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package com.sun.javafx.logging;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

Logs information on a per-pulse basis. When doing performance analysis, a very easy thing to start with is to run with the PulseLogger enabled, such that various statistics related to the scene graph and the pulse are recorded and dumped to the log.

The pulse logger is designed in such a way as to gather all of the pulse statistics together even though half of the pulse occurs on the FX thread and half on the render thread, and therefore two sets of pulse data are being accumulated concurrently. The pulseStart, pulseEnd, renderStart, and renderEnd methods must be called appropriately by the runtime to ensure that the logging system works correctly.

/** * Logs information on a per-pulse basis. When doing performance analysis, a very * easy thing to start with is to run with the PulseLogger enabled, such that various * statistics related to the scene graph and the pulse are recorded and dumped to * the log. * <p> * The pulse logger is designed in such a way as to gather all of the pulse statistics * together even though half of the pulse occurs on the FX thread and half on the * render thread, and therefore two sets of pulse data are being accumulated * concurrently. The {@code pulseStart}, {@code pulseEnd}, {@code renderStart}, * and {@code renderEnd} methods must be called appropriately by the runtime * to ensure that the logging system works correctly. */
class PrintLogger extends Logger {
A time in milliseconds which defines the threshold. If a pulse lasts longer than the threshold, then it is logged, otherwise an abbreviated representation including only the time of the pulse is logged.
/** * A time in milliseconds which defines the threshold. If a pulse lasts <em>longer</em> than * the threshold, then it is logged, otherwise an abbreviated representation including * only the time of the pulse is logged. */
private static long THRESHOLD = (long) AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Integer>) () -> Integer.getInteger("javafx.pulseLogger.threshold", 17));
Optionally exit after a given number of pulses
/** * Optionally exit after a given number of pulses */
private static final int EXIT_ON_PULSE = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Integer>) () -> Integer.getInteger("javafx.pulseLogger.exitOnPulse", 0));
We have a simple counter that keeps track of the current pulse number. INTER_PULSE_DATA is used to mark data that comes between pulses.
/** * We have a simple counter that keeps track of the current pulse number. * INTER_PULSE_DATA is used to mark data that comes between pulses. */
private int pulseCount = 1; private static final int INTER_PULSE_DATA = -1;
When printing the truncated form of the pulse, we just print one truncated form after another, such as: [5][2][4] This way we don't cause the console to scroll far vertically in the case of fast pulses. We do this so that relevant information (pulses that exceed the threshold) is easy to find and remains visible as long as possible in the console. However, we don't want to scroll too far off to the right either, so we keep track of how many "quick pulses" have happened in a row. When we've exceeded some fixed number (20, say) then we will insert a newline into the log.
/** * When printing the truncated form of the pulse, we just print one truncated * form after another, such as: * * [5][2][4] * * This way we don't cause the console to scroll far vertically in the case of fast * pulses. We do this so that relevant information (pulses that exceed the threshold) * is easy to find and remains visible as long as possible in the console. However, * we don't want to scroll too far off to the right either, so we keep track of * how many "quick pulses" have happened in a row. When we've exceeded some fixed * number (20, say) then we will insert a newline into the log. */
private volatile int wrapCount = 0;
References to PulseData for the FX thread (fxData) and the Render thread (renderData).
/** * References to PulseData for the FX thread (fxData) and the Render thread (renderData). */
private volatile PulseData fxData, renderData;
Keeps track of the start of the previous pulse, such that we can print out the time interval between the start of pulses.
/** * Keeps track of the start of the previous pulse, such that we can print out * the time interval between the start of pulses. */
private long lastPulseStartTime; class ThreadLocalData { String phaseName; long phaseStart; } private Thread fxThread; private final ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalData> phaseData = new ThreadLocal<>() { @Override public ThreadLocalData initialValue() { return new ThreadLocalData(); } };
The queue of all PulseData objects, both available and those in use. New PulseData objects are allocated from head if the state is AVAILABLE. They are re-linked at tail with the state INCOMPLETE. Once fully processed they will change their state back to AVAILABLE and will become ready for reuse.
