since 9 */
public class TextFieldSkin extends TextInputControlSkin<TextField> {
Private fields
/************************************************************************** * * Private fields * **************************************************************************/
private final TextFieldBehavior behavior;
This group contains the text, caret, and selection rectangle. It is clipped. The textNode, selectionHighlightPath, and caret are each translated individually when horizontal translation is needed to keep the caretPosition visible.
/** * This group contains the text, caret, and selection rectangle. * It is clipped. The textNode, selectionHighlightPath, and * caret are each translated individually when horizontal * translation is needed to keep the caretPosition visible. */
private Pane textGroup = new Pane(); private Group handleGroup;
The clip, applied to the textGroup. This makes sure that any text / selection wandering off the text box is clipped
/** * The clip, applied to the textGroup. This makes sure that any * text / selection wandering off the text box is clipped */
private Rectangle clip = new Rectangle();
The node actually displaying the text. Note that it has the ability to render both the normal fill as well as the highlight fill, to perform hit testing, fetching of the selection highlight, and other such duties.
/** * The node actually displaying the text. Note that it has the * ability to render both the normal fill as well as the highlight * fill, to perform hit testing, fetching of the selection * highlight, and other such duties. */
private Text textNode = new Text();
The node used for showing the prompt text.
/** * * The node used for showing the prompt text. */
private Text promptNode;
A path, provided by the textNode, which represents the area which is selected. The path elements which make up the selection must be updated whenever the selection changes. We don't need to keep track of text changes because those will force the selection to be updated.
/** * A path, provided by the textNode, which represents the area * which is selected. The path elements which make up the * selection must be updated whenever the selection changes. We * don't need to keep track of text changes because those will * force the selection to be updated. */
private Path selectionHighlightPath = new Path(); private Path characterBoundingPath = new Path(); private ObservableBooleanValue usePromptText; private DoubleProperty textTranslateX = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "textTranslateX"); private double caretWidth;
Right edge of the text region sans padding
/** * Right edge of the text region sans padding */
private ObservableDoubleValue textRight; private double pressX, pressY; // For dragging handles on embedded // For use with PasswordField static final char BULLET = '\u25cf'; /************************************************************************** * * Constructors * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new TextFieldSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list, as well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events.
  • control – The control that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Creates a new TextFieldSkin instance, installing the necessary child * nodes into the Control {@link Control#getChildren() children} list, as * well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events. * * @param control The control that this skin should be installed onto. */
public TextFieldSkin(final TextField control) { super(control); // install default input map for the text field control this.behavior = (control instanceof PasswordField) ? new PasswordFieldBehavior((PasswordField)control) : new TextFieldBehavior(control); this.behavior.setTextFieldSkin(this); // control.setInputMap(behavior.getInputMap()); control.caretPositionProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (control.getWidth() > 0) { updateTextNodeCaretPos(control.getCaretPosition()); if (!isForwardBias()) { setForwardBias(true); } updateCaretOff(); } }); forwardBiasProperty().addListener(observable -> { if (control.getWidth() > 0) { updateTextNodeCaretPos(control.getCaretPosition()); updateCaretOff(); } }); textRight = new DoubleBinding() { { bind(textGroup.widthProperty()); } @Override protected double computeValue() { return textGroup.getWidth(); } }; // Once this was crucial for performance, not sure now. clip.setSmooth(false); clip.setX(0); clip.widthProperty().bind(textGroup.widthProperty()); clip.heightProperty().bind(textGroup.heightProperty()); // Add content textGroup.setClip(clip); // Hack to defeat the fact that otherwise when the caret blinks the parent group // bounds are completely invalidated and therefore the dirty region is much // larger than necessary. textGroup.getChildren().addAll(selectionHighlightPath, textNode, new Group(caretPath)); getChildren().add(textGroup); if (SHOW_HANDLES) { handleGroup = new Group(); handleGroup.setManaged(false); handleGroup.getChildren().addAll(caretHandle, selectionHandle1, selectionHandle2); getChildren().add(handleGroup); } // Add text textNode.setManaged(false); textNode.getStyleClass().add("text"); textNode.fontProperty().bind(control.fontProperty()); textNode.layoutXProperty().bind(textTranslateX); textNode.textProperty().bind(new StringBinding() { { bind(control.textProperty()); } @Override protected String computeValue() { return maskText(control.textProperty().getValueSafe()); } }); textNode.fillProperty().bind(textFillProperty()); textNode.selectionFillProperty().bind(new ObjectBinding<Paint>() { { bind(highlightTextFillProperty(), textFillProperty(), control.focusedProperty()); } @Override protected Paint computeValue() { return control.isFocused() ? highlightTextFillProperty().get() : textFillProperty().get(); } }); // updated by listener on caretPosition to ensure order updateTextNodeCaretPos(control.getCaretPosition()); control.selectionProperty().addListener(observable -> { updateSelection(); }); // Add selection selectionHighlightPath.setManaged(false); selectionHighlightPath.setStroke(null); selectionHighlightPath.layoutXProperty().bind(textTranslateX); selectionHighlightPath.visibleProperty().bind(control.anchorProperty().isNotEqualTo(control.caretPositionProperty()).and(control.focusedProperty())); selectionHighlightPath.fillProperty().bind(highlightFillProperty()); textNode.selectionShapeProperty().addListener(observable -> { updateSelection(); }); // Add caret caretPath.setManaged(false); caretPath.setStrokeWidth(1); caretPath.fillProperty().bind(textFillProperty()); caretPath.strokeProperty().bind(textFillProperty()); // modifying visibility of the caret forces a layout-pass (RT-32373), so // instead we modify the opacity. caretPath.opacityProperty().bind(new DoubleBinding() { { bind(caretVisibleProperty()); } @Override protected double computeValue() { return caretVisibleProperty().get() ? 1.0 : 0.0; } }); caretPath.layoutXProperty().bind(textTranslateX); textNode.caretShapeProperty().addListener(observable -> { caretPath.getElements().setAll(textNode.caretShapeProperty().get()); if (caretPath.getElements().size() == 0) { // The caret pos is invalid. updateTextNodeCaretPos(control.getCaretPosition()); } else if (caretPath.getElements().size() == 4) { // The caret is split. Ignore and keep the previous width value. } else { caretWidth = Math.round(caretPath.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()); } }); // Be sure to get the control to request layout when the font changes, // since this will affect the pref height and pref width. control.fontProperty().addListener(observable -> { // I do both so that any cached values for prefWidth/height are cleared. // The problem is that the skin is unmanaged and so calling request layout // doesn't walk up the tree all the way. I think.... control.requestLayout(); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.prefColumnCountProperty(), e -> getSkinnable().requestLayout()); if (control.isFocused()) setCaretAnimating(true); control.alignmentProperty().addListener(observable -> { if (control.getWidth() > 0) { updateTextPos(); updateCaretOff(); control.requestLayout(); } }); usePromptText = new BooleanBinding() { { bind(control.textProperty(), control.promptTextProperty(), promptTextFillProperty()); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { String txt = control.getText(); String promptTxt = control.getPromptText(); return ((txt == null || txt.isEmpty()) && promptTxt != null && !promptTxt.isEmpty() && !getPromptTextFill().equals(Color.TRANSPARENT)); } }; promptTextFillProperty().addListener(observable -> { updateTextPos(); }); control.textProperty().addListener(observable -> { if (!behavior.isEditing()) { // Text changed, but not by user action updateTextPos(); } }); if (usePromptText.get()) { createPromptNode(); } usePromptText.addListener(observable -> { createPromptNode(); control.requestLayout(); }); if (SHOW_HANDLES) { selectionHandle1.setRotate(180); EventHandler<MouseEvent> handlePressHandler = e -> { pressX = e.getX(); pressY = e.getY(); e.consume(); }; caretHandle.setOnMousePressed(handlePressHandler); selectionHandle1.setOnMousePressed(handlePressHandler); selectionHandle2.setOnMousePressed(handlePressHandler); caretHandle.setOnMouseDragged(e -> { Point2D p = new Point2D(caretHandle.getLayoutX() + e.getX() + pressX - textNode.getLayoutX(), caretHandle.getLayoutY() + e.getY() - pressY - 6); HitInfo hit = textNode.hitTest(p); positionCaret(hit, false); e.consume(); }); selectionHandle1.setOnMouseDragged(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent e) { TextField control = getSkinnable(); Point2D tp = textNode.localToScene(0, 0); Point2D p = new Point2D(e.getSceneX() - tp.getX() + 10/*??