 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.jooq.impl;

import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.name;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.unquotedName;

import org.jooq.Name;

An internal Name cache.
Author:Lukas Eder
/** * An internal {@link Name} cache. * * @author Lukas Eder */
final class Names { static final Name N_ARRAY_TABLE = name("array_table"); static final Name N_COLUMN_VALUE = name("COLUMN_VALUE"); static final Name N_ACOS = unquotedName("acos"); static final Name N_ADD_DAYS = unquotedName("add_days"); static final Name N_ADD_MONTHS = unquotedName("add_months"); static final Name N_ADD_SECONDS = unquotedName("add_seconds"); static final Name N_AGE = unquotedName("age"); static final Name N_ARRAY = unquotedName("array"); static final Name N_ARRAY_AGG = unquotedName("array_agg"); static final Name N_ARRAY_GET = unquotedName("array_get"); static final Name N_ARRAY_LENGTH = unquotedName("array_length"); static final Name N_ASC = unquotedName("asc"); static final Name N_ASCII = unquotedName("ascii"); static final Name N_ASCII_VAL = unquotedName("ascii_val"); static final Name N_ASIN = unquotedName("asin"); static final Name N_ATAN = unquotedName("atan"); static final Name N_ATN = unquotedName("atn"); static final Name N_BIT_COUNT = unquotedName("bit_count"); static final Name N_BOOL_AND = unquotedName("bool_and"); static final Name N_BOOL_OR = unquotedName("bool_or"); static final Name N_CARDINALITY = unquotedName("cardinality"); static final Name N_CASE = unquotedName("case"); static final Name N_CAST = unquotedName("cast"); static final Name N_CEIL = unquotedName("ceil"); static final Name N_CEILING = unquotedName("ceiling"); static final Name N_CHARINDEX = unquotedName("charindex"); static final Name N_CHOOSE = unquotedName("choose"); static final Name N_CLNG = unquotedName("clng"); static final Name N_COALESCE = unquotedName("coalesce"); static final Name N_COLLECT = unquotedName("collect"); static final Name N_CONCAT = unquotedName("concat"); static final Name N_CONVERT = unquotedName("convert"); static final Name N_COSH = unquotedName("cosh"); static final Name N_COT = unquotedName("cot"); static final Name N_COUNT = unquotedName("count"); static final Name N_COUNTSET = unquotedName("countset"); static final Name N_CURRENT_BIGDATETIME = unquotedName("current_bigdatetime"); static final Name N_CURRENT_DATE = unquotedName("current_date"); static final Name N_CURRENT_SCHEMA = unquotedName("current_schema"); static final Name N_CURRENT_TIME = unquotedName("current_time"); static final Name N_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = unquotedName("current_timestamp"); static final Name N_CURRENT_USER = unquotedName("current_user"); static final Name N_CURRENTUSER = unquotedName("currentuser"); static final Name N_CURRVAL = unquotedName("currval"); static final Name N_DATE_ADD = unquotedName("date_add"); static final Name N_DATE_DIFF = unquotedName("date_diff"); static final Name N_DATE_TRUNC = unquotedName("date_trunc"); static final Name N_DATEADD = unquotedName("dateadd"); static final Name N_DATEDIFF = unquotedName("datediff"); static final Name N_DATEPART = unquotedName("datepart"); static final Name N_DAYS = unquotedName("days"); static final Name N_DAYOFWEEK = unquotedName("dayofweek"); static final Name N_DAYOFYEAR = unquotedName("dayofyear"); static final Name N_DAYS_BETWEEN = unquotedName("days_between"); static final Name N_DB_NAME = unquotedName("db_name"); static final Name N_DECODE = unquotedName("decode"); static final Name N_DEGREES = unquotedName("degrees"); static final Name N_DUAL = unquotedName("dual"); static final Name N_E = unquotedName("e"); static final Name N_EXP = unquotedName("exp"); static final Name N_EXTRACT = unquotedName("extract"); static final Name N_EXTRACT_DURATION = unquotedName("extract_duration"); static final Name N_FLASHBACK = unquotedName("flashback"); static final Name N_FLOOR = unquotedName("floor"); static final Name N_FUNCTION = unquotedName("function"); static final Name N_GEN_ID = unquotedName("gen_id"); static final Name N_GENERATE_SERIES = unquotedName("generate_series"); static final Name N_GETDATE = unquotedName("getdate"); static final Name N_GREATEST = unquotedName("greatest"); static final Name N_GROUP_CONCAT = unquotedName("group_concat"); static final Name N_HASHBYTES = unquotedName("hashbytes"); static final Name