package org.jboss.resteasy.specimpl;

import org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n.Messages;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.Encode;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.PathHelper;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

Author:Bill Burke
Version:$Revision: 1 $
/** * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ */
public class ResteasyUriBuilder extends UriBuilder { private static final class URITemplateParametersMap extends HashMap<String, Object> { private final Object[] parameterValues; private int index; private URITemplateParametersMap(Object...parameterValues) { this.parameterValues=parameterValues; } @Override public Object get(Object key) { Object object = null; if ( !super.containsKey(key) && this.index != this.parameterValues.length) { object = this.parameterValues[this.index++]; super.put((String) key, object); }else{ object = super.get(key); } return object; } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { boolean containsKey = super.containsKey(key); if (!containsKey && this.index != this.parameterValues.length) { super.put((String) key, this.parameterValues[this.index++]); containsKey = true; } return containsKey; } } private String host; private String scheme; private int port = -1; private String userInfo; private String path; private String query; private String fragment; private String ssp; private String authority; public UriBuilder clone() { ResteasyUriBuilder impl = new ResteasyUriBuilder(); = host; impl.scheme = scheme; impl.port = port; impl.userInfo = userInfo; impl.path = path; impl.query = query; impl.fragment = fragment; impl.ssp = ssp; impl.authority = authority; return impl; } public static final Pattern opaqueUri = Pattern.compile("^([^:/?#{]+):([^/].*)"); public static final Pattern hierarchicalUri = Pattern.compile("^(([^:/?#{]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"); private static final Pattern hostPortPattern = Pattern.compile("([^/:]+):(\\d+)"); private static final Pattern squareHostBrackets = Pattern.compile( "(\\[(([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7})([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4})%?.*\\]):(\\d+)" ); public static boolean compare(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == s2) return true; if (s1 == null || s2 == null) return false; return s1.equals(s2); } public static URI relativize(URI from, URI to) { if (!compare(from.getScheme(), to.getScheme())) return to; if (!compare(from.getHost(), to.getHost())) return to; if (from.getPort() != to.getPort()) return to; if (from.getPath() == null && to.getPath() == null) return URI.create(""); else if (from.getPath() == null) return URI.create(to.getPath()); else if (to.getPath() == null) return to; String fromPath = from.getPath(); if (fromPath.startsWith("/")) fromPath = fromPath.substring(1); String[] fsplit = fromPath.split("/"); String toPath = to.getPath(); if (toPath.startsWith("/")) toPath = toPath.substring(1); String[] tsplit = toPath.split("/"); int f = 0; for (;f < fsplit.length && f < tsplit.length; f++) { if (!fsplit[f].equals(tsplit[f])) break; } UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromPath(""); for (int i = f; i < fsplit.length; i++) builder.path(".."); for (int i = f; i < tsplit.length; i++) builder.path(tsplit[i]); return; }
You may put path parameters anywhere within the uriTemplate except port.
  • uriTemplate – uri template
Returns:uri builder
/** * You may put path parameters anywhere within the uriTemplate except port. * * @param uriTemplate uri template * @return uri builder */
public static UriBuilder fromTemplate(String uriTemplate) { ResteasyUriBuilder impl = new ResteasyUriBuilder(); impl.uriTemplate(uriTemplate); return impl; }
You may put path parameters anywhere within the uriTemplate except port.
