package org.jruby.embed.osgi;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.jruby.embed.IsolatedScriptingContainer;
import org.jruby.embed.LocalContextScope;
import org.jruby.embed.LocalVariableBehavior;

import org.jruby.embed.osgi.internal.BundleWiringOSGiClassLoaderAdapter;
import org.jruby.util.Loader;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;

adds some helper methods to add Bundle to the LOAD_PATH or GEM_PATH using the IsolatedScriptingContainer as base. new URL( uri ).openStream(), i.e. new URL(classloader.getResource().toString()).openStream() has to work for those classloaders. felix, knoplerfish and equinox OSGi framework do work.
/** * adds some helper methods to add Bundle to the LOAD_PATH or GEM_PATH using the * IsolatedScriptingContainer as base. * * <code>new URL( uri ).openStream()</code>, i.e. <code>new URL(classloader.getResource().toString()).openStream()</code> has to work for * those classloaders. felix, knoplerfish and equinox OSGi framework do work. */
public class OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer extends IsolatedScriptingContainer { public OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer() { this(LocalContextScope.SINGLETON); } public OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer( LocalContextScope scope, LocalVariableBehavior behavior ) { this(scope, behavior, true); } public OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer( LocalContextScope scope ) { this(scope, LocalVariableBehavior.TRANSIENT); } public OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer( LocalVariableBehavior behavior ) { this(LocalContextScope.SINGLETON, behavior); } public OSGiIsolatedScriptingContainer( LocalContextScope scope, LocalVariableBehavior behavior, boolean lazy ) { super(scope, behavior, lazy); } private Bundle toBundle(String symbolicName) { BundleContext context = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext(); Bundle bundle = null; for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) { if (b.getSymbolicName().equals(symbolicName)) { bundle = b; break; } } if (bundle == null ) { throw new RuntimeException("unknown bundle: " + symbolicName); } return bundle; } @Deprecated private String createUri(Bundle cl, String ref) { URL url = cl.getResource(ref); if ( url == null && ref.startsWith( "/" ) ) { url = cl.getResource( ref.substring( 1 ) ); } if ( url == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "reference " + ref + " not found on classloader " + cl ); } return "uri:" + url.toString().replaceFirst( ref + "$", "" ); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH
  • bundle –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH * @param bundle */
@Deprecated public void addBundleToLoadPath(Bundle bundle) { addLoadPath(createUri(bundle, "/.jrubydir")); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH using the bundle symbolic name
  • symbolicName –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH * using the bundle symbolic name * * @param symbolicName */
@Deprecated public void addBundleToLoadPath(String symbolicName) { addBundleToLoadPath(toBundle(symbolicName)); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH and the GEM_PATH using the bundle symbolic name
  • symbolicName –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH and the GEM_PATH * using the bundle symbolic name * @param symbolicName */
public void addBundle(String symbolicName) { addBundle(toBundle(symbolicName)); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH and the GEM_PATH
  • bundle –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the LOAD_PATH and the GEM_PATH * @param bundle */
public void addBundle(Bundle bundle) { getProvider().getRubyInstanceConfig().addLoader(new BundleGetResources(bundle)); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the GEM_PATH
  • bundle –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the GEM_PATH * @param bundle */
@Deprecated public void addBundleToGemPath(Bundle bundle) { addGemPath(createUri(bundle, "/specifications/.jrubydir")); }
add the classloader from the given bundle to the GEM_PATH using the bundle symbolic name
  • symbolicName –
/** * add the classloader from the given bundle to the GEM_PATH * using the bundle symbolic name * * @param symbolicName */
@Deprecated public void addBundleToGemPath(String symbolicName) { addBundleToGemPath(toBundle(symbolicName)); } static class BundleGetResources implements Loader { private final Bundle bundle; BundleGetResources(Bundle bundle) { this.bundle = bundle; } @Override public URL getResource(String path) { return bundle.getResource(path); } @Override public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String path) throws IOException { return bundle.getResources(path); } @Override public Class<?> loadClass(final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return bundle.loadClass(name); } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return new BundleWiringOSGiClassLoaderAdapter().getClassLoader(bundle); } } }