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package org.jooq;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
public final class ChartFormat { public static final ChartFormat DEFAULT = new ChartFormat(); final Output output; final Type type; final Display display; final int width; final int height; final int category; final boolean categoryAsText; final int[] values; final char[] shades; final boolean showHorizontalLegend; final boolean showVerticalLegend; final String newline; final DecimalFormat numericFormat; public ChartFormat() { this( Output.ASCII, Type.AREA, Display.STACKED, 80, 25, 0, true, new int[] { 1 }, new char[] { '█', '▓', '▒', '░' }, true, true, "\n", new DecimalFormat("###,###.00") ); } private ChartFormat( Output output, Type type, Display display, int width, int height, int category, boolean categoryAsText, int[] values, char[] shades, boolean showHorizontalLegend, boolean showVerticalLegend, String newline, DecimalFormat numericFormat ) { this.output = output; this.type = type; this.display = display; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.category = category; this.categoryAsText = categoryAsText; this.values = values; this.shades = shades; this.showHorizontalLegend = showHorizontalLegend; this.showVerticalLegend = showVerticalLegend; this.newline = newline; this.numericFormat = numericFormat; }
The new output format, defaulting to Output.ASCII.
/** * The new output format, defaulting to {@link Output#ASCII}. */
public ChartFormat output(Output newOutput) { return new ChartFormat( newOutput, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The output format.
/** * The output format. */
public Output output() { return output; }
The new chart type, defaulting to Type.AREA.
/** * The new chart type, defaulting to {@link Type#AREA}. */
public ChartFormat type(Type newType) { return new ChartFormat( output, newType, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); } public Type type() { return type; }
The new display format, defaulting to Display.STACKED.
/** * The new display format, defaulting to {@link Display#STACKED}. */
public ChartFormat display(Display newDisplay) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, newDisplay, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The display format.
/** * The display format. */
public Display display() { return display; }
The new chart dimensions, defaulting to 80 x 25.
/** * The new chart dimensions, defaulting to <code>80 x 25</code>. */
public ChartFormat dimensions(int newWidth, int newHeight) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, newWidth, newHeight, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The new chart width, defaulting to 80.
/** * The new chart width, defaulting to <code>80</code>. */
public ChartFormat width(int newWidth) { return dimensions(newWidth, height); }
The chart width.
/** * The chart width. */
public int width() { return width; }
The new chart height, defaulting to 25.
/** * The new chart height, defaulting to <code>25</code>. */
public ChartFormat height(int newHeight) { return dimensions(width, newHeight); }
The chart height.
/** * The chart height. */
public int height() { return height; }
The new category source column number, defaulting to 0.
/** * The new category source column number, defaulting to <code>0</code>. */
public ChartFormat category(int newCategory) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, newCategory, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The category source column number.
/** * The category source column number. */
public int category() { return category; }
The new category as text value, defaulting to true.
/** * The new category as text value, defaulting to <code>true</code>. */
public ChartFormat categoryAsText(boolean newCategoryAsText) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, newCategoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The category as text value.
/** * The category as text value. */
public boolean categoryAsText() { return categoryAsText; }
The new value source column numbers, defaulting to { 1 }.
/** * The new value source column numbers, defaulting to <code>{ 1 }</code>. */
public ChartFormat values(int... newValues) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, newValues, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The value source column numbers.
/** * The value source column numbers. */
public int[] values() { return values; }
The new column shades, defaulting to { 'X' }.
/** * The new column shades, defaulting to <code>{ 'X' }</code>. */
public ChartFormat shades(char... newShades) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, newShades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
The value column shades.
/** * The value column shades. */
public char[] shades() { return shades; }
Whether to show legends, defaulting to true.
/** * Whether to show legends, defaulting to <code>true</code>. */
public ChartFormat showLegends(boolean newShowHorizontalLegend, boolean newShowVerticalLegend) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, newShowHorizontalLegend, newShowVerticalLegend, newline, numericFormat ); }
Whether to show the horizontal legend, defaulting to true.
/** * Whether to show the horizontal legend, defaulting to <code>true</code>. */
public ChartFormat showHorizontalLegend(boolean newShowHorizontalLegend) { return showLegends(newShowHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend); }
Whether to show the horizontal legend.
/** * Whether to show the horizontal legend. */
public boolean showHorizontalLegend() { return showHorizontalLegend; }
Whether to show the vertical legend, defaulting to true.
/** * Whether to show the vertical legend, defaulting to <code>true</code>. */
public ChartFormat showVerticalLegend(boolean newShowVerticalLegend) { return showLegends(showHorizontalLegend, newShowVerticalLegend); }
Whether to show the vertical legend.
/** * Whether to show the vertical legend. */
public boolean showVerticalLegend() { return showVerticalLegend; }
The new newline character, defaulting to \n.
/** * The new newline character, defaulting to <code>\n</code>. */
public ChartFormat newline(String newNewline) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newNewline, numericFormat ); }
The newline character.
/** * The newline character. */
public String newline() { return newline; }
The new numeric format, defaulting to ###,###.00.
/** * The new numeric format, defaulting to <code>###,###.00</code>. */
public ChartFormat numericFormat(DecimalFormat newNumericFormat) { return new ChartFormat( output, type, display, width, height, category, categoryAsText, values, shades, showHorizontalLegend, showVerticalLegend, newline, newNumericFormat ); }
The numeric format.
/** * The numeric format. */
public DecimalFormat numericFormat() { return numericFormat; }
The chart output format.
/** * The chart output format. */
public enum Output {
An ASCII chart.
/** * An ASCII chart. */
ASCII, // /** // * An ANSI escape sequenced chart. // */ // ANSI, // // /** // * An SVG chart. // */ // SVG, } public static enum Type {
An area chart.
/** * An area chart. */
AREA, } public static enum Display {
The areas are located in front of one another.
/** * The areas are located in front of one another. */
@SuppressWarnings("hiding") DEFAULT,
The areas are stacked on top of one another.
/** * The areas are stacked on top of one another. */
The areas stack up to 100%.
/** * The areas stack up to 100%. */