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package org.jruby.util;

public final class IdUtil {
rb_is_const_id and is_const_id
/** * rb_is_const_id and is_const_id */
public static boolean isConstant(String id) { return Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)); }
rb_is_class_id and is_class_id
/** * rb_is_class_id and is_class_id */
public static boolean isClassVariable(String id) { return id.length() > 1 && id.charAt(0) == '@' && id.charAt(1) == '@'; }
rb_is_instance_id and is_instance_id
/** * rb_is_instance_id and is_instance_id */
public static boolean isInstanceVariable(String id) { return id.length() > 0 && id.charAt(0) == '@' && (id.length() < 2 || id.charAt(1) != '@'); }
rb_is_global_id and is_global_id
/** * rb_is_global_id and is_global_id */
public static boolean isGlobal(String id) { return id.length()>0 && id.charAt(0) == '$'; } public static boolean isPredicate(String id) { return id.endsWith("?"); }
rb_is_local_id and is_local_id
/** * rb_is_local_id and is_local_id */
public static boolean isLocal(String id) { return !isGlobal(id) && !isClassVariable(id) && !isInstanceVariable(id) && !isConstant(id) && !isPredicate(id) && !isSpecial(id); }
We store IR special variables (e.g. %block) in scope and we want reflective Ruby methods to not see these since they are not real variables...they're special.
/** * We store IR special variables (e.g. %block) in scope and we want reflective Ruby methods to * not see these since they are not real variables...they're special. */
public static boolean isSpecial(String id) { return id.startsWith("%"); } public static boolean isAttrSet(String id) { return id.endsWith("="); } public static boolean isValidConstantName(String id) { char c; int len; if ((len = id.length()) > 0 && (c = id.charAt(0)) <= 'Z' && c >= 'A') { return isNameString(id, 1, len); } return false; } public static boolean isValidInstanceVariableName(String id) { int len; if ((len = id.length()) > 1 && '@' == id.charAt(0)) { if (isInitialCharacter(id.charAt(1))) { return isNameString(id, 2, len); } } return false; } public static boolean isValidClassVariableName(String id) { int len; if ((len = id.length()) > 2 && '@' == id.charAt(0) && '@' == id.charAt(1)) { if (isInitialCharacter(id.charAt(2))) { return isNameString(id, 3, len); } } return false; } public static boolean isInitialCharacter(int c) { return Character.isAlphabetic(c) || c == '_'; } public static boolean isNameCharacter(char c) { return Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_'; } public static boolean isNameString(String id, int start, int limit) { for (int i = start; i < limit; i++) { if (!isNameCharacter(id.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; }
Check the syntax of a Ruby variable, including that it's longer than zero characters, and starts with either an @ or a capital letter.
/** * Check the syntax of a Ruby variable, including that it's longer * than zero characters, and starts with either an @ or a capital * letter. */
public static final boolean isRubyVariable(String name) { char c; return name.length() > 0 && ((c = name.charAt(0)) == '@' || (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A')); } @Deprecated public static boolean isValidConstantName19(String id) { return isValidConstantName(id); } @Deprecated public static boolean isNameCharacter19(char c) { return isNameCharacter19(c); } @Deprecated public static boolean isNameString19(String id, int start, int limit) { return isNameString(id, start, limit); } }