 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.openjdk.jmh.generators.core;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.HashMultimap;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.Multimap;
import org.openjdk.jmh.util.Utils;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.IncompleteAnnotationException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;

class StateObjectHandler {

    private final CompilerControlPlugin compileControl;

    private final Identifiers identifiers;

    private final Multimap<String, StateObject> roots;
    private final Multimap<String, ClassInfo> specials;

    private final Set<StateObject> stateObjects;
    private final Map<String, StateObject> implicits;

    private final Multimap<String, String> benchmarkArgs;

    private final Multimap<String, String> auxNames = new HashMultimap<>();
    private final Map<String, AuxCounters.Type> auxType = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, String> auxAccessors = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, Boolean> auxResettable = new HashMap<>();

    public StateObjectHandler(CompilerControlPlugin compileControl) {
        this.compileControl = compileControl;
        this.roots = new HashMultimap<>();
        this.benchmarkArgs = new HashMultimap<>();
        this.implicits = new HashMap<>();
        this.specials = new HashMultimap<>();
        this.stateObjects = new HashSet<>();
        this.identifiers = new Identifiers();

    public static void validateState(ClassInfo state) {
        // Because of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8031122,
        // we need to preemptively check the annotation value, and
        // the API can only allow that by catching the exception, argh.
        try {
            State ann = BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSuper(state, State.class);
            if (ann != null) {
        } catch (IncompleteAnnotationException iae) {
            throw new GenerationException("The @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " annotation should have the explicit " + Scope.class.getSimpleName() + " argument",

        if (!state.isPublic()) {
            throw new GenerationException("The instantiated @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " annotation only supports public classes.", state);

        if (state.isFinal()) {
            throw new GenerationException("The instantiated @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " annotation does not support final classes. This class is not " , state);

        if (state.isInner()) {
            throw new GenerationException("The instantiated @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " annotation does not support inner classes, make sure your class is static.", state);

        if (state.isAbstract()) {
            throw new GenerationException("The instantiated @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " class cannot be abstract.", state);

        boolean hasDefaultConstructor = false;
        for (MethodInfo constructor : state.getConstructors()) {
            hasDefaultConstructor |= (constructor.getParameters().isEmpty() && constructor.isPublic());

        // These classes use the special init sequence:
        hasDefaultConstructor |= state.getQualifiedName().equals(BenchmarkParams.class.getCanonicalName());
        hasDefaultConstructor |= state.getQualifiedName().equals(IterationParams.class.getCanonicalName());
        hasDefaultConstructor |= state.getQualifiedName().equals(ThreadParams.class.getCanonicalName());

        if (!hasDefaultConstructor) {
            throw new GenerationException("The @" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " annotation can only be applied to the classes having the default public constructor.",

        // validate rogue annotations on classes
        for (FieldInfo fi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAllFields(state)) {

        // validate rogue annotations on methods
        for (MethodInfo mi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getMethods(state)) {

        // check @Setup/@TearDown have only @State arguments
        for (MethodInfo mi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAllMethods(state)) {
            if (mi.getAnnotation(Setup.class) != null || mi.getAnnotation(TearDown.class) != null) {

    public static void validateStateArgs(MethodInfo e) {
        for (ParameterInfo var : e.getParameters()) {
            if (BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSuper(var.getType(), State.class) != null) continue;
            if (isSpecialClass(var.getType())) continue;

            throw new GenerationException(
                        "Method parameters should be either @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + " classes", // TODO: Change the message

    private static boolean isSpecialClass(ClassInfo ci) {
        String name = ci.getQualifiedName();
                name.equals(BenchmarkParams.class.getCanonicalName()) ||
                name.equals(IterationParams.class.getCanonicalName()) ||
                name.equals(ThreadParams.class.getCanonicalName()) ||
                name.equals(Blackhole.class.getCanonicalName()) ||

    private String getSpecialClassAccessor(ClassInfo pci) {
        String name = pci.getQualifiedName();
        if (name.equals(BenchmarkParams.class.getCanonicalName()))  return "benchmarkParams";
        if (name.equals(IterationParams.class.getCanonicalName()))  return "iterationParams";
        if (name.equals(ThreadParams.class.getCanonicalName()))     return "threadParams";
        if (name.equals(Blackhole.class.getCanonicalName()))        return "blackhole";
        if (name.equals(Control.class.getCanonicalName()))          return "notifyControl";
        throw new GenerationException("Internal error, unhandled special class: " + pci, pci);