/** * The queue of all PulseData objects, both available and those in use. * New PulseData objects are allocated from head if the state is AVAILABLE. * They are re-linked at tail with the state INCOMPLETE. Once fully processed * they will change their state back to AVAILABLE and will become ready for reuse. */
private PulseData head; private PulseData tail;
A synchronization object for printing arbitrage.
/** * A synchronization object for printing arbitrage. */
private AtomicInteger active;
PulseData object states
/** * PulseData object states */
private static final int AVAILABLE = 0; private static final int INCOMPLETE = 1; private static final int COMPLETE = 2;
Disallow instantiation.
/** * Disallow instantiation. */
private PrintLogger() { head = new PulseData(); tail = new PulseData(); head.next = tail; active = new AtomicInteger(0); } public static Logger createInstance() { boolean enabled = PulseLogger.isPulseLoggingRequested(); if (enabled) { return new PrintLogger(); } return null; }
Allocate and initialize a PulseData object
/** * Allocate and initialize a PulseData object */
private PulseData allocate(int n) { PulseData res; if (head != tail && head.state == AVAILABLE) { res = head; head = head.next; res.next = null; } else { res = new PulseData(); } tail.next = res; tail = res; res.init(n); return res; }
MUST be called at the start of every pulse. This method will initialize the fxData buffer so that subsequent calls to fxMessage will write to this buffer.
/** * <strong>MUST</strong> be called at the start of every pulse. * This method will initialize the fxData buffer so that subsequent * calls to fxMessage will write to this buffer. */
@Override public void pulseStart() { if (fxThread == null) { fxThread = Thread.currentThread(); } if (fxData != null) { // Inter pulse data fxData.state = COMPLETE; if (active.incrementAndGet() == 1) { fxData.printAndReset(); active.decrementAndGet(); } } fxData = allocate(pulseCount++); if (lastPulseStartTime > 0) { fxData.interval = (fxData.startTime - lastPulseStartTime)/1000000L; } lastPulseStartTime = fxData.startTime; }
Must be called before any set of render jobs for a given pulse begin. This method will initialize the renderData buffer so that subsequent calls to renderMessage will write to this buffer. I have found that sometimes renderMessage is called without a pulse being started. Such cases are exceptional and appear to happen only at startup, and such cases are simply not logged.
/** * <strong>Must</strong> be called before any set of render jobs * for a given pulse begin. This method will initialize the * renderData buffer so that subsequent calls to renderMessage * will write to this buffer. I have found that sometimes renderMessage * is called without a pulse being started. Such cases are exceptional * and appear to happen only at startup, and such cases are simply not * logged. */
@Override public void renderStart() { newPhase(null); // finish the current phase on the FX thread fxData.pushedRender = true; renderData = fxData; active.incrementAndGet(); }
Must be called at the end of the pulse. If there was no rendering started during this pulse, then this method will cause the pulse data to be logged. Otherwise, the pulse data is logged when rendering is ended. However, as soon as pulseEnd is called, we are ready for another call to pulseStart.
/** * <strong>Must</strong> be called at the end of the pulse. If * there was no rendering started during this pulse, then this * method will cause the pulse data to be logged. Otherwise, the * pulse data is logged when rendering is ended. However, as soon * as pulseEnd is called, we are ready for another call to pulseStart. */
@Override public void pulseEnd() { if (fxData != null && !fxData.pushedRender) { fxData.state = COMPLETE; if (active.incrementAndGet() == 1) { fxData.printAndReset(); active.decrementAndGet(); } } fxData = null; }
Must be called at the end of rendering, if a previous call to renderStart() had been made. This will cause the pulse data to be logged.
/** * <strong>Must</strong> be called at the end of rendering, if a previous * call to {@link #renderStart()} had been made. This will cause the pulse * data to be logged. */
@Override public void renderEnd() { newPhase(null); // finish the current phase on the render thread renderData.state = COMPLETE; for (;;) { renderData.printAndReset(); if (active.decrementAndGet() == 0) { break; } renderData = renderData.next; } renderData = null; }
Adds a message to the log for the pulse.
