 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
 * Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and individual
 * contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.xnio.channels;

import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread;
import static java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park;
import static java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos;
import static java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.unpark;
import static org.xnio.Bits.allAreClear;
import static org.xnio.Bits.allAreSet;
import static org.xnio.Bits.anyAreSet;
import static org.xnio.Bits.intBitMask;
import static org.xnio._private.Messages.msg;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;

import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.Option;
import org.xnio.XnioExecutor;
import org.xnio.XnioIoThread;
import org.xnio.XnioWorker;

An abstract wrapped channel.
Author:David M. Lloyd
Type parameters:
  • <C> – the channel type implemented by this class
  • <W> – the channel type being wrapped by this class
Deprecated:This class is deprecated; use conduits instead.
/** * An abstract wrapped channel. * * @param <C> the channel type implemented by this class * @param <W> the channel type being wrapped by this class * * @author <a href="mailto:david.lloyd@redhat.com">David M. Lloyd</a> * * @deprecated This class is deprecated; use conduits instead. */
@Deprecated public abstract class TranslatingSuspendableChannel<C extends SuspendableChannel, W extends SuspendableChannel> implements SuspendableChannel, WrappedChannel<W>, ReadListenerSettable<C>, WriteListenerSettable<C>, CloseListenerSettable<C> {
The wrapped channel.
/** * The wrapped channel. */
protected final W channel; private ChannelListener<? super C> readListener; private ChannelListener<? super C> writeListener; private ChannelListener<? super C> closeListener; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int state; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile Thread readWaiter; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile Thread writeWaiter; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<TranslatingSuspendableChannel> stateUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TranslatingSuspendableChannel.class, "state"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<TranslatingSuspendableChannel, Thread> readWaiterUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TranslatingSuspendableChannel.class, Thread.class, "readWaiter"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<TranslatingSuspendableChannel, Thread> writeWaiterUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TranslatingSuspendableChannel.class, Thread.class, "writeWaiter"); // read-side private static final int READ_REQUESTED = 1 << 0x00; // user wants to be notified on read private static final int READ_REQUIRES_WRITE = 1 << 0x01; // channel cannot be read due to pending write private static final int READ_READY = 1 << 0x02; // channel is always ready to be read private static final int READ_SHUT_DOWN = 1 << 0x03; // user shut down reads private static final int READ_REQUIRES_EXT = intBitMask(0x0B, 0x0F); // channel cannot be read until external event completes, up to 31 events private static final int READ_SINGLE_EXT = 1 << 0x0B; // one external event count value @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int READ_FLAGS = intBitMask(0x00, 0x0F); // write-side private static final int WRITE_REQUESTED = 1 << 0x10; private static final int WRITE_REQUIRES_READ = 1 << 0x11; private static final int WRITE_READY = 1 << 0x12; private static final int WRITE_SHUT_DOWN = 1 << 0x13; // user requested shut down of writes private static final int WRITE_COMPLETE = 1 << 0x14; // flush acknowledged full write shutdown private static final int WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT = intBitMask(0x1B, 0x1F); // up to 32 events private static final int WRITE_SINGLE_EXT = 1 << 0x1B; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int WRITE_FLAGS = intBitMask(0x10, 0x1F); private final ChannelListener<Channel> delegateReadListener = new ChannelListener<Channel>() { public void handleEvent(final Channel channel) { handleReadable(); } public String toString() { return "Read listener for " + TranslatingSuspendableChannel.this; } }; private final ChannelListener<Channel> delegateWriteListener = new ChannelListener<Channel>() { public void handleEvent(final Channel channel) { handleWritable(); } public String toString() { return "Write listener for " + TranslatingSuspendableChannel.this; } }; private final ChannelListener<Channel> delegateCloseListener = new ChannelListener<Channel>() { public void handleEvent(final Channel channel) { IoUtils.safeClose(TranslatingSuspendableChannel.this); } public String toString() { return "Close listener for " + TranslatingSuspendableChannel.this; } };
Construct a new instance.