N_HEX = unquotedName("hex"); static final Name N_IF = unquotedName("if"); static final Name N_IFNULL = unquotedName("ifnull"); static final Name N_IIF = unquotedName("iif"); static final Name N_INSERT = unquotedName("insert"); static final Name N_INSTR = unquotedName("instr"); static final Name N_ISOWEEK = unquotedName("isoweek"); static final Name N_JOIN = unquotedName("join"); static final Name N_JSON_AGG = unquotedName("json_agg"); static final Name N_JSON_ARRAY = unquotedName("json_array"); static final Name N_JSON_ARRAYAGG = unquotedName("json_arrayagg"); static final Name N_JSON_BUILD_ARRAY = unquotedName("json_build_array"); static final Name N_JSON_CONTAINS_PATH = unquotedName("json_contains_path"); static final Name N_JSON_EXTRACT = unquotedName("json_extract"); static final Name N_JSON_MERGE = unquotedName("json_merge"); static final Name N_JSON_OBJECT = unquotedName("json_object"); static final Name N_JSON_OBJECT_AGG = unquotedName("json_object_agg"); static final Name N_JSON_OBJECTAGG = unquotedName("json_objectagg"); static final Name N_JSON_QUOTE = unquotedName("json_quote"); static final Name N_JSON_TABLE = unquotedName("json_table"); static final Name N_JSON_VALUE = unquotedName("json_value"); static final Name N_JSONB_AGG = unquotedName("jsonb_agg"); static final Name N_JSONB_BUILD_ARRAY = unquotedName("jsonb_build_array"); static final Name N_JSONB_OBJECT = unquotedName("jsonb_object"); static final Name N_JSONB_OBJECT_AGG = unquotedName("jsonb_object_agg"); static final Name N_JSONB_OBJECTAGG = unquotedName("jsonb_objectagg"); static final Name N_JSONB_PATH_EXISTS = unquotedName("jsonb_path_exists"); static final Name N_JSONB_PATH_QUERY_FIRST = unquotedName("jsonb_path_query_first"); static final Name N_LCASE = unquotedName("lcase"); static final Name N_LEAST = unquotedName("least"); static final Name N_LEFT = unquotedName("left"); static final Name N_LEN = unquotedName("len"); static final Name N_LENGTH = unquotedName("length"); static final Name N_LIST = unquotedName("list"); static final Name N_LISTAGG = unquotedName("listagg"); static final Name N_LN = unquotedName("ln"); static final Name N_LOCATE = unquotedName("locate"); static final Name N_LOWER = unquotedName("lower"); static final Name N_LPAD = unquotedName("lpad"); static final Name N_LTRIM = unquotedName("ltrim"); static final Name N_MD5 = unquotedName("md5"); static final Name N_MEDIAN = unquotedName("median"); static final Name N_MID = unquotedName("mid"); static final Name N_MOD = unquotedName("mod"); static final Name N_MODE = unquotedName("mode"); static final Name N_NANO100_BETWEEN = unquotedName("nano100_between"); static final Name N_NEXTVAL = unquotedName("nextval"); static final Name N_NOT = unquotedName("not"); static final Name N_NOW = unquotedName("now"); static final Name N_NTILE = unquotedName("ntile"); static final Name N_NULLIF = unquotedName("nullif"); static final Name N_NUMTODSINTERVAL = unquotedName("numtodsinterval"); static final Name N_NVL = unquotedName("nvl"); static final Name N_NVL2 = unquotedName("nvl2"); static final Name N_OPENJSON = unquotedName("openjson"); static final Name N_OPENXML = unquotedName("openxml"); static final Name N_OVERLAY = unquotedName("overlay"); static final Name N_PI = unquotedName("pi"); static final Name N_PIVOT = unquotedName("pivot"); static final Name N_POSITION = unquotedName("position"); static final Name N_POWER = unquotedName("power"); static final Name N_PRIOR = unquotedName("prior"); static final Name N_PRODUCT = unquotedName("product"); static final Name N_RADIANS = unquotedName("radians"); static final Name N_RAND = unquotedName("rand"); static final Name N_RANDOM = unquotedName("random"); static final Name N_RATIO_TO_REPORT = unquotedName("ratio_to_report"); static final Name N_RAWTOHEX = unquotedName("rawtohex"); static final Name N_REGEX_REPLACE = unquotedName("regex_replace"); static final Name N_REGEXP_REPLACE = unquotedName("regexp_replace"); static final Name N_REPEAT = unquotedName("repeat"); static final Name N_REPLACE = unquotedName("replace"); static final Name N_REPLICATE = unquotedName("replicate"); static final Name N_REVERSE = unquotedName("reverse"); static final Name N_RIGHT = unquotedName("right"); static final Name N_RND = unquotedName("rnd"); static final Name N_ROLLUP = unquotedName("rollup"); static final Name N_ROUND = unquotedName("round"); static final Name