*/ - pressX + selectionHandle1.getWidth() / 2, e.getSceneY() - tp.getY() - pressY - 6); HitInfo hit = textNode.hitTest(p); if (control.getAnchor() < control.getCaretPosition()) { // Swap caret and anchor control.selectRange(control.getCaretPosition(), control.getAnchor()); } int pos = hit.getInsertionIndex(); if (pos >= 0) { if (pos >= control.getAnchor() - 1) { pos = Math.max(0, control.getAnchor() - 1); } positionCaret(pos, hit.isLeading(), true); } e.consume(); } }); selectionHandle2.setOnMouseDragged(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent e) { TextField control = getSkinnable(); Point2D tp = textNode.localToScene(0, 0); Point2D p = new Point2D(e.getSceneX() - tp.getX() + 10/*??*/ - pressX + selectionHandle2.getWidth() / 2, e.getSceneY() - tp.getY() - pressY - 6); HitInfo hit = textNode.hitTest(p); if (control.getAnchor() > control.getCaretPosition()) { // Swap caret and anchor control.selectRange(control.getCaretPosition(), control.getAnchor()); } int pos = hit.getInsertionIndex(); if (pos > 0) { if (pos <= control.getAnchor()) { pos = Math.min(control.getAnchor() + 1, control.getLength()); } positionCaret(pos, hit.isLeading(), true); } e.consume(); } }); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); if (behavior != null) { behavior.dispose(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { TextField textField = getSkinnable(); double characterWidth = fontMetrics.get().getCharWidth('W'); int columnCount = textField.getPrefColumnCount(); return columnCount * characterWidth + leftInset + rightInset; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return computePrefHeight(width, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return topInset + textNode.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() + bottomInset; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return getSkinnable().prefHeight(width); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public double computeBaselineOffset(double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return topInset + textNode.getBaselineOffset(); } // Public for behavior
Replaces a range of characters with the given text. Call this implementation from behavior classes instead of the one provided on TextInputControl to ensure that the text scrolls as needed.
  • start – The starting index in the range, inclusive. This must be >= 0 and < the end.
  • end – The ending index in the range, exclusive. This is one-past the last character to delete (consistent with the String manipulation methods). This must be > the start, and <= the length of the text.
  • txt – The text that is to replace the range. This must not be null.
See Also:
/** * Replaces a range of characters with the given text. * * Call this implementation from behavior classes instead of the * one provided on TextInputControl to ensure that the text * scrolls as needed. * * @param start The starting index in the range, inclusive. This must be &gt;= 0 and &lt; the end. * @param end The ending index in the range, exclusive. This is one-past the last character to * delete (consistent with the String manipulation methods). This must be &gt; the start, * and &lt;= the length of the text. * @param txt The text that is to replace the range. This must not be null. * @see TextField#replaceText(int, int, String) */
public void replaceText(int start, int end, String txt) { final double textMaxXOld = textNode.getBoundsInParent().getMaxX(); final double caretMaxXOld = caretPath.getLayoutBounds().getMaxX() + textTranslateX.get(); getSkinnable().replaceText(start, end, txt); scrollAfterDelete(textMaxXOld, caretMaxXOld); } // Public for behavior
Deletes the character that follows or precedes the current caret position from the text if there is no selection, or deletes the selection if there is one. Call this implementation from behavior classes instead of the one provided on TextInputControl to ensure that the text scrolls as needed.
  • previous – whether to delete the preceding character.
/** * Deletes the character that follows or precedes the current * caret position from the text if there is no selection, or * deletes the selection if there is one. * * Call this implementation from behavior classes instead of the * one provided on TextInputControl to ensure that the text * scrolls as needed. * * @param previous whether to delete the preceding character. */
public void deleteChar(boolean previous) { final double textMaxXOld = textNode.getBoundsInParent().getMaxX(); final double caretMaxXOld = caretPath.getLayoutBounds().getMaxX() + textTranslateX.get(); if (previous ? getSkinnable().deletePreviousChar() : getSkinnable().deleteNextChar()) { scrollAfterDelete(textMaxXOld, caretMaxXOld); } } // Public for behavior
Performs a hit test, mapping point to index in the content.
  • x – the x coordinate of the point.
  • y – the y coordinate of the point.
Returns:a HitInfo object describing the index and forward bias.
