package org.jsoup.parser;

import org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;

A character queue with parsing helpers.
Author:Jonathan Hedley
/** * A character queue with parsing helpers. * * @author Jonathan Hedley */
public class TokenQueue { private String queue; private int pos = 0; private static final char ESC = '\\'; // escape char for chomp balanced.
Create a new TokenQueue.
  • data – string of data to back queue.
/** Create a new TokenQueue. @param data string of data to back queue. */
public TokenQueue(String data) { Validate.notNull(data); queue = data; }
Is the queue empty?
Returns:true if no data left in queue.
/** * Is the queue empty? * @return true if no data left in queue. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return remainingLength() == 0; } private int remainingLength() { return queue.length() - pos; }
Retrieves but does not remove the first character from the queue.
Returns:First character, or 0 if empty.
/** * Retrieves but does not remove the first character from the queue. * @return First character, or 0 if empty. */
public char peek() { return isEmpty() ? 0 : queue.charAt(pos); }
Add a character to the start of the queue (will be the next character retrieved).
  • c – character to add
/** Add a character to the start of the queue (will be the next character retrieved). @param c character to add */
public void addFirst(Character c) { addFirst(c.toString()); }
Add a string to the start of the queue.
  • seq – string to add.
/** Add a string to the start of the queue. @param seq string to add. */
public void addFirst(String seq) { // not very performant, but an edge case queue = seq + queue.substring(pos); pos = 0; }
Tests if the next characters on the queue match the sequence. Case insensitive.
  • seq – String to check queue for.
Returns:true if the next characters match.
/** * Tests if the next characters on the queue match the sequence. Case insensitive. * @param seq String to check queue for. * @return true if the next characters match. */
public boolean matches(String seq) { return queue.regionMatches(true, pos, seq, 0, seq.length()); }
Case sensitive match test.
  • seq – string to case sensitively check for
Returns:true if matched, false if not
/** * Case sensitive match test. * @param seq string to case sensitively check for * @return true if matched, false if not */
public boolean matchesCS(String seq) { return queue.startsWith(seq, pos); }
Tests if the next characters match any of the sequences. Case insensitive.
  • seq – list of strings to case insensitively check for
Returns:true of any matched, false if none did
/** Tests if the next characters match any of the sequences. Case insensitive. @param seq list of strings to case insensitively check for @return true of any matched, false if none did */
public boolean matchesAny(String... seq) { for (String s : seq) { if (matches(s)) return true; } return false; } public boolean matchesAny(char... seq) { if (isEmpty()) return false; for (char c: seq) { if (queue.charAt(pos) == c) return true; } return false; } public boolean matchesStartTag() { // micro opt for matching "<x" return (remainingLength() >= 2 && queue.charAt(pos) == '<' && Character.isLetter(queue.charAt(pos+1))); }
Tests if the queue matches the sequence (as with match), and if they do, removes the matched string from the queue.
  • seq – String to search for, and if found, remove from queue.
Returns:true if found and removed, false if not found.
/** * Tests if the queue matches the sequence (as with match), and if they do, removes the matched string from the * queue. * @param seq String to search for, and if found, remove from queue. * @return true if found and removed, false if not found. */
public boolean matchChomp(String seq) { if (matches(seq)) { pos += seq.length(); return true; } else { return false; } }
Tests if queue starts with a whitespace character.
Returns:if starts with whitespace
/** Tests if queue starts with a whitespace character. @return if starts with whitespace */
public boolean matchesWhitespace() { return !isEmpty() && StringUtil.isWhitespace(queue.charAt(pos)); }
Test if the queue matches a word character (letter or digit).
Returns:if matches a word character
/** Test if the queue matches a word character (letter or digit). @return if matches a word character */
public boolean matchesWord() { return !isEmpty() && Character.isLetterOrDigit(queue.charAt(pos)); }
Drops the next character off the queue.
/** * Drops the next character off the queue. */
public void advance() { if (!isEmpty()) pos++; }
Consume one character off queue.
Returns:first character on queue.
/** * Consume one character off queue. * @return first character on queue. */
public char consume() { return queue.charAt(pos++); }
Consumes the supplied sequence of the queue. If the queue does not start with the supplied sequence, will throw an illegal state exception -- but you should be running match() against that condition.