  • uriTemplate – uri template
Returns:uri builder
/** * You may put path parameters anywhere within the uriTemplate except port. * * @param uriTemplate uri template * @return uri builder */
public UriBuilder uriTemplate(String uriTemplate) { if (uriTemplate == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.uriTemplateParameterNull()); Matcher opaque = opaqueUri.matcher(uriTemplate); if (opaque.matches()) { this.authority = null; = null; this.port = -1; this.userInfo = null; this.query = null; this.scheme =; this.ssp =; return this; } else { Matcher match = hierarchicalUri.matcher(uriTemplate); if (match.matches()) { ssp = null; return parseHierarchicalUri(uriTemplate, match); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.illegalUriTemplate(uriTemplate)); } protected UriBuilder parseHierarchicalUri(String uriTemplate, Matcher match) { boolean scheme = != null; if (scheme) this.scheme =; String authority =; if (authority != null) { this.authority = null; String host =; int at = host.indexOf('@'); if (at > -1) { String user = host.substring(0, at); host = host.substring(at + 1); this. userInfo = user; } Matcher hostPortMatch = hostPortPattern.matcher(host); if (hostPortMatch.matches()) { =; int val = 0; try { this.port = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.illegalUriTemplate(uriTemplate), e); } } else { if (host.startsWith("[")) { // Must support an IPv6 hostname of format "[::1]" or [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] // and IPv6 link-local format [fe80::1234%1] [ff08::9abc%interface10] Matcher bracketsMatch = squareHostBrackets.matcher(host); if (bracketsMatch.matches()) { host =; try { this.port = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.illegalUriTemplate(uriTemplate), e); } } } = host; } } if ( != null) { String group =; if (!scheme && !"".equals(group) && !group.startsWith("/") && group.indexOf(':') > -1 && group.indexOf('/') > -1 && group.indexOf(':') < group.indexOf('/')) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.illegalUriTemplate(uriTemplate)); if (!"".equals(group)) replacePath(group); } if ( != null) replaceQuery(; if ( != null) fragment(; return this; } @Override public UriBuilder uri(String uriTemplate) throws IllegalArgumentException { return uriTemplate(uriTemplate); } @Override public UriBuilder uri(URI uri) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (uri == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.uriNull()); if (uri.getRawFragment() != null) fragment = uri.getRawFragment(); if (uri.isOpaque()) { scheme = uri.getScheme(); ssp = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart(); return this; } if (uri.getScheme() == null) { if (ssp != null) { if (uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart() != null) { ssp = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart(); return this; } } } else { scheme = uri.getScheme(); } ssp = null; if (uri.getRawAuthority() != null) { if (uri.getRawUserInfo() == null && uri.getHost() == null && uri.getPort() == -1) { authority = uri.getRawAuthority(); userInfo = null; host = null; port = -1; } else { authority = null; if (uri.getRawUserInfo() != null) { userInfo = uri.getRawUserInfo(); } if (uri.getHost() != null) { host = uri.getHost(); } if (uri.getPort() != -1) { port = uri.getPort(); } } } if (uri.getRawPath() != null && uri.getRawPath().length() > 0) { path = uri.getRawPath(); } if (uri.getRawQuery() != null && uri.getRawQuery().length() > 0) { query = uri.getRawQuery(); } return this; } @Override public UriBuilder scheme(String scheme) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.scheme = scheme; return this; } @Override public UriBuilder schemeSpecificPart(String ssp) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (ssp == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.schemeSpecificPartNull()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (scheme != null) sb.append(scheme).append(':'); if (ssp != null) sb.append(ssp); if (fragment != null && fragment.length() > 0) sb.append('#').append(fragment); URI uri = URI.create(sb.toString()); if (uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart() != null && uri.getRawPath() == null) { this.ssp = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart(); } else { this.ssp = null; userInfo = uri.getRawUserInfo(); host = uri.getHost(); port = uri.getPort(); path = uri.getRawPath(); query = uri.getRawQuery(); } return this; } @Override public UriBuilder userInfo(String ui) { this.userInfo = ui; return this; } @Override public UriBuilder host(String host) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (host != null && host.equals("")) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.invalidHost()); = host; return this; } @Override public UriBuilder port(int port) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (port < -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.invalidPort()); this.port = port; return this; } protected static String paths(boolean