  • channel – the channel being wrapped
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param channel the channel being wrapped */
protected TranslatingSuspendableChannel(final W channel) { if (channel == null) { throw msg.nullParameter("channel"); } this.channel = channel; channel.getReadSetter().set(delegateReadListener); channel.getWriteSetter().set(delegateWriteListener); channel.getCloseSetter().set(delegateCloseListener); }
Called when the underlying channel is readable.
/** * Called when the underlying channel is readable. */
protected void handleReadable() { int oldState; oldState = clearFlags(WRITE_REQUIRES_READ); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { unparkWriteWaiters(); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED)) { channel.wakeupWrites(); } } if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_READY) && anyAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE | READ_REQUIRES_EXT)) { channel.suspendReads(); oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, READ_READY) || allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE | READ_REQUIRES_EXT)) { // undo channel.resumeReads(); } else { return; } } do { if (anyAreSet(oldState, READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { channel.suspendReads(); return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUESTED)) { channel.suspendReads(); oldState = state; if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUESTED)) { // undo channel.resumeReads(); } else { return; } } unparkReadWaiters(); final ChannelListener<? super C> listener = readListener; if (listener == null) { // damage control oldState = clearFlag(READ_REQUESTED | WRITE_REQUIRES_READ) & ~READ_REQUESTED; } else { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), listener); oldState = clearFlags(WRITE_REQUIRES_READ); } if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { unparkWriteWaiters(); // race is OK channel.wakeupWrites(); } } while (allAreSet(oldState, READ_READY)); }
Called when the underlying channel is writable.
/** * Called when the underlying channel is writable. */
protected void handleWritable() { int oldState; oldState = clearFlags(READ_REQUIRES_WRITE); if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { unparkReadWaiters(); if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUESTED)) { channel.wakeupReads(); } } if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_READY) && anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ | WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT)) { channel.suspendWrites(); oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY) || allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ | WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT)) { // undo channel.resumeWrites(); } else { return; } } do { if (anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_COMPLETE)) { channel.suspendWrites(); return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED)) { channel.suspendWrites(); oldState = state; if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED)) { // undo channel.resumeWrites(); } else { return; } } unparkWriteWaiters(); final ChannelListener<? super C> listener = writeListener; if (listener == null) { // damage control oldState = clearFlags(WRITE_REQUESTED | READ_REQUIRES_WRITE) & ~WRITE_REQUESTED; } else { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), listener); oldState = clearFlags(READ_REQUIRES_WRITE); } if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { unparkReadWaiters(); // race is OK channel.wakeupReads(); } } while (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY)); }
Called when the underlying channel is closed.
/** * Called when the underlying channel is closed. * */
protected void handleClosed() { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), closeListener); } // --- read ---
Indicate that the channel is definitely immediately readable, regardless of the underlying channel state.
/** * Indicate that the channel is definitely immediately readable, regardless of the underlying channel state. */
protected void setReadReady() { int oldState = setFlags(READ_READY); unparkReadWaiters(); if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_READY)) { // idempotent return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUESTED) && anyAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_EXT | READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { // wakeup is required to proceed channel.wakeupReads(); } }
Indicate that the channel is no longer definitely immediately readable.
/** * Indicate that the channel is no longer definitely immediately readable. */
protected void clearReadReady() { int oldState = clearFlags(READ_READY); if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_READY)) { // idempotent return; } if (!allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUESTED) && !anyAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_EXT | READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { // we can read again when the underlying channel is ready channel.resumeReads(); } }
Indicate that the channel will not be readable until the write handler is called.
/** * Indicate that the channel will not be readable until the write handler is called. */
protected void setReadRequiresWrite() { int oldState = setFlags(READ_REQUIRES_WRITE); if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { // not the first caller return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_READY | READ_REQUIRES_EXT)) { // read cannot proceed until write does channel.resumeWrites(); } }
Indicate if the channel is not readable until the write handler is called.
/** * Indicate if the channel is not readable until the write handler is called. */
protected boolean readRequiresWrite() { return allAreSet(state, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE); }
Indicate that the channel no longer requires writability for reads to proceed.
