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package org.jruby.ir.persistence;

import org.jruby.ir.operands.OperandType;

/** * * @author enebo */
interface IRPersistenceValues { public static final int VERSION = 2; public final static int TWO_MEGS = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // Operands and primitive values can be mixed together public final static int PRIMITIVE_BASE = OperandType.values().length; // OPERANDS and base data is 1 byte public final static byte STRING = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 1); public final static byte TRUE = (byte) 't'; public final static byte FALSE = (byte) 'f'; public final static byte ARRAY = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 5); public final static byte NULL = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 6); public final static byte INSTR = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 7); // INSTRs 2 bytes public final static byte LONG = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 8); public final static byte FLOAT = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 9); public final static byte DOUBLE = (byte) (PRIMITIVE_BASE + 10); public final static byte FULL = (byte) 255; public final static int PROLOGUE_LENGTH = 2 * 4; // 2 raw ints {version, scope_offset} public final static int NULL_STRING = -1; }