
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeDeviceChannel;
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeSelectableChannel;
import jnr.posix.FileStat;
import jnr.posix.POSIX;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;

import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

Created by headius on 5/24/14.
/** * Created by headius on 5/24/14. */
public class ChannelFD implements Closeable { public ChannelFD(Channel fd, POSIX posix, FilenoUtil filenoUtil, int flags) { assert fd != null; = fd; this.posix = posix; this.filenoUtil = filenoUtil; this.openflags = flags; initFileno(false); initChannelTypes(); refs = new AtomicInteger(1); filenoUtil.registerWrapper(realFileno, this); filenoUtil.registerWrapper(fakeFileno, this); } public ChannelFD(Channel fd, POSIX posix, FilenoUtil filenoUtil) { this(fd, posix, filenoUtil, -1); } private void initFileno(boolean allocate) { realFileno = FilenoUtil.filenoFrom(ch); if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && realFileno == -1 && openflags >= 0) { if (allocate) { // TODO: ensure we aren't leaking multiple handles for the same channel/handle realFileno = filenoUtil.filenoFromHandleIn(ch, openflags); // TODO: ensure these flags are correct for windows needsClosing = realFileno != -1; maybeHandle = false; } else { maybeHandle = true; } } if (realFileno == -1) { fakeFileno = filenoUtil.getNewFileno(); } else { fakeFileno = -1; } } public ChannelFD dup() { if (realFileno != -1 && !Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // real file descriptors, so we can dup directly // TODO: investigate how badly this might damage JVM streams (prediction: not badly) return new ChannelFD(new NativeDeviceChannel(posix.dup(realFileno)), posix, filenoUtil); } // TODO: not sure how well this combines native and non-native streams // simulate dup by copying our channel into a new ChannelFD and incrementing ref count Channel ch =; ChannelFD fd = new ChannelFD(ch, posix, filenoUtil); fd.refs = refs; fd.refs.incrementAndGet(); return fd; } public int dup2From(POSIX posix, ChannelFD dup2Source) { if (dup2Source.realFileno != -1 && realFileno != -1 && chFile == null) { // real file descriptors, so we can dup2 directly // ...but FileChannel tracks mode on its own, so we can't dup2 into it // TODO: investigate how badly this might damage JVM streams (prediction: not badly) return posix.dup2(dup2Source.realFileno, realFileno); } // TODO: not sure how well this combines native and non-native streams // simulate dup2 by forcing filedes's channel into filedes2 =; initFileno(false); initChannelTypes(); this.refs = dup2Source.refs; this.refs.incrementAndGet(); this.currentLock = dup2Source.currentLock; return fakeFileno; } public void close() throws IOException { // tidy up finish(); } public int bestFileno() { return realFileno == -1 ? fakeFileno : realFileno; } // lazily create windows resources public int bestFileno(boolean forceFileno) { if (maybeHandle && forceFileno) { initFileno(true); assert maybeHandle == false : "lazy handle creation state changed"; // Hopefully we don't overwrite existing files filenoUtil.registerWrapper(realFileno, this); filenoUtil.registerWrapper(fakeFileno, this); } return bestFileno(); } private void finish() throws IOException { synchronized (refs) { // if refcount is at or below zero, we're no longer valid if (refs.get() <= 0) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } // if channel is already closed, we're no longer valid if (!ch.isOpen()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } // otherwise decrement and possibly close as normal int count = refs.decrementAndGet(); if (count <= 0) { // if we're the last referrer, close the channel try { ch.close(); if (needsClosing) { filenoUtil.closeFilenoHandle(realFileno); } } finally { filenoUtil.unregisterWrapper(realFileno); filenoUtil.unregisterWrapper(fakeFileno); } } } } private void initChannelTypes() { assert realFileno != -1 || fakeFileno != -1 : "initialize filenos before initChannelTypes"; if (ch instanceof ReadableByteChannel) chRead = (ReadableByteChannel)ch; else chRead = null; if (ch instanceof WritableByteChannel) chWrite = (WritableByteChannel)ch; else chWrite = null; if (ch instanceof SeekableByteChannel) chSeek = (SeekableByteChannel)ch; else chSeek = null; if (ch instanceof SelectableChannel) chSelect = (SelectableChannel)ch; else chSelect = null; if (ch instanceof FileChannel) chFile = (FileChannel)ch; else chFile = null; if (ch instanceof SocketChannel) chSock = (SocketChannel)ch; else chSock = null; if (ch instanceof NativeSelectableChannel) chNative = (NativeSelectableChannel)ch; else chNative = null; if (chNative != null) { // we have an ENXIO channel, but need to know if it's a regular file to skip selection FileStat stat = posix.fstat(chNative.getFD()); if (stat.isFile()) { chSelect = null; isNativeFile = true; } } } public Channel ch; public ReadableByteChannel chRead; public WritableByteChannel chWrite; public SeekableByteChannel chSeek; public SelectableChannel chSelect; public FileChannel chFile; public SocketChannel chSock; public NativeSelectableChannel chNative; public int realFileno; public int fakeFileno; private AtomicInteger refs; public ThreadLocal<FileLock> currentLock = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final POSIX posix; public boolean isNativeFile = false; private final FilenoUtil filenoUtil; private boolean needsClosing = false; private boolean maybeHandle = false; private final int openflags; }