package org.jsoup.nodes;

import org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document.OutputSettings.Syntax;


A <!DOCTYPE> node.
/** * A {@code <!DOCTYPE>} node. */
public class DocumentType extends LeafNode { // todo needs a bit of a chunky cleanup. this level of detail isn't needed public static final String PUBLIC_KEY = "PUBLIC"; public static final String SYSTEM_KEY = "SYSTEM"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String PUB_SYS_KEY = "pubSysKey"; // PUBLIC or SYSTEM private static final String PUBLIC_ID = "publicId"; private static final String SYSTEM_ID = "systemId"; // todo: quirk mode from publicId and systemId
Create a new doctype element.
  • name – the doctype's name
  • publicId – the doctype's public ID
  • systemId – the doctype's system ID
/** * Create a new doctype element. * @param name the doctype's name * @param publicId the doctype's public ID * @param systemId the doctype's system ID */
public DocumentType(String name, String publicId, String systemId) { Validate.notNull(name); Validate.notNull(publicId); Validate.notNull(systemId); attr(NAME, name); attr(PUBLIC_ID, publicId); if (has(PUBLIC_ID)) { attr(PUB_SYS_KEY, PUBLIC_KEY); } attr(SYSTEM_ID, systemId); }
Create a new doctype element.
  • name – the doctype's name
  • publicId – the doctype's public ID
  • systemId – the doctype's system ID
  • baseUri – unused
/** * Create a new doctype element. * @param name the doctype's name * @param publicId the doctype's public ID * @param systemId the doctype's system ID * @param baseUri unused * @deprecated */
public DocumentType(String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseUri) { attr(NAME, name); attr(PUBLIC_ID, publicId); if (has(PUBLIC_ID)) { attr(PUB_SYS_KEY, PUBLIC_KEY); } attr(SYSTEM_ID, systemId); }
Create a new doctype element.
  • name – the doctype's name
  • publicId – the doctype's public ID
  • systemId – the doctype's system ID
  • baseUri – unused
/** * Create a new doctype element. * @param name the doctype's name * @param publicId the doctype's public ID * @param systemId the doctype's system ID * @param baseUri unused * @deprecated */
public DocumentType(String name, String pubSysKey, String publicId, String systemId, String baseUri) { attr(NAME, name); if (pubSysKey != null) { attr(PUB_SYS_KEY, pubSysKey); } attr(PUBLIC_ID, publicId); attr(SYSTEM_ID, systemId); } public void setPubSysKey(String value) { if (value != null) attr(PUB_SYS_KEY, value); } @Override public String nodeName() { return "#doctype"; } @Override void outerHtmlHead(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) throws IOException { if (out.syntax() == Syntax.html && !has(PUBLIC_ID) && !has(SYSTEM_ID)) { // looks like a html5 doctype, go lowercase for aesthetics accum.append("<!doctype"); } else { accum.append("<!DOCTYPE"); } if (has(NAME)) accum.append(" ").append(attr(NAME)); if (has(PUB_SYS_KEY)) accum.append(" ").append(attr(PUB_SYS_KEY)); if (has(PUBLIC_ID)) accum.append(" \"").append(attr(PUBLIC_ID)).append('"'); if (has(SYSTEM_ID)) accum.append(" \"").append(attr(SYSTEM_ID)).append('"'); accum.append('>'); } @Override void outerHtmlTail(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) { } private boolean has(final String attribute) { return !StringUtil.isBlank(attr(attribute)); } }