    public State getState(ClassInfo ci, ParameterInfo pi) {
        State ann = BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSuper(ci, State.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            throw new GenerationException("The method parameter is not a @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + ": ", pi);
        return ann;

    public void bindMethods(ClassInfo holder, MethodGroup mg) {
        for (MethodInfo method : mg.methods()) {
            // Bind the holder implicitly:
                State ann = BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSuper(holder, State.class);
                Scope scope = (ann != null) ? ann.value() : Scope.Thread;
                StateObject holderSo = new StateObject(identifiers, holder, scope);
                implicits.put("bench", holderSo);
                bindState(method, holderSo, holder);

                resolveDependencies(method, holder, holderSo);

            // Check that all arguments are states.

            // Bind all @Benchmark parameters
            for (ParameterInfo ppi : method.getParameters()) {
                ClassInfo pci = ppi.getType();

                if (isSpecialClass(pci)) {
                    benchmarkArgs.put(method.getName(), getSpecialClassAccessor(pci));
                    specials.put(method.getName(), pci);
                } else {
                    StateObject pso = new StateObject(identifiers, pci, getState(pci, ppi).value());
                    roots.put(method.getName(), pso);
                    benchmarkArgs.put(method.getName(), pso.toLocal());
                    bindState(method, pso, pci);

                    resolveDependencies(method, pci, pso);

    public static void validateNoCycles(MethodInfo method) {
        try {
            validateNoCyclesStep(Collections.<String>emptyList(), method, true);
        } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
            // "YOLO Engineering"
            throw new GenerationException("@" + State.class.getSimpleName() +
                    " dependency cycle is detected.", method);

    private static void validateNoCyclesStep(List<String> states, MethodInfo method, boolean includeHolder) {
        List<ClassInfo> stratum = new ArrayList<>();
        if (includeHolder) {
        for (ParameterInfo ppi : method.getParameters()) {

        List<String> newStates = new ArrayList<>();
        for (ClassInfo ci : stratum) {

        for (ClassInfo ci : stratum) {
            for (MethodInfo mi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getMethods(ci)) {
                if (mi.getAnnotation(Setup.class) != null || mi.getAnnotation(TearDown.class) != null) {
                    validateNoCyclesStep(newStates, mi, false);

