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package org.jruby.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jnr.posix.JavaSecuredFile; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.platform.Platform; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;

This file acts as an alternative to NormalizedFile, due to the problems with current working directory.

/** * <p> * This file acts as an alternative to NormalizedFile, due to the problems with * current working directory. * </p> */
public class JRubyFile extends JavaSecuredFile { private static final long serialVersionUID = 435364547567567L; public static JRubyFile create(String cwd, String pathname) { if (pathname == null || pathname.length() == 0 || Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) { return JRubyFile.DUMMY; } if (pathname.startsWith("file:")) { pathname = pathname.substring(5); } return createNoUnicodeConversion(cwd, pathname, new File(pathname)); } public static FileResource createResource(ThreadContext context, String pathname) { return createResource(context.runtime, pathname); } public static FileResource createResourceAsFile(Ruby runtime, String pathname) { return createResource(runtime, runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), pathname, true); } public static FileResource createRestrictedResource(String cwd, String pathname) { return createResource(null, cwd, pathname); } public static FileResource createResource(Ruby runtime, String pathname) { return createResource(runtime, runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), pathname, false); } public static FileResource createResource(Ruby runtime, String cwd, String pathname) { return createResource(runtime, cwd, pathname, false); } private static FileResource createResource(Ruby runtime, String cwd, String pathname, boolean isFile) { FileResource resource = EmptyFileResource.create(pathname); if (resource != null) return resource; // This will work against anything potentially containing a '!' in it and does not require a scheme. // (see test/test_java_on_load_path.rb: $LOAD_PATH << "test/test_jruby_1332.jar!"; require 'test_jruby_1332.rb' resource = JarResource.create(pathname); if (resource != null) return resource; if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && (pathname.equalsIgnoreCase("nul") || pathname.equalsIgnoreCase("nul:"))) { return new NullDeviceResource(); } if (pathname.indexOf(':') > 0) { // scheme-oriented resources if (pathname.startsWith("classpath:")) { pathname = "uri:classloader:/" + pathname.substring(10); } // replace is needed for maven/jruby-complete/src/it/app_using_classpath_uri to work if (pathname.startsWith("uri:")) return URLResource.create(runtime, pathname, isFile); if (pathname.startsWith("file:")) { pathname = pathname.substring(5); if (pathname.length() == 0) return EmptyFileResource.INSTANCE; } } if (cwd != null && (cwd.startsWith("uri:") || cwd.startsWith("file:")) && !new File(pathname).isAbsolute()) { return createResource(runtime, null, cwd + '/' + pathname); } // If any other special resource types fail, count it as a filesystem backed resource. return new RegularFileResource(runtime != null ? runtime.getPosix() : null, create(cwd, pathname), pathname); } public static String normalizeSeps(String path) { return Platform.IS_WINDOWS ? path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') : path; } private static JRubyFile createNoUnicodeConversion(String cwd, String pathname, File path) { if (path.isAbsolute()) { return new JRubyFile(path); } else if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // File and company do not seem to recognize COM ports on Windows as absolute. Cheat! if (JRubyFile.isComPort(pathname)) { return new JRubyFile(pathname); // use raw path, not absolute path // Nor do they seem to recognize bare \ and / on Windows as absolute. Cheat! } else if (pathname.startsWith("/") || pathname.startsWith("\\")) { return new JRubyFile(path); } } if (cwd != null && cwd.startsWith("uri:") && !pathname.startsWith("uri:") && !pathname.contains("!/")) { return new JRubyFile(cwd + '/' + pathname); } path = new File(cwd, pathname); if (!path.isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither current working directory ("+cwd+") nor pathname ("+pathname+") led to an absolute path"); } return new JRubyFile(path); } public static String getFileProperty(String property) { return normalizeSeps(SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty(property, "/")); } private static final Pattern windowsComPattern = Pattern.compile("(?:\\/\\/\\.\\/|\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\)?COM\\d\\d?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // Checks to see if it's a windows com port path static boolean isComPort(String path) { if (!Platform.IS_WINDOWS) return false; int len = path.length(); // Look for both \\.\ and //./, but avoid COMxx (len != 5) as that isn't valid return len < 10 && len > 3 && len != 5 && windowsComPattern.matcher(path).matches(); } private JRubyFile(File file) { this(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public JRubyFile(String filename) { super(filename); } public JRubyFile(String parent, String child) { super(parent, child); } @Override public String getAbsolutePath() { final String path = super.getPath(); if (path.startsWith("uri:")) { // TODO better do not collapse // to / for uri: files return normalizeSeps(path.replaceFirst(":/([^/])", "://$1" )); } return normalizeSeps(new File(path).getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException { try { return normalizeSeps(super.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { // usually IOExceptions don't tell us anything about the path, // so add an extra wrapper to give more debugging help. throw new IOException("Unable to canonicalize path: " + getAbsolutePath(), e); } } @Override public String getPath() { return normalizeSeps(super.getPath()); } final String getPathDefault() { return super.getPath(); } @Override public String toString() { return normalizeSeps(super.toString()); } @Override public File getAbsoluteFile() { return new JRubyFile(getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public File getCanonicalFile() throws IOException { return new JRubyFile(getCanonicalPath()); } @Override public String getParent() { String parent = super.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent = normalizeSeps(parent); } return parent; } @Override public File getParentFile() { String parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) return this; return new JRubyFile(parent); } public static File[] listRoots() { File[] roots = File.listRoots(); JRubyFile[] smartRoots = new JRubyFile[roots.length]; for(int i = 0, j = roots.length; i < j; i++) { smartRoots[i] = new JRubyFile(roots[i].getPath()); } return smartRoots; } public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory) throws IOException { return new JRubyFile(File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix,directory)); } public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException { return new JRubyFile(File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix)); } @Override public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) { String[] files = super.list(filter); if (files == null) { return null; } String[] smartFiles = new String[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { smartFiles[i] = normalizeSeps(files[i]); } return smartFiles; } @Override public File[] listFiles() { return convertFiles(super.listFiles()); } @Override public File[] listFiles(final FileFilter filter) { return convertFiles(super.listFiles(filter)); } @Override public File[] listFiles(final FilenameFilter filter) { return convertFiles(super.listFiles(filter)); } private JRubyFile[] convertFiles(final File[] files) { if (files == null) return null; // non-existent directory final String absolutePath = super.getAbsolutePath(); JRubyFile[] smartFiles = new JRubyFile[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { final File file = files[i]; smartFiles[i] = createNoUnicodeConversion(absolutePath, file.getPath(), file); } return smartFiles; } public static JRubyFile DUMMY = new JRubyFile("") { @Override public String getAbsolutePath() { return ""; } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { return false; } @Override public boolean exists() { return false; } @Override public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist"); } @Override public String getPath() { return ""; } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } @Override public File getAbsoluteFile() { return this; } @Override public File getCanonicalFile() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist"); } @Override public String getParent() { return ""; } @Override public File getParentFile() { return this; } @Override public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) { return new String[0]; } @Override public File[] listFiles() { return new File[0]; } @Override public File[] listFiles(final FileFilter filter) { return new File[0]; } @Override public File[] listFiles(final FilenameFilter filter) { return new File[0]; } }; }