Case insensitive.

  • seq – sequence to remove from head of queue.
/** * Consumes the supplied sequence of the queue. If the queue does not start with the supplied sequence, will * throw an illegal state exception -- but you should be running match() against that condition. <p> Case insensitive. * @param seq sequence to remove from head of queue. */
public void consume(String seq) { if (!matches(seq)) throw new IllegalStateException("Queue did not match expected sequence"); int len = seq.length(); if (len > remainingLength()) throw new IllegalStateException("Queue not long enough to consume sequence"); pos += len; }
Pulls a string off the queue, up to but exclusive of the match sequence, or to the queue running out.
  • seq – String to end on (and not include in return, but leave on queue). Case sensitive.
Returns:The matched data consumed from queue.
/** * Pulls a string off the queue, up to but exclusive of the match sequence, or to the queue running out. * @param seq String to end on (and not include in return, but leave on queue). <b>Case sensitive.</b> * @return The matched data consumed from queue. */
public String consumeTo(String seq) { int offset = queue.indexOf(seq, pos); if (offset != -1) { String consumed = queue.substring(pos, offset); pos += consumed.length(); return consumed; } else { return remainder(); } } public String consumeToIgnoreCase(String seq) { int start = pos; String first = seq.substring(0, 1); boolean canScan = first.toLowerCase().equals(first.toUpperCase()); // if first is not cased, use index of while (!isEmpty()) { if (matches(seq)) break; if (canScan) { int skip = queue.indexOf(first, pos) - pos; if (skip == 0) // this char is the skip char, but not match, so force advance of pos pos++; else if (skip < 0) // no chance of finding, grab to end pos = queue.length(); else pos += skip; } else pos++; } return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consumes to the first sequence provided, or to the end of the queue. Leaves the terminator on the queue.
  • seq – any number of terminators to consume to. Case insensitive.
Returns:consumed string
/** Consumes to the first sequence provided, or to the end of the queue. Leaves the terminator on the queue. @param seq any number of terminators to consume to. <b>Case insensitive.</b> @return consumed string */
// todo: method name. not good that consumeTo cares for case, and consume to any doesn't. And the only use for this // is is a case sensitive time... public String consumeToAny(String... seq) { int start = pos; while (!isEmpty() && !matchesAny(seq)) { pos++; } return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Pulls a string off the queue (like consumeTo), and then pulls off the matched string (but does not return it).

If the queue runs out of characters before finding the seq, will return as much as it can (and queue will go isEmpty() == true).