encode, String basePath, String... segments) { String path = basePath; if (path == null) path = ""; for (String segment : segments) { if ("".equals(segment)) continue; if (path.endsWith("/")) { if (segment.startsWith("/")) { segment = segment.substring(1); if ("".equals(segment)) continue; } if (encode) segment = Encode.encodePath(segment); path += segment; } else { if (encode) segment = Encode.encodePath(segment); if ("".equals(path)) { path = segment; } else if (segment.startsWith("/")) { path += segment; } else { path += "/" + segment; } } } return path; } @Override public UriBuilder path(String segment) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (segment == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.pathNull()); path = paths(true, path, segment); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public UriBuilder path(Class resource) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (resource == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.pathNull()); Path ann = (Path) resource.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (ann != null) { String[] segments = new String[]{ann.value()}; path = paths(true, path, segments); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.classMustBeAnnotatedWithPath()); } return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public UriBuilder path(Class resource, String method) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (resource == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.resourceNull()); if (method == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.methodNull()); Method theMethod = null; for (Method m : resource.getMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(method)) { if (theMethod != null && m.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.twoMethodsSameName(method)); } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) theMethod = m; } } if (theMethod == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.noPublicPathAnnotatedMethod(resource.getName(), method)); return path(theMethod); } @Override public UriBuilder path(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (method == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.methodNull()); } Path ann = method.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (ann != null) { path = paths(true, path, ann.value()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.methodNotAnnotatedWithPath()); } return this; } @Override public UriBuilder replaceMatrix(String matrix) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (matrix == null) matrix = ""; if (!matrix.startsWith(";")) matrix = ";" + matrix; matrix = Encode.encodePath(matrix); if (path == null) { path = matrix; } else { int start = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (start < 0) start = 0; int matrixIndex = path.indexOf(';', start); if (matrixIndex > -1) path = path.substring(0, matrixIndex) + matrix; else path += matrix; } return this; } @Override public UriBuilder replaceQuery(String query) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (query == null || query.length() == 0) { this.query = null; return this; } this.query = Encode.encodeQueryString(query); return this; } @Override public UriBuilder fragment(String fragment) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (fragment == null) { this.fragment = null; return this; } this.fragment = Encode.encodeFragment(fragment); return this; }
Only replace path params in path of URI. This changes state of URIBuilder.
  • name – parameter name
  • value – parameter value
  • isEncoded – encoded flag
Returns:uri builder
/** * Only replace path params in path of URI. This changes state of URIBuilder. * * @param name parameter name * @param value parameter value * @param isEncoded encoded flag * @return uri builder */
public UriBuilder substitutePathParam(String name, Object value, boolean isEncoded) { if (path != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); replacePathParameter(name, value.toString(), isEncoded, path, builder, false); path = builder.toString(); } return this; } @Override public URI buildFromMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> values) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); return buildUriFromMap(values, false, true); } @Override public URI buildFromEncodedMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> values) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); return buildUriFromMap(values, true, false); } @Override public URI buildFromMap(Map<String, ?