package org.mongodb.morphia.dao;

import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.WriteResult;
import org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore;
import org.mongodb.morphia.Key;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Query;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryResults;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateOperations;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateResults;

import java.util.List;

Defines a basic interface for use in applications
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Java type serviced by this DAO
  • <K> – The Key type used by the entity
/** * Defines a basic interface for use in applications * * @param <T> The Java type serviced by this DAO * @param <K> The Key type used by the entity */
public interface DAO<T, K> {
Returns:the total count
/** * @return the total count */
long count();
  • key – The key to search with
  • value – the value to look for
Returns:the count which match criteria {key:value}
/** * @param key The key to search with * @param value the value to look for * @return the count which match criteria {key:value} */
long count(String key, Object value);
  • query – the query to use when counting
Returns:the count which match the criteria
/** * @param query the query to use when counting * @return the count which match the criteria */
long count(Query<T> query);
Starts a query for this DAO entities type
Returns:the query
/** * Starts a query for this DAO entities type * * @return the query */
Query<T> createQuery();
Starts a update-operations def for this DAO entities type
Returns:a new empty UpdateOperations instance
/** * Starts a update-operations def for this DAO entities type * * @return a new empty UpdateOperations instance */
UpdateOperations<T> createUpdateOperations();
Deletes an entity
  • entity – the entity to delete
See Also:
Returns:the results of the deletion
/** * Deletes an entity * * @param entity the entity to delete * @return the results of the deletion * @see WriteResult */
WriteResult delete(T entity);
Deletes an entity
  • entity – the entity to delete
  • wc – the WriteConcern to use when deleting
See Also:
Returns:the results of the deletion
/** * Deletes an entity * * @param entity the entity to delete * @param wc the WriteConcern to use when deleting * @return the results of the deletion * @see WriteConcern * @see WriteResult */
WriteResult delete(T entity, WriteConcern wc);
Delete the entity by id value
  • id – the ID of the document to delete
See Also:
Returns:the results of the deletion
/** * Delete the entity by id value * * @param id the ID of the document to delete * @return the results of the deletion * @see WriteResult */
WriteResult deleteById(K id);
Delete the entity matching a query
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents to delete
See Also:
Returns:the results of the deletion
/** * Delete the entity matching a query * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents to delete * @return the results of the deletion * @see WriteResult */
WriteResult deleteByQuery(Query<T> query);
ensures indexed for this DAO
/** * ensures indexed for this DAO */
void ensureIndexes();
checks for entities which match criteria {key:value}
  • key – the key to query
  • value – the value to search for
Returns:true if a document is found with a key matching the value
/** * checks for entities which match criteria {key:value} * * @param key the key to query * @param value the value to search for * @return true if a document is found with a key matching the value */
boolean exists(String key, Object value);
checks for entities which match the criteria
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents
Returns:true if a document is found matching the query
/** * checks for entities which match the criteria * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents * @return true if a document is found matching the query */
boolean exists(Query<T> query);
Finds all the documents in the collection mapped by the entity class
See Also:
Returns:the entities
/** * Finds all the documents in the collection mapped by the entity class * * @return the entities * @see #getEntityClass() */
QueryResults<T> find();
Finds entities matching a query
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents
Returns:the entities which match the criteria
/** * Finds entities matching a query * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents * @return the entities which match the criteria */
QueryResults<T> find(Query<T> query);
Finds the entities Ts
Returns:the list of IDs
/** * Finds the entities Ts * * @return the list of IDs */
List<K> findIds();
Finds the entities Key by the criteria {key:value}
  • key – the key to query
  • value – the value to search for
Returns:the list of IDs for documents matching the query
/** * Finds the entities Key<T> by the criteria {key:value} * * @param key the key to query * @param value the value to search for * @return the list of IDs for documents matching the query */
List<K> findIds(String key, Object value);
Finds the entities Ts by the criteria {key:value}
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents
Returns:the list of IDs for documents matching the query
/** * Finds the entities Ts by the criteria {key:value} * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents * @return the list of IDs for documents matching the query */
List<K> findIds(Query<T> query);
Finds the first entity matching the query.
  • key – the key to query
  • value – the value to search for
Returns:the entity which match criteria {key:value}
/** * Finds the first entity matching the query. * * @param key the key to query * @param value the value to search for * @return the entity which match criteria {key:value} */
T findOne(String key, Object value);
Finds the first entity matching the query.
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents
Returns:the entity which match the criteria
/** * Finds the first entity matching the query. * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents * @return the entity which match the criteria */
T findOne(Query<T> query);
Finds the first entity's ID
Returns:the Key of the first entity
/** * Finds the first entity's ID * * @return the Key of the first entity */
Key<T> findOneId();
Finds the first entity's ID matching a query
  • key – the key to query
  • value – the value to search for
Returns:the Key of the first entity
/** * Finds the first entity's ID matching a query * * @param key the key to query * @param value the value to search for * @return the Key of the first entity */
Key<T> findOneId(String key, Object value);
Finds the first entity's ID
  • query – the query to use when finding the documents
Returns:the Key of the first entity
/** * Finds the first entity's ID * * @param query the query to use when finding the documents * @return the Key of the first entity */
Key<T> findOneId(Query<T> query);
Loads the entity by id value
  • id – the ID to search for
Returns:the entity with the given ID or null if no document in the database has the given ID
/** * Loads the entity by id value * * @param id the ID to search for * @return the entity with the given ID or null if no document in the database has the given ID */
T get(K id);
See Also:
Returns:the collection mapped by the entity class
/** * @return the collection mapped by the entity class * @see #getEntityClass() */
DBCollection getCollection();
Returns:the underlying datastore
/** * @return the underlying datastore */
Datastore getDatastore();
The type of entities for this DAO
Returns:the entity class
/** * The type of entities for this DAO * * @return the entity class */
Class<T> getEntityClass();
Saves the entity; either inserting or overriding the existing document
  • entity – the entity to save
Returns:the key of the entity
/** * Saves the entity; either inserting or overriding the existing document * * @param entity the entity to save * @return the key of the entity */
Key<T> save(T entity);
Saves the entity; either inserting or overriding the existing document
  • entity – the entity to save
  • wc – the WriteConcern to use when saving
See Also:
Returns:the key of the entity
/** * Saves the entity; either inserting or overriding the existing document * * @param entity the entity to save * @param wc the WriteConcern to use when saving * @return the key of the entity * @see WriteConcern */
Key<T> save(T entity, WriteConcern wc);
Updates all entities matched by the constraints with the modifiers supplied.
  • query – the query used to match the documents to update
  • ops – the update operations to perform
Returns:the results of the updates
/** * Updates all entities matched by the constraints with the modifiers supplied. * * @param query the query used to match the documents to update * @param ops the update operations to perform * @return the results of the updates */
UpdateResults update(Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops);
Updates the first entity matched by the constraints with the modifiers supplied.
  • query – the query used to match the document to update
  • ops – the update operations to perform
Returns:the results of the update
/** * Updates the first entity matched by the constraints with the modifiers supplied. * * @param query the query used to match the document to update * @param ops the update operations to perform * @return the results of the update */
UpdateResults updateFirst(Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops); }