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 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina <b.cerrina@wanadoo.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Corbat <tcorbat@hsr.ch>
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package org.jruby.ast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.jruby.ast.types.INameNode;
import org.jruby.ast.visitor.AbstractNodeVisitor;
import org.jruby.ast.visitor.NodeVisitor;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePositionHolder;

Base class for all Nodes in the AST
/** * Base class for all Nodes in the AST */
public abstract class Node implements ISourcePositionHolder, ISourcePosition { // We define an actual list to get around bug in java integration (1387115) static final List<Node> EMPTY_LIST = new ArrayList<>(); private int line; // Does this node contain a node which is an assignment. We can use this knowledge when emitting IR // instructions to do more or less depending on whether we have to cope with scenarios like: // a = 1; [a, a = 2]; // in IR, we can see that ArrayNode contains an assignment and emit its individual elements differently // so that the two values of a end up being different. protected boolean containsVariableAssignment; protected boolean newline; public Node(ISourcePosition position, boolean containsAssignment) { this.line = position.getLine(); this.containsVariableAssignment = containsAssignment; } public void setNewline() { this.newline = true; } public boolean isNewline() { return newline; }
Location of this node within the source
/** * Location of this node within the source */
public ISourcePosition getPosition() { return this; } public int getLine() { return line; } public String getFile() { return null; } public void setPosition(ISourcePosition position) { this.line = position.getLine(); } public abstract <T> T accept(NodeVisitor<T> visitor); public abstract List<Node> childNodes(); protected static List<Node> createList(Node node) { return Collections.singletonList(node); } protected static List<Node> createList(Node node1, Node node2) { ArrayList<Node> list = new ArrayList<>(2); list.add(node1); list.add(node2); return list; } protected static List<Node> createList(Node node1, Node node2, Node node3) { ArrayList<Node> list = new ArrayList<>(3); list.add(node1); list.add(node2); list.add(node3); return list; } protected static List<Node> createList(Node... nodes) { ArrayList<Node> list = new ArrayList<>(nodes.length); for (Node node: nodes) { if (node != null) list.add(node); } return list; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false, 0); } public String toString(boolean indent, int indentation) { if (this instanceof InvisibleNode) return ""; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(60); if (indent) indent(indentation, builder); builder.append("(").append(getNodeName()); String moreState = toStringInternal(); if (moreState != null) builder.append("[").append(moreState).append("]"); if (this instanceof INameNode) builder.append(":").append(((INameNode) this).getName()); builder.append(" ").append(getPosition().getLine()); if (!childNodes().isEmpty() && indent) builder.append("\n"); for (Node child : childNodes()) { if (!indent) builder.append(", "); if (child == null) { if (indent) indent(indentation + 1, builder); builder.append("null"); } else { if (indent && child instanceof NilImplicitNode) { indent(indentation + 1, builder); builder.append(child.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else { builder.append(child.toString(indent, indentation + 1)); } } if (indent) builder.append("\n"); } if (!childNodes().isEmpty() && indent) indent(indentation, builder); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); }
Overridden by nodes that have additional internal state to be displated in toString. For nodes that have it, name is handled separately, by implementing INameNode. Child nodes are handled via iterating #childNodes.
Returns:A string representing internal node state, or null if none.
/** * Overridden by nodes that have additional internal state to be displated in toString. * * For nodes that have it, name is handled separately, by implementing INameNode. * * Child nodes are handled via iterating #childNodes. * * @return A string representing internal node state, or null if none. */
protected String toStringInternal() { return null; } private static void indent(int indentation, StringBuilder builder) { for (int n = 0; n < indentation; n++) { builder.append(" "); } } protected String getNodeName() { String name = getClass().getName(); return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } public <T extends org.jruby.ast.Node> T findFirstChild(final Class<T> nodeClass) { return accept(new AbstractNodeVisitor<T>() { @Override protected T defaultVisit(Node node) { if (nodeClass.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) { return (T) node; } else { return visitFirstChild(node); } } }); }
Returns:the nodeId
/** * @return the nodeId */
public abstract NodeType getNodeType();
Whether the node evaluates to nil and has no side effects.
Returns:true if nil, false otherwise
/** * Whether the node evaluates to nil and has no side effects. * * @return true if nil, false otherwise */
public boolean isNil() { return false; }
Check whether the given node is considered always "defined" or whether it has some form of definition check.
Returns:Whether the type of node represents a possibly undefined construct
/** * Check whether the given node is considered always "defined" or whether it * has some form of definition check. * * @return Whether the type of node represents a possibly undefined construct */
public boolean needsDefinitionCheck() { return true; }
Does this node or one of its children contain an assignment?
/** * Does this node or one of its children contain an assignment? */
public boolean containsVariableAssignment() { return containsVariableAssignment; }
Returns:is it possible this node will execute only once. Note: This is not comprehensive. It is used to look from root node down to class/module nodes to make sure that narrow case can execute once. It is possible much deeper down the tree some nodes can only execute once but it will be marked as false because that case is not what this is for.
/** * @return is it possible this node will execute only once. Note: This is not * comprehensive. It is used to look from root node down to class/module nodes * to make sure that narrow case can execute once. It is possible much deeper * down the tree some nodes can only execute once but it will be marked as false * because that case is not what this is for. */
public boolean executesOnce() { return false; } }