> values, boolean encodeSlashInPath) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); return buildUriFromMap(values, false, encodeSlashInPath); } protected URI buildUriFromMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> paramMap, boolean fromEncodedMap, boolean encodeSlash) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { String buf = buildString(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, false, encodeSlash); try { return URI.create(buf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(Messages.MESSAGES.failedToCreateUri(buf), e); } } private String buildString(Map<String, ? extends Object> paramMap, boolean fromEncodedMap, boolean isTemplate, boolean encodeSlash) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (scheme != null) replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, scheme, builder, encodeSlash).append(":"); if (ssp != null) { builder.append(ssp); } else if (userInfo != null || host != null || port != -1) { builder.append("//"); if (userInfo != null) replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, userInfo, builder, encodeSlash).append("@"); if (host != null) { if ("".equals(host)) throw new UriBuilderException(Messages.MESSAGES.emptyHostName()); replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, host, builder, encodeSlash); } if (port != -1) builder.append(":").append(Integer.toString(port)); } else if (authority != null) { builder.append("//"); replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, authority, builder, encodeSlash); } if (path != null) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, path, tmp, encodeSlash); String tmpPath = tmp.toString(); if (userInfo != null || host != null) { if (!tmpPath.startsWith("/")) builder.append("/"); } builder.append(tmpPath); } if (query != null) { builder.append("?"); replaceQueryStringParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, query, builder); } if (fragment != null) { builder.append("#"); replaceParameter(paramMap, fromEncodedMap, isTemplate, fragment, builder, encodeSlash); } return builder.toString(); } protected StringBuilder replacePathParameter(String name, String value, boolean isEncoded, String string, StringBuilder builder, boolean encodeSlash) { if (string.indexOf('{') == -1) { return builder.append(string); } Matcher matcher = createUriParamMatcher(string); int start = 0; while (matcher.find()) { String param =; if (!param.equals(name)) continue; builder.append(string, start, matcher.start()); if (!isEncoded) { if (encodeSlash) value = Encode.encodePath(value); else value = Encode.encodePathSegment(value); } else { value = Encode.encodeNonCodes(value); } builder.append(value); start = matcher.end(); } builder.append(string, start, string.length()); return builder; } public static Matcher createUriParamMatcher(String string) { Matcher matcher = PathHelper.URI_PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(PathHelper.replaceEnclosedCurlyBracesCS(string)); return matcher; } protected StringBuilder replaceParameter(Map<String, ? extends Object> paramMap, boolean fromEncodedMap, boolean isTemplate, String string, StringBuilder builder, boolean encodeSlash) { if (string.indexOf('{') == -1) { return builder.append(string); } Matcher matcher = createUriParamMatcher(string); int start = 0; while (matcher.find()) { builder.append(string, start, matcher.start()); String param =; boolean containsValueForParam = paramMap.containsKey(param); if (!containsValueForParam) { if (isTemplate) { builder.append(; start = matcher.end(); continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.pathParameterNotProvided(param)); } Object value = paramMap.get(param); String stringValue = value != null ? value.toString() : null; if (stringValue != null) { if (!fromEncodedMap) { if (encodeSlash) stringValue = Encode.encodePathSegmentAsIs(stringValue); else stringValue = Encode.encodePathAsIs(stringValue); } else { if (encodeSlash) stringValue = Encode.encodePathSegmentSaveEncodings(stringValue); else stringValue = Encode.encodePathSaveEncodings(stringValue); } builder.append(stringValue); start = matcher.end(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.templateParameterNull(param)); } } builder.append(string, start, string.length()); return builder; } protected StringBuilder replaceQueryStringParameter(Map<String, ? extends Object> paramMap, boolean fromEncodedMap, boolean isTemplate, String string, StringBuilder builder) { if (string.indexOf('{') == -1) { return builder.append(string); } Matcher matcher = createUriParamMatcher(string); int start = 0; while (matcher.find()) { builder.append(string, start, matcher.start()); String param =; boolean containsValueForParam = paramMap.containsKey(param); if (!containsValueForParam) { if (isTemplate) { builder.append(; start = matcher.end(); continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.pathParameterNotProvided(param)); } Object value = paramMap.get(param); String stringValue = value != null ? value.toString() : null; if (stringValue != null) { if (!fromEncodedMap) { stringValue = Encode.encodeQueryParamAsIs(stringValue); } else { stringValue = Encode.encodeQueryParamSaveEncodings(stringValue); } builder.append(stringValue); start = matcher.end(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.templateParameterNull(param)); } } builder.append(string, start, string.length()); return builder; }
Return a unique order list of path params.
