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package org.jruby.runtime.profile.builtin; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.profile.ProfileCollection;
Encapsulates the logic of recording and reporting profiled timings of method invocations. This keeps track of aggregate values for callers and callees of each method.
See Also:
  • ProfilingDynamicMethod
/** * Encapsulates the logic of recording and reporting profiled timings of * method invocations. This keeps track of aggregate values for callers and * callees of each method. * * @see org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.ProfilingDynamicMethod */
public class ProfileData implements ProfileCollection { private Invocation currentInvocation; private Invocation topInvocation; private int[] methodRecursion; private final ThreadContext threadContext; private final ProfiledMethods profiledMethods; public ProfileData(ThreadContext context, ProfiledMethods profiledMethods) { this.threadContext = context; this.profiledMethods = profiledMethods; clear(); } private ProfiledMethod getProfiledMethod(final long serial) { return profiledMethods.getProfiledMethod( serial ); }
Begin profiling a new method, aggregating the current time diff in the previous method's profile slot.
  • calledMethod – the serial number of the next method to profile
/** * Begin profiling a new method, aggregating the current time diff in the previous * method's profile slot. * * @param calledMethod the serial number of the next method to profile */
@Override public void profileEnter(final long calledMethod) { Invocation parentInvocation = currentInvocation; Invocation childInvocation = parentInvocation.childInvocationFor( (int) calledMethod ); childInvocation.incrementCount(); currentInvocation = childInvocation; }
Fall back to previously profiled method after current method has returned.
  • callingMethod – the serial number of the next method to profile
/** * Fall back to previously profiled method after current method has returned. * * @param callingMethod the serial number of the next method to profile */
@Override public void profileExit(final long callingMethod, final long startTime) { long now = System.nanoTime(); long duration = now - startTime; int oldSerial = currentInvocation.getMethodSerialNumber(); currentInvocation.addDuration(duration); if (currentInvocation == topInvocation) { Invocation newTopInvocation = new Invocation(0); Invocation newCurrentInvocation = currentInvocation.copyWithNewSerialAndParent( (int) callingMethod, newTopInvocation); newTopInvocation.addChild(newCurrentInvocation); newCurrentInvocation.incrementCount(); topInvocation = newTopInvocation; currentInvocation = newCurrentInvocation; } else if (currentInvocation.getParent() == topInvocation && callingMethod != 0) { Invocation newTopInvocation = new Invocation(0); Invocation newCurrentInvocation = newTopInvocation.childInvocationFor( (int) callingMethod); Invocation newChildInvocation = currentInvocation.copyWithNewSerialAndParent(currentInvocation.getMethodSerialNumber(), newCurrentInvocation); newCurrentInvocation.addChild(newChildInvocation); newCurrentInvocation.incrementCount(); topInvocation = newTopInvocation; currentInvocation = newCurrentInvocation; } else { currentInvocation = currentInvocation.getParent(); } }
Clear the gathered profiling (invocation) data.
/** * Clear the gathered profiling (invocation) data. */
public void clear() { methodRecursion = new int[1000]; currentInvocation = new Invocation(0); topInvocation = currentInvocation; } public long totalTime() { return topInvocation.childTime(); }
Returns:the topInvocation
/** * @return the topInvocation */
public Invocation getTopInvocation() { return topInvocation; }
Returns:the currentInvocation
/** * @return the currentInvocation */
public Invocation getCurrentInvocation() { return currentInvocation; }
Returns:the threadContext
/** * @return the threadContext */
public ThreadContext getThreadContext() { return threadContext; }
Compute the profiling results from gathered data.
Returns:the top invocation
/** * Compute the profiling results from gathered data. * @return the top invocation */
public Invocation computeResults() { setRecursiveDepths(); if (topInvocation.getChildren().size() != 1) { return setDuration(topInvocation); } if (topInvocation.getChildren().size() == 1) { Invocation singleTopChild = topInvocation.getChildren().values().iterator().next(); int serial = singleTopChild.getMethodSerialNumber(); if ( ProfilePrinter.PROFILER_PROFILE_METHOD.equals( methodName(serial) ) ) { for ( Invocation inv : singleTopChild.getChildren().values() ) { serial = inv.getMethodSerialNumber(); if ( ProfilePrinter.PROFILER_PROFILED_CODE_METHOD.equals( methodName(serial) ) ) { return setDuration(inv.copyWithNewSerialAndParent(0, null)); } } } } return setDuration(topInvocation); } private static Invocation setDuration(Invocation inv) { inv.setDuration(inv.childTime()); return inv; } protected void decRecursionFor(int serial) { ensureRecursionSize(serial); int[] mr = methodRecursion; mr[serial] = mr[serial] - 1; } protected int incRecursionFor(int serial) { ensureRecursionSize(serial); int[] mr = methodRecursion; int inc = mr[serial] + 1; mr[serial] = inc; return inc; } private void ensureRecursionSize(int index) { int[] mr = methodRecursion; int length = mr.length; if (length <= index) { int[] newRecursion = new int[(int)(index * 1.5 + 1)]; System.arraycopy(mr, 0, newRecursion, 0, length); methodRecursion = newRecursion; } } private void setRecursiveDepths() { int topSerial = topInvocation.getMethodSerialNumber(); int depth = incRecursionFor(topSerial); topInvocation.setRecursiveDepth(depth); setRecursiveDepths1(topInvocation); } private void setRecursiveDepths1(Invocation inv) { int depth; int childSerial; for (Invocation child : inv.getChildren().values()) { childSerial = child.getMethodSerialNumber(); depth = incRecursionFor(childSerial); child.setRecursiveDepth(depth); setRecursiveDepths1(child); decRecursionFor(childSerial); } } String methodName(final int serial) { if (serial == 0) return "(top)"; return ProfilePrinter.methodName( getProfiledMethod(serial) ); } }