/** * Indicate that the channel no longer requires writability for reads to proceed. */
protected void clearReadRequiresWrite() { int oldState = clearFlags(READ_REQUIRES_WRITE); if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { // idempotent return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_EXT) && allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUESTED)) { if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_READY)) { channel.wakeupReads(); } else { channel.resumeReads(); } } }
Indicate that read requires an external task to complete.
Returns:true if the flag was set, false if too many tasks are already outstanding
/** * Indicate that read requires an external task to complete. * * @return {@code true} if the flag was set, {@code false} if too many tasks are already outstanding */
protected boolean tryAddReadRequiresExternal() { int oldState = addFlag(READ_REQUIRES_EXT, READ_SINGLE_EXT); return (oldState & READ_REQUIRES_EXT) != READ_REQUIRES_EXT; }
Indicate that one external read task was completed. This method should be called once for every time that tryAddReadRequiresExternal() returned true.
/** * Indicate that one external read task was completed. This method should be called once for every time * that {@link #tryAddReadRequiresExternal()} returned {@code true}. */
protected void removeReadRequiresExternal() { clearFlag(READ_SINGLE_EXT); }
Set the channel read shut down flag.
Returns:true if the channel has fully closed due to this call, false otherwise
/** * Set the channel read shut down flag. * * @return {@code true} if the channel has fully closed due to this call, {@code false} otherwise */
protected boolean setReadShutDown() { return (setFlags(READ_SHUT_DOWN) & (READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) == WRITE_SHUT_DOWN; } // --- write ---
Indicate that the channel is definitely immediately writable, regardless of the underlying channel state.
/** * Indicate that the channel is definitely immediately writable, regardless of the underlying channel state. */
protected void setWriteReady() { int oldState = setFlags(WRITE_READY); unparkWriteWaiters(); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY)) { // idempotent return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED) && anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT | WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { // wakeup is required to proceed channel.wakeupWrites(); } }
Indicate that the channel is no longer definitely immediately writable.
/** * Indicate that the channel is no longer definitely immediately writable. */
protected void clearWriteReady() { int oldState = clearFlags(WRITE_READY); if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_READY)) { // idempotent return; } if (!allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED) && ! anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT | WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { // we can write again when the underlying channel is ready channel.resumeWrites(); } }
Indicate that the channel will not be writable until the read handler is called.
/** * Indicate that the channel will not be writable until the read handler is called. */
protected void setWriteRequiresRead() { int oldState = setFlags(WRITE_REQUIRES_READ); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { // not the first caller return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_READY | WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT)) { // write cannot proceed until read does channel.resumeReads(); } }
Indicate if the channel is not writable until the read handler is called.
/** * Indicate if the channel is not writable until the read handler is called. */
protected boolean writeRequiresRead() { return allAreSet(state, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ); }
Indicate that the channel no longer requires writability for writes to proceed.
/** * Indicate that the channel no longer requires writability for writes to proceed. */
protected void clearWriteRequiresRead() { int oldState = clearFlags(WRITE_REQUIRES_READ); if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { // idempotent return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT) && allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED)) { if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY)) { channel.wakeupWrites(); } else { channel.resumeWrites(); } } }
Indicate that write requires an external task to complete.
Returns:true if the flag was set, false if too many tasks are already outstanding
/** * Indicate that write requires an external task to complete. * * @return {@code true} if the flag was set, {@code false} if too many tasks are already outstanding */
protected boolean tryAddWriteRequiresExternal() { int oldState = addFlag(WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT, WRITE_SINGLE_EXT); return (oldState & WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT) != WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT; }
Indicate that one external write task was completed. This method should be called once for every time that tryAddWriteRequiresExternal() returned true.
/** * Indicate that one external write task was completed. This method should be called once for every time * that {@link #tryAddWriteRequiresExternal()} returned {@code true}. */
protected void removeWriteRequiresExternal() { clearFlag(WRITE_SINGLE_EXT); }
Set the channel write shut down flag.
