 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.async.client.internal;

import com.mongodb.MongoClientException;
import com.mongodb.MongoInternalException;
import com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback;
import com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoCrypt;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoCryptContext;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoCryptException;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoDataKeyOptions;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoExplicitEncryptOptions;
import com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoKeyDecryptor;
import com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger;
import com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Loggers;
import com.mongodb.lang.Nullable;
import org.bson.BsonBinary;
import org.bson.BsonDocument;
import org.bson.BsonValue;
import org.bson.RawBsonDocument;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.util.List;

import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.notNull;
import static com.mongodb.crypt.capi.MongoCryptContext.State;
import static com.mongodb.internal.async.ErrorHandlingResultCallback.errorHandlingCallback;

public class Crypt implements Closeable {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Loggers.getLogger("client");
    private final MongoCrypt mongoCrypt;
    private final CollectionInfoRetriever collectionInfoRetriever;
    private final CommandMarker commandMarker;
    private final KeyRetriever keyRetriever;
    private final KeyManagementService keyManagementService;
    private final boolean bypassAutoEncryption;

Create an instance to use for explicit encryption and decryption, and data key creation.
  • mongoCrypt – the mongoCrypt wrapper
  • keyRetriever – the key retriever
  • keyManagementService – the key management service
/** * Create an instance to use for explicit encryption and decryption, and data key creation. * * @param mongoCrypt the mongoCrypt wrapper * @param keyRetriever the key retriever * @param keyManagementService the key management service */
Crypt(final MongoCrypt mongoCrypt, final KeyRetriever keyRetriever, final KeyManagementService keyManagementService) { this(mongoCrypt, null, null, keyRetriever, keyManagementService, false); }
Create an instance to use for auto-encryption and auto-decryption.
  • mongoCrypt – the mongoCrypt wrapper
  • keyRetriever – the key retriever
  • keyManagementService – the key management service
  • collectionInfoRetriever – the collection info retriever
  • commandMarker – the command marker
/** * Create an instance to use for auto-encryption and auto-decryption. * * @param mongoCrypt the mongoCrypt wrapper * @param keyRetriever the key retriever * @param keyManagementService the key management service * @param collectionInfoRetriever the collection info retriever * @param commandMarker the command marker */
Crypt(final MongoCrypt mongoCrypt, @Nullable final CollectionInfoRetriever collectionInfoRetriever, @Nullable final CommandMarker commandMarker, final KeyRetriever keyRetriever, final KeyManagementService keyManagementService, final boolean bypassAutoEncryption) { this.mongoCrypt = mongoCrypt; this.collectionInfoRetriever = collectionInfoRetriever; this.commandMarker = commandMarker; this.keyRetriever = keyRetriever; this.keyManagementService = keyManagementService; this.bypassAutoEncryption = bypassAutoEncryption; }
Encrypt the given command
  • databaseName – the namespace
  • command – the unencrypted command
  • callback – the callback containing the encrypted command
/** * Encrypt the given command * * @param databaseName the namespace * @param command the unencrypted command * @param callback the callback containing the encrypted command */
public void encrypt(final String databaseName, final RawBsonDocument command, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { notNull("databaseName", databaseName); notNull("command", command); if (bypassAutoEncryption) { callback.onResult(command, null); return; } try { final MongoCryptContext encryptionContext = mongoCrypt.createEncryptionContext(databaseName, command); executeStateMachine(encryptionContext, databaseName, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { encryptionContext.close(); callback.onResult(result, t); } })); } catch (MongoCryptException e) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(e)); } }
Decrypt the given command response
  • commandResponse – the encrypted command response
  • callback – the callback containing the decrypted command response
/** * Decrypt the given command response * * @param commandResponse the encrypted command response * @param callback the callback containing the decrypted command response */
public void decrypt(final RawBsonDocument commandResponse, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { notNull("commandResponse", commandResponse); try { final MongoCryptContext decryptionContext = mongoCrypt.createDecryptionContext(commandResponse); executeStateMachine(decryptionContext, null, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { decryptionContext.close(); callback.onResult(result, t); } })); } catch (Throwable t) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t)); } }
Create a data key.
  • kmsProvider – the KMS provider to create the data key for
  • options – the data key options
  • callback – the callback containing the document representing the data key to be added to the key vault
/** * Create a data key. * * @param kmsProvider the KMS provider to create the data key for * @param options the data key options * @param callback the callback containing the document representing the data key to be added to the key vault */
public void createDataKey(final String kmsProvider, final DataKeyOptions options, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { notNull("kmsProvider", kmsProvider); notNull("options", options); try { final MongoCryptContext dataKeyCreationContext = mongoCrypt.createDataKeyContext(kmsProvider, MongoDataKeyOptions.builder() .keyAltNames(options.getKeyAltNames()) .masterKey(options.getMasterKey()) .build()); executeStateMachine(dataKeyCreationContext, null, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { dataKeyCreationContext.close(); callback.onResult(result, t); } })); } catch (Throwable t) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t)); } }
