 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.jooq.meta;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

Abstract base implementation for UDTDefinition's
Author:Lukas Eder
/** * Abstract base implementation for {@link UDTDefinition}'s * * @author Lukas Eder */
public abstract class AbstractUDTDefinition extends AbstractElementContainerDefinition<AttributeDefinition> implements UDTDefinition { private List<RoutineDefinition> routines; private final boolean synthetic; public AbstractUDTDefinition(SchemaDefinition schema, String name, String comment) { this(schema, null, name, false, comment); } public AbstractUDTDefinition(SchemaDefinition schema, PackageDefinition pkg, String name, String comment) { this(schema, pkg, name, false, comment); } public AbstractUDTDefinition(SchemaDefinition schema, PackageDefinition pkg, String name, boolean synthetic, String comment) { super(schema, pkg, name, comment); this.synthetic = synthetic; } @Override public final List<AttributeDefinition> getAttributes() { return getElements(); } @Override public final AttributeDefinition getAttribute(String attributeName) { return getElement(attributeName); } @Override public final AttributeDefinition getAttribute(int attributeIndex) { return getElement(attributeIndex); } @Override public final List<RoutineDefinition> getRoutines() { if (routines == null) routines = getRoutines0(); return routines; } @Override public List<UDTDefinition> getUDTs() { return getDatabase().getUDTs(this); } protected abstract List<RoutineDefinition> getRoutines0(); @Override public List<AttributeDefinition> getConstants() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public boolean isSynthetic() { return synthetic; } }