N_ROUND_DOWN = unquotedName("round_down"); static final Name N_ROW = unquotedName("row"); static final Name N_ROW_NUMBER = unquotedName("row_number"); static final Name N_ROWNUM = unquotedName("rownum"); static final Name N_ROWSFROM = unquotedName("rowsfrom"); static final Name N_RPAD = unquotedName("rpad"); static final Name N_RTRIM = unquotedName("rtrim"); static final Name N_SCHEMA_NAME = unquotedName("schema_name"); static final Name N_SECONDS_BETWEEN = unquotedName("seconds_between"); static final Name N_SELECT = unquotedName("select"); static final Name N_SGN = unquotedName("sgn"); static final Name N_SIGN = unquotedName("sign"); static final Name N_SINH = unquotedName("sinh"); static final Name N_SPACE = unquotedName("space"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_DAY = unquotedName("sql_tsi_day"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND = unquotedName("sql_tsi_frac_second"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_HOUR = unquotedName("sql_tsi_hour"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_MILLI_SECOND = unquotedName("sql_tsi_milli_second"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_MINUTE = unquotedName("sql_tsi_minute"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_MONTH = unquotedName("sql_tsi_month"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_QUARTER = unquotedName("sql_tsi_quarter"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_SECOND = unquotedName("sql_tsi_second"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_WEEK = unquotedName("sql_tsi_week"); static final Name N_SQL_TSI_YEAR = unquotedName("sql_tsi_year"); static final Name N_SQR = unquotedName("sqr"); static final Name N_SQRT = unquotedName("sqrt"); static final Name N_STANDARD_HASH = unquotedName("standard_hash"); static final Name N_STATS_MODE = unquotedName("stats_mode"); static final Name N_STRFTIME = unquotedName("strftime"); static final Name N_STRING_AGG = unquotedName("string_agg"); static final Name N_STRREVERSE = unquotedName("strreverse"); static final Name N_SUBSTR = unquotedName("substr"); static final Name N_SUBSTRING = unquotedName("substring"); static final Name N_SYSDATE = unquotedName("sysdate"); static final Name N_SYSTEM_RANGE = unquotedName("system_range"); static final Name N_SYSTEM_TIME = unquotedName("system_time"); static final Name N_T = unquotedName("t"); static final Name N_TANH = unquotedName("tanh"); static final Name N_TIMESTAMPADD = unquotedName("timestampadd"); static final Name N_TIMESTAMPDIFF = unquotedName("timestampdiff"); static final Name N_TO_CHAR = unquotedName("to_char"); static final Name N_TO_CLOB = unquotedName("to_clob"); static final Name N_TO_DATE = unquotedName("to_date"); static final Name N_TO_NUMBER = unquotedName("to_number"); static final Name N_TO_TIMESTAMP = unquotedName("to_timestamp"); static final Name N_TRANSLATE = unquotedName("translate"); static final Name N_TRIM = unquotedName("trim"); static final Name N_TRUNC = unquotedName("trunc"); static final Name N_TRUNCATE = unquotedName("truncate"); static final Name N_TRUNCNUM = unquotedName("truncnum"); static final Name N_UCASE = unquotedName("ucase"); static final Name N_UPPER = unquotedName("upper"); static final Name N_USER = unquotedName("user"); static final Name N_VALUE = unquotedName("value"); static final Name N_VALUES = unquotedName("values"); static final Name N_WEEKDAY = unquotedName("weekday"); static final Name N_WIDTH_BUCKET = unquotedName("width_bucket"); static final Name N_XMLAGG = unquotedName("xmlagg"); static final Name N_XMLATTRIBUTES = unquotedName("xmlattributes"); static final Name N_XMLCOMMENT = unquotedName("xmlcomment"); static final Name N_XMLCONCAT = unquotedName("xmlconcat"); static final Name N_XMLDOCUMENT = unquotedName("xmldocument"); static final Name N_XMLELEMENT = unquotedName("xmlelement"); static final Name N_XMLFOREST = unquotedName("xmlforest"); static final Name N_XMLPARSE = unquotedName("xmlparse"); static final Name N_XMLPI = unquotedName("xmlpi"); static final Name N_XMLQUERY = unquotedName("xmlquery"); static final Name N_XMLROOT = unquotedName("xmlroot"); static final Name N_XMLSERIALIZE = unquotedName("xmlserialize"); static final Name N_XMLTABLE = unquotedName("xmltable"); static final Name N_XMLTEXT = unquotedName("xmltext"); static final Name N_XPATH = unquotedName("xpath"); static final Name N_ZEROBLOB = unquotedName("zeroblob"); }