/** * Performs a hit test, mapping point to index in the content. * * @param x the x coordinate of the point. * @param y the y coordinate of the point. * @return a {@code HitInfo} object describing the index and forward bias. */
public HitInfo getIndex(double x, double y) { // adjust the event to be in the same coordinate space as the // text content of the textInputControl Point2D p = new Point2D(x - textTranslateX.get() - snappedLeftInset(), y - snappedTopInset()); return textNode.hitTest(p); } // Public for behavior
Moves the caret to the specified position.
  • hit – the new position and forward bias of the caret.
  • select – whether to extend selection to the new position.
/** * Moves the caret to the specified position. * * @param hit the new position and forward bias of the caret. * @param select whether to extend selection to the new position. */
public void positionCaret(HitInfo hit, boolean select) { positionCaret(hit.getInsertionIndex(), hit.isLeading(), select); } private void positionCaret(int pos, boolean leading, boolean select) { TextField textField = getSkinnable(); if (select) { textField.selectPositionCaret(pos); } else { textField.positionCaret(pos); } setForwardBias(leading); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Rectangle2D getCharacterBounds(int index) { double x, y; double width, height; if (index == textNode.getText().length()) { Bounds textNodeBounds = textNode.getBoundsInLocal(); x = textNodeBounds.getMaxX(); y = 0; width = 0; height = textNodeBounds.getMaxY(); } else { characterBoundingPath.getElements().clear(); characterBoundingPath.getElements().addAll(textNode.rangeShape(index, index + 1)); characterBoundingPath.setLayoutX(textNode.getLayoutX()); characterBoundingPath.setLayoutY(textNode.getLayoutY()); Bounds bounds = characterBoundingPath.getBoundsInLocal(); x = bounds.getMinX(); y = bounds.getMinY(); // Sometimes the bounds is empty, in which case we must ignore the width/height width = bounds.isEmpty() ? 0 : bounds.getWidth(); height = bounds.isEmpty() ? 0 : bounds.getHeight(); } Bounds textBounds = textGroup.getBoundsInParent(); return new Rectangle2D(x + textBounds.getMinX() + textTranslateX.get(), y + textBounds.getMinY(), width, height); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected PathElement[] getUnderlineShape(int start, int end) { return textNode.underlineShape(start, end); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected PathElement[] getRangeShape(int start, int end) { return textNode.rangeShape(start, end); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void addHighlight(List<? extends Node> nodes, int start) { textGroup.getChildren().addAll(nodes); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void removeHighlight(List<? extends Node> nodes) { textGroup.getChildren().removeAll(nodes); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void moveCaret(TextUnit unit, Direction dir, boolean select) { switch (unit) { case CHARACTER: switch (dir) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: nextCharacterVisually(dir == Direction.RIGHT); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(""+dir); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(""+unit); } } private void nextCharacterVisually(boolean moveRight) { if (isRTL()) { // Text node is mirrored. moveRight = !moveRight; } Bounds caretBounds = caretPath.getLayoutBounds(); if (caretPath.getElements().size() == 4) { // The caret is split // TODO: Find a better way to get the primary caret position // instead of depending on the internal implementation. // See RT-25465. caretBounds = new Path(caretPath.getElements().get(0), caretPath.getElements().get(1)).getLayoutBounds(); } double hitX = moveRight ? caretBounds.getMaxX() : caretBounds.getMinX(); double hitY = (caretBounds.getMinY() + caretBounds.getMaxY()) / 2; HitInfo hit = textNode.hitTest(new Point2D(hitX, hitY)); boolean leading = hit.isLeading(); Path charShape = new Path(textNode.rangeShape(hit.getCharIndex(), hit.getCharIndex() + 1)); if ((moveRight && charShape.getLayoutBounds().getMaxX() > caretBounds.getMaxX()) || (!moveRight && charShape.getLayoutBounds().getMinX() < caretBounds.getMinX())) { leading = !leading; } positionCaret(hit.getInsertionIndex(), leading, false); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { super.layoutChildren(x, y, w, h); if (textNode != null) { double textY; final Bounds textNodeBounds = textNode.getLayoutBounds(); final double ascent = textNode.getBaselineOffset(); final double descent = textNodeBounds.getHeight() - ascent; switch (getSkinnable().getAlignment().getVpos()) { case TOP: textY = ascent; break; case CENTER: textY = (ascent + textGroup.getHeight() - descent) / 2; break; case BOTTOM: default: textY = textGroup.getHeight() - descent; } textNode.setY(textY); if (promptNode != null) { promptNode.setY(textY); } if (getSkinnable().getWidth() > 0) { updateTextPos(); updateCaretOff(); } } if (SHOW_HANDLES) { handleGroup.setLayoutX(x + caretWidth / 2); handleGroup.setLayoutY(y); // Resize handles for caret and anchor. // IndexRange selection = textField.getSelection(); selectionHandle1.resize(selectionHandle1.prefWidth(-1), selectionHandle1.prefHeight(-1)); selectionHandle2.resize(selectionHandle2.prefWidth(-1), selectionHandle2.prefHeight(-1)); caretHandle.resize(caretHandle.prefWidth(-1), caretHandle.prefHeight(-1)); Bounds b = caretPath.getBoundsInParent(); caretHandle.setLayoutY(b.getMaxY() - 1); //selectionHandle1.setLayoutY(b.getMaxY() - 1); selectionHandle1.setLayoutY(b.getMinY() - selectionHandle1.getHeight() + 1); selectionHandle2.setLayoutY(b.getMaxY() - 1); } } private HPos getHAlignment() { HPos hPos = getSkinnable().getAlignment().getHpos(); return hPos; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Point2D getMenuPosition() { Point2D p = super.getMenuPosition(); if (p != null) { p = new Point2D(Math.max(0, p.getX() - textNode.getLayoutX() - snappedLeftInset() + textTranslateX.get()), Math.max(0, p.getY() - textNode.getLayoutY() - snappedTopInset())); } return p; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected String maskText(String txt) { if (getSkinnable() instanceof PasswordField) { int n = txt.length(); StringBuilder passwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { passwordBuilder.append(BULLET); } return passwordBuilder.toString(); } else { return txt; } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case BOUNDS_FOR_RANGE: case OFFSET_AT_POINT: return textNode.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
Private implementation
/************************************************************************** * * Private implementation * **************************************************************************/
TextInputControlBehavior getBehavior() { return behavior; } private void updateTextNodeCaretPos(int pos) { if (pos == 0 || isForwardBias()) { textNode.setCaretPosition(pos); } else { textNode.setCaretPosition(pos - 1); } textNode.caretBiasProperty().set(isForwardBias()); } private void createPromptNode() { if (promptNode != null || !usePromptText.get()) return; promptNode = new Text(); textGroup.getChildren().add(0, promptNode); promptNode.setManaged(false); promptNode.getStyleClass().add("text"); promptNode.visibleProperty().bind(usePromptText); promptNode.fontProperty().bind(getSkinnable().fontProperty()); promptNode.textProperty().bind(getSkinnable().promptTextProperty()); promptNode.fillProperty().bind(promptTextFillProperty()); updateSelection(); } private void updateSelection() { TextField textField = getSkinnable(); IndexRange newValue = textField.getSelection(); if (newValue == null || newValue.getLength() == 0) { textNode.selectionStartProperty().set(-1); textNode.selectionEndProperty().set(-1); } else { textNode.selectionStartProperty().set(newValue.getStart()); // This intermediate value is needed to force selection shape layout. textNode.selectionEndProperty().set(newValue.getStart()); textNode.selectionEndProperty().set(newValue.getEnd()); } PathElement[] elements = textNode.selectionShapeProperty().get(); if (elements == null) { selectionHighlightPath.getElements().clear(); } else { selectionHighlightPath.getElements().setAll(elements); } if (SHOW_HANDLES && newValue != null && newValue.getLength() > 0) { int caretPos = textField.getCaretPosition(); int anchorPos = textField.getAnchor(); { // Position the handle for the anchor. This could be handle1 or handle2. // Do this before positioning the handle for the caret. updateTextNodeCaretPos(anchorPos); Bounds b = caretPath.getBoundsInParent(); if (caretPos < anchorPos) { selectionHandle2.setLayoutX(b.getMinX() - selectionHandle2.getWidth() / 2); } else { selectionHandle1.setLayoutX(b.getMinX() - selectionHandle1.getWidth() / 2); } } { // Position handle for the caret. This could be handle1 or handle2. updateTextNodeCaretPos(caretPos); Bounds b = caretPath.getBoundsInParent(); if (caretPos < anchorPos) { selectionHandle1.setLayoutX(b.getMinX() - selectionHandle1.getWidth() / 2); } else { selectionHandle2.setLayoutX(b.getMinX() - selectionHandle2.getWidth() / 2); } } } }
Updates the textTranslateX value for the Text node position. This is done for general layout, but care is taken to avoid resetting the position when there's a need to scroll the text due to caret movement, or when editing text that overflows on either side.