Returns:true if the channel has fully closed due to this call, false otherwise
/** * Set the channel write shut down flag. * * @return {@code true} if the channel has fully closed due to this call, {@code false} otherwise */
protected boolean setWriteShutDown() { return (setFlags(WRITE_SHUT_DOWN) & (WRITE_SHUT_DOWN | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) == READ_SHUT_DOWN; } // --- read & write ---
Set both the channel read and write shut down flags.
Returns:true if the channel has fully closed (for the first time) due to this call, false otherwise
/** * Set both the channel read and write shut down flags. * * @return {@code true} if the channel has fully closed (for the first time) due to this call, {@code false} otherwise */
protected boolean setClosed() { return (setFlags(READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN) & (READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) != (READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN); }
Get this channel, cast to the implemented channel type.
/** * Get this channel, cast to the implemented channel type. * * @return {@code this} */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final C thisTyped() { return (C) this; } public void setReadListener(final ChannelListener<? super C> readListener) { this.readListener = readListener; } public ChannelListener<? super C> getReadListener() { return readListener; } public void setWriteListener(final ChannelListener<? super C> writeListener) { this.writeListener = writeListener; } public ChannelListener<? super C> getWriteListener() { return writeListener; } public void setCloseListener(final ChannelListener<? super C> closeListener) { this.closeListener = closeListener; } public ChannelListener<? super C> getCloseListener() { return closeListener; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ChannelListener.Setter<C> getCloseSetter() { return new CloseListenerSettable.Setter<C>(this); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ChannelListener.Setter<C> getReadSetter() { return new ReadListenerSettable.Setter<C>(this) ; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ChannelListener.Setter<C> getWriteSetter() { return new WriteListenerSettable.Setter<C>(this); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void suspendReads() { clearFlags(READ_REQUESTED); // let the read/write handler actually suspend, to avoid awkward race conditions }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void resumeReads() { final int oldState = setFlags(READ_REQUESTED); if (anyAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUESTED | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { // idempotent or shut down, either way return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_READY)) { // reads are known to be ready so trigger listener right away channel.wakeupReads(); return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_EXT)) { if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { channel.resumeWrites(); } else { channel.resumeReads(); } } } public boolean isReadResumed() { return allAreSet(state, READ_REQUESTED); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void wakeupReads() { if (anyAreSet(state, READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } setFlags(READ_REQUESTED); channel.wakeupReads(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void suspendWrites() { clearFlags(WRITE_REQUESTED); // let the read/write handler actually suspend, to avoid awkward race conditions }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void resumeWrites() { final int oldState = setFlags(WRITE_REQUESTED); if (anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUESTED | WRITE_COMPLETE)) { // idempotent or shut down, either way return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY)) { // reads are known to be ready so trigger listener right away channel.wakeupWrites(); return; } if (allAreClear(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_EXT)) { if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { channel.resumeReads(); } else { channel.resumeWrites(); } } } public boolean isWriteResumed() { return allAreSet(state, WRITE_REQUESTED); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void wakeupWrites() { if (anyAreSet(state, WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } setFlags(WRITE_REQUESTED); channel.wakeupWrites(); unparkWriteWaiters(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean supportsOption(final Option<?> option) { return channel.supportsOption(option); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <T> T getOption(final Option<T> option) throws IOException { return channel.getOption(option); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <T> T setOption(final Option<T> option, final T value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { return channel.setOption(option, value); }
Perform channel flush. To change the action taken to flush, subclasses should override flushAction(boolean).
Returns:true if the flush completed, or false if the operation would block
/** * Perform channel flush. To change the action taken to flush, subclasses should override {@link #flushAction(boolean)}. * * @return {@code true} if the flush completed, or {@code false} if the operation would block * @throws IOException if an error occurs */
public final boolean flush() throws IOException { int oldState, newState; oldState = stateUpdater.get(this); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_COMPLETE)) { return channel.flush(); } final boolean shutDown = allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_SHUT_DOWN); if (! flushAction(shutDown)) { return false; } if (! shutDown) { return true; } newState = oldState | WRITE_COMPLETE; while (! stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState, newState)) { oldState = stateUpdater.get(this); if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_COMPLETE)) { return channel.flush(); } newState = oldState | WRITE_COMPLETE; } final boolean readShutDown = allAreSet(oldState, READ_SHUT_DOWN); try { shutdownWritesComplete(readShutDown); } finally { if (readShutDown) ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), closeListener); } return channel.flush(); }
The action to perform when the channel is flushed. By default, this method delegates to the underlying channel. If the shutDown parameter is set, and this method returns true, the underlying channel will be shut down and this method will never be called again (future calls to flush() will flush the underlying channel until it returns true).