Returns:list of path parameters
/** * Return a unique order list of path params. * * @return list of path parameters */
public List<String> getPathParamNamesInDeclarationOrder() { List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); if (scheme != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, scheme); if (userInfo != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, userInfo); if (host != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, host); if (path != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, path); if (query != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, query); if (fragment != null) addToPathParamList(params, set, fragment); return params; } private void addToPathParamList(List<String> params, HashSet<String> set, String string) { Matcher matcher = PathHelper.URI_PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(PathHelper.replaceEnclosedCurlyBracesCS(string)); while (matcher.find()) { String param =; if (set.contains(param)) continue; else { set.add(param); params.add(param); } } } @Override public URI build(Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); return buildFromValues(true, false, values); } protected URI buildFromValues(boolean encodeSlash, boolean encoded, Object... values) { String buf = null; try { buf = buildString(new URITemplateParametersMap(values), encoded, false, encodeSlash); return new URI(buf); //return URI.create(buf); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw iae; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UriBuilderException(Messages.MESSAGES.failedToCreateUri(buf), e); } } @Override public UriBuilder matrixParam(String name, Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParameterNull()); if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); if (path == null) path = ""; for (Object val : values) { if (val == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nullValue()); path += ";" + Encode.encodeMatrixParam(name) + "=" + Encode.encodeMatrixParam(val.toString()); } return this; } private static final Pattern PARAM_REPLACEMENT = Pattern.compile("_resteasy_uri_parameter"); @Override public UriBuilder replaceMatrixParam(String name, Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParameterNull()); if (path == null) { if (values != null && values.length > 0) return matrixParam(name, values); return this; } // remove all path param expressions so we don't accidentally start replacing within a regular expression ArrayList<String> pathParams = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean foundParam = false; CharSequence pathWithoutEnclosedCurlyBraces = PathHelper.replaceEnclosedCurlyBracesCS(this.path); Matcher matcher = PathHelper.URI_TEMPLATE_PATTERN.matcher(pathWithoutEnclosedCurlyBraces); StringBuilder newSegment = new StringBuilder(); int from = 0; while (matcher.find()) { newSegment.append(pathWithoutEnclosedCurlyBraces, from, matcher.start()); foundParam = true; String group =; pathParams.add(PathHelper.recoverEnclosedCurlyBraces(group)); newSegment.append("_resteasy_uri_parameter"); from = matcher.end(); } newSegment.append(pathWithoutEnclosedCurlyBraces, from, pathWithoutEnclosedCurlyBraces.length()); path = newSegment.toString(); // Find last path segment int start = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (start < 0) start = 0; int matrixIndex = path.indexOf(';', start); if (matrixIndex > -1) { String matrixParams = path.substring(matrixIndex + 1); path = path.substring(0, matrixIndex); MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String> map = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); String[] params = matrixParams.split(";"); for (String param : params) { int idx = param.indexOf('='); if (idx < 0) { map.add(param, null); } else { String theName = param.substring(0, idx); String value = ""; if (idx + 1 < param.length()) value = param.substring(idx + 1); map.add(theName, value); } } map.remove(name); for (String theName : map.keySet()) { List<String> vals = map.get(theName); for (Object val : vals) { if (val == null) path += ";" + theName; else path += ";" + theName + "=" + val.toString(); } } } if (values != null && values.length > 0) matrixParam(name, values); // put back all path param expressions if (foundParam) { matcher = PARAM_REPLACEMENT.matcher(path); newSegment = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; from = 0; while (matcher.find()) { newSegment.append(this.path, from, matcher.start()); newSegment.append(pathParams.get(i++)); from = matcher.end(); } newSegment.append(this.path, from, this.path.length()); path = newSegment.toString(); } return this; }
Called by ClientRequest.getUri() to add a query parameter for @QueryParam parameters. We do not use UriBuilder.queryParam() because
  • queryParam() supports URI template processing and this method must always encode braces (for parameter substitution is not possible for @QueryParam parameters).
  • queryParam() supports "contextual URI encoding" (i.e., it does not encode % characters that are followed by two hex characters). The JavaDoc for @QueryParam.value() explicitly states that the value is specified in decoded format and that "any percent encoded literals within the value will not be decoded and will instead be treated as literal text". This means that it is an explicit bug to perform contextual URI encoding of this method's name parameter; hence, we must always encode said parameter. This method also foregoes contextual URI encoding on this method's value parameter because it represents arbitrary data passed to a QueryParam parameter of a client proxy (since the client proxy is nothing more than a transport layer, it should not be "interpreting" such data; instead, it should faithfully transmit this data over the wire).
  • name – the name of the query parameter.
  • value – the value of the query parameter.
Returns:Returns this instance to allow call chaining.