/** * Updates the textTranslateX value for the Text node position. This is * done for general layout, but care is taken to avoid resetting the * position when there's a need to scroll the text due to caret movement, * or when editing text that overflows on either side. */
private void updateTextPos() { double oldX = textTranslateX.get(); double newX; double textNodeWidth = textNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(); switch (getHAlignment()) { case CENTER: double midPoint = textRight.get() / 2; if (usePromptText.get()) { // If a prompt is shown (which implies that the text is // empty), then we align the Text node so that the caret will // appear at the left of the centered prompt. newX = midPoint - promptNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2; promptNode.setLayoutX(newX); } else { newX = midPoint - textNodeWidth / 2; } // Update if there is space on the right if (newX + textNodeWidth <= textRight.get()) { textTranslateX.set(newX); } break; case RIGHT: newX = textRight.get() - textNodeWidth - caretWidth / 2; // Update if there is space on the right if (newX > oldX || newX > 0) { textTranslateX.set(newX); } if (usePromptText.get()) { promptNode.setLayoutX(textRight.get() - promptNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() - caretWidth / 2); } break; case LEFT: default: newX = caretWidth / 2; // Update if there is space on either side. if (newX < oldX || newX + textNodeWidth <= textRight.get()) { textTranslateX.set(newX); } if (usePromptText.get()) { promptNode.layoutXProperty().set(newX); } } } // should be called when the padding changes, or the text box width, or // the dot moves private void updateCaretOff() { double delta = 0.0; double caretX = caretPath.getLayoutBounds().getMinX() + textTranslateX.get(); // If the caret position is less than or equal to the left edge of the // clip then the caret will be clipped. We want the caret to end up // being positioned one pixel right of the clip's left edge. The same // applies on the right edge (but going the other direction of course). if (caretX < 0) { // I'll end up with a negative number delta = caretX; } else if (caretX > (textRight.get() - caretWidth)) { // I'll end up with a positive number delta = caretX - (textRight.get() - caretWidth); } // If delta is negative, then translate in the negative direction // to cause the text to scroll to the right. Vice-versa for positive. switch (getHAlignment()) { case CENTER: textTranslateX.set(textTranslateX.get() - delta); break; case RIGHT: textTranslateX.set(Math.max(textTranslateX.get() - delta, textRight.get() - textNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() - caretWidth / 2)); break; case LEFT: default: textTranslateX.set(Math.min(textTranslateX.get() - delta, caretWidth / 2)); } if (SHOW_HANDLES) { caretHandle.setLayoutX(caretX - caretHandle.getWidth() / 2); } } private void scrollAfterDelete(double textMaxXOld, double caretMaxXOld) { final Bounds textLayoutBounds = textNode.getLayoutBounds(); final Bounds textBounds = textNode.localToParent(textLayoutBounds); final Bounds clipBounds = clip.getBoundsInParent(); final Bounds caretBounds = caretPath.getLayoutBounds(); switch (getHAlignment()) { case RIGHT: if (textBounds.getMaxX() > clipBounds.getMaxX()) { double delta = caretMaxXOld - caretBounds.getMaxX() - textTranslateX.get(); if (textBounds.getMaxX() + delta < clipBounds.getMaxX()) { if (textMaxXOld <= clipBounds.getMaxX()) { delta = textMaxXOld - textBounds.getMaxX(); } else { delta = clipBounds.getMaxX() - textBounds.getMaxX(); } } textTranslateX.set(textTranslateX.get() + delta); } else { updateTextPos(); } break; case LEFT: case CENTER: default: if (textBounds.getMinX() < clipBounds.getMinX() + caretWidth / 2 && textBounds.getMaxX() <= clipBounds.getMaxX()) { double delta = caretMaxXOld - caretBounds.getMaxX() - textTranslateX.get(); if (textBounds.getMaxX() + delta < clipBounds.getMaxX()) { if (textMaxXOld <= clipBounds.getMaxX()) { delta = textMaxXOld - textBounds.getMaxX(); } else { delta = clipBounds.getMaxX() - textBounds.getMaxX(); } } textTranslateX.set(textTranslateX.get() + delta); } } updateCaretOff(); } }