  • shutDown – true if the channel's write side has been shut down, false otherwise
Returns:true if the flush succeeded, false if it would block
/** * The action to perform when the channel is flushed. By default, this method delegates to the underlying channel. * If the {@code shutDown} parameter is set, and this method returns {@code true}, the underlying channel will be * shut down and this method will never be called again (future calls to {@link #flush()} will flush the underlying * channel until it returns {@code true}). * * @param shutDown {@code true} if the channel's write side has been shut down, {@code false} otherwise * @return {@code true} if the flush succeeded, {@code false} if it would block * @throws IOException if an error occurs */
protected boolean flushAction(final boolean shutDown) throws IOException { return channel.flush(); }
Notification that the channel has successfully flushed after having shut down writes. The underlying channel may not yet be fully flushed at this time.
  • readShutDown – true if the read side was already shut down, false otherwise
/** * Notification that the channel has successfully flushed after having shut down writes. The underlying * channel may not yet be fully flushed at this time. * * @param readShutDown {@code true} if the read side was already shut down, {@code false} otherwise * @throws IOException if an error occurs */
protected void shutdownWritesComplete(final boolean readShutDown) throws IOException { }
Perform the read shutdown action if it hasn't been performed already.
  • IOException – if an I/O error occurs
/** * Perform the read shutdown action if it hasn't been performed already. * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */
public void shutdownReads() throws IOException { int old = setFlags(READ_SHUT_DOWN); if (allAreClear(old, READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { final boolean writeComplete = allAreSet(old, WRITE_COMPLETE); try { shutdownReadsAction(writeComplete); } finally { if (writeComplete) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), closeListener); } } } }
The action to perform when reads are shut down. By default, this method delegates to the underlying channel.
  • writeComplete –
  • IOException – if an error occurs
/** * The action to perform when reads are shut down. By default, this method delegates to the underlying channel. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs * @param writeComplete */
protected void shutdownReadsAction(final boolean writeComplete) throws IOException { channel.shutdownReads(); }
Determine whether the channel is shut down for reads.
Returns:whether the channel is shut down for reads
/** * Determine whether the channel is shut down for reads. * * @return whether the channel is shut down for reads */
protected boolean isReadShutDown() { return allAreSet(state, READ_SHUT_DOWN); }
Perform the write shutdown action if it hasn't been performed already.
  • IOException – if an I/O error occurs
/** * Perform the write shutdown action if it hasn't been performed already. * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */
public void shutdownWrites() throws IOException { int old = setFlags(WRITE_SHUT_DOWN); if (allAreClear(old, WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { shutdownWritesAction(); } }
The action to perform when writes are requested to be shut down. By default, this method delegates to the underlying channel.
  • IOException – if an error occurs
/** * The action to perform when writes are requested to be shut down. By default, this method delegates to the * underlying channel. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs */
protected void shutdownWritesAction() throws IOException { channel.shutdownWrites(); }
Determine whether the channel is shut down for writes.