Encrypt the given value with the given options
  • value – the value to encrypt
  • options – the options
  • callback – the callback containing the encrypted value
/** * Encrypt the given value with the given options * * @param value the value to encrypt * @param options the options * @param callback the callback containing the encrypted value */
public void encryptExplicitly(final BsonValue value, final EncryptOptions options, final SingleResultCallback<BsonBinary> callback) { notNull("value", value); notNull("options", options); try { MongoExplicitEncryptOptions.Builder encryptOptionsBuilder = MongoExplicitEncryptOptions.builder() .algorithm(options.getAlgorithm()); if (options.getKeyId() != null) { encryptOptionsBuilder.keyId(options.getKeyId()); } if (options.getKeyAltName() != null) { encryptOptionsBuilder.keyAltName(options.getKeyAltName()); } final MongoCryptContext encryptionContext = mongoCrypt.createExplicitEncryptionContext( new BsonDocument("v", value), encryptOptionsBuilder.build()); executeStateMachine(encryptionContext, null, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { encryptionContext.close(); if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, t); } else { callback.onResult(result.getBinary("v"), null); } } })); } catch (Throwable t) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t)); } }
Decrypt the given encrypted value.
  • value – the encrypted value
  • callback – the callback containing the decrypted value
/** * Decrypt the given encrypted value. * * @param value the encrypted value * @param callback the callback containing the decrypted value */
public void decryptExplicitly(final BsonBinary value, final SingleResultCallback<BsonValue> callback) { notNull("value", value); try { final MongoCryptContext decryptionContext = mongoCrypt.createExplicitDecryptionContext(new BsonDocument("v", value)); executeStateMachine(decryptionContext, null, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { decryptionContext.close(); if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, t); } else { callback.onResult(result.get("v"), null); } } })); } catch (Throwable t) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t)); } } @Override public void close() { mongoCrypt.close(); if (commandMarker != null) { commandMarker.close(); } keyRetriever.close(); keyManagementService.close(); } private void executeStateMachine(final MongoCryptContext cryptContext, final String databaseName, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { State state = cryptContext.getState(); switch (state) { case NEED_MONGO_COLLINFO: collInfo(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); break; case NEED_MONGO_MARKINGS: mark(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); break; case NEED_MONGO_KEYS: fetchKeys(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); break; case NEED_KMS: decryptKeys(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); break; case READY: callback.onResult(cryptContext.finish(), null); break; default: callback.onResult(null, new MongoInternalException("Unsupported encryptor state + " + state)); } } private void collInfo(final MongoCryptContext cryptContext, final String databaseName, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { collectionInfoRetriever.filter(databaseName, cryptContext.getMongoOperation(), createCallback( new SingleResultCallback<BsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final BsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, t); } else { try { if (result != null) { cryptContext.addMongoOperationResult(result); } cryptContext.completeMongoOperation(); executeStateMachine(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); } catch (Throwable t1) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t1)); } } } })); } private void mark(final MongoCryptContext cryptContext, final String databaseName, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { commandMarker.mark(databaseName, cryptContext.getMongoOperation(), createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument>() { @Override public void onResult(final RawBsonDocument result, final Throwable t) { if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, t); } else { try { cryptContext.addMongoOperationResult(result); cryptContext.completeMongoOperation(); executeStateMachine(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); } catch (Throwable t1) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t1)); } } } })); } private void fetchKeys(final MongoCryptContext cryptContext, final String databaseName, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { keyRetriever.find(cryptContext.getMongoOperation(), createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<List<BsonDocument>>() { @Override public void onResult(final List<BsonDocument> results, final Throwable t) { if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, t); } else { try { for (BsonDocument result : results) { cryptContext.addMongoOperationResult(result); } cryptContext.completeMongoOperation(); executeStateMachine(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); } catch (Throwable t1) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t1)); } } } })); } private void decryptKeys(final MongoCryptContext cryptContext, final String databaseName, final SingleResultCallback<RawBsonDocument> callback) { MongoKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = cryptContext.nextKeyDecryptor(); if (keyDecryptor != null) { keyManagementService.decryptKey(keyDecryptor, createCallback(new SingleResultCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onResult(final Void result, final Throwable t) { if (t != null) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t)); } else { decryptKeys(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); } } })); } else { try { cryptContext.completeKeyDecryptors(); executeStateMachine(cryptContext, databaseName, callback); } catch (Throwable t1) { callback.onResult(null, wrapInClientException(t1)); } } } private MongoClientException wrapInClientException(final Throwable t) { return new MongoClientException("Exception in encryption library: " + t.getMessage(), t); } private <T> SingleResultCallback<T> createCallback(final SingleResultCallback<T> callback) { return errorHandlingCallback(callback, LOGGER); } }