  • message – The message to log. A newline will be added automatically.
/** * Adds a message to the log for the pulse. * @param message The message to log. A newline will be added automatically. */
@Override public void addMessage(String message) { PulseData pulseData; if (fxThread == null || Thread.currentThread() == fxThread) { if (fxData == null) { fxData = allocate(INTER_PULSE_DATA); } pulseData = fxData; } else { pulseData = renderData; } if (pulseData == null) { return; } pulseData.message .append("T") .append(Thread.currentThread().getId()) .append(" : ") .append(message) .append("\n"); }
Increments the given named per-pulse counter.
  • counter – The name for the counter.
/** * Increments the given named per-pulse counter. * @param counter The name for the counter. */
@Override public void incrementCounter(String counter) { PulseData pulseData; if (fxThread == null || Thread.currentThread() == fxThread) { if (fxData == null) { fxData = allocate(INTER_PULSE_DATA); } pulseData = fxData; } else { pulseData = renderData; } if (pulseData == null) { return; } Map<String,Counter> counters = pulseData.counters; Counter cval = counters.get(counter); if (cval == null) { cval = new Counter(); counters.put(counter, cval); } cval.value += 1; } @Override public void newPhase(String name) { long curTime = System.nanoTime(); ThreadLocalData curPhase = phaseData.get(); if (curPhase.phaseName != null) { PulseData pulseData = Thread.currentThread() == fxThread ? fxData : renderData; if (pulseData != null) { pulseData.message .append("T") .append(Thread.currentThread().getId()) .append(" (").append((curPhase.phaseStart-pulseData.startTime)/1000000L) .append(" +").append((curTime - curPhase.phaseStart)/1000000L).append("ms): ") .append(curPhase.phaseName) .append("\n"); } } curPhase.phaseName = name; curPhase.phaseStart = curTime; }
A mutable integer to be used in the counter map
/** * A mutable integer to be used in the counter map */
private static class Counter { int value; }
The data we collect per pulse. We store the pulse number associated with this pulse, along with what time it started at and the interval since the previous pulse. We also maintain the message buffer and counters.
/** * The data we collect per pulse. We store the pulse number * associated with this pulse, along with what time it * started at and the interval since the previous pulse. * We also maintain the message buffer and counters. */
private final class PulseData { PulseData next; volatile int state = AVAILABLE; long startTime; long interval; int pulseCount; boolean pushedRender; StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); Map<String,Counter> counters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); void init(int n) { state = INCOMPLETE; pulseCount = n; startTime = System.nanoTime(); interval = 0; pushedRender = false; } void printAndReset() { long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long totalTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000000L; if (state != COMPLETE) { System.err.println("\nWARNING: logging incomplete state"); } if (totalTime <= THRESHOLD) { // Don't print inter pulse data if (pulseCount != INTER_PULSE_DATA) { System.err.print((wrapCount++ % 10 == 0 ? "\n[" : "[") + pulseCount+ " " + interval + "ms:" + totalTime + "ms]"); } } else { if (pulseCount == INTER_PULSE_DATA) { System.err.println("\n\nINTER PULSE LOG DATA"); } else { System.err.print("\n\nPULSE: " + pulseCount + " [" + interval + "ms:" + totalTime + "ms]"); if (!pushedRender) { System.err.print(" Required No Rendering"); } System.err.println(); } System.err.print(message); if (!counters.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("Counters:"); List<Map.Entry<String,Counter>> entries = new ArrayList<>(counters.entrySet()); Collections.sort(entries, (a, b) -> a.getKey().compareTo(b.getKey())); for (Map.Entry<String, Counter> entry : entries) { System.err.println("\t" + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().value); } } wrapCount = 0; } // Reset the state message.setLength(0); counters.clear(); state = AVAILABLE; if (EXIT_ON_PULSE > 0 && pulseCount >= EXIT_ON_PULSE) { System.err.println("Exiting after pulse #" + pulseCount); System.exit(0); } } } }