Recursively resolve if there are any other states referenced through helper methods.
/** * Recursively resolve if there are any other states referenced through helper methods. */
private void resolveDependencies(MethodInfo method, ClassInfo pci, StateObject pso) { for (MethodInfo mi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getMethods(pci)) { if (mi.getAnnotation(Setup.class) != null || mi.getAnnotation(TearDown.class) != null) { for (ParameterInfo pi : mi.getParameters()) { ClassInfo ci = pi.getType(); if (isSpecialClass(ci)) { pso.helperArgs.put(mi.getQualifiedName(), getSpecialClassAccessor(ci)); specials.put(mi.getQualifiedName(), ci); } else { StateObject so = new StateObject(identifiers, ci, getState(ci, pi).value()); if (!pso.helperArgs.get(mi.getQualifiedName()).contains(so.toLocal())) { stateObjects.add(so); pso.depends.add(so); pso.helperArgs.put(mi.getQualifiedName(), so.toLocal()); bindState(method, so, ci); resolveDependencies(method, ci, so); } } } } } } private void bindState(MethodInfo execMethod, StateObject so, ClassInfo ci) { // Check it is a valid state validateState(ci); // auxiliary result, produce the accessors AuxCounters auxCountAnn = ci.getAnnotation(AuxCounters.class); if (auxCountAnn != null) { if (so.scope != Scope.Thread) { throw new GenerationException("@" + AuxCounters.class.getSimpleName() + " can only be used with " + Scope.class.getSimpleName() + "." + Scope.Thread + " states.", ci); } for (FieldInfo sub : ci.getFields()) { if (sub.isPublic()) { if (!isAuxCompatible(sub.getType().getQualifiedName())) { throw new GenerationException("Illegal type for the public field in @" + AuxCounters.class.getSimpleName() + ".", sub); } String name = sub.getName(); String meth = execMethod.getName(); auxNames.put(meth, name); auxType.put(name, auxCountAnn.value()); auxResettable.put(name, true); String prev = auxAccessors.put(meth + name, so.localIdentifier + "." + name); if (prev != null) { throw new GenerationException("Conflicting @" + AuxCounters.class.getSimpleName() + " counters. Make sure there are no @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + "-s with the same counter " + " injected into this method.", sub); } } } for (MethodInfo sub : ci.getMethods()) { if (sub.isPublic() && !sub.getReturnType().equals("void")) { if (!isAuxCompatible(sub.getReturnType())) { throw new GenerationException("Illegal type for the return type of public method in @" + AuxCounters.class.getSimpleName() + ".", sub); } String name = sub.getName(); String meth = execMethod.getName(); auxNames.put(meth, name); auxType.put(name, auxCountAnn.value()); auxResettable.put(name, false); String prev = auxAccessors.put(meth + name, so.localIdentifier + "." + name + "()"); if (prev != null) { throw new GenerationException("Conflicting @" + AuxCounters.class.getSimpleName() + " counters. Make sure there are no @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + "-s with the same counter " + " injected into this method.", sub); } } } } // walk the type hierarchy up to discover inherited @Params for (FieldInfo fi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAllFields(ci)) { if (fi.getAnnotation(Param.class) != null) { checkParam(fi); so.addParam(fi); } } // put the @State objects helper methods for (MethodInfo mi : BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getMethods(ci)) { Setup setupAnn = mi.getAnnotation(Setup.class); if (setupAnn != null) { checkHelpers(mi, Setup.class); so.addHelper(new HelperMethodInvocation(mi, so, setupAnn.value(), HelperType.SETUP)); compileControl.defaultForceInline(mi); } TearDown tearDownAnn = mi.getAnnotation(TearDown.class); if (tearDownAnn != null) { checkHelpers(mi, TearDown.class); so.addHelper(new HelperMethodInvocation(mi, so, tearDownAnn.value(), HelperType.TEARDOWN)); compileControl.defaultForceInline(mi); } } } private boolean isAuxCompatible(String typeName) { if (typeName.equals("byte") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Byte")) return true; if (typeName.equals("short") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Short")) return true; if (typeName.equals("int") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) return true; if (typeName.equals("float") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Float")) return true; if (typeName.equals("long") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Long")) return true; if (typeName.equals("double") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Double")) return true; return false; } private void checkParam(FieldInfo fi) { if (fi.isFinal()) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + Param.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation is not acceptable on final fields.", fi); } if (BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSyntax(fi.getDeclaringClass(), State.class) == null) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + Param.