
import java.util.Arrays;

This represents a linenumber instr that has been inlined into another method/closure. It's purpose is to record the scope so that if we are debugging we can know where this instr originally came from.
/** * This represents a linenumber instr that has been inlined into another method/closure. * It's purpose is to record the scope so that if we are debugging we can know where this * instr originally came from. */
public class InlinedLineNumberInstr extends LineNumberInstr { private final IRScope scope; public InlinedLineNumberInstr(IRScope scope, int lineNumber) { super(lineNumber); this.scope = scope; } @Override public String[] toStringNonOperandArgs() { String[] base = super.toStringNonOperandArgs(); String[] args = Arrays.copyOf(base, base.length + 1); args[args.length - 1] = "scope_name: " + scope.getId(); return args; } @Override public Instr clone(CloneInfo ii) { return this; // Always retain the scope it originally came from } public IRScope getScope() { return scope; } }