 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.operation;

import com.mongodb.MongoCommandException;
import com.mongodb.MongoNamespace;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback;
import com.mongodb.binding.AsyncWriteBinding;
import com.mongodb.binding.WriteBinding;
import com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection;
import com.mongodb.connection.Connection;
import com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription;
import com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.AsyncCallableWithConnection;
import com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.CallableWithConnection;
import org.bson.BsonDocument;
import org.bson.BsonString;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.isTrueArgument;
import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.notNull;
import static com.mongodb.internal.async.ErrorHandlingResultCallback.errorHandlingCallback;
import static com.mongodb.internal.operation.WriteConcernHelper.appendWriteConcernToCommand;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.executeCommand;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.executeCommandAsync;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.isNamespaceError;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.rethrowIfNotNamespaceError;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.writeConcernErrorTransformer;
import static com.mongodb.operation.CommandOperationHelper.writeConcernErrorWriteTransformer;
import static com.mongodb.operation.DocumentHelper.putIfNotZero;
import static com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.LOGGER;
import static com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.releasingCallback;
import static com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.withConnection;
import static com.mongodb.operation.OperationHelper.withAsyncConnection;

An operation that drops an index.
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * An operation that drops an index. * * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.0 */
@Deprecated public class DropIndexOperation implements AsyncWriteOperation<Void>, WriteOperation<Void> { private final MongoNamespace namespace; private final String indexName; private final BsonDocument indexKeys; private final WriteConcern writeConcern; private long maxTimeMS;
Construct a new instance.
  • namespace – the database and collection namespace for the operation.
  • indexName – the name of the index to be dropped.
Deprecated:Prefer DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, String, WriteConcern)
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param namespace the database and collection namespace for the operation. * @param indexName the name of the index to be dropped. * @deprecated Prefer {@link #DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, String, WriteConcern)} */
@Deprecated public DropIndexOperation(final MongoNamespace namespace, final String indexName) { this(namespace, indexName, null); }
Construct a new instance.
  • namespace – the database and collection namespace for the operation.
  • keys – the keys of the index to be dropped
Deprecated:Prefer DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, WriteConcern)
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param namespace the database and collection namespace for the operation. * @param keys the keys of the index to be dropped * @deprecated Prefer {@link #DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, WriteConcern)} */
@Deprecated public DropIndexOperation(final MongoNamespace namespace, final BsonDocument keys) { this(namespace, keys, null); }
Construct a new instance.
  • namespace – the database and collection namespace for the operation.
  • indexName – the name of the index to be dropped.
  • writeConcern – the write concern
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param namespace the database and collection namespace for the operation. * @param indexName the name of the index to be dropped. * @param writeConcern the write concern * @since 3.4 */
public DropIndexOperation(final MongoNamespace namespace, final String indexName, final WriteConcern writeConcern) { this.namespace = notNull("namespace", namespace); this.indexName = notNull("indexName", indexName); this.indexKeys = null; this.writeConcern = writeConcern; }
Construct a new instance.
  • namespace – the database and collection namespace for the operation.
  • indexKeys – the keys of the index to be dropped
  • writeConcern – the write concern
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param namespace the database and collection namespace for the operation. * @param indexKeys the keys of the index to be dropped * @param writeConcern the write concern * @since 3.4 */
public DropIndexOperation(final MongoNamespace namespace, final BsonDocument indexKeys, final WriteConcern writeConcern) { this.namespace = notNull("namespace", namespace); this.indexKeys = notNull("indexKeys", indexKeys); this.indexName = null; this.writeConcern = writeConcern; }
Gets the write concern.
Returns:the write concern, which may be null
/** * Gets the write concern. * * @return the write concern, which may be null * @since 3.4 */
public WriteConcern getWriteConcern() { return writeConcern; }
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation. The default is 0, which places no limit on the execution time.
  • timeUnit – the time unit to return the result in
Returns:the maximum execution time in the given time unit
/** * Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation. The default is 0, which places no limit on the execution time. * * @param timeUnit the time unit to return the result in * @return the maximum execution time in the given time unit * @since 3.6 */
public long getMaxTime(final TimeUnit timeUnit) { notNull("timeUnit", timeUnit); return timeUnit.convert(maxTimeMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
  • maxTime – the max time
  • timeUnit – the time unit, which may not be null
/** * Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation. * * @param maxTime the max time * @param timeUnit the time unit, which may not be null * @return this * @since 3.6 */
public DropIndexOperation maxTime(final long maxTime, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { notNull("timeUnit", timeUnit); isTrueArgument("maxTime >= 0", maxTime >= 0); this.maxTimeMS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(maxTime, timeUnit); return this; } @Override public Void execute(final WriteBinding binding) { return withConnection(binding, new CallableWithConnection<Void>() { @Override public Void call(final Connection connection) { try { executeCommand(binding, namespace.getDatabaseName(), getCommand(connection.getDescription()), connection, writeConcernErrorTransformer()); } catch (MongoCommandException e) { rethrowIfNotNamespaceError(e); } return null; } }); } @Override public void executeAsync(final AsyncWriteBinding binding, final SingleResultCallback<Void> callback) { withAsyncConnection(binding, new AsyncCallableWithConnection() { @Override public void call(final AsyncConnection connection, final Throwable t) { SingleResultCallback<Void> errHandlingCallback = errorHandlingCallback(callback, LOGGER); if (t != null) { errHandlingCallback.onResult(null, t); } else { final SingleResultCallback<Void> releasingCallback = releasingCallback(errHandlingCallback, connection); executeCommandAsync(binding, namespace.getDatabaseName(), getCommand(connection.getDescription()), connection, writeConcernErrorWriteTransformer(), new SingleResultCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onResult(final Void result, final Throwable t) { if (t != null && !isNamespaceError(t)) { releasingCallback.onResult(null, t); } else { releasingCallback.onResult(result, null); } } }); } } }); } private BsonDocument getCommand(final ConnectionDescription description) { BsonDocument command = new BsonDocument("dropIndexes", new BsonString(namespace.getCollectionName())); if (indexName != null) { command.put("index", new BsonString(indexName)); } else { command.put("index", indexKeys); } putIfNotZero(command, "maxTimeMS", maxTimeMS); appendWriteConcernToCommand(writeConcern, command, description); return command; } }