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 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <mlcovarrubias@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch <bill.dortch@gmail.com>
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package org.jruby;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.Variable;

This class is used to provide an intermediate superclass for modules and classes that include other modules. It inserts itself as the immediate superClass of the includer, but defers all module methods to the actual superclass. Multiple of these intermediate superclasses can be added for multiple included modules. This allows the normal superclass-based searches (searchMethod, getConstant, etc) to traverse the superclass ancestors as normal while the included modules do not actually show up in direct inheritance traversal.
See Also:
  • RubyModule
/** * This class is used to provide an intermediate superclass for modules and classes that include * other modules. It inserts itself as the immediate superClass of the includer, but defers all * module methods to the actual superclass. Multiple of these intermediate superclasses can be * added for multiple included modules. * * This allows the normal superclass-based searches (searchMethod, getConstant, etc) to traverse * the superclass ancestors as normal while the included modules do not actually show up in * direct inheritance traversal. * * @see org.jruby.RubyModule */
public class IncludedModuleWrapper extends IncludedModule { public IncludedModuleWrapper(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass, RubyModule origin) { super(runtime, superClass, origin); origin.addIncludingHierarchy(this); if (origin.methodLocation != origin) this.methodLocation = origin.methodLocation; }
Overridden newIncludeClass implementation to allow attaching future includes to the correct module (i.e. the one to which this is attached)
See Also:
  • newIncludeClass.newIncludeClass(RubyClass)
/** * Overridden newIncludeClass implementation to allow attaching future includes to the correct module * (i.e. the one to which this is attached) * * @see org.jruby.RubyModule#newIncludeClass(RubyClass) */
@Override @Deprecated public IncludedModuleWrapper newIncludeClass(RubyClass superClass) { IncludedModuleWrapper includedModule = new IncludedModuleWrapper(getRuntime(), superClass, getNonIncludedClass()); // include its parent (and in turn that module's parents) if (getSuperClass() != null) { includedModule.includeModule(getSuperClass()); } return includedModule; } @Override public void addMethod(String id, DynamicMethod method) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("An included class is only a wrapper for a module"); } public RubyModule getDelegate() { return origin; } @Override public boolean isIncluded() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPrepended() { return origin.hasPrepends(); } @Override protected boolean isSame(RubyModule module) { return origin.isSame(module.getDelegate()); } @Override public Map<String, DynamicMethod> getMethods() { return origin.getMethods(); } @Override public Map<String, DynamicMethod> getMethodsForWrite() { return origin.getMethodsForWrite(); } @Override protected boolean variableTableContains(String name) { return origin.variableTableContains(name); } @Override protected Object variableTableFetch(String name) { return origin.variableTableFetch(name); } @Override protected Object variableTableStore(String name, Object value) { return origin.variableTableStore(name, value); } @Override protected Object variableTableRemove(String name) { return origin.variableTableRemove(name); } @Override protected void variableTableSync(List<Variable<Object>> vars) { origin.variableTableSync(vars); } // // CONSTANT TABLE METHODS - pass to origin // @Override protected boolean constantTableContains(String name) { return origin.constantTableContains(name); } @Override protected IRubyObject constantTableFetch(String name) { return origin.constantTableFetch(name); } @Override protected ConstantEntry constantEntryFetch(String name) { return origin.constantEntryFetch(name); } @Override protected IRubyObject constantTableStore(String name, IRubyObject value) { // FIXME: legal here? may want UnsupportedOperationException return origin.constantTableStore(name, value); } protected IRubyObject constantTableStore(String name, IRubyObject value, boolean hidden) { // FIXME: legal here? may want UnsupportedOperationException return origin.constantTableStore(name, value, hidden); } @Override protected IRubyObject constantTableRemove(String name) { // this _is_ legal (when removing an undef) return origin.constantTableRemove(name); } @Override @Deprecated public List<String> getStoredConstantNameList() { return origin.getStoredConstantNameList(); } @Override public Collection<String> getConstantNames() { return origin.getConstantNames(); } @Override public Collection<String> getConstantNames(boolean includePrivate) { return origin.getConstantNames(includePrivate); } @Override protected IRubyObject getAutoloadConstant(String name, boolean forceLoad) { return origin.getAutoloadConstant(name, forceLoad); } @Override protected DynamicMethod searchMethodCommon(String id) { // IncludedModuleWrapper needs to search prepended modules too, so search until we find methodLocation RubyModule module = origin; RubyModule methodLoc = origin.getMethodLocation(); for (; module != methodLoc; module = module.getSuperClass()) { DynamicMethod method = module.getMethods().get(id); if (method != null) return method.isNull() ? null : method; } // one last search for method location DynamicMethod method = module.getMethods().get(id); if (method != null) return method.isNull() ? null : method; return null; } @Override protected void addMethodSymbols(Ruby runtime, Set<String> seen, RubyArray ary, boolean not, Visibility visibility) { // IncludedModuleWrapper needs to search prepended modules too, so search until we find methodLocation RubyModule module = origin; RubyModule methodLoc = origin.getMethodLocation(); for (; module != methodLoc; module = module.getSuperClass()) { module.addMethodSymbols(runtime, seen, ary, not, visibility); } // one last add for method location module.addMethodSymbols(runtime, seen, ary, not, visibility); } }