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation should be placed in @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + "-annotated class.", fi); } ClassInfo type = fi.getType(); if (!isParamTypeAcceptable(type)) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + Param.class.getSimpleName() + " can only be placed over the annotation-compatible types:" + " primitives, primitive wrappers, Strings, or enums.", fi); } String[] values = fi.getAnnotation(Param.class).value(); if (values.length == 1 && values[0].equalsIgnoreCase(Param.BLANK_ARGS)) { if (!fi.getType().isEnum()) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + Param.class.getSimpleName() + " should provide the default parameters.", fi); } else { // if type is enum then don't need to check conformity } } else { for (String val : values) { if (!isParamValueConforming(fi, val, type)) { throw new GenerationException( "Some @" + Param.class.getSimpleName() + " values can not be converted to target type: " + "\"" + val + "\" can not be converted to " + type, fi ); } } } } private boolean isParamTypeAcceptable(ClassInfo type) { String typeName = type.getQualifiedName(); if (type.isEnum()) return true; if (typeName.equals("java.lang.String")) return true; if (typeName.equals("boolean") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) return true; if (typeName.equals("byte") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Byte")) return true; if (typeName.equals("char") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Character")) return true; if (typeName.equals("short") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Short")) return true; if (typeName.equals("int") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) return true; if (typeName.equals("float") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Float")) return true; if (typeName.equals("long") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Long")) return true; if (typeName.equals("double") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Double")) return true; return false; } private boolean isParamValueConforming(FieldInfo fi, String val, ClassInfo type) { String typeName = type.getQualifiedName(); if (type.isEnum()) { if (type.getEnumConstants().contains(val)) { return true; } } if (typeName.equals("java.lang.String")) { return true; } if (typeName.equals("boolean") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { return (val.equals("true") || val.equals("false")); } if (typeName.equals("byte") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Byte")) { try { Byte.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (typeName.equals("char") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Character")) { return (val.length() == 1); } if (typeName.equals("short") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Short")) { try { Short.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (typeName.equals("int") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { try { Integer.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (typeName.equals("float") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Float")) { try { Float.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (typeName.equals("long") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Long")) { try { Long.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (typeName.equals("double") || typeName.equals("java.lang.Double")) { try { Double.valueOf(val); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } return false; } private void checkHelpers(MethodInfo mi, Class<? extends Annotation> annClass) { // OK to have these annotation for @State objects if (BenchmarkGeneratorUtils.getAnnSuper(mi.getDeclaringClass(), State.class) == null) { if (!mi.getDeclaringClass().isAbstract()) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + TearDown.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation is placed within " + "the class not having @" + State.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation. " + "This has no behavioral effect, and prohibited.", mi); } } if (!mi.isPublic()) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + annClass.getSimpleName() + " method should be public.", mi); } if (!mi.getReturnType().equalsIgnoreCase("void")) { throw new GenerationException( "@" + annClass.getSimpleName() + " method should not return anything.", mi); } } public String getBenchmarkArgList(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return Utils.join(benchmarkArgs.get(methodInfo.getName()), ", "); } public String getArgList(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return getArgList(stateOrder(methodInfo, false)); } public String getArgList(Collection<StateObject> sos) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (StateObject so : sos) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(so.toLocal()); i++; } return sb.toString(); } public String getTypeArgList(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return getTypeArgList(stateOrder(methodInfo, false)); } public String getTypeArgList(Collection<StateObject> sos) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (StateObject so : sos) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(so.toTypeDef()); i++; } return sb.toString(); } @SafeVarargs public static Collection<StateObject> cons(Collection<StateObject>... colls) { SortedSet<StateObject> r = new TreeSet<>(StateObject.ID_COMPARATOR); for (Collection<StateObject> coll : colls) { r.addAll(coll); } return r; } public Collection<String> getHelperBlock(MethodInfo method, Level helperLevel, HelperType type) { // Look for the offending methods. // This will be used to skip the irrelevant blocks for state objects down the stream. List<StateObject> statesForward = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : stateOrder(method, true)) { for (HelperMethodInvocation hmi : so.getHelpers()) { if (hmi.helperLevel == helperLevel) { statesForward.add(so); break; } } } List<StateObject> statesReverse = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : stateOrder(method, false)) { for (HelperMethodInvocation hmi : so.getHelpers()) { if (hmi.helperLevel == helperLevel) { statesReverse.add(so); break; } } } List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Handle Thread object helpers for (StateObject so : statesForward) { if (type != HelperType.SETUP) continue; if (so.scope == Scope.Thread) { for (HelperMethodInvocation mi : so.getHelpers()) { if (mi.helperLevel == helperLevel && mi.type == HelperType.SETUP) { Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(mi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(so.localIdentifier + "." + mi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } } } if (so.scope == Scope.Benchmark || so.scope == Scope.Group) { result.add("if (" + so.type + ".setup" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.compareAndSet(" + so.localIdentifier + ", 0, 1)) {"); result.add(" try {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" if (!" + so.localIdentifier + ".ready" + helperLevel + ") {"); for (HelperMethodInvocation mi : so.getHelpers()) { if (mi.helperLevel == helperLevel && mi.type == HelperType.SETUP) { Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(mi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(" " + so.localIdentifier + "." + mi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } } result.add(" " + so.localIdentifier + ".ready" + helperLevel + " = true;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" } catch (Throwable t) {"); result.add(" control.isFailing = true;"); result.add(" throw t;"); result.add(" } finally {"); result.add(" " + so.type + ".setup" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.set(" + so.localIdentifier + ", 0);"); result.add(" }"); result.add("} else {"); result.add(" while (" + so.type + ".setup" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.get(" + so.localIdentifier + ") == 1) {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();"); result.add(" }"); result.add("}"); } } for (StateObject so : statesReverse) { if (type != HelperType.TEARDOWN) continue; if (so.scope == Scope.Thread) { for (HelperMethodInvocation mi : so.getHelpers()) { if (mi.helperLevel == helperLevel && mi.type == HelperType.TEARDOWN) { Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(mi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(so.localIdentifier + "." + mi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } } } if (so.scope == Scope.Benchmark || so.scope == Scope.Group) { result.add("if (" + so.type + ".tear" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.compareAndSet(" + so.localIdentifier + ", 0, 1)) {"); result.add(" try {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" if (" + so.localIdentifier + ".ready" + helperLevel + ") {"); for (HelperMethodInvocation mi : so.getHelpers()) { if (mi.helperLevel == helperLevel && mi.type == HelperType.TEARDOWN) { Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(mi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(" " + so.localIdentifier + "." + mi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } } result.add(" " + so.localIdentifier + ".ready" + helperLevel + " = false;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" } catch (Throwable t) {"); result.add(" control.isFailing = true;"); result.add(" throw t;"); result.add(" } finally {"); result.add(" " + so.type + ".tear" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.set(" + so.localIdentifier + ", 0);"); result.add(" }"); result.add("} else {"); // We don't need to actively busy-wait for Trial, it is way past the measurement window, // and we would not need measurement threads anymore after this is over. Therefore, it // is OK to exponentially back off. if (helperLevel == Level.Trial) { result.add(" long " + so.localIdentifier + "_backoff = 1;"); } result.add(" while (" + so.type + ".tear" + helperLevel + "MutexUpdater.get(" + so.localIdentifier + ") == 1) {"); if (helperLevel == Level.Trial) { result.add(" TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(" + so.localIdentifier + "_backoff);"); result.add(" " + so.localIdentifier + "_backoff = Math.max(1024, " + so.localIdentifier + "_backoff * 2);"); } result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();"); result.add(" }"); result.add("}"); } } return result; } public boolean hasInvocationStubs(MethodInfo method) { return !getInvocationSetups(method).isEmpty() || !getInvocationTearDowns(method).isEmpty(); } public Collection<String> getInvocationSetups(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Invocation, HelperType.SETUP); } public Collection<String> getInvocationTearDowns(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Invocation, HelperType.TEARDOWN); } public Collection<String> getIterationSetups(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Iteration, HelperType.SETUP); } public Collection<String> getIterationTearDowns(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Iteration, HelperType.TEARDOWN); } public Collection<String> getRunSetups(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Trial, HelperType.SETUP); } public Collection<String> getRunTearDowns(MethodInfo method) { return getHelperBlock(method, Level.Trial, HelperType.TEARDOWN); } public List<String> getStateInitializers() { Collection<StateObject> sos = cons(stateObjects); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Benchmark) continue; result.add(""); result.add("static volatile " + so.type + " " + so.fieldIdentifier + ";"); result.add(""); result.add(so.type + " _jmh_tryInit_" + so.fieldIdentifier + "(InfraControl control" + soDependency_TypeArgs(so) + ") throws Throwable {"); result.add(" " + so.type + " val = " + so.fieldIdentifier + ";"); result.add(" if (val != null) {"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" synchronized(this.getClass()) {"); result.add(" try {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" val = " + so.fieldIdentifier + ";"); result.add(" if (val != null) {"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" val = new " + so.type + "();"); if (!so.getParamsLabels().isEmpty()) { result.add(" Field f;"); } for (String paramName : so.getParamsLabels()) { for (FieldInfo paramField : so.getParam(paramName)) { result.add(" f = " + paramField.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName() + ".class.getDeclaredField(\"" + paramName + "\");"); result.add(" f.setAccessible(true);"); result.add(" f.set(val, " + so.getParamAccessor(paramField) + ");"); } } for (HelperMethodInvocation hmi : so.getHelpers()) { if (hmi.helperLevel != Level.Trial) continue; if (hmi.type != HelperType.SETUP) continue; Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(hmi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(" val." + hmi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } result.add(" val.ready" + Level.Trial + " = true;"); result.add(" " + so.fieldIdentifier + " = val;"); result.add(" } catch (Throwable t) {"); result.add(" control.isFailing = true;"); result.add(" throw t;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add("}"); } for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Thread) continue; result.add(""); result.add(so.type + " " + so.fieldIdentifier + ";"); result.add(""); result.add(so.type + " _jmh_tryInit_" + so.fieldIdentifier + "(InfraControl control" + soDependency_TypeArgs(so) + ") throws Throwable {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" " + so.type + " val = " + so.fieldIdentifier + ";"); result.add(" if (val == null) {"); result.add(" val = new " + so.type + "();"); if (!so.getParamsLabels().isEmpty()) { result.add(" Field f;"); } for (String paramName : so.getParamsLabels()) { for (FieldInfo paramField : so.getParam(paramName)) { result.add(" f = " + paramField.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName() + ".class.getDeclaredField(\"" + paramName + "\");"); result.add(" f.setAccessible(true);"); result.add(" f.set(val, " + so.getParamAccessor(paramField) + ");"); } } for (HelperMethodInvocation hmi : so.getHelpers()) { if (hmi.helperLevel != Level.Trial) continue; if (hmi.type != HelperType.SETUP) continue; Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(hmi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(" val." + hmi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } result.add(" " + so.fieldIdentifier + " = val;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add("}"); } for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Group) continue; result.add(""); result.add("static java.util.Map<Integer, " + so.type + "> " + so.fieldIdentifier + "_map = java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap(new java.util.HashMap<Integer, " + so.type + ">());"); result.add(""); result.add(so.type + " _jmh_tryInit_" + so.fieldIdentifier + "(InfraControl control" + soDependency_TypeArgs(so) + ") throws Throwable {"); result.add(" int groupIdx = threadParams.getGroupIndex();"); result.add(" " + so.type + " val = " + so.fieldIdentifier + "_map.get(groupIdx);"); result.add(" if (val != null) {"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" synchronized(this.getClass()) {"); result.add(" try {"); result.add(" if (control.isFailing) throw new FailureAssistException();"); result.add(" val = " + so.fieldIdentifier + "_map.get(groupIdx);"); result.add(" if (val != null) {"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" val = new " + so.type + "();"); if (!so.getParamsLabels().isEmpty()) { result.add(" Field f;"); } for (String paramName : so.getParamsLabels()) { for(FieldInfo paramField : so.getParam(paramName)) { result.add(" f = " + paramField.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName() + ".class.getDeclaredField(\"" + paramName + "\");"); result.add(" f.setAccessible(true);"); result.add(" f.set(val, " + so.getParamAccessor(paramField) + ");"); } } for (HelperMethodInvocation hmi : so.getHelpers()) { if (hmi.helperLevel != Level.Trial) continue; if (hmi.type != HelperType.SETUP) continue; Collection<String> args = so.helperArgs.get(hmi.method.getQualifiedName()); result.add(" val." + hmi.method.getName() + "(" + Utils.join(args, ",") + ");"); } result.add(" " + "val.ready" + Level.Trial + " = true;"); result.add(" " + so.fieldIdentifier + "_map.put(groupIdx, val);"); result.add(" } catch (Throwable t) {"); result.add(" control.isFailing = true;"); result.add(" throw t;"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" }"); result.add(" return val;"); result.add("}"); } return result; } private String soDependency_TypeArgs(StateObject so) { return (so.depends.isEmpty() ? "" : ", " + getTypeArgList(so.depends)); } private String soDependency_Args(StateObject so) { return (so.depends.isEmpty() ? "" : ", " + getArgList(so.depends)); } public Collection<String> getStateDestructors(MethodInfo method) { Collection<StateObject> sos = stateOrder(method, false); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Benchmark) continue; result.add("synchronized(this.getClass()) {"); result.add(" " + so.fieldIdentifier + " = null;"); result.add("}"); } for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Thread) continue; result.add("" + so.fieldIdentifier + " = null;"); } for (StateObject so : sos) { if (so.scope != Scope.Group) continue; result.add("synchronized(this.getClass()) {"); result.add(" " + so.fieldIdentifier + "_map.remove(threadParams.getGroupIndex());"); result.add("}"); } return result; } public List<String> getStateGetters(MethodInfo method) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : stateOrder(method, true)) { result.add(so.type + " " + so.localIdentifier + " = _jmh_tryInit_" + so.fieldIdentifier + "(control" + soDependency_Args(so) + ");"); } return result; } private LinkedHashSet<StateObject> stateOrder(MethodInfo method, boolean reverse) { // Linearize @State dependency DAG List<StateObject> linearOrder = new ArrayList<>(); List<StateObject> stratum = new ArrayList<>(); // These are roots stratum.addAll(roots.get(method.getName())); stratum.addAll(implicits.values()); // Recursively walk the DAG while (!stratum.isEmpty()) { linearOrder.addAll(stratum); List<StateObject> newStratum = new ArrayList<>(); for (StateObject so : stratum) { newStratum.addAll(so.depends); } stratum = newStratum; } if (reverse) { Collections.reverse(linearOrder); } return new LinkedHashSet<>(linearOrder); } public void writeStateOverrides(BenchmarkGeneratorSession sess, GeneratorDestination dst) throws IOException { for (StateObject so : cons(stateObjects)) { if (!sess.generatedStateOverrides.add(so.userType)) continue; { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dst.newClass(so.packageName + "." + so.type + "_B1")); pw.println("package " + so.packageName + ";"); pw.println("import " + so.userType + ";"); pw.println("public class " + so.type + "_B1 extends " + so.userType + " {"); Paddings.padding(pw); pw.println("}"); pw.close(); } { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dst.newClass(so.packageName + "." + so.type + "_B2")); pw.println("package " + so.packageName + ";"); pw.println("import " + AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.class.getCanonicalName() + ";"); pw.println("public class " + so.type + "_B2 extends " + so.type + "_B1 {"); for (Level level : Level.values()) { pw.println(" public volatile int setup" + level + "Mutex;"); pw.println(" public volatile int tear" + level + "Mutex;"); pw.println(" public final static AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<" + so.type + "_B2> setup" + level + "MutexUpdater = " + "AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(" + so.type + "_B2.class, \"setup" + level + "Mutex\");"); pw.println(" public final static AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<" + so.type + "_B2> tear" + level + "MutexUpdater = " + "AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(" + so.type + "_B2.class, \"tear" + level + "Mutex\");"); pw.println(""); } switch (so.scope) { case Benchmark: case Group: for (Level level : Level.values()) { pw.println(" public volatile boolean ready" + level + ";"); } break; case Thread: // these flags are redundant for single thread break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state scope: " + so.scope); } pw.println("}"); pw.close(); } { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dst.newClass(so.packageName + "." + so.type + "_B3")); pw.println("package " + so.packageName + ";"); pw.println("public class " + so.type + "_B3 extends " + so.type + "_B2 {"); Paddings.padding(pw); pw.println("}"); pw.println(""); pw.close(); } { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dst.newClass(so.packageName + "." + so.type)); pw.println("package " + so.packageName + ";"); pw.println("public class " + so.type + " extends " + so.type + "_B3 {"); pw.println("}"); pw.println(""); pw.close(); } } } public Collection<String> getFields() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public StateObject getImplicit(String label) { return implicits.get(label); } public void addImports(PrintWriter writer) { for (StateObject so : cons(stateObjects)) { writer.println("import " + so.packageName + "." + so.type + ";"); } } public Collection<String> getAuxResets(MethodInfo method) { Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : auxNames.get(method.getName())) { if (auxResettable.get(name)) { result.add(auxAccessors.get(method.getName() + name) + " = 0;"); } } return result; } public Collection<String> getAuxResults(MethodInfo method, String opResName) { Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ops : auxNames.get(method.getName())) { AuxCounters.Type type = auxType.get(ops); switch (type) { case OPERATIONS: result.add("new " + opResName + "(ResultRole.SECONDARY, \"" + ops + "\", " + auxAccessors.get(method.getName() + ops) + ", res.getTime(), benchmarkParams.getTimeUnit())"); break; case EVENTS: result.add("new ScalarResult(\"" + ops + "\", " + auxAccessors.get(method.getName() + ops) + ", \"#\", AggregationPolicy.SUM)"); break; default: throw new GenerationException("Unknown @" + AuxCounters.class + " type: " + type, method); } } return result; } }