 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.internal.connection;

import com.mongodb.MongoNamespace;
import com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback;
import com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput;
import com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger;
import com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Loggers;
import com.mongodb.event.CommandListener;
import org.bson.BsonArray;
import org.bson.BsonDocument;
import org.bson.BsonDouble;
import org.bson.BsonInt32;
import org.bson.BsonInt64;
import org.bson.BsonString;

import java.util.List;

import static com.mongodb.internal.connection.ProtocolHelper.sendCommandFailedEvent;
import static com.mongodb.internal.connection.ProtocolHelper.sendCommandStartedEvent;
import static com.mongodb.internal.connection.ProtocolHelper.sendCommandSucceededEvent;
import static java.lang.String.format;

An implementation of the OP_KILL_CURSOR protocol.
@mongodb.driver.manual../meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/#op-kill-cursors OP_KILL_CURSOR
/** * An implementation of the OP_KILL_CURSOR protocol. * * @mongodb.driver.manual ../meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/#op-kill-cursors OP_KILL_CURSOR */
class KillCursorProtocol implements LegacyProtocol<Void> { public static final Logger LOGGER = Loggers.getLogger("protocol.killcursor"); private static final String COMMAND_NAME = "killCursors"; private final MongoNamespace namespace; private final List<Long> cursors; private CommandListener commandListener; KillCursorProtocol(final MongoNamespace namespace, final List<Long> cursors) { this.namespace = namespace; this.cursors = cursors; } @Override public Void execute(final InternalConnection connection) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(format("Killing cursors [%s] on connection [%s] to server %s", getCursorIdListAsString(), connection.getDescription().getConnectionId(), connection.getDescription().getServerAddress())); } ByteBufferBsonOutput bsonOutput = new ByteBufferBsonOutput(connection); long startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); KillCursorsMessage message = null; try { message = new KillCursorsMessage(cursors); if (commandListener != null && namespace != null) { sendCommandStartedEvent(message, namespace.getDatabaseName(), COMMAND_NAME, asCommandDocument(), connection.getDescription(), commandListener); } message.encode(bsonOutput, NoOpSessionContext.INSTANCE); connection.sendMessage(bsonOutput.getByteBuffers(), message.getId()); if (commandListener != null && namespace != null) { sendCommandSucceededEvent(message, COMMAND_NAME, asCommandResponseDocument(), connection.getDescription(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, commandListener); } return null; } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (commandListener != null && namespace != null) { sendCommandFailedEvent(message, COMMAND_NAME, connection.getDescription(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, e, commandListener); } throw e; } finally { bsonOutput.close(); } } @Override public void executeAsync(final InternalConnection connection, final SingleResultCallback<Void> callback) { final long startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); final KillCursorsMessage message = new KillCursorsMessage(cursors); boolean startEventSent = false; try { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(format("Asynchronously killing cursors [%s] on connection [%s] to server %s", getCursorIdListAsString(), connection.getDescription().getConnectionId(), connection.getDescription().getServerAddress())); } final ByteBufferBsonOutput bsonOutput = new ByteBufferBsonOutput(connection); if (commandListener != null && namespace != null) { sendCommandStartedEvent(message, namespace.getDatabaseName(), COMMAND_NAME, asCommandDocument(), connection.getDescription(), commandListener); startEventSent = true; } message.encode(bsonOutput, NoOpSessionContext.INSTANCE); connection.sendMessageAsync(bsonOutput.getByteBuffers(), message.getId(), new SingleResultCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onResult(final Void result, final Throwable t) { if (commandListener != null && namespace != null) { if (t != null) { sendCommandFailedEvent(message, COMMAND_NAME, connection.getDescription(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, t, commandListener); } else { sendCommandSucceededEvent(message, COMMAND_NAME, asCommandResponseDocument(), connection.getDescription(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, commandListener); } } bsonOutput.close(); callback.onResult(result, t); } }); } catch (Throwable t) { if (startEventSent) { sendCommandFailedEvent(message, COMMAND_NAME, connection.getDescription(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, t, commandListener); } callback.onResult(null, t); } } @Override public void setCommandListener(final CommandListener commandListener) { this.commandListener = commandListener; } private BsonDocument asCommandDocument() { BsonArray array = new BsonArray(); for (long cursor : cursors) { array.add(new BsonInt64(cursor)); } return new BsonDocument(COMMAND_NAME, namespace == null ? new BsonInt32(1) : new BsonString(namespace.getCollectionName())) .append("cursors", array); } private BsonDocument asCommandResponseDocument() { BsonArray cursorIdArray = new BsonArray(); for (long cursorId : cursors) { cursorIdArray.add(new BsonInt64(cursorId)); } return new BsonDocument("ok", new BsonDouble(1)) .append("cursorsUnknown", cursorIdArray); } private String getCursorIdListAsString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < cursors.size(); i++) { Long cursor = cursors.get(i); builder.append(cursor); if (i < cursors.size() - 1) { builder.append(", "); } } return builder.toString(); } }