/** * Called by ClientRequest.getUri() to add a query parameter for * {@code @QueryParam} parameters. We do not use UriBuilder.queryParam() * because * <ul> * <li> queryParam() supports URI template processing and this method must * always encode braces (for parameter substitution is not possible for * {@code @QueryParam} parameters). * <li> queryParam() supports "contextual URI encoding" (i.e., it does not * encode {@code %} characters that are followed by two hex characters). * The JavaDoc for {@code @QueryParam.value()} explicitly states that * the value is specified in decoded format and that "any percent * encoded literals within the value will not be decoded and will * instead be treated as literal text". This means that it is an * explicit bug to perform contextual URI encoding of this method's * name parameter; hence, we must always encode said parameter. This * method also foregoes contextual URI encoding on this method's value * parameter because it represents arbitrary data passed to a * {@code QueryParam} parameter of a client proxy (since the client * proxy is nothing more than a transport layer, it should not be * "interpreting" such data; instead, it should faithfully transmit * this data over the wire). * </ul> * * @param name the name of the query parameter. * @param value the value of the query parameter. * @return Returns this instance to allow call chaining. */
public UriBuilder clientQueryParam(String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParameterNull()); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.passedInValueNull()); if (query == null) query = ""; else query += "&"; query += Encode.encodeQueryParamAsIs(name) + "=" + Encode.encodeQueryParamAsIs(value.toString()); return this; } @Override public UriBuilder queryParam(String name, Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParameterNull()); if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParameterNull()); for (Object value : values) { if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.passedInValueNull()); if (query == null) query = ""; else query += "&"; query += Encode.encodeQueryParam(name) + "=" + Encode.encodeQueryParam(value.toString()); } return this; } @Override public UriBuilder replaceQueryParam(String name, Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParameterNull()); if (query == null || query.equals("")) { if (values != null) return queryParam(name, values); return this; } String[] params = query.split("&"); query = null; String replacedName = Encode.encodeQueryParam(name); for (String param : params) { int pos = param.indexOf('='); if (pos >= 0) { String paramName = param.substring(0, pos); if (paramName.equals(replacedName)) continue; } else { if (param.equals(replacedName)) continue; } if (query == null) query = ""; else query += "&"; query += param; } // don't set values if values is null if (values == null) return this; return queryParam(name, values); } public String getHost() { return host; } public String getScheme() { return scheme; } public int getPort() { return port; } public String getUserInfo() { return userInfo; } public String getPath() { return path; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public String getFragment() { return fragment; } @Override public UriBuilder segment(String... segments) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (segments == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.segmentsParameterNull()); for (String segment : segments) { if (segment == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.segmentNull()); path(Encode.encodePathSegment(segment)); } return this; } @Override public URI buildFromEncoded(Object... values) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParamIsNull()); return buildFromValues(false, true, values); } @Override public UriBuilder replacePath(String path) { if (path == null) { this.path = null; return this; } this.path = Encode.encodePath(path); return this; } @Override public URI build(Object[] values, boolean encodeSlashInPath) throws IllegalArgumentException, UriBuilderException { if (values == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valuesParamIsNull()); return buildFromValues(encodeSlashInPath, false, values); } @Override public String toTemplate() { return buildString(new HashMap<String, Object>(), true, true, true); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplate(String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParamIsNull()); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valueParamIsNull()); HashMap<String, Object> vals = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vals.put(name, value); return resolveTemplates(vals); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object> templateValues) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (templateValues == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.templateValuesParamNull()); if (templateValues.containsKey(null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.mapKeyNull()); String str = buildString(templateValues, false, true, true); return fromTemplate(str); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplate(String name, Object value, boolean encodeSlashInPath) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParamIsNull()); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valueParamIsNull()); HashMap<String, Object> vals = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vals.put(name, value); String str = buildString(vals, false, true, encodeSlashInPath); return fromTemplate(str); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplateFromEncoded(String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.nameParamIsNull()); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.valueParamIsNull()); HashMap<String, Object> vals = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vals.put(name, value); String str = buildString(vals, true, true, true); return fromTemplate(str); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object> templateValues, boolean encodeSlashInPath) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (templateValues == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.templateValuesParamNull()); if (templateValues.containsKey(null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.mapKeyNull()); String str = buildString(templateValues, false, true, encodeSlashInPath); return fromTemplate(str); } @Override public UriBuilder resolveTemplatesFromEncoded(Map<String, Object> templateValues) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (templateValues == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.templateValuesParamNull()); if (templateValues.containsKey(null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.MESSAGES.mapKeyNull()); String str = buildString(templateValues, true, true, true); return fromTemplate(str); } }