package org.jruby.javasupport.binding;

import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.startsWith;

Created by headius on 2/26/15.
/** * Created by headius on 2/26/15. */
public abstract class MethodInstaller extends NamedInstaller { final ArrayList<Method> methods = new ArrayList<>(4); private List<String> aliases; private boolean localMethod; public MethodInstaller(String name, int type) { super(name, type); } // called only by initializing thread; no synchronization required final void addMethod(final Method method, final Class<?> clazz) { this.methods.add(method); localMethod |= clazz == method.getDeclaringClass() || method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface(); } // called only by initializing thread; no synchronization required final void addAlias(final String alias) { Collection<String> aliases = this.aliases; if (aliases == null) { aliases = this.aliases = new ArrayList<>(4); } if ( ! aliases.contains(alias) ) aliases.add(alias); } void assignAliases(final Map<String, AssignedName> assignedNames) { final String name =; String rubyCasedName = JavaUtil.getRubyCasedName(name); addUnassignedAlias(rubyCasedName, assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); String javaPropertyName = JavaUtil.getJavaPropertyName(name); final List<Method> methods = this.methods; for ( int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++ ) { final Method method = methods.get(i); Class<?>[] argTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); Class<?> resultType = method.getReturnType(); int argCount = argTypes.length; // Add scala aliases for apply/update to roughly equivalent Ruby names if (name.equals("apply")) { addUnassignedAlias("[]", assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); } else if (argCount == 2 && name.equals("update")) { addUnassignedAlias("[]=", assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); } else if (startsWith(name, '$')) { // Scala aliases for $ method names addUnassignedAlias(MethodGatherer.fixScalaNames(name), assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); } String rubyPropertyName = null; // Add property name aliases if (javaPropertyName != null) { if (rubyCasedName.startsWith("get_")) { rubyPropertyName = rubyCasedName.substring(4); if (argCount == 0) { // getFoo => foo addUnassignedAlias(javaPropertyName, assignedNames, Priority.GET_ALIAS); addUnassignedAlias(rubyPropertyName, assignedNames, Priority.GET_ALIAS); } } else if (rubyCasedName.startsWith("set_")) { rubyPropertyName = rubyCasedName.substring(4); // TODO do not add foo? for setFoo (returning boolean) if (argCount == 1 && resultType == void.class) { // setFoo(Foo) => foo=(Foo) addUnassignedAlias(javaPropertyName + '=', assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); addUnassignedAlias(rubyPropertyName + '=', assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); } } else if (rubyCasedName.startsWith("is_")) { rubyPropertyName = rubyCasedName.substring(3); // TODO (9.2) should be another check here to make sure these are only for getters // ... e.g. isFoo() and not arbitrary isFoo(param) see GH-4432 if (resultType == boolean.class) { // isFoo() => foo, isFoo(*) => foo(*) addUnassignedAlias(javaPropertyName, assignedNames, Priority.IS_ALIAS); addUnassignedAlias(rubyPropertyName, assignedNames, Priority.IS_ALIAS); // foo? is added bellow } } } // Additionally add ?-postfixed aliases to any boolean methods and properties. if (resultType == boolean.class) { // isFoo -> isFoo?, contains -> contains? addUnassignedAlias(rubyCasedName + '?', assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); if (rubyPropertyName != null) { // isFoo -> foo? addUnassignedAlias(rubyPropertyName + '?', assignedNames, Priority.ALIAS); } } } } boolean addUnassignedAlias(final String name, final Map<String, AssignedName> assignedNames, final Priority aliasType) { AssignedName assignedName = assignedNames.get(name); if (aliasType.moreImportantThan(assignedName)) { addAlias(name); assignedNames.put(name, new AssignedName(name, aliasType)); return true; } if (aliasType.asImportantAs(assignedName)) { addAlias(name); return true; } // TODO: missing additional logic for dealing with conflicting protected fields. return false; } final void removeAlias(final String alias) { Collection<String> aliases = this.aliases; if (aliases == null) return; aliases.remove(alias); } final void defineMethods(RubyModule target, DynamicMethod invoker) { defineMethods(target, invoker, true); } protected final void defineMethods(RubyModule target, DynamicMethod invoker, boolean checkDups) { String oldName =; target.addMethod(oldName, invoker); List<String> aliases = this.aliases; if ( aliases != null && isPublic() ) { for (int i = 0; i < aliases.size(); i++) { String name = aliases.get(i); if (checkDups && oldName.equals(name)) continue; target.addMethod(name, invoker); } } } @Override boolean hasLocalMethod () { return localMethod; } void setLocalMethod(boolean flag) { localMethod = flag; } }