  • seq – String to match up to, and not include in return, and to pull off queue. Case sensitive.
Returns:Data matched from queue.
/** * Pulls a string off the queue (like consumeTo), and then pulls off the matched string (but does not return it). * <p> * If the queue runs out of characters before finding the seq, will return as much as it can (and queue will go * isEmpty() == true). * @param seq String to match up to, and not include in return, and to pull off queue. <b>Case sensitive.</b> * @return Data matched from queue. */
public String chompTo(String seq) { String data = consumeTo(seq); matchChomp(seq); return data; } public String chompToIgnoreCase(String seq) { String data = consumeToIgnoreCase(seq); // case insensitive scan matchChomp(seq); return data; }
Pulls a balanced string off the queue. E.g. if queue is "(one (two) three) four", (,) will return "one (two) three", and leave " four" on the queue. Unbalanced openers and closers can be quoted (with ' or ") or escaped (with \). Those escapes will be left in the returned string, which is suitable for regexes (where we need to preserve the escape), but unsuitable for contains text strings; use unescape for that.
  • open – opener
  • close – closer
Returns:data matched from the queue
/** * Pulls a balanced string off the queue. E.g. if queue is "(one (two) three) four", (,) will return "one (two) three", * and leave " four" on the queue. Unbalanced openers and closers can be quoted (with ' or ") or escaped (with \). Those escapes will be left * in the returned string, which is suitable for regexes (where we need to preserve the escape), but unsuitable for * contains text strings; use unescape for that. * @param open opener * @param close closer * @return data matched from the queue */
public String chompBalanced(char open, char close) { int start = -1; int end = -1; int depth = 0; char last = 0; boolean inSingleQuote = false; boolean inDoubleQuote = false; do { if (isEmpty()) break; char c = consume(); if (last == 0 || last != ESC) { if (c == '\'' && c != open && !inDoubleQuote) inSingleQuote = !inSingleQuote; else if (c == '"' && c != open && !inSingleQuote) inDoubleQuote = !inDoubleQuote; if (inSingleQuote || inDoubleQuote) continue; if (c == open) { depth++; if (start == -1) start = pos; } else if (c == close) depth--; } if (depth > 0 && last != 0) end = pos; // don't include the outer match pair in the return last = c; } while (depth > 0); final String out = (end >= 0) ? queue.substring(start, end) : ""; if (depth > 0) {// ran out of queue before seeing enough )"Did not find balanced marker at '" + out + "'"); } return out; }
Unescape a \ escaped string.
  • in – backslash escaped string
Returns:unescaped string
/** * Unescape a \ escaped string. * @param in backslash escaped string * @return unescaped string */
public static String unescape(String in) { StringBuilder out = StringUtil.borrowBuilder(); char last = 0; for (char c : in.toCharArray()) { if (c == ESC) { if (last != 0 && last == ESC) out.append(c); } else out.append(c); last = c; } return StringUtil.releaseBuilder(out); }
Pulls the next run of whitespace characters of the queue.
Returns:Whether consuming whitespace or not
/** * Pulls the next run of whitespace characters of the queue. * @return Whether consuming whitespace or not */
public boolean consumeWhitespace() { boolean seen = false; while (matchesWhitespace()) { pos++; seen = true; } return seen; }
Retrieves the next run of word type (letter or digit) off the queue.
Returns:String of word characters from queue, or empty string if none.
/** * Retrieves the next run of word type (letter or digit) off the queue. * @return String of word characters from queue, or empty string if none. */
public String consumeWord() { int start = pos; while (matchesWord()) pos++; return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consume an tag name off the queue (word or :, _, -)
Returns:tag name
/** * Consume an tag name off the queue (word or :, _, -) * * @return tag name */
public String consumeTagName() { int start = pos; while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny(':', '_', '-'))) pos++; return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consume a CSS element selector (tag name, but | instead of : for namespaces (or *| for wildcard namespace), to not conflict with :pseudo selects).
Returns:tag name
/** * Consume a CSS element selector (tag name, but | instead of : for namespaces (or *| for wildcard namespace), to not conflict with :pseudo selects). * * @return tag name */
public String consumeElementSelector() { int start = pos; while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny("*|","|", "_", "-"))) pos++; return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consume a CSS identifier (ID or class) off the queue (letter, digit, -, _)
/** Consume a CSS identifier (ID or class) off the queue (letter, digit, -, _) @return identifier */
public String consumeCssIdentifier() { int start = pos; while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny('-', '_'))) pos++; return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consume an attribute key off the queue (letter, digit, -, _, :")
Returns:attribute key
/** Consume an attribute key off the queue (letter, digit, -, _, :") @return attribute key */
public String consumeAttributeKey() { int start = pos; while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny('-', '_', ':'))) pos++; return queue.substring(start, pos); }
Consume and return whatever is left on the queue.
Returns:remained of queue.
/** Consume and return whatever is left on the queue. @return remained of queue. */
public String remainder() { final String remainder = queue.substring(pos, queue.length()); pos = queue.length(); return remainder; } @Override public String toString() { return queue.substring(pos); } }