Returns:whether the channel is shut down for writes
/** * Determine whether the channel is shut down for writes. * * @return whether the channel is shut down for writes */
protected boolean isWriteShutDown() { return allAreSet(state, WRITE_SHUT_DOWN); } protected boolean isWriteComplete() { return allAreSet(state, WRITE_COMPLETE); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void awaitReadable() throws IOException { int oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, READ_READY | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } final Thread thread = currentThread(); final Thread next = readWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, thread); try { if (anyAreSet(oldState = state, READ_READY | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { channel.resumeWrites(); } else { channel.resumeReads(); } park(this); if (thread.isInterrupted()) { throw msg.interruptedIO(); } } finally { // always unpark because we cannot know if our awaken was spurious if (next != null) unpark(next); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void awaitReadable(final long time, final TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException { int oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, READ_READY | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } final Thread thread = currentThread(); final Thread next = readWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, thread); long duration = timeUnit.toNanos(time); try { if (anyAreSet(oldState = state, READ_READY | READ_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, READ_REQUIRES_WRITE)) { channel.resumeWrites(); } else { channel.resumeReads(); } parkNanos(this, duration); if (thread.isInterrupted()) { throw msg.interruptedIO(); } } finally { // always unpark because we cannot know if our awaken was spurious if (next != null) unpark(next); } } @Deprecated public XnioExecutor getReadThread() { return channel.getReadThread(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void awaitWritable() throws IOException { int oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } final Thread thread = currentThread(); final Thread next = writeWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, thread); try { if (anyAreSet(oldState = state, WRITE_READY | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { channel.resumeReads(); } else { channel.resumeWrites(); } park(this); if (thread.isInterrupted()) { throw msg.interruptedIO(); } } finally { // always unpark because we cannot know if our awaken was spurious if (next != null) unpark(next); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void awaitWritable(final long time, final TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException { int oldState = state; if (anyAreSet(oldState, WRITE_READY | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } final Thread thread = currentThread(); final Thread next = writeWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, thread); long duration = timeUnit.toNanos(time); try { if (anyAreSet(oldState = state, WRITE_READY | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN)) { return; } if (allAreSet(oldState, WRITE_REQUIRES_READ)) { channel.resumeReads(); } else { channel.resumeWrites(); } parkNanos(this, duration); if (thread.isInterrupted()) { throw msg.interruptedIO(); } } finally { // always unpark because we cannot know if our awaken was spurious if (next != null) unpark(next); } } private void unparkReadWaiters() { final Thread waiter = readWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, null); if (waiter != null) { unpark(waiter); } } private void unparkWriteWaiters() { final Thread waiter = writeWaiterUpdater.getAndSet(this, null); if (waiter != null) { unpark(waiter); } } @Deprecated public XnioExecutor getWriteThread() { return channel.getWriteThread(); }
Close this channel. This method is idempotent.
  • IOException – if an I/O error occurs
/** * Close this channel. This method is idempotent. * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */
public void close() throws IOException { int old = setFlags(READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_COMPLETE); final boolean readShutDown = allAreSet(old, READ_SHUT_DOWN), writeShutDown = allAreSet(old, WRITE_COMPLETE); if (! (readShutDown && writeShutDown)) try { closeAction(readShutDown, writeShutDown); } finally { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(thisTyped(), closeListener); } }
The action to perform when the channel is closed via the close() method. By default, the underlying channel is closed.
  • readShutDown – if reads were previously shut down
  • writeShutDown – if writes were previously shut down
/** * The action to perform when the channel is closed via the {@link #close()} method. By default, the underlying * channel is closed. * * @param readShutDown if reads were previously shut down * @param writeShutDown if writes were previously shut down * @throws IOException if an error occurs */
protected void closeAction(final boolean readShutDown, final boolean writeShutDown) throws IOException { channel.close(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isOpen() { return ! allAreSet(state, READ_SHUT_DOWN | WRITE_COMPLETE); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public W getChannel() { return channel; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public XnioWorker getWorker() { return channel.getWorker(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public XnioIoThread getIoThread() { return channel.getIoThread(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + " around " + channel; } // state operations private int setFlags(int flags) { int oldState; do { oldState = state; if ((oldState & flags) == flags) { return oldState; } } while (! stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState, oldState | flags)); return oldState; } private int clearFlags(int flags) { int oldState; do { oldState = state; if ((oldState & flags) == 0) { return oldState; } } while (! stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState, oldState & ~flags)); return oldState; } private int addFlag(final int mask, final int count) { int oldState; do { oldState = state; if ((oldState & mask) == mask) { return oldState; } } while (! stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState, oldState + count)); return oldState; } private int clearFlag(final int count) { return stateUpdater.getAndAdd(this, -count); } }