package org.jooq.conf;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;

The runtime schema and table mapping.
/** * The runtime schema and table mapping. * * * */
@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "RenderMapping", propOrder = { }) @SuppressWarnings({ "all" }) public class RenderMapping extends SettingsBase implements Serializable, Cloneable, XMLAppendable { private final static long serialVersionUID = 31400L; protected String defaultCatalog; protected String defaultSchema; @XmlElementWrapper(name = "catalogs") @XmlElement(name = "catalog") protected List<MappedCatalog> catalogs; @XmlElementWrapper(name = "schemata") @XmlElement(name = "schema") protected List<MappedSchema> schemata;
The default catalog as defined in Named.getName().

This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default catalog as defined in {@link org.jooq.Catalog#getName()}. * <p> * This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public String getDefaultCatalog() { return defaultCatalog; }
The default catalog as defined in Named.getName().

This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default catalog as defined in {@link org.jooq.Catalog#getName()}. * <p> * This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public void setDefaultCatalog(String value) { this.defaultCatalog = value; }
The default schema as defined in Named.getName().

This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default schema as defined in {@link org.jooq.Schema#getName()}. * <p> * This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public String getDefaultSchema() { return defaultSchema; }
The default schema as defined in Named.getName().

This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default schema as defined in {@link org.jooq.Schema#getName()}. * <p> * This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public void setDefaultSchema(String value) { this.defaultSchema = value; } public List<MappedCatalog> getCatalogs() { if (catalogs == null) { catalogs = new ArrayList<MappedCatalog>(); } return catalogs; } public void setCatalogs(List<MappedCatalog> catalogs) { this.catalogs = catalogs; } public List<MappedSchema> getSchemata() { if (schemata == null) { schemata = new ArrayList<MappedSchema>(); } return schemata; } public void setSchemata(List<MappedSchema> schemata) { this.schemata = schemata; }
The default catalog as defined in Named.getName().

This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default catalog as defined in {@link org.jooq.Catalog#getName()}. * <p> * This catalog will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public RenderMapping withDefaultCatalog(String value) { setDefaultCatalog(value); return this; }
The default schema as defined in Named.getName().

This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL.

/** * The default schema as defined in {@link org.jooq.Schema#getName()}. * <p> * This schema will be omitted in rendered SQL. * */
public RenderMapping withDefaultSchema(String value) { setDefaultSchema(value); return this; } public RenderMapping withCatalogs(MappedCatalog... values) { if (values!= null) { for (MappedCatalog value: values) { getCatalogs().add(value); } } return this; } public RenderMapping withCatalogs(Collection<MappedCatalog> values) { if (values!= null) { getCatalogs().addAll(values); } return this; } public RenderMapping withCatalogs(List<MappedCatalog> catalogs) { setCatalogs(catalogs); return this; } public RenderMapping withSchemata(MappedSchema... values) { if (values!= null) { for (MappedSchema value: values) { getSchemata().add(value); } } return this; } public RenderMapping withSchemata(Collection<MappedSchema> values) { if (values!= null) { getSchemata().addAll(values); } return this; } public RenderMapping withSchemata(List<MappedSchema> schemata) { setSchemata(schemata); return this; } @Override public final void appendTo(XMLBuilder builder) { builder.append("defaultCatalog", defaultCatalog); builder.append("defaultSchema", defaultSchema); builder.append("catalogs", "catalog", catalogs); builder.append("schemata", "schema", schemata); } @Override public String toString() { XMLBuilder builder = XMLBuilder.nonFormatting(); appendTo(builder); return builder.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (this == that) { return true; } if (that == null) { return false; } if (getClass()!= that.getClass()) { return false; } RenderMapping other = ((RenderMapping) that); if (defaultCatalog == null) { if (other.defaultCatalog!= null) { return false; } } else { if (!defaultCatalog.equals(other.defaultCatalog)) { return false; } } if (defaultSchema == null) { if (other.defaultSchema!= null) { return false; } } else { if (!defaultSchema.equals(other.defaultSchema)) { return false; } } if (catalogs == null) { if (other.catalogs!= null) { return false; } } else { if (!catalogs.equals(other.catalogs)) { return false; } } if (schemata == null) { if (other.schemata!= null) { return false; } } else { if (!schemata.equals(other.schemata)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = ((prime*result)+((defaultCatalog == null)? 0 :defaultCatalog.hashCode())); result = ((prime*result)+((defaultSchema == null)? 0 :defaultSchema.hashCode())); result = ((prime*result)+((catalogs == null)? 0 :catalogs.hashCode())); result = ((prime*result)+((schemata == null)? 0 :schemata.hashCode())); return result; } }