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package org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic;

import com.headius.invokebinder.Binder;
import com.headius.invokebinder.Signature;
import com.headius.invokebinder.SmartBinder;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.CallConfiguration;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.Framing;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.Scoping;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;

import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.foldArguments;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.arrayOf;

Bootstrapping logic for invokedynamic-based invocation.
/** * Bootstrapping logic for invokedynamic-based invocation. */
public class InvocationLinker { public static MethodHandle wrapWithFraming(Signature signature, CallConfiguration callConfig, RubyModule implClass, String name, MethodHandle nativeTarget, StaticScope scope) { MethodHandle framePre = getFramePre(signature, callConfig, implClass, name, scope); if (framePre != null) { MethodHandle framePost = getFramePost(signature, callConfig); // break, return, redo handling boolean heapScoped = callConfig.scoping() != Scoping.None; boolean framed = callConfig.framing() != Framing.None; // post logic for frame nativeTarget = Binder .from(nativeTarget.type()) .tryFinally(framePost) .invoke(nativeTarget); // pre logic for frame nativeTarget = foldArguments(nativeTarget, framePre); // call polling and call number increment nativeTarget = Binder .from(nativeTarget.type()) .fold(Binder .from(nativeTarget.type().changeReturnType(void.class)) .permute(0) .invoke(CALL_THREAD_POLL_HANDLE)) .invoke(nativeTarget); } return nativeTarget; } private static final MethodHandle CALL_THREAD_POLL_HANDLE = Binder .from(void.class, ThreadContext.class) .invokeStaticQuiet(lookup(), ThreadContext.class, "callThreadPoll"); public static MethodHandle wrapWithFrameOnly(Signature signature, RubyModule implClass, String name, MethodHandle nativeTarget) { MethodHandle framePre = getFrameOnlyPre(signature, CallConfiguration.FrameFullScopeNone, implClass, name); MethodHandle framePost = getFramePost(signature, CallConfiguration.FrameFullScopeNone); // post logic for frame nativeTarget = Binder .from(nativeTarget.type()) .tryFinally(framePost) .invoke(nativeTarget); // pre logic for frame nativeTarget = foldArguments(nativeTarget, framePre); // call polling and call number increment nativeTarget = Binder .from(nativeTarget.type()) .fold(Binder .from(nativeTarget.type().changeReturnType(void.class)) .permute(0) .invoke(CALL_THREAD_POLL_HANDLE)) .invoke(nativeTarget); return nativeTarget; } public static MethodHandle getFramePre(Signature signature, CallConfiguration callConfig, RubyModule implClass, String name, StaticScope scope) { Signature inbound = signature.asFold(void.class); SmartBinder binder = SmartBinder .from(inbound); switch (callConfig) { case FrameFullScopeFull: // before logic return binder .permute("context", "self", "block") .insert(1, arrayOf("selfClass", "name"), arrayOf(RubyModule.class, String.class), implClass, name) .insert(5, arrayOf("scope"), arrayOf(StaticScope.class), scope) .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "preMethodFrameAndScope") .handle(); case FrameFullScopeDummy: // before logic return binder .permute("context", "self", "block") .insert(1, arrayOf("selfClass", "name"), arrayOf(RubyModule.class, String.class), implClass, name) .insert(5, arrayOf("scope"), arrayOf(StaticScope.class), scope) .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "preMethodFrameAndDummyScope") .handle(); case FrameFullScopeNone: // before logic return binder .permute("context", "self", "block") .insert(1, arrayOf("selfClass", "name"), arrayOf(RubyModule.class, String.class), implClass, name) .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "preMethodFrameOnly") .handle(); case FrameNoneScopeDummy: // before logic return binder .permute("context") .insert(1, arrayOf("selfClass", "scope"), arrayOf(RubyModule.class, StaticScope.class), implClass, scope) .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "preMethodNoFrameAndDummyScope") .handle(); case FrameNoneScopeFull: return getFrameOnlyPre(signature, callConfig, implClass, name); } return null; } public static MethodHandle getFrameOnlyPre(Signature signature, CallConfiguration callConfig, RubyModule implClass, String name) { Signature inbound = signature.asFold(void.class); SmartBinder binder = SmartBinder .from(inbound); switch (callConfig) { case FrameFullScopeNone: // before logic return binder .permute("context", "self", "block") .insert(1, arrayOf("selfClass", "name"), arrayOf(RubyModule.class, String.class), implClass, name) .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "preMethodFrameOnly") .handle(); default: throw new RuntimeException("invalid input: " + callConfig); } } public static MethodHandle getFramePost(Signature signature, CallConfiguration callConfig) { Signature inbound = signature.asFold(void.class); SmartBinder binder = SmartBinder .from(inbound) .permute("context"); switch (callConfig) { case FrameFullScopeFull: // finally logic return binder .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "postMethodFrameAndScope") .handle(); case FrameFullScopeDummy: // finally logic return binder .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "postMethodFrameAndScope") .handle(); case FrameFullScopeNone: // finally logic return binder .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "postMethodFrameOnly") .handle(); case FrameNoneScopeFull: // finally logic return binder .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "postMethodScopeOnly") .handle(); case FrameNoneScopeDummy: // finally logic return binder .invokeVirtualQuiet(lookup(), "postMethodScopeOnly") .handle(); } return null; } }